2023 Wuhan University of Science and Technology Undergraduate Enrollment

Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Wuhan, your hosting city
.Capital of Hubei Province
.Political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central Chinao
.Located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and Han River
.Exciting modem metropolis of 8,594 km (3,318 sauare miles) in area and 11.081.000 in population (as of 2018)
.Home of 1.07 milion university students (ranked No. 1 in China) in 98 higher learning institutions (ranked No. 2 in China)
.Claiming years of, center of Chinese Westernization Movement in late Qing Dynasty, and birthplace ofChinese democratic revolution
Wuhan University of Science and Technology (WUsT)Your New Home
Founded as Hubei Technical institute in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong, Viceroy of Huguang Province in late Qing Dynasty
.Key public higher leaming instituton in Hubei Province
.Operating under the joint aegis of Hubei Provincial Govemment, Ministry of Educaton of PRC and 6 largest steel enterprises in China
.Claiming traditional strengths in engineering and sciences, which are integrated with medicine, economics, management, humanitiesart, law, and philosophy
Physical Environment
.3 campuses (422 acres) including 2 city and 1 suburban campuses
.The Qingshan City Campus situated adjacent to the Yangtze River
.”University Campus of Ecological Gardening in Hubei Province”
.”National Exemplary University for Campus Landscape”
Wuhan University of Science and Technology Students
About 35, 000 ful-time, incuding about 25, 000 undergraduates and 9,600 more postgraduates
Academic Units
.20 schools offering academic degrees, 32 plus research centers, 7 afliated teaching hospitals including 2 owned
.Academic Degree Programs:
78 undergraduate programs
178 academic master’s degree programs
33 professional master’s degree programs in 12 categories
41 doctoral programs
8 post-doctorate programs
Faculty and Staff
.Faculty: over 1,900;administrative staff: about 8.00
.5 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering serving as distinguished processors of adjunct status
.1 Chinese-national member of the Russian Academy of Engineering
.1 scholar accredited with the Changjiang Top Talent Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education of PRO
.2 scholars accredited with the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Teaching Strengths
.58 national level projects of education quality
.4 national level teaching awards (ranking 15th nationally)
.Rated A in undergraduate education audit by Ministry of Education of PRC
Research Strengths
.1 quas stale key disapline accredted bythe Cantral Government af PRc, and 29 key discipines accrediled by Hubai Provincial Govermenie
.1 slate key laboratory, 2 accredited by Mlinistry of Education of PRC, and 8 accrediled by Hubei Provincial Govermment
.13 National Awards for $cientific and Te chnolog ical Advancement and 5 Na fional Awards for Technological innovalon
Student Achievements
.12 world and 13 nafonal championships in FlFA Vorld Cup
.5 Red Dot Design awards
.Champions in CUBA, CUBS and Nafonal College Students Sports Meet
.Graduates” job placement rate in the last five years: 94%
.”University for Excellence in Graduates” Job Placamente
.Alumni endowment ranking 44th nationally (2018)
.”Best 100 Chinese Universities for Catering Service to Students”
. Over 2.77 million volumes of books in 2 main libraries
.Stale-of-art information system with wifi accessible in living & learning environment
Intemational Education
.Claiming the first International School officially approved in Hubei Province (1999)
.Successful provider of Chinese language and English-medium business andengineering education at various levels for students from Australia, Germany,Singapore, India, Pakistan, Japan, and some other countries.
.Host of international students from various parts of the world for exchangeexperience in a broad range of disciplines
.”University for Excellence in International Education” recognized by HubeiProvincial Government
.”University for Excellence in International Relations and Service for OverseasChinese” recognized by Hubei Provincial Govemment

Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Clinical Medicine Program(Chinese Medium)
Duration of Program
6 years, including 1 year of Pre-medical and Chinese Language education, 4 years of Medical education, and 1 year of Clinical practice (the last of which students can choose to conduct at a qualified hospital in China, their home country or any other country) passing HSK4 exam before starting clinical medicine academic study, passing HSK5 exam before graduation as well.
Core Courses
Chinese language, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Diagnostics,Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and gynecology,Pediatrics
Fee Structure (subject to change for future upon notice)
.Tuition Fees: Year 1:13,000 RMB;Years 2-5: 1,8000 RMB;Year 6: internship tuition standard to be specified upon consulting hosting hospital in due course
.Accommodation fees:3,600 RMB for each Academic Year
.NOTE: other expenses regarding physical examination,residence permit, medical insurance etc. are born by the students according to government agency standard.
Civil Engineering Program (English Medium)
Duration of Program
4 years, including 1 year of Chinese language education,passing HSK4 exam before graduation
Core Courses
Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Soil Mechanics,Engineering Geology, Civil Engineering Materials,Architectural Drawing, Engineering Surveying. Fundamentals of Concrete Structure, Fundamentals of Steel Structure,Foundation Engineering,Civil Engineering Construction,Building Structure Seismic Design, Steel Srtucture Design,Bridge Engineering,Road and Pavement Engineering, Structure Test and Detection
Fee Structure (subject to change for future upon notice)
.Tuition Fees: 16000 RMB
.Accommodation fees: 3,600 RMB for each Academic Year
.NOTE: other expenses regarding physical examination, residence permit, medical insurance etc. are born by the students according to government agency standard.
International Business Administration(English Medium)
Duration of Program
4 years, including 1 year of Chinese language education, passing HSK4 exam before graduation
Core Courses
Management,Economics,Accounting, Financial Management,Marketing,Strategic Management,Human Resource Management, Operation Management,Management Information System,Entrepreneurship,Corporate Govemance, Service management.
Fee Structure (subject to change for future upon notice)
.Tuition Fees: 16000 RMB
.Accommodation fees: 3,600 RMB for each Academic Year
.NOTE: other expenses regarding physical examination,residence permit, medical insurance etc.are born by the students according to government agency standard.

Wuhan University of Science and Technology
How to Apply
Candidates can apply by contacting:
http:/’wust.stay86 .com’stu’platform/lo gin.do
international School, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
a WUST-authorized admission agent in your region
Wuhan University of Science and Technology Contact
International School, Wuhan University of Science and Technology947 HepingAvenue, Qingshan District, wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Post code:430065
Website: www.wust.edu.cn
eEmail:[email protected]