2021 Xianyang Normal University foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

2021 Xianyang Normal University foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

2021 Xianyang Normal University

foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

2021 Xianyang Normal University foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

Xianyang Normal University

I. Xianyang Normal University Degree Education

1Duration of study:

4 years for bachelor’s degree, subject to extension up to a maximum of 2 years under special circumstances. Students who have earned all the required credits ahead of schedule set forth by the department and have defended their theses and/or dissertations successfully will be awarded relevant Diploma or Certificate of Graduation.

2. Requirements for Admission:

A high school diploma, Those who are not qualified in Chinese proficiency may first attend the long-term Chinese language training course for foreign students offered by our University for one semester, then they may be transferred to the bachelor’s degree course after meeting the Chinese proficiency qualification.

3. Enrollment Time:

Students are enrolled twice a year, each spring in March and each autumn in September.

4. Student Categories

(1) Undergraduate Students

Bachelor’s degree specialties offered byXianyangNormalUniversity

Information and Numerical Science


Travel Administration

Fine Arts

Geographical Information Systems


Material Chemistry

Chinese Language and Literature

Software Engineering


Electronic Information Engineering

Artistic Design



Public Affairs Administration

Advertisement Science

Applied Chemistry

Materials Chemistry


Surveying and Mapping Engineering

Cultural Property Administration

Educational Technology Science


Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Elementary Education



Social Work

Art Education

Pre-school Education

Applied Psychology

Biological Sciences

Physical Education

Electrical Engineering and Automation

Public Utilities Management

Dance Performance


Visual Communication Design

Environmental Design

Product Design

Clothing and Costume Design

Broadcasting and Hosting

 (2) Foreign Undergraduate Students majoring in Chinese Language and Culture: Curriculum Provision:

Our College will offer different level Chinese language and culture training courses such as Intensive Chinese Reading, Extensive Chinese Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Writing. Additionally we offer elective courses such as Chinese History and Culture, Chinese Musical Instruments, Music Theory and Practice, Fine Arts, Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, News Listening, Newspaper and Magazine Reading.

2021 Xianyang Normal University foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

Xianyang Normal University

Ⅱ. Xianyang Normal University Non-Degree Education

1. Long-term Chinese Language Training Course.

(1) Full-time Course:

1) Duration of study:

    One semester minimum or more

2) Enrollment Time:

Admission Brochure is available at any time: March for spring semester; Sept. for autumn semester

3) Curriculum Provision:

 Our College will offer different level Chinese language and culture training courses such as Intensive Chinese Reading, Extensive Chinese Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Writing,. Additionally we offer elective courses such as Chinese History and Culture, Chinese Musical Instruments, Music Theory and Practice, Fine Arts, Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, News Listening, Newspaper and Magazine Reading.

 (2) One-to-one Course (Private Individual Lessons)

The minimum study period is one semester. The tuition for one-to-one course is RMB 60/hour.

2. Short-term Chinese Language Training Course:

The curricula are programmed according to the specific needs and requirements of the student, and the tuitions vary according to the hours of study.

(1) Regular Short-term Course: The duration varies from 1 week to 12 weeks, and admission is available at any time.

(2) Vacation Course:

①  Summer Course:

Admission time is from mid-May to early August and duration of study is from 1 week to 12 weeks.

② Winter Course: Admission time is on early January and duration of study is from 1 week to 4 weeks.

(3) One-to-one Course (Private Individual Lessons):

The instruction is tailored to suit each individual student’s unique conditions and requirements in terms of the length, type and schedule of instruction and textbooks used. The tuition for one-to-one course is RMB 60 Yuan /hour.

Ⅲ.Xianyang Normal University Tuitions and Fees for International Students


Duration of Study

Tuitions & Registration Fees (in RMB Yuan)

Language Students

Long Term

One semester or longer

1. One year 12300 (tuition fee 12000,register fee 300);

2. One semester 6300 (tuition fee 6000, register fee 300);

Short Term

one week


two weeks


one month


two months


three months


Degree Students


Four years

One year 12300 (tuition fee 12000,register fee 300)

University Scholarship

The school offers university scholarship for degree students and language students who have studied here more than one year annually. All the degree students and language students (study period more than one year) will be awareded with university scholarship. Language students will be exempt from textbooks fees. There are three scholarship level:

First scholarship:  3500 RMB Yuan per person

Second scholarship: 2500RMB Yuan per person

Third scholarship: 1500RMB Yuan per person

Ⅳ.Xianyang Normal University Procedure of Application:

Individual applicants may request by mail or telephone, or download The XNU Application Form for International Students (Website: and send the completed form and the copy of passport (valid for more than 6 months and with signature) two months prior to enrollment time. Upon approval of the application, we shall send the “Admission Notice” and the “Visa Application Form for Foreign Students” (JW202 ) to the applicants. The applicants shall present the above-listed documents to apply for visa at the Embassy or Consulate General in their home countries or regions.

Ⅴ.Xianyang Normal University Accommodation and Food

(1)      Apartment buildings for Foreign Students atXianyangNormalUniversityare available for students to choose. Apartment buildings nearby are also available outside the campus. Rental fees will be undertaken by the student.

University Accommodation Condition and fee


Type of apartment

Equipment in the Apartment

Accommodation Fees(in RMB yuan)

Student Apartment

One Student Living in a Room Air Conditioner, Internet Access, Bed, Wardrobe, Desk and Chair (charges of  electricity, gas, internet access, heating system shall be paid by students themselves.)

600 Yuan/Month

Student Apartment

Two Students Living in a Room Air Conditioner, Internet Access, Bed, Wardrobe, Desk and Chair (charges of  electricity, gas, internet access, heating system shall be paid by students themselves.)

300 Yuan/Month

Student Apartment

Four Students Living in a Room Air Conditioner, Internet Access, Bed, Wardrobe, Desk and Chair (charges of  electricity, gas, internet access, heating system shall be paid by students themselves.)

150 Yuan/Month

Rent apartment in Campus

With One Living Room and Two Bedroooms The necessary facilities are provided as an air-conditioner, a shower and so on. (charges of water, electricity, gas, internet access, heating system shall be paid by students themselves.)

700 Yuan/Month

Rent apartment in Campus With One Living Room and Three Bedroooms The necessary facilities are provided as an air-conditioner, a shower and so on. (charges of water, electricity, gas, internet access, heating system shall be paid by students themselves.) 800 Yuan/Month
(2) Foreign students may eat at the Chinese Students’dining halls and Ethnic dining halls, fees will be undertaken by the student.

Ⅵ. When you have received XNU Admission Notice, you should:

  Apply for a Student Visa and Take a Physical Examination.

(1) Students who are studying for one Semester can apply for an F visa with no need for the physical examination.

(2) Students who plan to study for one Academic year or for more than one Academic year should apply for an X visa and need to take a physical examination. Please pay attention to the following six items concerning the Physical Examination Record Form for Foreigner.

a. The original Record form is required;

b. The Record form is only valid for merely six months;

c. A recent photo is required on the upper right corner of the Record form with the hospital’s stamp;

d. The hospital’s stamp, signature of the physician and signing date are required on the Record form;

e. The Record form must include the original forms for Aids, Syphilis and Electrocardiogram Examinations attached.

2. Purchase Insurance

Purchase insurance including overseas medical treatment and accident injury before you come toChina. The sum insured should be no less than 400,000 RMB (or other currencies of the equal sum) and the period insured should cover your study period inChina. You need to present the original proof or notarized copy of your insurance policy (in either English or Chinese, excluding any other language) to the International Exchange and Cooperation Office upon registration.

If you don’t have the insurance as required, you will be unable to register at XNU. You may also buy insurance at China Ping An Insurance Company after arriving inChinaat time of registration. China Ping An Insurance provides a special service to international students. Student who is studying for one semester need to pay 400 Yuan(RMB) and one academic year need to pay 800 Yuan (RMB). This insurance includes the fee of hospitalization caused by diseases and accidental injury, etc.

2021 Xianyang Normal University foreign students undergraduate enrollment brochure

Xianyang Normal University

Ⅶ.Xianyang Normal University Registration Materials Required:

1. If you hold an X visa, you should submit:

a. XNU Application Form For International Students with your signature

b. Original form of JW202

c.Original form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners issued by Shaanxi International Popular Health Care Center

d. Four passport photos (with your Chinese name on the back)

e. 400 RMB (Application fee for Residence Permit)

f. Proof of your insurance policy for overseas medical treatment and accident injury (original or notarized photocopy)

g. Registration Form of Temporary Residence & your telephone number.

Ⅷ.Xianyang Normal University Mailing address and other information.

International Exchange andCooperationCollege


Wenlin Road, Xianyang,

Shaanxi712000 P.R.China

Tel: 0086-29-3372-0661

Fax: 0086-29-3372-0661

Email: kevingcx @126.com

Xianyang Normal University Website: http://www.xysfxy.cn

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