Lishui University Admission Guide
Introduction of LSU (Lishui University) 丽水学院是浙江省丽水市的一所公办全日制高等院校,具有硕士学位授予权。学校创办于1907年,起源于处州初级师范学堂,2004年升格为丽水学院。学校通过了教育部的本科教学合格评估和审核评估,并被列为浙江省应用型建设试点示范学校。2021年,学校获得了硕士学位授予单位的资格,并获得教育、农业、护理硕士学位授权。 Lishui University is a distinguished public institution of higher education situated in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. With the authority to confer master's degrees, the university boasts a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1907 as Chuzhou Junior Normal School. In 2004, it underwent an upgrade, becoming Lishui University. The university has successfully passed the evaluation and assessment for undergraduate teaching qualifications conducted by the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, it has been recognized as a pilot demonstration university for applied construction in Zhejiang Province. In 2021, Lishui University was granted the status of a master's degree-granting institution, authorized to confer master's degrees in the fields of education, agriculture, and nursing. 丽水学院有两个校区,分别位于莲都区和松阳县,校园占地面积1257.4亩,建筑面积46万平方米。学校拥有图书馆,馆藏纸质图书168万册,电子图书147万册,纸质期刊870种,电子资源数据库34个,其中包括5个外文数据库。学校设有12个教学机构,涵盖民族学院、教师教育学院、生态学院、数学与计算机学院、工学院、医学院、商学院(华侨学院)、中国青瓷学院、音乐学院、马克思主义学院、职业技术学院和继续教育学院。学校有13300多名全日制在校生和1100多名教职工,其中包括116名正高级专业技术职务人员。学校拥有6名国家级人才,包括中国科学院院士和“百千万人才工程”人选,以及6名省部级人才,包括省特级专家和省重点引才计划专家。学校还建有1个院士(专家)工作站和2个省级博士后工作站。 Lishui University encompasses two campuses located in Liandu District and Songyang County, covering a total area of 1,257.4 acres, with a building area spanning 460,000 square meters. The university prides itself on its remarkable library collection, which includes 1.68 million printed books, 1.47 million e-books, 870 printed journals, and 34 electronic resource databases, including 5 foreign language databases. The academic structure of Lishui University consists of 12 faculties, namely Ethnic, Teacher Education, Ecology, Mathematics and Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Business (Overseas Chinese),…- 97
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2024 Enrollment Guideline for International Students Of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (JUST)
学校描述,Enrollment Guideline for International Students 2024OfJiangsu University of Science and Technology (JUST)1. Program TypeBachelor、master and doctorate programs are open to international students in 2024. JUST offers programs in Chinese as well as in English.2. Programs and Candidate SeatsProgramsSchoolSpecialtyDurationDegreeBachelorSchool of Computer Science and TechnologyComputer Science and Technology4 YearsSchool of Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringSchool of Mechanical EngineeringMechanical E- 36
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Liaoning University of Technology Admissions 2024
About LUT (Liaoning University of Technology) Founded in 1951, Liaoning University of Technology (LUT) is a provincial university of higher learning. It is a multifaceted university with engineering as its specialty, as well as offering instruction in science, liberal arts, economics, and management studies. Presently it serves over 14,000 undergraduates and 578 postgraduates. LUT has 18 colleges and faculties. Forty-seven undergraduate specialties and forty-four post-graduate specialties are offered, which includes 7 first level master degrees and 37 second class master degrees covering 9 fields of authorized Engineering master degree, 13 higher vocational college specialties. LUT has 3 national key laboratories, provincial key laboratories, 5 central and local co-founded laboratories of preponderant discipline and 2 provincial research centers of engineering technology. LUT has a team of 1, 278 staff members. Among the 780 fulltime teachers, there are 148 professors, 300 associate professors, one course leader recognized by the Provincial Ministry of Education, 57 university-level course leaders, academic leaders and excellent young core teachers. Our professors have proven a record of doing strong scientific research. In the past five years, they have completed more than 500 scientific research projects; and have received 25 awards at the provincial level and published over 4,…- 56
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Major Settings and Fees for International Students at Liaoning University of Science and Technology Bachelor Degree Programs Majors Civil Engineering Computer Science and Technology Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation(Mechanical Engineering) Chinese Language Program Summer Camp ProgramKey MajorsDurationTuitionBachelor DegreeCivil Engineering Computer Science and TechnologyMechanical Design, Manufacturing andAutomation(Mechanical Engineering)4 years14,000Yuan/year SemesterFeesElementaryLevelIntermediateLevelAdvancedLevelSpring (March)10,000 Yuan / YearFall (September) Accommodation Fee Room TypesFeesRemarksSingle Room8000Yuan / YearSeparate bathroom with air conditionerTwin Room4000Yuan / YearSeparate bathroom with air conditioner Contact Liaoning University of Science and Technology to learn more ,click here Related : 延边大学招生信息- 28
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WUXI UNIVERSITY ADMISSION has been released. The following is a full guide how to applicate for foreign students ,including shcool overview, applicate material, tuition fee and contact information of WUXI University. I. School Overview WuxiUniversity, a public undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education,isadministered by the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and organized by the People's Government of Wuxi City. Wuxi University’s root stretches back to 2002 when Binjiang College of Nanjing University of InformationScience and Technology was founded. Located in No. 333, Xishan Avenue, Wuxi City,WuxiUniversity is adjacent to the core area of the CBD in Xidong New Urban Area. The campus possesses excellent geographical location and picturesque scenery with only one kilometer away from from Wuxi East Railway Station as well as Metro Line 2. It covers a total area of 1101 acres and a construction area of 310,000 square meters. Currently there are 11078 students, including 406 graduates and 287 international students. Wuxi University consists of 14 secondary Schools including School of IOT Engineering, School of Computer, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, School of Automation, School of Rail Transportation Sciences, School of Environment and Bioengineering, School of Atmospheric Sciences and Remote Sensing, School of Mathematics and…- 87
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Admission of Hangzhou Normal University-A Great University which Produces Giants
Here we introduce the admission of Hangzhou Normal University, A Great University which Produces Giants.- 108
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