2025 Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program for International Students of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
一、招生类别 Category of Enrollment 全日制研究生(硕士生、博士生) Full-time postgraduates (Master、Ph.D.) 二、申请人资格 Eligibility 1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康; 2. 面向全部留学生; 3. 学历和年龄要求:来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35岁;来华攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过40岁; 4. 奖学金申请人不可同时享受中国各级政府和高校设立的其他奖学金资助。 1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health; 2. To all international students, but for students who apply domestically must be fresh graduates in July 2025, no requirement for overseas students; 3. The requirements for applicants’ degree and age are as followings: ● be a bachelor’s degree holder and no more than 35 when applying for the master’s programs; ● be a master’s degree holder and no more than 40 when applying for the doctoral programs. 4. Applicants are not eligible to receive other scholarship grants from the Chinese government and universities at the same time. 三、奖学金内容和标准 Scholarship Coverage 免学费、免费提供校内住宿、免综合医疗保险费、资助生活费(硕士研究生3000元/月,博士研究生3500元/月)。 Exemption from tuition fee; providing free on-campus accommodation, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and living stipend (Master student: 3000RMB/month, Doctoral student: 3500RMB/month). 四、如何申请及所需材料 How to Apply and Required Materials ? 登录国家留学基金委来华留学网上报名系统(http://www.campuschina.org/),完成网上申请(留学项目种类:B类,江西财经大学机构代码: 10421); 申请材料: 1. 护照复印件(原则上有效期应为十二个月以上); 2. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为应届毕业生,须另外提交现就读学校出具的预毕业证明,中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文; 3. 学习成绩单,中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文; 4. 推荐信。申请攻读硕士、博士学位者须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写; 5. 年龄不满18岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件; 6.《外国人体格检查表》复印件; 7.英语水平证明 8.HSK5级成绩报告(仅针对中文项目); 9.我校预录取通知书; 10.无犯罪记录证明或个人承若书; 11.学习计划或研究计划(最少1000字); 12.《中国政府奖学金申请表》 13. 导师接收函 *申请者应保证所提供的信息和材料真实、准确,杜绝弄虚作假和学术不端的行为,否则取消入学资格。 Visit (https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ ) to view available majors and complete the application online. (Program Category: Type B, Agency No.10421 for Jiangxi Finance and Economics University) Application Documents: 1. Photocopy of Passport… -
2025 Application Instructions for International Students Doctoral Programs at Shandong University
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2025 Application Instructions for International Students Master Programs at Shandong University
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2025 Shenyang Aerospace University CSC High-level Graduate Scholarship Application Starts
1. About ScholarshipChinese Government Scholarship-High-level Graduate Program is a full scholarship established by the Ministry of Education to support Chinese universities to attract outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. Shenyang Aerospace University is one of the prestigious universities designated to undertake this program to recruit graduate students for Master ... -
2025 Shandong Second Medical University International Graduate Enrollment Brochure
2025 Shandong Second Medical University International Graduate Enrollment BrochureDownload -
2025/2026 Liaoning University Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduate Program Admission Brochure
China Universities and Admissions Liaoning University 2025/2026 Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduate Program Admission Brochure In accordance with the notice from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) regarding the application for the Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduate Program for the 2025/2026 academic year, Liaoning University extends a warm welcome and invites outstanding young talents from around the world to apply for the High-Level Postgraduate Program supported by the Chinese Government Scholarship at Liaoning University. Application for receiving institution: Liaoning University Receiving institution code: 10140 Scholarship Program Type: Type B I. Admission Categories and Majors 1.Admission Categories: Master's Degree, Doctoral Degree 辽宁大学2025/2026学年中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生”项目专业目录及导师简介(硕士研究生)List of Majors and Instructors for Liaoning University2025/2026 Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduate Program (Professional Master's Degree) 序号Serial number 招生单位College/School 学科代码及专业名称Discipline Code and Major Name 招生层次Degree 学制Duration of Study 授课语言Language 导师姓名Name of Master's Supervisor 导师简介Instructor's Introduction 导师邮箱Mailbox 备注Notes 01 哲学院School of Philosophy Liaoning University 010101马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy 硕士研究生ProfessionalMaster's Degree 3年3year 中文Chinese 吕梁山 吕梁山,辽宁大学哲学院教授、博士生导师。研究方向为马克思主义哲学和国外马克思主义理论。 [email protected] 02 哲学院School of Philosophy Liaoning University 010101马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy 硕士研究生ProfessionalMaster's Degree 3年3year 中文Chinese 叔贵峰 叔贵峰,辽宁大学哲学院院长、教授、博士生导师。研究方向为马克思基础理论。 [email protected] 03 哲学院School of Philosophy Liaoning University 010103外国哲学Foreign Philosophy 硕士研究生ProfessionalMaster's Degree 3年3year 中文Chinese 叔贵峰 叔贵峰,辽宁大学哲学院院长、教授、博士生导师。研究方向为德国古典哲学。 [email protected] 04 哲学院School of Philosophy Liaoning University 010103外国哲学Foreign Philosophy 硕士研究生ProfessionalMaster's Degree 3年3year 中文Chinese 李勇 李勇,辽宁大学哲学院教授、博士生导师。研究方向为东方哲学和中西哲学比较。 [email protected] 05 哲学院School of Philosophy Liaoning University…- 11
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2025 Beijing University of Chemical Technology President Scholarship Enrollment Brochure
Beijing 2025年 北京化工大学校长奖学金招生简章 北京化工大学创办于1958年,原名北京化工学院,是新中国为“培养尖端科学发展所需的高级化工技术人才”而创建的一所高水平大学。作为教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”和“985优势学科创新平台”重点建设院校,国家“双一流”建设高校,北京化工大学肩负着高层次创新人才培养和基础性、前瞻性科学研究以及原创性高新技术开发的使命。 经过66年建设发展,学校形成了“宏德博学,化育天工”的校训和“团结奉献,艰苦奋斗,务实力行,博学创新”的化大精神。目前,学校已发展成为一所理科基础坚实,工科实力雄厚,管理学、经济学、法学、文学、教育学、哲学、医学等学科富有特色的多科性重点大学,形成了本科教育、研究生教育、国际学生教育、继续教育等多层次人才培养格局。现有17个院(系),在校全日制本科生15600余人,研究生9200余人(其中博士1700余人),学历留学生近400人,继续教育学生2100余人。教职员工2700多名,其中包括8名中国科学院和中国工程院院士及5名国际院士。 学校学科实力稳步增强,化学工程与技术入选新一轮“双一流”建设学科,在国家第五轮学科评估中A类学科取得显著突破。化学、材料科学、工程学居ESI排名居全球前1‰,化学、材料科学、工程学、生物学与生物化学、生态环境学、计算机科学、农业科学、地球科学、物理学、药理学和毒理学等10个学科位列ESI排名前1%。 北京化工大学与全球160余国外机构建立了合作伙伴关系,为国际学生提供多种教育课程,包括中英文学士、硕士和博士课程、中国语言和文化课程以及暑期科学营。 招收专业及学制(仅招收博士研究生) 博士项目 ※英文授课专业 (学习时长:4年)学院专业名称授课语言化学工程学院https://chem.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:https://chem.buct.edu.cn/szdw/list.htm化学工程与技术※英文环境科学与工程※英文材料科学与工程学院https://cmse.buct.edu.cn/导师目录:http://cmse.buct.edu.cn/4508/list.htm材料科学与工程※英文化学※英文机电工程学院https://mech.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:https://mech.buct.edu.cn/3093/list.htm动力工程与工程热物理※英文信息科学与技术学院https://cist.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:https://cist.buct.edu.cn/974/list.htm控制科学与工程※英文经济管理学院https://sem.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:https://sem.buct.edu.cn/10350/list.htm管理科学与工程※英文化学学院https://chemistry.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:http://chemistry.buct.edu.cn/ysfc/list.htm化学※英文化学工程与技术※英文生命科学与技术学院https://life.buct.edu.cn/导师目录:https://life.buct.edu.cn/szll/list.htm生物工程※英文化学工程与技术※英文北京软物质科学与工程高精尖创新中心https://baicsm.buct.edu.cn/main.htm导师目录:https://baicsm.buct.edu.cn/3430/list.htm化学工程与技术※英文环境科学与工程※英文材料科学与工程※英文化学※英文生物工程※英文 注:请仔细阅读招生简章:学历生项目 奖学金 北京化工大学校长奖学金(仅招收博士研究生) 学费校内住宿费生活费医疗保险期限备注√√√ √800元/年4年需通过每年年度评审,方可继续享受下一学年奖学金 如何申请? 申请人必须透过以下两个网站递交申请: 北京化工大学网上申请系统http://study.buct.edu.cn CSC申请系统https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn(北京化工大学机构代码是10010)。 注:北京化工大学校长奖学金项目只招收博士研究生。奖学金内容和申请流程与中国政府奖学金B类相同。 奖学金截止日期 2025年5月 -----北京化工大学校长奖学金 https://sie.buct.edu.cn/2024/1206/c2547a201975/page.htm -
2025 Hebei University of Economics and Business Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Graduate Program Enrollment Brochure
中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生”项目是中国教育部提供的奖学金,用于具备招生资格的中国政府奖学金院校推荐优秀来华留学生来华学习。河北经贸大学参与执行该项目,可推荐招收优秀来华留学生来河北经贸大学攻读硕士学位。一、资助类别、期限、授课语言及专业1.资助类别:硕士研究生2.资助期限:包括中文补习和专业学习时间。中文补习资助期限一般为一年,硕士专业学习资助期限2-3年。3.授课语言:中文4. 招生专业序号招生专业学... -
2025 Fujian Medical University Enrollment Brochure for Graduate Students Studying in China
学校描述,一、招生专业详见福建医科大学2025年来华留学研究生招生专业目录.pdf二、申请日期(一)非中国政府奖学金项目:2024年11月30日—2025年6月30日。(二)中国政府奖学金项目:按照中国国家留学基金管理委员会要求的流程申请。相关信息请点击下方链接查阅:https://oec.fjmu.edu.cn/en/2022/0314/c6717a164083/page.htm三、申请条件(一)国籍要求1.非中国籍公民,身心健康(无色盲、无色弱)。2.对于移民并获得外国国籍后申请作为国际学生来我校学习的,应持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在外国实际居住2年以上的记录(一年中实际在外国居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准);若有上述情况的,申请者须提供相关证明材料并接受我校或出入境管理部门核查确认国籍身份情况。(二)年龄、学历要求申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学历,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过36周岁。申请攻读博士学位者,应当具有硕士学位或同等学历,学习成绩优秀,年龄一般不超过40周岁。(三)语言要求1.汉语授 -
2025 Wuhan Conservatory of Music International Student Master’s Enrollment Brochure
学校简介武汉音乐学院是我国中部地区唯一独立设置的高等音乐学府。1953年11月19日,由中南文艺学院、华南人民文学艺术学院和广西省立艺术专科学校之音乐部分组建而成的中南音乐专科学校,是武汉音乐学院的建校起点。中南文艺学院的前身包括私立武昌艺术专科学校(1930)、湖南省音乐专科学校(1947)、中原大学文艺学院(1949);华南人民文学艺术学院的前身有广东省立艺术专科学校(1940)、广州市立艺术专科学校(1947)和香... -
Admission Brochure of Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs for International Applicants of Shanghai Conservatory of Music 2025
Foreigner PhysIcal Examination Form.pdfExpert recommendation... -
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) International Student Enrollment Brochure 2025
如果您无法在线浏览此 PDF 文件,则可以下载免费小巧的 福昕(Foxit) PDF 阅读器,安装后即可在线浏览 或下载免费的 Adobe Reader PDF 阅读器,安装后即可在线浏览 或下载此 PDF 文,- 11
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CUMTB International Student Admissions Brochure – 2025
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a member of the "211 Project," "985 Advantageous DisciplinesInnovation Platform Project," and a "Double First-Class" university. It is one of the first batch of universities in the national industry-university-research strategic alliance. In 1960 and 1978, the university wa... -
Chongqing Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Graduate Program Enrollment Brochure 2025
1.该奖学金只用于招收非中国籍公民,中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生项目”系国家留学基金委设立的全额奖学金项目,旨在支持建设重庆市高水平大学,吸引优秀外国留学生来华学习。重庆师范大学现面向全球招收2025级全日制中国政府奖学金硕士/博士研究生。一、 奖学金申请截止日期2025年3月1日。二、 奖学金资助内容和标准(一)包括学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费。 (二)资助标准 1.免学费。 2.免住宿费。 3.生活费:硕士...- 10
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Application Brochure of High Level Graduate Program with Chinese Government Scholarship of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics 2025
一、奖学金介绍“中国政府奖学金高水平研究生项目”是中国教育部向部分中国高水平大学提供的全额奖学金,用于高校直接遴选和招收优秀的外国青年学生来华攻读研究生学位。二、资助类别、期限、内容及授课语言1. 资助类别:高水平研究生项目可招收硕士研究生和博士研究生。2. 自主期限:3年3. 资助内容:提供学费、生活费、校内宿舍、综合医疗保险。资助生活费具体标准:硕士研究生:3000元人民币/月/人博士研究生:3500元人民... -
2025-2026 Nanjing Forestry University Application Guide for Chinese Government Scholarship-High-level Postgraduate Program
Zhongshan Mausoleum of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing I. Program Description The Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program is a full-time, full scholarship program funded by the Chinese government for the enrollment of outstanding international students for postgraduate studies at Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU) commencing in Academic Year 2025-2026. II. Program Category High-level Postgraduate Program (Type B, School Code: 10298). Please see below for the reference:https://www.campuschina.org/content/details3_74776.html. III. Available Programs College Degree Programs Teaching Language Master PhD College of Forestry and Grassland,College of Soil and Water Conservation Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Chinese/English √ √ Silviculture Chinese/English √ √ Forest Protection Chinese/English √ √ Forest Management Chinese/English √ √ Wildlife Protection and Utilization Chinese/English √ √ Ornamental Plants and Horticulture Science Chinese/English √ √ Water and Soil Conservation and Desertification Control Chinese/English √ √ College of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chinese/English √ Chemical Technology Chinese/English √ Bio-chemical Engineering Chinese/English √ Applied Chemistry Chinese/English √ Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products Chinese/English √ √ Biomass Energy Science and Engineering Chinese/English √ College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chinese/English √ √ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal…- 16
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2025 Central South University International Graduate Admissions Brochure 2025年中南大学国际学生研究生招生简章
一、招生类别全日制硕士研究生:学制三年;修满规定学分、考核合格且通过毕业论文答辩者,颁发硕士研究生毕业证书,经学位审查通过者,授予硕士学位;全日制博士研究生:学制四年;修满规定学分、考核合格且通过毕业论文答辩者,颁发博士研究生毕业证书,经学位审查通过者,授予博士学位。二、专业目录专业目录见 2025年国际研究生招生专业列表.xlsx部分专业单独设有招生备注的,必须满足该条件方可申请。三、申请条件1. 申请者...- 15
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2025 International Student Enrollment Brochure of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
2025 International Student Enrollment Brochure of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. -
Guangxi Normal University Scholarship for International Master and Ph.D Students
The College of International Culture and Education (CICE) of Guangxi Normal University was established in February 2000, on the basis of the Center for Training Chinese Language as a Second Language and the Center for International Exchanges of Culture and Education which was founded in 1979. It now consists of the Department of Chinese Language and Culture and the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, enrolling students to undertake 4-year undergraduate programs or to study in the long-term and short-term programs. It is responsible mainly for the enrollment and teaching of international students and Chinese students studying in the joint-venture education programs. The college now has a full-time Chinese teaching staff as many as 18 people, of whom there are 1 professor, 5 associate professors, 5 doctors and would-be doctors. The college is equipped with a highly-competent teaching staff, well-qualified administrators, and up-to-date facilities. It possesses a multi-functional International Exchange Building with a floor space of 15,000 square meters, which is facilitated with a convention hall, multi-media classroom, computer network room, audio-visual room, sound laboratory, reading room, reference library, recreational center, cafeteria, etc.. Its International Service Center prepares rooms of various standards to accommodate around 1,000 people with its good…- 11
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