2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China 2023年武汉科技大学来华留学研究生招生简章

2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China

2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China


2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China 2023年武汉科技大学来华留学研究生招生简章

Wuhan, your hosting city
.Capital of Hubei Province
.Political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central Chinao
.Located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and Han River
.Exciting modem metropolis of 8,594 km (3,318 sauare miles) in area and 11.081.000 in population (as of 2018)
.Home of 1.07 milion university students (ranked No. 1 in China) in 98 higher learning institutions (ranked No. 2 in China)
.Claiming years of, center of Chinese Westernization Movement in late Qing Dynasty, and birthplace ofChinese democratic revolution

Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUsT)Your New Home
Founded as Hubei Technical institute in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong, Viceroy of Huguang Province in late Qing Dynasty

.Key public higher leaming instituton in Hubei Province
.Operating under the joint aegis of Hubei Provincial Govemment, Ministry of Educaton of PRC and 6 largest steel enterprises in China
.Claiming traditional strengths in engineering and sciences, which are integrated with medicine, economics, management, humanitiesart, law, and philosophy

Physical Environment
.3 campuses (422 acres) including 2 city and 1 suburban campuses
.The Qingshan City Campus situated adjacent to the Yangtze River
.”University Campus of Ecological Gardening in Hubei Province”
.”National Exemplary University for Campus Landscape”

About 35, 000 ful-time, incuding about 25, 000 undergraduates and 9,600 more postgraduates
Academic Units
.20 schools offering academic degrees, 32 plus research centers, 7 afliated teaching hospitals including 2 owned
.Academic Degree Programs:
78 undergraduate programs
178 academic master’s degree programs
33 professional master’s degree programs in 12 categories
41 doctoral programs
8 post-doctorate programs

Faculty and Staff
.Faculty: over 1,900;administrative staff: about 8.00
.5 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering serving as distinguished processors of adjunct status
.1 Chinese-national member of the Russian Academy of Engineering
.1 scholar accredited with the Changjiang Top Talent Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education of PRO
.2 scholars accredited with the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.

Teaching Strengths
.58 national level projects of education quality
.4 national level teaching awards (ranking 15th nationally)
.Rated A in undergraduate education audit by Ministry of Education of PRC

Research Strengths
.1 quas stale key disapline accredted bythe Cantral Government af PRc, and 29 key discipines accrediled by Hubai Provincial Govermenie
.1 slate key laboratory, 2 accredited by Mlinistry of Education of PRC, and 8 accrediled by Hubei Provincial Govermment
.14 National Awards for $cientific and Te chnolog ical Advancement and 5 Na fional Awards for Technological innovalon

Student Achievements
.12 world and 13 nafonal championships in FlFA Vorld Cup
.5 Red Dot Design awards
.Champions in CUBA, CUBS and Nafonal College Students Sports Meet

.Graduates” job placement rate in the last five years: 94%
.”University for Excellence in Graduates” Job Placamente
.Alumni endowment ranking 44th nationally (2018)

.”Best 100 Chinese Universities for Catering Service to Students”
. Over 2.77 million volumes of books in 2 main libraries
.Stale-of-art information system with wifi accessible in living & learning environment

Intemational Education
.Claiming the first International School officially approved in Hubei Province (1999)
.Successful provider of Chinese language and English-medium business andengineering education at various levels for students from Australia, Germany,Singapore, India, Pakistan, Japan, and some other countries.
.Host of international students from various parts of the world for exchangeexperience in a broad range of disciplines
.”University for Excellence in International Education” recognized by HubeiProvincial Government
.”University for Excellence in International Relations and Service for OverseasChinese” recognized by Hubei Provincial Govemment

2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China 2023年武汉科技大学来华留学研究生招生简章

Postgraduate Engineering Programs at WUST
Doctor of Engineering programs and Master of Engineering programs forinternational students (English medium)
.Metallurgical engineering (Tied for the 5″ place in national rankings, 2018)
.Material science and engineering
.Mining engineering
.Safety science and engineering
.Mechanical engineering
.Control science and engineering
.Chemical engineering and technology
.System Science
Passing HSK3 exam before graduation.
Among the above programs, Material Science and Engineering, Metalurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Mechanical Engineeringhave made the list for the prospective “First-class Discipline in China”, now under construction by Hubei Provincial Deparment of Education.

Goals and Core Courses of Programs
Metallurgical Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: Graduates of the program wil 1. have a soid and broad theoreical basis in extracive metalurgy, metalluraicaphysico-chemistry, and metalography, and demonstrate a systemic speciaized knowledge in metalurgical field; 2. have independent ablity toengage in scientific research by effectively using computers, advanced experimental technology and testing methods to conduct metallurgicalresearches involving new proceses, new technolgy, new products and relevant theories; 3. be qualied for positions in such felds as scienifcresearch insitutions, higher educaion, education and scientfic research of industries, engineering design and higherlevel management.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Metallurgical process theories, Metallurgical process analysis and simulation; Metalurgicalcutting-edge technology;Metallurgical Process Engineering.

Goal of Master ‘s Program: Graduates of the program wil 1. have a solid theoreical basis in metalurgy, metallurgical principle.transmission pnnciple and metallography, 2. fomm a systemic speclalized knowedge, 3. have the ablity to efectively use computersadvanced exoenmental technologies and testing methods to conduct metaluroical invesioations: 4 be competent for some snecific technicawork, such as higher education, scienific research institutions, education and scientfic research of industries, and engineering design.

Core Courses for Mas ter ‘s Program: Metallurgical thermodvnamics and dynamics, Metallurgy electrochemical theories andapplications; Research methods in metalurgical physical chemistry, Higher transmission principles, New technologies on iron and steelmetallurgy: Theories and applications of Nonferrous metallurgy; Theories and practice of continuous casing; Numerical metalurgy,Comprehensive utilization of metallurgical resources: New technology for metallurgical raw materials

Materials Science and Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: The program culivates students to be high level talenits who 1. have soid foundation in basic theories andsystemalic and professional knowiedge in the field of materials science and engineering: 2. are familar with the latest developments of materialsscience and engineering; 3. are equipped with vanous skls in the design, preparation, processing and testing analysis of new materials; 4. havethe abilty to undertake independent research in the field of materials science and engineering; 5. are competent for teaching, scienific researchengineerng design and other techrical and management work in insituions of higher educaton and scienific research institutions andenterprises.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Developmentin materials and engineering; Selected lectures on material science and engineering

Goal of Master ‘s Program: The program cultivates students to be high level talents who 1. have basic theories and systematicprofessional knowledge of materals engineering; 2.have acquaintance with the frontiers and the development of materials science andengineering: 3. are com petent for teaching, scientfic research, engineering design and other technical and management work ininstitutions of higher education and scientific research institutions and enterprises.

Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Materals thermodyamics, Structure and properies of inorganic materials, Processing forinorganic materials; Materials structure and performance; Mlaterials testing and characterization: Theores of metal solidification:Com puter applications in material forming process; High physical metalurgy; Physics and chemistry of materials; Chemical synthesis

Mining Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: This program is intended to prepare high level talents with creativity and proficiency in mining and mineralprocessing engineering theories and engineering application. The program is designed to provide students with a thorough grounding irbasic theories and specialized knowledge and related disciplines of mineral engineering. lt aims at cultivating high-evel talents who arequalifed for independent research and specialized technical work in mining and mineral processing engineering feld by applying modernscientific theories,experimental methods and infommation tools.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Mlining science and new technology, Soluion chemistry of modem mineral fiotation, Principles andmethods of system analysis in mining industy, New developmentin rock mechanics, Hydro-metaurgy, Structural chemisty, Sediment kinemalic

Goal of Master ‘s Proaram: The proaram cultivates students who willhave solid theoretical foundation and svstematic training in miningand mineral processing engineering and who wil be qualfied for positons in such felds as education, scientific research, engineerning design and other technical and management work in instituions of higher education and scienific research institutions and enterprises.Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Advanced mining theories, Systems engineening in mining, Elasticity and plasticity, Advancedrock mechanics, GlS pinciples and applications, Coloid and surface chemistry, interace separation principles, Higher agglomeration,Hiaher mineralprocessing,Flotation electrochemistry

Safety Science and Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: The program cultivates students to be high level talents who wil 1. have solid theoretical foundaion andsystematic and professional training in the field of safety discipline; 2. have a good understanding of the latest development and trend irthe field; 3. have ability to conduct scientific researches and safety designs and management of key projects.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Modern dust theory and technology, Fire science explbsion, Fire dynamics, Energy and appliedmechanics variation methods, Mathematical techniques reliability Engineering

Goal of Mas ter ‘s Program: The program culivates students who 1. have the basic theories and knowledge in safety engineering desigrand ability to solve practical problems; 2. understand the development of safety science and engineering; 3. are qualifed for positionsrelated to research, teaching and management in safety science engineering and construction.

Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Structural fire protection analysis program, Public safety science, industrial fire safety, Smokedetection and management, Modeling and uncertainty analysis

Mechanical Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: The program cultivates graduates who will 1. have a solid and broad thecretical basis in advanced methodsof mechanical designing, manufacture and analysis, and fom a systemic specialized knowledge in mechanical engineering; 2. have theabilty to independently engage in scientific researches related to mechanical engineering, especially in innovative mechanical system.new manufacture technolbgies, new products; 3. be competent for scientifc research, education and engineening design andmanagement in such positions as. scientific research institutions, higher education, and industries.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program:Science and engineering calculation; Academic foreland; Metallurgical equipment researchmethodology, Nonlinear theories and applications

Goal of Master ‘s Program: The graduates wil 1. have a a solid theoretical basis in mathematics, dynamic and electromechanicalsystem; 2. have the ablity to effectively use advanced experimental technologies and testing methods to conduct researches inmechanical engineering , mechanical equipment technologies, hydrauic transmission and control and green manufacturing; 3. becompetent for positions in such fields as higher education, scientific research institutions, and industries.

Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Matrix analysis; Numerical analysis, Stochastic process; inteligent control theornes; Computermethods of structure analysis; Sensing and measurement and control technology; Signal analysis methods; Modeling and simulation oithe system; Synthesis and optimization; Vehicle system dynamics

Control Science and Engineering
Goal of Doctoral Program: The graduates in this program will have logical thinking and creativity to be engaged in researchdevelopment, teaching and management in such fields as control theories and application, industrial process control, integration andcontrol of micro-optoelectronic systems, condiion monitloning and fault diagnosis, inteligent information processing, robot and inteligentsystem as well as other engineering technology fields.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Funcional analysis in control theonies, Optimization methods for system engineering, Theoriesand applications of complex system, Theory of robust control, Theories and applicatons of modern detection, Advanced artificialintelligence, Theories of multi-agent system, Theory and application of predictive control, inteligent robot

Goal of Master ‘s Program: The program aims for cultivating graduates who will have both a solid and systematical foundation in controlscience and engineering and be qualified for such positions as scientific researches, teaching, technology development and managemeniin the relevant field.

Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Theory of inear system, Optimal control theories and applications, System identification andadaplive control. Theonies and practice of fault diaanosis, $vnthesis and analvsis of time series, New motor control system, inteligenicontrol system, Principles and applications of robots,Advanced process control, Technology of modern network

Chemical Engineering and Technology
Goal of Doctoral Program: The program cultivates high level talents who will 1. have a solid foundation in the field of chemicaengineering and technology; 2. are familiar with the commonly used research methods, experimental skils, testing methods and computersimulaion methods and have the ablity to undertake scientifc research independently, 3. are competent for research, education, designand management positions in such fields as scientfic research institutions, higher education and industries.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Development in chemical engineering and technology; Modern analysis and testing technology,Supermolecule chemistry: etc.

Goal of Master ‘s Program: Graduates in this program wil have basic theoretical and professional knowledge in the feld of chemicaengineering and technology. They willhave the ability to follow the frontier development in chemical engineering and technology, and wilbe qualifed for such work as scientific research, teaching, engineering design and technicalmanagement in such felds as scientificresearch institutions and enterprises.

Core Courses for Master ‘s Program: Principle of transport processes, Chemical reaction engineering ll ; Advanced chemicaengineering themodynamics; Analysis and integration for chemical engineering process; Advanced separation engineering; Advancedbioseparation technology, Biocatalvsis and biotransformation: Modern instrumental analvsis: Biochemical engineering frontier. etc.

System Science
Goal of Doctoral Program: The program culivates graduates who will 1. Master broad and solid foundation theory in system sciencehave systematic and in-depth expertise, and be familiar with the international present situation and advanced research projects andprogress in related majors; 2. Obtain the whole process of scientic research training in related majors; possess capability toindependently conduct scientific research, teaching, or other practical work. Make creative achievements in related fields, and finishdoctoral thesis meeting the reguirements of the university: 3. Have the ability to use svstem theory to analysis the complexities in metallurgical industrial process systems.

Core Courses for Doctoral Program: Cybernetics, Stochastic Dynamics; Scientific Computing (advanced);

Complex NetworksGoal of Master ‘s Program: The program cultivates graduates who will 1. Master broad and solid foundation theory in system sciencehave systemaic and in-depth expertise, and be familiar with the present situation, the developing trends and the frontier in related fields,2. Master interdisciplinary knowledge, possess solid foundation of system science, have the capabilty to conduct interdisciplinar(especialy the new cross-disciplinary) research, and finish the master’s thesis meeing the requirements of the university; 3. Have theability to use big data analysis methods to study the synchronization and control of complex networks, optimization and control ofindustrial production processes.

Core Courses for Mlaster ‘s Program: Big data analysis methods; Game Theory; Scientific Computing
We also offer master’s degrees in mathematics, statistics, physics and mechanics.

Duration of Programs
3 years full time for Master’s degree programs; 3 years full time for doctoral programs

Accommodation and Amenities
Curently twin rooms avalable for master and doctoral student. Each room is equipped with an attached bathroom, furniture (bed, deskchair, wardrobe, etc.), beddings, air-conditioner, intemet access (utilities to be billed by user).

.Dining halls on campus including a Muslim section
.“Best 100 Dining Halls in China”
.“University for Excellent Catering Service in Wuhan”
.”University with Level A Rating for Food Security in Wuhan’

Other Services and Amenities
.Medical service available at WUST Hospital on campus
.Supermarkets, shopping mall, banks, post office, restaurants, hotels, parks, cinema, KTV,etc.in neighbourhood
.Bus stops within walking distance, Wuhan Train Station 15 minutes away

Fee Structure (for the 2023 cohort)
.Tuition Fees: Master’s programs (English medium): 22,000 RMB per year,Doctoral programs (English medium): 22,000 RMB per year,
.Accommodation fees: 3600 RMB/ear/Bed (double-bed room for both master and doctoral programs)
Note: Other expenses regarding physical examination, residence pemmit, medical insurance, etc. areborn by the students according to government agency standard.

Scholarships(for the 2023 cohort)
WUST Full Scholarships for International students, which covers:
.Tuiion Fees waiver. Master’s programs(English medum): warth df22.000 RB peryear; Doctoralprograms(Enaish medium worth of22.000 RMB peryear
.Living stipend:Doctoral programs (English medium): 3600 RMB * 10 monthsMaster’s programs (English medium): 3000 RMB *10 months

Entry Requirements
.Non-Chinese citizen; aged maximum 30 for master’s programs and 35 for doctoral programs; healthy, with no criminal record
.bachelor’s dearee in relevant field for master’s proarams, and master’s dearee in relevant feld for doctoral programsi
.Speaking English as nativeoficial language, minimum lELTS score of 6.0 (wrting no less than 6.0) or TOEFL score of 82 or equivalentfor non-native speakers of English

Application Materials
.Application Form
.A photocopy of the applicant’s passport
.A photocopy ofthe transcript (incuding courses taken and standard achieved)
.Statement of Purpose
.2 letters of recommendation

2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology graduate Student enrollment in China 2023年武汉科技大学来华留学研究生招生简章

How to Apply
Candidates can apply by contacting:
http:/’wust.stay86 .com’stu’platform/lo gin.do
international School, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
a WUST-authorized admission agent in your region

International School, Wuhan University of Science and Technology947 HepingAvenue, Qingshan District, wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Post code:430065
Website: www.wust.edu.cn
eEmail:[email protected]

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