2024 Zaozhuang University International Students Enrollment Guide 2024年枣庄学院来华留学生招生简章

Zaozhuang University is a public full-time undergraduate university, established in 1971 and upgraded to a undergraduate university in 2004. At present, there are more than 23 , 300 full-time students on campus with 1500 teaching staff and 14 national high-level talents.

2024 Zaozhuang University International Students Enrollment Guide


2024 Zaozhuang University International Students Enrollment Guide 2024年枣庄学院来华留学生招生简章

Zaozhuang University

枣庄概况Overview of Zaozhuang City


  Known as “Jiangbei Water Town and Lunan Water City”, Zaozhuang City locates in southern Shandong Province,bordering Linyi in the east, Weishan in the west, Xuzhou in the south and Zoucheng in the north, with a total area of 4564 square kilometers and a resident population of around 3.94 million. Its administration range covers Xuecheng District,Shizhong District, Yicheng District,Shanting District, Taierzhuang District and Tengzhou City.Since ancient times, Zaozhuang has been an important town where merchants gather and a hub of north-south transportation. The city is abundant in culture and tourism resources with 7,300 years of ancestor culture, 4,300 years of city-state culture,2,700 years of canal culture and 143 years of industrial culture. The rich cultural heritage of Zaozhuang gave birth to historical celebrities such as Mozi, the sage of Chinese Science, Xi Zhong, the inventor of carriages,Meng Changjun, the celebrity known for recruiting talents, and Jia Sanjin, the author of the famous novel, Jin Ping Mei. The first joint-stock coal company in modern Chinese history, Zhongxing Coal Company, and China’s first stock were born here. In the history of the Chinese nation’s war of resistance against Japan, the renowned Taierzhuang War,an arduous inferior victory that shocked the world, and the well-known railway guerrilla have both left a glorious page on this land.

  枣庄学院Zaozhuang University

  Zaozhuang University枣庄学院是公立全日制本科高校,于1971年开始办学,2004年升格为普通本科院校。目前拥有全日制普通在校2.33万余人。现有教职工1500余人,拥有国家级高层次人才14人。学校设有教学院(部)22个,现有普通本科专业70个,构建了文学、理学、工学、管理学、教育学、历史学、经济学、法学、艺术学、农学等10大学科交叉融合、相互支撑、协调发展的应用型学科专业体系。

  Zaozhuang University is a public full-time undergraduate university, established in 1971 and upgraded to a undergraduate university in 2004. At present, there are more than 23 , 300 full-time students on campus with 1500 teaching staff and 14 national high-level talents. The university is composed of 22 teaching colleges (departments), offering 70 undergraduate majors, as well as an integrated, inter-supported and coordinated application-oriented discipline professional system, covering 10 courses including literature, science, engineering, management, education, history, economics, law, art, and agriculture.


  The university aims to build “the first-class application-oriented university in China”, and the collaborative education project of integration of production and education has achieved remarkable results. In cooperation with the Planning and Construction Center of the Ministry of Education,7 production-education integration bases have been built on campus which are at the forefront of nationwide universities. The university is undertaking the project construction unit for granting master’s degree in Shandong Province,the lst batch of postgraduate joint training base in Shandong Province, and the lst batch of supporting units for the construction of application-oriented undergraduate universities in Shandong Province.Doctoral students are being jointly trained in the university in cooperation with Tianjin University, and master’s joint-trained students with Qufu Normal University, Qingdao University of  Technology, Liaocheng University and else. For four consecutive years, the school has won the title of “Advanced Unit of Enterprise- School Cooperation in Training Talents in Shandong Province”, “The Most Characteristic Undergraduate University in Shandong Province”. It has also achieved the title of “The Most Influential Undergraduate University in Shandong Province” for three years in succession.Zaozhuang university ranks 360th nationally in the 2022 China University of Shanghai Rankings .


  Zaozhuang university has established partnership relationship with 69 universities and educational institutions based in 18 countries and regions like Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia, and has carried out projects such as mutual credits recognition, students exchange and international student education with academic qualifications. The school has cooperated with the South African Center for Chinese Culture and International Education Exchange and the South African Ministry of Higher Education to carry out the “Internship+Practical Training” program for South African students, and carried out undergraduate education for students from Bangladesh and other countries, with 490 person-time various foreign students from 10 countries undertaking the courses.

2024 Zaozhuang University International Students Enrollment Guide 2024年枣庄学院来华留学生招生简章

  招生类别Zaozhuang University The Admissions Category





  School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation):20


  College of Urban and Architectural Engineering (WaterScienceandEngineering):20


School of Tourism, Resources and Environment (Tourism management major):20

文学院(汉语言文学专业 ):汉语水平达到HSK-4 及以上者可申报

School of Chinese Language and Literature ( Chinese Language and Literature ): Intemationalstudents who have reached HSK-4 or above are eligible to apply.



  Four academic years. Independent class for international students; English teaching.



  Healthy, loving Chinese culture, with high school education or above, aged from18-26.




       Fall Semester:Early September.



  The application deadline for the fall semester is June 30th;

  留学费用Fee :

  1.学费:6000元人民币/学年Tuition Fee: RMB6,000/year

  2.住宿费:2200元人民币/年Accommodation Fee: RMB 2,200/year

  3.居留许可费:400元/年Residence Permitfee:RMB 400/year

       4.生活费:每月800–1000元人民币LivingExpenses:RMB 800-1000 per month

       5.人身意外保险费:800元人民币/年PersonalInsurance: RMB 800/year


  An accommodation deposit of RMB 500 is needed upon check-in, and it will be refunded to you if no damages occur upon departure.

  4.生活费:每月800–1000元人民币Living Expenses: RMB 800-1000per month

  5.人身意外保险费:800元人民币/年Personal Insurance: RMB 800/year

  报名材料Application Materials

  1.枣庄学院来华留学生入学申请表Application Form for International Students to UZZ;

  2.最高学历证明(复印件)Highest Degree Diploma (photocopies);

  3.最高学历成绩单Highest Academic Transcript

  4.存款证明 Certificate of Deposit

  5.两寸照片(白底)Photographs with White Background (size 35mm X53mm);

  6.健康证明Health Certificate


  8.无犯罪记录证明Non-Criminal Record Certificate

      9.已在华学习学生须提供原学校学习情况证明Students alreadystudying in China are required to provide proof of their studies in aChinese school
     10.护照签证页(已在华学生需提供)Passport visa page(requiredfor students already in China)

新生奖学金Scholarships for New Students:
详情可请通过电话或电子邮件咨询。Please contactusby phone oremail for details of the scholarship

注 奖学金的评定和发放按国家和学校有关规定执行。

Note: The evaluation and distribution of scholarships shall be subject torelevant national and school regulations.

Our school has not entrusted any institution to collect fees.

2024 Zaozhuang University International Students Enrollment Guide 2024年枣庄学院来华留学生招生简章



  Contacts: Yang Lv, Sun Wenhao


  电子邮箱E-mail:[email protected]


  Address: Room 1011,Administration Office Building, Zaozhuagn University, I Bei’an Road, Shizhong District, Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, China. P.C.277160

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