2021 Qinghai Minzu University International Student
Enrollment Brochure

Qinghai Minzu University
I. Brief Introduction to Qinghai
Qinghai is the originiver, the Yellow River and the Liver, so it is known as “the source of the<span font-size:18px;”> three rivers” andas the “water tower of China”. Within Qinghai there are 43 minorities represented, these include Tibetan, Hui, Mongolian and Salar with a population of 6,000,000.tremendous natural and human resources, all of which create paradise for tradventurous. Xining is located in the eastern part of The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. It is the provincial capital of Qinghai province and the center of politics, economics, culture, education, science, and so it is called Founded in December 12, 1949, Qinghai Nationalities University is the oldest university in Qinghai Province and one of the oldest nationalities universities in China. , 12 first-tier master’s degree courses, 6 specialized, 58 undergraduate majors, and 37 specialized majorsmanagement, education, history, medicine, and engineering. The university is divided into three campuses: Dongxu, Xikun and Nanshan, covering an area of more than 1 million square meters and the facilities cover an The university has 1,139 faculty members andThey comestudy university. At present, m to serve in ethnically diverse areasareas.
2. General Introduction to College of International Education:
students and receive Chinese Government Scholarship Chineseducational and a test center. won the title of “Top Ten Chinese Universities in the Eye of Foreign Students” and has also been apart of the ” There are complete teaching facilities, management,teaching team as well as a good living environment for international students who are lookingSince 1984, Qinghai Nationalities University has received more than 2,Bachelor’s, MasterAt present, Qinghai more than 200 academic students , as well as long-term students has become the leading university for the education and training of international students within . The Advantages of CQinghai Nationalities University.
3.1 Xining has always been a city with a lot of Chinese.
3.2 live together in Xining city and so Xining has become a place where students desiringminority languages. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau contains many unique geological sights, rich in ecotourism resources, religious culture and traditions, all of which create paradise for tradventurous.
3.4“One Belt One Roadgovernment policy. In addition to the Chinese Government Scholarship and Provincial Government Scholarship, the university also provides a specialized scholarship to encourage international students to come and study at our university.
3.5many different ethnic groups, including Han,Mongolian, all of environment, which makes our university the perfect place for international students to come and study.
3.6. Tibetan language Anthropology,crafts angka painting), Tibetan medicine, etc. The the Institute are located at our university. They ideal research environment for international students looking to studycultures.
3.7transportation system, a wide variety of . There are around the university, and is inexpensive anstudents dorm .

Qinghai Minzu University
1.Qinghai Minzu University Admission Categories
1.1Non-degree Language Students: Chinese and related national languages can be divided into long-term for one semester or more) and short-term students (studyingShort-term exchange students: Students who register for study and exchange for a period of less than D: undergraduate degree years years years flexible program).
C. Doctorate: Doctorate degree programs last for a period of 4years flexible program).
1.3. Qinghai Minzu University Scholarship
Chinese Government 2. Tuition, Tuition (RMB) for s students
A.Must chooseaccording to the different course standard fees, tuition fees will be charged on a 4, to per semesteris 10, per semester.
B.lasses per week; One-on-one classes, 000 RMB semester.
D. Master: 9,000 RMB per semester.
2.2 Qinghai Minzu University Accommodation fee (RMB)
Room Type |
Fees(per month/per room) |
Facilities |
Three person room |
3 |
2100 |
Basic appliances, kitchen, bathroom, shared laundry room |
Note |
The internet fee is at a set monthly rate. You will also be allotted a set amount of water and electric usage, if you exceed that amount you will be charged accordingly. |
2.3 Qinghai Minzu University Chinese Government Scholarship
in accordance with the documents issued by the CSCrovincial Eepartment.
A. Time limit on scholarships for and language study students.
Type |
Duration |
Time limit for preparatory language study |
Time limit for scholarships |
Bachelor |
4 to 5 years |
1 to 2 years |
4 to 7 years |
Master |
2 to 3 years |
1 to 2 years |
2 to 5 years |
Doctorate |
3 to 4 years |
1 to 2 years |
3 to 6 years |
Non-degree Language Students |
Less than 1 year |
Less than 1 year |
Less than 2 years |
Senior scholar |
Less than 1 year |
Less than 1 year |
Less than 2 years |
B. Scholarship standards (RMB)
Type |
Course of study |
tuition/ per year |
Accommodation fee / per year |
Living stipend/ per year |
Insurance/ per year |
Total |
Bachelor |
Type 1 |
20,000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
30,000(2,500 per month) |
800 |
59,200 |
Type 2 |
23000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
30000(2,500 per month) |
800 |
62,200 |
Type 3 |
27000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
30000(2,500 per month) |
800 |
66,200 |
Master |
Type 1 |
25000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
36000(3,000 per month) |
800 |
70,200 |
Type 2 |
29,000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
36000(3,000 per month) |
800 |
74,200 |
Type 3 |
34,000 |
8,400(700 per month) |
36000(3,000 per month) |
800 |
79,200 |
Doctorate |
Type 1 |
33,000 |
12,000(1,000 per month) |
42,000(3,500 per month) |
800 |
87,800 |
Type 2 |
38,000 |
12,000(1,000 per month) |
42,000(3,500 per month) |
800 |
92,800 |
Type 3 |
45,000 |
12,000(1,000 per month) |
42,000(3,500 per month) |
800 |
99,800 |
Qinghai Minzu University Contact Information:
Address: College of International Education at Qinghai Nationalities University
No.72 Bayi Middle Road, Xining City, Qinghai Province, China
Postal code :810007
Qinghai Minzu University Website:http://www.qhmu.edu.cn/

Qinghai Minzu University
青海省位于中国西部,世界屋脊青藏高原东北部,总面积为72.10万平方公里。境内山脉高耸,地形多样, 河流纵横,湖泊棋布。青海是长江、黄河、澜沧江的发源地,故被称为“江河源头”,又称“三江源”,素有“中华水塔”之美誉。省内有藏、回、蒙古、撒拉等43个少数民族,人口600余万。青海的人文资源和地理资源都十分的丰富,是旅游者的乐园,勇敢者的天堂。西宁位于青藏高原的东部,是青海省的省会城市,是金省政治、绍济、文化、教育、科技、交通和通讯中心。全市常住人口达到240余万,市内居住汉、藏、回、蒙古、撒拉、满及土等众出民族。市区平均海拔2275米,夏季平均气温17℃-19℃,候宜人,是消夏避暑胜地,有“中国夏都”之称。
Qinghai Minzu University青海民族大学创建于1949年,是青海建立最早的高校和全国建校最早的民族院校之一,也是青海省最早开展学位与研究生教育和招收培养来华留学生的高校。学校占地约1500余亩,校园环境幽雅,氛围和谐,是各族师生读书治学的理想场所。现设有24个学院,具备较为综合的文、理、工学科结构布局和完备的本科、硕士、博士教育人才培养体系。拥有国家级、省级科研团体、省部级重点学科、院士工作站、国家级特色专业、国家级教学团队以及国家级实验教学示范中心等教学科研机构并举发展的综合势力。近几年,学校共承担各级各类科研项目691项,《青海民族研究》期刊跻身北京大学、南京大学和中国社会科学院三大核心期刊行列。目前教职工1200余名,来自全国各地汉、藏、回、土、撒拉、蒙古等各族学生15000余名。学校已为国家培养了9万余名各民族合格人才。
中国政府奖学金(申请人须在1月1日至3月31日期间登录http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua 或http://www.campuschina.org 网站按要求申请 )。
1.2 住宿费(人民币)
房间类型 |
入住人数 |
收费标准(月/间) |
配套设施 |
套间 |
3 |
2100 |
基本生活用具、厨房、卫生间、公共洗衣间 |
备注 |
套间网络费自理,水电费超出部分由个人承担。 |
资助类别 |
专业学习期限 |
汉语补习(预科)期限 |
奖学金资助期限 |
本科生 |
4—5学年 |
1-2学年 |
4—7学年 |
硕士研究生 |
2—3学年 |
1-2学年 |
2—5学年 |
博士研究生 |
3—4学年 |
1-2学年 |
3—6学年 |
普通进修生 |
1学年以内 |
1学年以内 |
2学年以内 |
高级进修生 |
1学年以内 |
1学年以内 |
2学年以内 |
学生类别 |
学科 |
学费/年 |
住宿费/年 |
生活费/年 |
医疗保险/年 |
年资助总额 |
本科生 |
一类 |
20000 |
8400(每月700) |
30000(每月2500) |
800 |
59200 |
二类 |
23000 |
8400(每月700) |
30000(每月2500) |
800 |
62200 |
三类 |
27000 |
8400(每月700) |
30000(每月2500) |
800 |
66200 |
硕士研究生普通进修生 |
一类 |
25000 |
8400(每月700) |
36000(每月3000) |
800 |
70200 |
二类 |
29000 |
8400(每月700) |
36000(每月3000) |
800 |
74200 |
三类 |
34000 |
8400(每月700) |
36000(每月3000) |
800 |
79200 |
博士研究生高级进修生 |
一类 |
33000 |
12000(每月1000) |
42000(每月3500) |
800 |
87800 |
二类 |
38000 |
12000(每月1000) |
42000(每月3500) |
800 |
92800 |
三类 |
45000 |
12000(每月1000) |
42000(每月3500) |
800 |
99800 |
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