2021 Wannan Medical College
Admission Information for International Students (Master’s Program)

Ⅰ.Introduction to Wannan Medical College
Wannan Medical College is located in Wuhu, a famous historical city known as “the great port of The Yangtze River and the backbone of Anhui”. Established in 1958, the College has three campuses: Binjiang, Zhelu and Yinhu, covering an area of 1,011,300 square meters with a floor space of more than 400,000 square meters.
The College has 16 secondary colleges and offers 28 specialties for undergraduates, containing medical science, science, engineering, management, economics and jurisprudence. The college is authorized to grant master’s degree to postgraduates in the field of five level-one academic subjects including clinical medicine, preclinical medicine, biology, pharmacy and public health and preventive medicine and grant five professional master’s degree including clinical medicine, stomatology, pharmacy, nursing and applied psychology. Clinical medicine has ranked in the top 1% globally. It owns two key disciplines at provincial-level and one key discipline authorized by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, it has acquired 12 provincial-level key clinical specialties and 12 provincial-level clinical specialties (Nurture), three of which has been selected as top 100 according to Chinese Hospital Science and Technology Evalution Metrics.
The College has 2 affiliated hospitals, 6 non-affiliated hospitals and 10 teaching hospitals. The First-affiliated hospital (known as Yijishan Hospital) was established in 1888 by the Methodist Episcopal Church of US Christian Mission. It is the earliest western hospital in Anhui province and the largest provincial medical center and medical technology guidance center in Wannan and Wanjiang region engaging in clinical practice, medical education, disease prevention, rehabilitation and emergency.
Ⅱ. Admission Level, Majors and Study Duration
Level |
Majors |
Study Duration |
Master Program |
Clinical Medicine |
3 years |
Preclinical Medicine |
3 years |
Biology |
3 years |
Public Health and Preventive Medicine |
3 years |
Pharmacy |
3 years |
Ⅲ. Number of Students
Ⅳ. Application Requirements
1. Educational requirements
Applicants should have a degree equivalent to Chinese Bachelor’s degree.
2. Language requirements
Level-4 HSK or with similar Chinese level.
3. Other requirements
Applicants should be at least 18 years old and less than 40 years old; be in good health condition, and meet the requirements for admission to the relevant majors.
Ⅴ.Wannan Medical College Fees
1.Tuition fee
30,000 RMB/year;
2. Accommodation fee
Single room: 3500RMB/year; Double room: 2000 RMB/year.
3.Insurance: It shall be handled according to relevant national regulations (it must be purchased before enrollment).
4.The fees for teaching materials, medical treatment, transportation, living expenses and visa shall be paid by themselves.
(Note: Tuition fee and accommodation fee should be paid before the beginning of each year)
Ⅵ.Wannan Medical College Scholarship
(1) Anhui Provincial Government Scholarship
All long-term international students who apply to study in our College will have the opportunity to win the “Anhui Foreign Student Scholarship” set up by the Anhui Provincial government. The scholarship will be RMB 30,000 per postgraduate each year.
(2) WNMC Scholarship
Outstanding international students studying in our school have the opportunity to win the “WNMC Scholarship” set up by our school.The scholarship will be RMB 30,000 per postgraduate each year.
(3) Three-assistantship
The school will provide “Three assistantship” for international students who meet the requirement, 600RMB/month.
Ⅶ.Wannan Medical College Application Procedures
1.Each year from January to August is the registration period; September is the month of enrollment;
2.Application materials (by mail, fax or E-mail to the Foreign Affairs Office of Wannan Medical College) :
(1) Wannan Medical College Application Form for International Students ;
(2) Copies of the notarized certificate of the highest academic qualification, if the applicant is a student, he/she should also submit the copies of the notarized study certificate issued by the school he/she is studying in (certificate in other than Chinese and English should be accompanied by a notarized Chinese or English translation);
(3) Copies of notarized transcripts of academic record (non-Chinese and non-English record must be accompanied by notarized Chinese or English translations);
(4) Copies of Recommendation letter (from two professors or associate professors and signed and sealed by the school);
(5) Copy of passport;
(6) Copy of Chinese proficiency test certificate;
(7) Copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (valid for six months);
(8) Copies of Non-criminal record within six months provided by local police department;
(9) Copies of Bank deposit certificate (equivalent to at least RMB 50,000 yuan);
(10) Digital identification photo taken recently (the same size as passport photos);
(11) Other materials: Copies of published articles and achievements, various award certificates, and supporting materials.
(Note: The original version of all the above materials shall be handed in for verification when registering)

Ⅷ. Enrollment and Registration
1.The College shall accept the applicants uniformly, and send JW202 Visa Application Form and International Student Admission Notice to the applicants. The student who has been admitted will apply for the Study (X1) visa at the Embassy of China with the above two documents.
2.Registration: Please register according to the date stipulated in the International Student Admission Notice. Two weeks overdue will be deemed as automatic waiver of admission.
Ⅸ. Contact information
Address: Foreign Affairs Office, Wannan Medical College, No. 22 Wenchang West Road, Yijiang District, Wuhu city, Anhui Province, P.R. China. 241002
Tel: 86-553-3932053
Fax: 86-553-3932589
E-mail: [email protected]
Wannan Medical College Application Form for International Students(Master’s Program).doc

学校设有临床医学院等16 个二级学院,有本科专业28个,涵盖医、理、工、管、经、法6 个学科门类。学校是国家第一批临床医学硕士专业学位研究生培养模式改革试点高校,有临床医学、基础医学、生物学、药学、公共卫生与预防医学等5个硕士一级学科授权点,临床医学、口腔医学、药学、护理和应用心理5个硕士专业学位类别。临床医学学科进入ESI全球排名前1%。有省重点学科2个、国家中医药管理局重点学科1个。十三五期间,新增省级重点专科、重点培育专科12个,3个专科入选中国医院科技量值专科百强。
学校现有直属附院2所、非直属附院6所、教学医院10所。第一附属医院(弋矶山医院)建于1888 年,由美国基督教会创办,为安徽省第一所西医医院和全国首批三级甲等医院,是皖南及皖江地区医疗、预防、康复、急救的中心。
层次 |
专业 |
学制 |
硕士 Master Program |
临床医学 Clinical Medicine |
3年 |
基础医学 Preclinical Medicine |
3年 |
生物学 Biology |
3年 |
公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine |
3年 |
药学 Pharmacy |
3年 |
申请者应当年满 18 周岁且不超过40周岁、身体健康、无不良记录,且符合相应专业录取条件。

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