Recruitment Notice for Foreign Teachers at Yangtze University in 2024
1. Recruitment positions and requirements for Foreign Teachers at Yangtze University No.SchoolSeatsLanguageLocationCourses TeachingEducational RequirementsProfessional title requirementsNationalityTeaching experience requirements1School of Petroleum Engineering1RussianWuhan CampusCollege Russian Listening and SpeakingGraduate and aboveNoRussianMore than 2 years of teaching experience2School of Urban Construction1EnglishJingzhou Campus (East)Basic Principles of Concrete Structures, Seismic Design of Engineering Structures, and other Civil Engineering related coursesGraduate and aboveNoNoMore than 2 years of teaching experience 2、 Related benefits SalaryNegotiableAccommodationAccommodation is equipped with talent apartments as needed, with complete basic facilitiesTransportationTransportation expenses will be subsidized according to the standards stipulated in the contract for round-trip international airfareHolidaysEnjoy the same statutory holidays as Chinese teachers during holidaysVisaThe school is responsible for assisting in the processing of work permits and work residence visas for foreigners coming to China through visa proceduresInsuranceschool will unify the purchase of accidental injury insurance and disease insurance for foreign teachersChinese language classesForeign teachers can choose to attend Chinese language classes for free in their spare time based on their own Chinese proficiency 3. Contacts: NoSchoolContacts1School of Petroleum EngineeringPhone: 18872939007 Contact: Teacher ZhouMail: [email protected] of Urban ConstructionPhone: 13797318740Contact: Teacher CaiMail: [email protected] Kindly check the below parts for more details. Recruitment Notice for Foreign Teachers at Yangtze University 一、学校介绍 (一)学校概况 长江大学是湖北省属高校中规模最大、学科门类较全的综合性大学,是国家“教育强国推进工程”入选高校、湖北省重点建设的高水平大学、湖北省“国内一流大学建设高校”,也是湖北省人民政府与中国三大石油公司共建、湖北省人民政府与农业农村部共建的高校。 长江大学是博士学位授权单位,各类人才培养层次齐全。现有“地质资源与地质工程”“石油与天然气工程”“作物学”3个一级学科博士学位授权点和3个相应博士后科研流动站,37个一级学科硕士学位授权点,22个硕士专业学位授权类别,具有同等学力人员申请硕士学位授予权。现有智能油气勘探、农产品绿色高效生产、绿色化工与清洁能源、油气智能装备4个“十四五”湖北省优势特色学科群;石油天然气、绿色农业2个“十三五”湖北省优势特色学科群;16个“十二五”省级重点学科和重点(培育)学科。工程学、植物学与动物学、农业科学、地球科学、临床医学、化学、环境与生态学、药理学与毒理学等8个学科进入ESI全球排名1%。学校设有65个本科招生专业(类),其中有6个国家特色专业、11个湖北省品牌专业,25个国家级一流本科专业建设点、24个省级一流本科专业建设点,9个专业入选湖北省战略性新兴(支柱)产业人才培养计划,7个国家级、省部级专业综合改革试点专业。本科专业涉及经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学等11大学科门类。现有全日制普通本科生34290人,全日制博士、硕士研究生7582人,来华留学生348人。 学校现有教职工3055人,专任教师1928人。专任教师中,教授364人,副教授819人;具有博士学位的教师1096人。获批国家、省部级人才项目、专家称号人选293人,其中国家级人才、专家51人。现有博士生导师151人,硕士生导师1217人,兼职博士生导师64人,兼职硕士生导师868人。…- 116
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Study in Yangtze University 5: YU outstanding foreign graduate student – MUHAMMAD BUX
MUHAMMAD BUX Study in Yangtze University: My name is Muhammad Bux, I belong to Pakistan. I did my Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro. I completed my Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering from Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta. Recently, I am PhD student majoring in Oil and Gas Exploring Instruments and Equipment in School of Electronic Information at Yangtze University, Hubei, China. It’s a matter of great honor for me to have an opportunity to work under the supervision of Professor Li Tao and Sun Shiping. I believe, that I will learn a lot under their kind supervisor. Petroleum resources plays a vital role in the economical growth of any country. Pakistan is also rich in oil and gas reservoirs. In Pakistan, exploration and drilling has been exercised since decades through traditional methods. Digital transformation of technology has revolutionized ease in exploration and drilling throughout the world to enhance the petroleum resources. However by using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, I can improve exploration and production of oil and gas in my country. I am so happy and very excited to be part of School of Electronic… -
Study in Yangtze University 4: YU outstanding graduate student – AKWAKWA HOPLA GABRIEL
AKWAKWA YU outstanding graduate student – AKWAKWA HOPLA GABRIEL Hi, today we introduce another YU outstanding graduate student: GABRIEL. My name is AKWAKWA HOPLA GABRIEL from DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (DR CONGO). I’ve been in China since Autumn 2018 and done my master’s degree in microbiology in JiLin Agricultural University, China. Currently, I’m a PhD student majoring in Crop Science in School of Agriculture, Yangtze University. I’m lucky to have a very greatest chance and to have an expert in her field, Prof. XIAOYAN WANG, with whom I’ll be honored to conduct my research as a supervisor for better achievement. Many people have asked me why I decided to continue my doctoral study in China ? China is one of the top countries with the fast-growing technologies will enable me to contribute significantly in shaping our environmental practices for the betterment of our present and future generations also for the food security. Another reason is the best environmental and conditions YU with a wonderful and very equipped laboratory, qualified and an expert professional corpse in the crop sciences field, I received a warm welcome from teachers in School of Agriculture and School of International Education, especially my supervisor Prof. XIAOYAN WANG and my labmates, I’m so grateful about it.YU can help me to acquire advanced knowledge and skills that will… -
Study in Yangtze University 3: YU outstanding foreign graduate student – BAIG MIRZA UMAR
Here is another YU outstanding foreign graduate student – BAIG MIRZA UMAR. BAIG MIRZA UMAR My name is BAIG MIRZA UMAR from Pakistan and my Chinese name is 米范. I am an undergraduate alumnus major in Electrical Engineering from School of Electronics and Information, Yangtze University. I came to Yangtze University in 2012 and graduated in 2016. Yangtze University has given us great opportunities to explore and enhance our ability to face the world and different challenges in a different fields. Yangtze University, where I spent over 4 years, has gradually become my second home, and it is where I have made some of the best memories in my life so far. Yangtze University is where my dreams began and I am very proud to be an alumnus of this wonderful academic institution of excellence. Throughout my experience at Yangtze University, I’ve had the opportunity to mingle with some of the smartest students in China, learn more about the people and culture while studying the language, and most importantly, make friends from all around the world. I would like to thank all teachers and administrative staff in School of Electronics and Information and School of International Education. Life always has… -
Study in Yangtze University: YU outstanding foreign graduate student – MD SUHEL RANA
Today we are going to introduce another outstanding foreign graduate student – MD SUHEL RANA. -
Myanmar Alumni of Yangtze University: Aye Aye Htun
alumni of Yangtze University Here is an excellent alumni of Yangtze University, and her story: I am Aye Aye Htun from Myanmar, a post-graduate research student major in the Plant Protection, School of Agriculture, Yangtze University. I came to Yangtze University in September 2018 and graduated in July 2021. I pursued a Master program in the identification of fungal pathogens that caused plant diseases. As a student interested in pathogenic fungi, grasping the opportunity to study in China was an incredible blessing in my life. With the support of the China Government, our labs are fully equipped. All the teachers are amiable, helpful, and knowledgeable, which helped me complete my master’s course here. I sincerely thank my mentor, Prof. Deng Jianxin, who has given me guidance, support, and encouragement in my studies and student life. I have published four SCI articles (one as a first author and three as a co-author in SCI), and one SCI article as a first author has been reviewed. I would also like to thank the teachers in School of Agriculture and School of International Education, Yangtze University, for their eagerness to help international students; and thank the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) for funding my study in China. In particular, I was… -
Study in Yangtze University: YU outstanding foreign graduate students – DIAKITE SIRIMAN
DIAKITE SIRIMAN is an outstanding foreign graduate student which studied in Yangtze University. Here is his story: My name is DIAKITE Siriman. I’m from Mali. The year 2018 has seen the fulfillment of my lifelong dream: studying in china, the country that is inspiring African nations engaged in the noble path of development. DIAKITE-SIRIMAN Study in Yangtze University Coming to Study in Yangtze University Jingzhou city, where is located Yangtze University, is an ancient city in China. September 11th, 2018 was my first day of Study in Yangtze University with warm welcome of School of International Education. This felt particular good and heartwarming since I was far from my home country. New student orientation classes were the first courses I had on my first arrival at Yangtze University. The class was mainly about campus safety, academic life, and discipline to help us for a safe and happy stay. For the first time, I had to work with students from the five continents (Africa, Europe, Asia, America, and Oceania) in the same classroom. That was a great opportunity! It was like the “United Nations” in the classroom of Yangtze University. Neither the color of the skins, nor the languages, nor religions were…
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