Doctoral Program Brochure of Zhejiang Gongshang University
I. Catalog of Enrollment Majors
2024 Chinese-taught Doctoral Program Catalog.pdf
2024 English-taught Doctoral Program Catalog.pdf
The catalog of doctoral programs for enrollment may be adjusted, please pay attention to the updates on the website of the College of International Education.
II. Scholarships
1. Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship for International Students (Type A)
2. Zhejiang Gongshang University Scholarship for International Students (New Degree Student)
3. Zhejiang Gongshang University Scholarship for International Students (President scholarship)
III. Program Application Time: March -July, 2024
IV. Qualifications for Application
1. Non-Chinese citizens who are physically and mentally healthy (without infectious diseases or physical or mental illnesses that affect normal learning) and have good conduct.
2. Academic requirements: Applicants for doctoral programs must have a master‘s degree.
3. Language requirements: applicants applying for English-taught programs, except for native English speakers, must provide proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL/IELTS/DUOLINGUO (TOEFL ITP scores are not accepted) or proof of previous English-taught programs. applicants applying for Chinese-taught programs must provide a certificate of HSK level 4 or above or proof of previous Chinese-taught programs.
4. Age requirements: Applicants for doctoral degree programs should generally not exceed 45 years old.
V. Documents Required to Apply Zhejiang Gongshang University
Please log in the Online Application System at hzic.at0086.cn/student and Submit the following documents:
1. Notarized highest education certificate and academic transcripts (this year’s graduates provide proof of pre-graduation). Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translated English or Chinese version. Applicants must present the original cope of the aforementioned documents when registering at ZJSU.
2. Language certificate: applicants applying for English-taught programs, except for native English speakers, must provide proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL/IELTS/DUOLINGUO (TOEFL ITP scores are not accepted) or proof of previous English-taught programs. applicants applying for Chinese-taught programs must provide a certificate of HSK level 4 or above or proof of previous Chinese-taught programs.
3. Resume.
4. 2 Letters of Recommendation (by full or associate professor, in Chinese or English with the professional title, signature and contact information).
5. Study plan or Personal Statement (in Chinese or English).
6. Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJSU Supervisor(附件:浙江工商大学导师接收国际学生意向表.doc) (In principle, doctoral program applicants shall provide this form to the Supervisor to fill in and submit).
7. Passport.
8. 2-inch photo (Photo format: color 2-inch bareheaded photo, white background without border, head takes up 2/3 of the photo size, photo size is not less than 320*240 pixels, aspect ratio is 4:3, size is 100-500kb, JPG format).
9. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form(附件:外国人体格检查表.pdf) filled in Chinese or English. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority must cover all of the items listed in it. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule as the result is valid for only six months (your results should be valid when you submit your application).
10. Police Certificate.
11. Certificate of application fee: RMB 400 remittance certificate (the application fee will not be refunded whether accepted or not).
Reminder: Please make sure to accurately indicate the payment reference number, full name, passport number, and major of the applying student when remitting the payment.
* The application may be invalid if the submitted materials do not meet the above requirements. All information and materials provided are factually true and correct. Otherwise all the consequences caused are undertaken by yourself (including but not limited to being disqualified from admission or expelled from academic status).
VI. Payment Ways of Application Fee
Application Fee: RMB 400 yuan/person
Way 1: Bank Transfer or Remittance
Beneficiary: Zhejiang Gongshang University
Name of the Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Hangzhou GaoXin Sub-Branch,
Zhejiang Branch 391 Wen Er Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Bank Account No.: 1202026209008930682-000000001
CNAPS Code: 102331002622
Note: If the overseas bank can not make payment to account 1202026209008930682-000000001, you can make payment to account 1202026209008930682, and please be sure to ask the bank to note settlement to 1202026209008930682-000000001.
Way 2: Scan the QR code to pay (Alipay)
Step 1:Scan the QR code
Step 2:收费部门choose“国教学院”
Step 3:收费项目choose“国际生入学申请费”
Step 4:Fill in 400 in “本次缴费金额(元)”
Step 5:Fill in your phone number in “手机号码”
Step 6:Fill in applicant’s name, application number, passport number and study major in “备注”
Step 7:Click“缴费”
Note: The application fee is without refund.
VII. Steps for Online Application
If you fail to receive the email, please check the SPAM, you may find the email there (In this case, please set up “This is not spam”, then you will receive emails smoothly). If you have any questions during your application, please feel free to contact us. Thank you so much for your cooperation, and hope to hearing from you soon.
VIII. Evaluation Process
*The result of scholarship application will be notified by email later on.
IX. Registration for Zhejiang Gongshang University
After being admitted, if you observe the laws and decrees of China as well as the rules and regulations of our university, please register at Zhejiang Gongshang University with required documents such as Admission Notice etc. in September, 2024 (tentative plan). Please wait for further notice about the exact date and way for registration. If you fail to register within the time limit without permission of the university, you will be regarded as giving up this admission.
X. Contact Zhejiang Gongshang University
Address: Room 519, Admission Office, College of International Education, Zhejiang Gongshang University, 18 Xuezheng Str., Xiasha, Hangzhou
Tel: +86-571-28008676;+86-571-28008677;+86-571-28008687;+86-571-28008678;
Email: [email protected]
Visit website of Zhejiang Gongshang University
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