Phiri MosesInfantlv0





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  • I was traveling by coach from Laos. We reached China (the coach station) at 3am so it was dark and quite empty ( not many buildings around ) but there was many taxi drivers shouting to you. Very stressful situation. So me and my friend decided that we have to use one of the taxi because we have no idea were are we and it's super late. Bit I didn't have any Chinese currency on me- just came back from Laos. So the taxi driver which we pick was with his wife. So she showed me and walk with me to the nearest ATM - they were like phone booth but bit bigger. So she went inside with me and was guarding me while I was taking cash out.

    When we reach the hotel she have done the same- she went inside with us and the minute the reception appear she left.

    It was the weirdest thing but I was very grateful and it showed me that people do care about tourist.

    Similar situation was on the train- I was going to Russia but a lady on a train station sold me a standing ticket for 2 days journey. Of course I was not aware of it despite I was buying a ticket in English speaking window. Any way..So when we board the train I have grabbed the first empty seats and stayed there for 4 hours..but every station more people were coming and suddenly there is massive argument between 10 passengers. A young student who spoke English came to me and asked for my ticket so I have shown her- with an pain in her eyes she apologise and gave me a tiny stool and explained that this is not my seat. I was so embarrassed..if I knew that I took someone's seat! So I have spent another 4 hours on the tiny stool but there was one passenger who was constantly talking something out loud..I didn't want to be rude and stare at him but he called the ‘train assistant ‘ and after few minutes he organise for me and a friend a sleeping seat for the rest of the journey.

    He was apologising for the discomfort which I have experienced!

    It was a mind blowing experience! I was shocked and really touched.

    I said huge thank you and also bought him dinner but because of the rules( you can not go from one carriage to another without the ‘train assistant ‘) I was not able to say more thank you face to face.

    So thank you China for your hospitality! It was unforgettable experience

    You have touched my heart and I am grateful for all!

    What is it like to travel to China the first time?
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