2022 Shanghai Dianji University
Autumn International Student
(undergraduate) enrollment brochure

Shanghai Dianji University
Shanghai Dianji University(SDJU), whose history dates back to 1953, is a public institution of higher
learning, with its orientation towards advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, taking engineering as its dominant and coordinately developing other disciplines of economics, management, literature, art and science. SDJU has two campuses, Lingang and Minhang, with the total area of nearly 200 acres, and more than 13,000 full-time post-graduate, undergraduate and junior college students. Ratified and approved by the ADCCSC as an educational institution granting master’s degrees, SDJU now has five postgraduate programs, namely, energy power, international business, electronic information,machinery, materials and chemical industry.
There are 39 undergraduate programs, 8 junior college programs, including 1 first-class state-level
undergraduate program, 2 programs with distinctive nation-wide features, 3 programs of “excellent engineer education”authorized by the Education Ministry,10 first-class local undergraduate programs, 11
application-oriented undergraduate pilot programs, 1 model program of all-English teaching, and 3 programs have passed the certification of engineering education. In addition, there are 2 state-level education centers for engineering internship. SDJU is among the first nation-wideCDIO pilot universities and the first model universities in Shanghai to further the educational reform for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The school has gathered a group of high-level scholars and experts, including national-level professors,
nationally outstanding young scholars, experts enjoying special State Council allowances, and leading local talents. There are more than 1,100 faculty members, including 855 full-time teachers, among whom there are 329 teachers with senior professional and technical positions, and 374 teachers with doctoral degrees (accounting for 43.7% of the total number of full-time teachers).
Under its development strategy of internationalization, SDJU has always been adhering to its open model of school running. In May 2021, Kaiserslautern Intelligent Manufacturing School of Shanghai Dianji University, a school jointly established by SDJU and Hochschule Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Germany, was approved and authorized by the China Education Ministry. It also has built cooperative relations with 50 colleges and universities in 20 countries and regions, among which mutual recognition of credits with more than 16 colleges and universities has been implemented. Meanwhile, more than 1,300 students have been sent to overseas for exchange in recent years. There is an International Economics and Trade Program, a Sino-US cooperative undergraduate education program. There are more than 210 undergraduates who are studying in the 4 English taughtmajors(InternationalEconomics and Trade,Marketing, Automation,Software Engineering ),language program.
一、学校介绍Shanghai Dianji University About SDJU
Name of the University: Shanghai Dianji University
Address: 300 Shuihua Road, Pudong District, Shanghai
Level: Undergraduate,Graduate
Type: Higher Education (Public University)
Types of diploma or degree conferred once all the requirements being met:Undergraduate Graduation
Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Postgraduate Graduation Diploma, Master’s Degree.
二、专业介绍Shanghai Dianji University About our majors
For the list & Introduction of Chinese-taught programs, see https://zhaosheng.sdju.edu.cn/4834/list.htm
Or Scan the QR Code。
2.英文授课专业English-taught programs:
(1) 自动化Automation
Objectives of Study:This major aims at developing knowledge, ability and quality all-round
development to master the field of automation basic theory, basic knowledge and professional skills, and
enterprises engaged industrial automation for manufacturing systems, automation equipment, intelligent
transportation and other aspects of engineering design, technology development, system operation
management and maintenance work of complex automation engineering and technical personnel.
Core courses:Circuit Theory, Electronics, Digital Logic circuit, Principles & Interface Techniques of
Micro-computer, Automatic Control Principle, Principles and Applications of the Programmable Logic
Control, Sensor and Detection Technology, DCS and Field Bus Technology, Process control, Computer
Control Technology
Major practice part: Professional practice, Social skills, Engineering-Basic Training, Subject & major
course practice, Comprehensive experimental, Graduate practice and Graduate project (paper)
(2)软件工程Software Engineering
Objectives of Study: This program is based on core skills of Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology for Software Engineering that meets the requirements of Shanghai Dianji University
instructional guidelines. The Software Engineering curriculum provides a broad education in the
fundamentals of Software Engineering. The TSDJU core is made up of a general education courses and
specific Software Engineering requirements of the accreditation guidelines such as software requirement
analysis and design, application software development, software testing and quality assurance and
software project management and maintenance. The educational objectives are to provide each graduate
with:1)Engineering Competence that graduates are competent and engaged professionals in their field;
2)Continuous Learning Skills that graduates continue developing professionally; 3)Professional Skills
that graduates demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills, and are contributors in their profession;
4)Societal Awareness that graduates recognize the societal, ethical, and global impacts of their work.
Core courses: Advanced Programming Language, Object-Oriented Programming (JAVA), Data
Structures(JAVA), Database Principles and Application, Software Engineering, Software Testing and
Quality Assurance, Software Project Management,WEB Programming
Major practice part: Professional practice, Social skills, Engineering-Basic Training, Subject & major
course practice, Comprehensive experimental, Graduate practice and Graduate project (paper)
(3)国际经济与贸易International Economy& Trade
Objectives of Study: This major aims at cultivating international and applied talents fully developed in
virtue, intelligence, body and aesthetic with international vision, strong financial knowledge and heritage,
generous economic and professional theory as well as good professional skills to master modern methods of economic analysis, familiar with international business models, have strong English communication skills so that they can work in government sectors, foreign trade enterprises and foreign financial institutions engaged in practical operation and research.
Core courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Principle of Management Science, Principles of
Accounting, International Economics, International Trade Practice, International Marketing,International
Business Law, International Trade Finance, Supply Management Chain & Purchase
Major practice part: Professional practice, Social skills, Business-Basic Training, Subject&major course
practice, Comprehensive experimental, Graduate practice and Graduate project(paper)
Objectives of Study: Adhering to the “technology-centered, application-oriented”educational ideology,
this program is amied to cultivate the talents who have comprehensive, practical ability, humanistic
quality and developmental potential, who are able to analyze, plan and manage in marketing and
E-commerce, who have strong English communication skills so that they can work in government sectors,
foreign enterprises and institutions engaged in practical operation and research.
Core courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Principle of Management Science, Principles of
Accounting, Principles of Marketing, Service Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Market Research,
Integrated Marketing Communication, International Marketing
Major practice part: Professional practice, Social skills, Business-Basic Training, Subject & major
course practice, Comprehensive experimental, Graduate practice and Graduate project (paper)

Shanghai Dianji University
三、学制Shanghai Dianji University Period of Study
四年 Four Years
四、费用(人民币)Cost (in RMB yuan)
1.学费 Tuition:20000/年 year
2.住宿费 Accommodation
On-campus Dormitory Room (Double room):4800/year
备注 Notes:
(1)入住时须按学年一次性缴清住宿费用。Accommodation fee shall be paid by academic year.
(2)空调费500/年(根据个人需要向第三方公司租赁)Aservice fee of 500/year shall be charged for the
room air conditioner (according to your personal needs).
(3)电热水器220/年(根据个人需要向第三方公司租赁)A service fee of 220/year shall be charged for
the room electric water heater (according to your personal needs).
(4)水费和电费根据实际使用收取Water and electricity shall be charged according to actual
3.保险费 Insurance:800/年 year
五、奖学金 Scholarship
Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students:Class B
Please apply at Study in Shanghai(http://study.edu.sh.gov.cn/apply/)
Shanghai Dianji University Scholarship for International Students:Class 1 and Class 2
金。1st semester:The University will award those who are qualified with scholarship via phone or internet
学金的名单。2nd semester: The academic and daily performance of freshmen will be evaluated by the end of the 1st semester, according to which the scholarship of the 2nd semester will be decided.
Please apply at Shanghai Dianji University Online Application System
Please consult International Education School
张老师(Kurt Zhang)
电话 Tel:021-38221150
七、申请条件Application Requirements
1.中文授课Chinese-taught Programs
Applicants must hold a high school diploma, be in good health, aged from 18 to 28 and with HSK
LEVEL 4 or above. If the applicants are not proficient enough in Chinese to follow the program,
one-year Chinese course can be arranged. To start major study, HSK LEVEL 4 is required.
申请材料Documents required:
(1) 护照照片页复印件Passport photo page
(2) 最高学历证明及成绩单(需公证)复印件Highest diploma and transcripts in English or Chinese
(authentication is needed)
(3) 体检证明复印件Health check report
(5) 学习计划Study/research plan
(6)由中国官方出具的无犯罪记录证明或在校期间无违纪违规证明Police Clearance Certificate or
Character Certificate issued by Chinese officials or universities
(7)2寸彩照1张1 passport-size photo
(8) 其他材料(包括获奖证书、推荐信、转学证明、工作证明等)Other documents if applicable
(other certificates, letters of recommendation, transfer letter, working certificate, etc.)
2.英文授课 English-taught Programs
Applicants must hold a high school diploma, be in good health, aged from 18 to 28, and should be able to listen, speak, read and write in English fluently, to communicate with others and study all the courses in
English proficiently.
申请材料Documents required:
(1)护照照片页复印件Passport photo page
(2) 最高学历证书及成绩单(需公证)复印件Highest diploma and transcripts in English or Chinese
(authentication is needed)
(3) 体检证明复印件Health check report
(4) 英语水平证书(入学后学校将组织英语水平测试,不达标的同学,需要参加自费预科补习,
直至达标)English level certificate (A preparatory English course shall be taken at his/her
expense if one doesn’t pass the English level test after registration at SDJU )
(5)学习计划Study/research plan
(6)由中国官方出具的无犯罪记录证明或在校期间无违纪违规证明Police Clearance Certificate or
Character Certificate issued by Chinese officials or universities
(7) 2寸彩照1张1 passport-size photo
(8) 经济情况证明(如存款证明、中国境内银行账户明细等)Financial Supporting Materials
(Deposit Certificate, Bank Account balance details, etc)
(9) 其他材料(包括获奖证书、推荐信、转学证明、工作证明等)Other documents if applicable
(other certificates, letters of recommendation,transfer letter, working certificate, etc.

Shanghai Dianji University
八、申请时间Open Period for Application
Application will be open before July 31th, 2022.
We are looking forward to your impressive presence in Shanghai Dianji University!
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