2024 Shandong University of Arts
Admission Brochure for International Students
(Master Programmes)
2024年山东艺术学院国际学生(硕士研究生) 招生简章

I. Eligibility to Apply for Shandong University of Arts
1. 基本要求
1. Basic requirements
(1) 身心健康,对华友好,无违法犯罪记录,持外国有效普通护照的非中国籍公民;
(1) Applicants must be physically and mentally healthy, friendly to China, have no criminal record, and be non-Chinese citizens holding a valid regular foreign passport;
(2) 具有中国教育部认可的院校所授予的学士学位。
(2) Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree awarded by an institution accredited by Chinese Ministry of Education.
2. Language proficiency
Applicants must pass the HSK Level 5 examination.
II. Application Time of Shandong University of Arts
申请时间:即日起– 2024年6月20日。
Application period: From now until June 20, 2024.
Note: After the application deadline, no supplementary materials will be accepted. Applicants are advised to complete their applications at least two weeks before the deadline.
III. Programmes of Shandong University of Arts
Each applicant can only apply for one programme. In principle, changes to the chosen programme will not be allowed after the application deadline.
(Full-time Academic Degree Programmes)
院系 School of Shandong University of Arts |
研究方向代码及名称 Field of Research Code and Name |
学制 Duration |
学费(元)/人/年 Tuition Fee (yuan/person/year) |
音乐学院 School of Music (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 音乐史论研究 01 Research on Music History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 作曲技术理论研究 02 Theoretical Research on Composition Technique |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
美术学院 School of Fine Arts (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 美术史论研究 01 Research on Art History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
戏剧学院 School of Drama (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 戏剧史论研究 01 Research on Drama History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
现代音乐学院 School of Contemporary Music (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 音乐史论研究 01 Research on Music History |
3年 3 years |
设计学院 Design College of Shandong University of Arts (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 设计史论研究 01 Research on Design History |
3年 3 years |
设计学院 Design College of Shandong University of Arts (设计学 137000) (Design 137000) |
01 视觉传达设计 理论 研究 01 Theoretical Research on Visual Communication Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 产品设计理论研究 02 Theoretical Research on Product Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 陶 瓷 艺术创作 理论 研究 03 Theoretical Research on Ceramic Art Creation |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 现代手工 艺术创作 理论研究 04 Theoretical Research on Modern Handicraft Art Creation |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
艺术管理学院 College of Arts Management (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 艺术学理论 01 Art Theory |
3年 3 years |
舞蹈学院 School of Dance (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 舞蹈学研究 01 Dance Studies |
3年 3 years |
戏曲学院 School of Traditional Opera (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 戏曲与曲艺理论研究 01 Theoretical Research on Opera and Folk Art |
3年 3 years |
传媒学院 Media & Communication College (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 影视学研究 01 Film and Television Studies |
3年 3 years |
书法学院 Calligraphy College of Shandong University of Arts (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 书法史论研究 01 Research on Calligraphy History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
艺术研究院 Academy of Arts (艺术学 130100) (Art Studies 130100) |
01 作曲技术理论研究 01 Theoretical Research on Composition Technique |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 戏剧史论研究 02 Research on Drama History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 设计史论研究 03 Research on Design History |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
(Full-time Professional Degree Programmes)
院系 School of Shandong University of Arts |
研究方向代码及名称 Field of Research Code and Name |
学制 Duration |
学费(元)/人/年 Tuition Fee (yuan/person/year) |
音乐学院 School of Music (音乐 135200) (Music 135200) |
01 声乐演唱艺术 01 Vocal Music |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 西方管弦乐器演奏艺术(含打击乐) 02 The Performance of Western Orchestral Instruments (including percussion) |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 中国乐器演奏艺术 03 The Performance of Chinese Musical Instruments |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 键盘乐器演奏艺术 04 The Performance of Keyboard Musical Instruments |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
05 作曲艺术 05 Composition |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
美术学院 School of Fine Arts (美术与书法 135600) (Fine Art and Calligraphy 135600) |
01 绘画艺术 01 The Art of Painting |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 中国画艺术 02 The Art of Traditional Chinese Painting |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 雕塑艺术 03 The Art of Sculpture |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 实验艺术 04 The Art of Experiment |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
05 美术教育实践 05 Art Education Practice |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
戏剧学院 School of Drama (戏剧与影视 135400) (Drama, Film and Television 135400) |
01 戏剧影视表导演艺术 01 The Art of Drama, Film and Television Performing and Directing |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 戏剧影视编剧艺术 02 The Art of Drama, Film and Television Screenwriting |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 广播电视艺术 03 The Art of Radio and Television |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
现代音乐学院 School of Contemporary Music (音乐 135200) (Music 135200) |
01 声乐演唱艺术 01 Vocal Music |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 键盘乐器演奏艺术 02 The Performance of Keyboard Musical Instruments |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 现代器乐演奏艺术 03 The Performance of Modern Instrumental Music |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 音乐剧表演艺术 04 The Performance of Musical Drama |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
05 音乐剧作曲艺术 05 The Art of Musical Composition |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
06 音乐教育 06 Music Education |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
07 合唱指挥艺术 07 The Art of Choral Conducting |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
设计学院 Design College of Shandong University of Arts (设计 135700) (Design 135700) |
01 视觉传达设计 01 Visual Communication Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 环境设计 02 Environmental Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 产品设计 03 Product Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 陶瓷艺术 04 Ceramic Art |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
05 工艺美术 05 Arts and Crafts |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
舞蹈学院 School of Dance (舞蹈 135300) (Dance 135300) |
01 舞蹈创作与实践 01 Dance Creation and Practice |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 舞蹈教育与实践 02 Dance Education and Practice |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
戏曲学院 School of Traditional Opera (戏曲与曲艺 135500) (Opera and Folk Art 135500) |
01 戏曲表演艺术 01 Opera Performance |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 戏曲音乐艺术 02 The Art of Opera Music |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 曲艺艺术 03 Folk Art |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
传媒学院 Media & Communication College of Shandong University of Arts (戏剧与影视 135400) (Drama, Film and Television 135400) |
01 动画艺术 01 The Art of Animation |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 影视艺术创作 02 Film and Television Art Creation |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
03 摄影艺术 03 Photography Art |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
04 数字媒体艺术 04 Digital Media Arts |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
城市艺术与创意学院 School of Urban Arts and Creativity (美术与书法 135600) (Fine Art and Calligraphy 135600) |
01 文物保护与修复 01 Cultural Relics Preservation and Restoration |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
城市艺术与创意学院 School of Urban Arts and Creativity (设计 135700) (Design 135700) |
02 传统文化传承与创新设计 02 Traditional Culture Inheritance and Innovative Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
电影学院 School of Film (戏剧与影视 135400) (Drama, Film and Television 135400) |
01 电影与舞台美术设计 01 Film and Stage Art Design |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
02 电影艺术创作 02 Film Art Creation |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
书法学院 Calligraphy College of Shandong University of Arts (美术与书法 135600) (Fine Art and Calligraphy 135600) |
01 书法篆刻艺术 01 The Art of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |
艺术研究院 Academy of Arts (戏剧与影视 135400) (Drama, Film and Television 135400) |
01 戏剧影视表导演艺术 01 The Art of Drama, Film and Television Performing and Directing |
3年 3 years |
28,000 |

IV. Application Procedures to Apply Shandong University of Arts
申请者可登录山东艺术学院国际交流合作处官网(https://gjjlhzc.sdca.edu.cn/)下载《山东艺术学院外国留学生入学申请表》,完成填写后附第五项中的申请材料发送到指定邮箱:[email protected]。
Applicants are encouraged to visit the official website of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office at Shandong University of Arts (https://gjjlhzc.sdca.edu.cn/) to download the Shandong University of Arts Application Form for International Students. Once the form is completed, applicants are required to submit the specified application materials outlined in Item V to the designated email address: [email protected].
V. Application Materials for Applying for Shandong University of Arts
1. Personal information page of the passport (regular personal passport valid beyond October 31, 2024);
2. Undergraduate diploma/degree certificate or pre-graduation certificate (the pre-graduation certificate must be stamped with the school seal, indicating the expected graduation date, and the graduation certificate must be obtained before September 2024);
3. Transcript of all undergraduate courses (stamped with the school seal);
4. Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors (or experts with equivalent professional titles) related to the applied programme. The recommendation letters should include the referrer’s name (handwritten signature), position, institution, telephone number, and email address.
5. Letter of motivation in Chinese;
6. Language proficiency certificate (the certificate should be valid, usually for a period of 2 years);
7. Foreigner Physical Examination Form;
Please ensure the physical examination remains valid during the application as the result is valid for only six months.
8. Certificate of No Criminal Record;
Applicants must submit the Certificate of No Criminal Record within the validity period issued by local public security management department. It should be valid within six months prior to the application date.
9. Applicants who meet the following criteria are required to submit the following supporting documents:
(1) 中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民在移民并获得外国国籍后,作为国际学生申请者,须提供:(a)中国国籍注销证明;(b)中国户籍注销证明;(c)加入外国国籍证明;
(1) For Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan residents who immigrated and acquired foreign nationality and are applying as international students, the following documents are required: (a) Certificate of annulment of Chinese nationality; (b) Certificate of annulment of household registration in China; (c) Certificate of acquiring foreign nationality;
(2) 在外国出生即取得外国国籍的申请人,父母双方或一方为中国公民的,其作为国际学生申请者,须提供:(a)申请者出生即取得外国国籍证明;(b)申请者出生前父母(中国公民一方)在外国的永久居留证明、护照或身份证;
(2) For those obtaining foreign nationality at birth, if either one or both parents are Chinese citizens, and are applying as international students, the following documents are required: (a) Certificate of obtaining foreign nationality at birth; (b) Permanent residence permit, passport, or identification document of the parents (one being a Chinese citizen) before the applicant’s birth in a foreign country;
10. Proof of Employment (if available);
11. Table of Contents and Abstracts of Published Academic Articles (if available);
12. Additional supplementary materials required by Shandong University of Arts.
VI. Application Instruction
1. All uploaded documents must be in Chinese or English. If the documents are in other languages, the original document and a notarized translation in English or Chinese must be uploaded together. Please use a scanner to scan the relevant documents in color, as documents taken with mobile phones or cameras, as well as photocopies, will not be accepted. Except for the Foreigner Physical Examination Form and personal signatures, handwritten documents will not be accepted.
2. Our university and the admission department reserve the right to request some applicants to provide the original paper version/notarized documents of the application materials or authentication documents issued by designated certification agencies for further verification.
3. Applicants are required to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the provided application information and materials. If the admissions office or the certification department verifies that the information is untrue, the applicant’s application, admission, or enrollment qualification will be canceled.
VII. Examination and Admission
The university will conduct professional assessments according to regulations. The examination schedule and format will be notified separately. Admission will be based on the final grades. Shandong University of Arts will issue an electronic admission letter and the Confirmation Form for Study in China (referred to as JW201/202 form) to the admitted students.
VIII. Registration
Admitted students are required to register at Shandong University of Arts in strict accordance with the time specified in the admission letter. During registration, the original copies of the undergraduate diploma/degree certificate, language proficiency certificate, insurance payment certificate, and other required documents will be verified. Those failing to submit the corresponding certificates will be disqualified from enrollment.
IX. Fees in Shandong University of Arts
1. Tuition fee standards can be found at the following link: https://gjjlhzc.sdca.edu.cn/
2. Medical insurance premium:
According to the regulations of the Chinese Ministry of Education, international students coming to China must purchase medical insurance within the country. The medical insurance premium is 800 yuan/year/person. Students who do not purchase medical insurance as required will not be allowed to complete the registration process (For insurance coverage and claim procedures, please visit http://www.lxbx.net).
X. Scholarships
Outstanding full-time international students can apply for Shandong Provincial People’s Government Scholarship and Shandong University of Arts Scholarship for Outstanding International Students. The specific selection process will be carried out in accordance with the Implementation Measures of Shandong University of Arts for the Administration of Shandong Provincial People’s Government Scholarship for International Students and the Measures for the Administration of Shandong University of Arts Scholarship for International Students.
XI. Visa
Admitted students must present the electronic version of the admission letter and the Confirmation Form for Study in China (JW201/202) at the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad to apply for a study visa. International students studying in China for up to six months should apply for an X2 visa. Those studying for more than six months should apply for an X1 visa and apply for a residence permit within 30 days after arriving in China.

XII. Contact Information
Address: Wendong Campus: No. 91 Wenhua Dong Road, Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong Province
Changqing Campus: No. 6000 Ziwei Road, University Science and Technology Park, Changqing District, Jinan, Shandong Province
Tel.: +86-531-86522529
电子邮件:[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sdca.edu.cn