Northeast Electric Power University General Enrollment

Northeast Electric Power University General Enrollment

Introduction of Northeast Electric Power University

Northeast Electric Power University (NEEPU) was founded in 1949. Taking talent training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation as its missions, and actively adapts to the needs of the state power industry and the economic construction of Jilin Province.

The school has a total of 14 school and 51 undergraduate majors, covering 8 disciplines including engineering, science, management, literature, law, economics, education, and art. The school is a doctoral degree authorized unit. It currently has three doctoral degree first-level disciplines in electrical engineering, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, control science and engineering, and two post-doctoral mobile stations.

There are currently 14 master’s degree first-level disciplines; covering 58 master’s degrees authorize secondary subjects. The school currently has more than 22,000 full-time students and more than 1,500 teaching staff.

The school has carried out various forms of scientific and technological and academic exchanges with universities or research institutions in the United States, Japan, Britain, Russia, South Korea, Germany and other countries.

Undergradute program of Northeast Electric Power University

New Energy Materials and Devices

Electrical Engineering and Automation

Smart Grid Information Engineering

Electronic and Information Engineering

Communication Engineering

Nuclear Engineering and Technology

Chemical Engineering and Industrial Bioengineering

Energy Chemistry Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Materials Shaping and Control Engineering

Mechatronic Engineering

Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

Computer Science and Technology

Software Engineering

Intelligent Science and Technology

Energy and Power Engineering

New Energy Science and Engineering

Energy Storage Science and Engineering (Engineering)

Water Supply and Drainage Science and Engineering

Building Environment and Energy Application Engineering

Civil Engineering


Control Technology and Instrumentation"

Robotics Engineering



Business Administration


Engineering Management

Information Management and Information System






Applied Chemistry

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Information and Computing Science


Ideological and Political Education


Social Sports Instruction and Administration


Fashion and Clothing Design

Environmental Design

Visual Communication Design

Digital Media Art


Radio and Television Directing


Finance Engineering

Doctoral Degree Programs for International Students

Electrical Engineering

Dynamic Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Control Science and Engineering

Master’s Degree Programs for International Students


Marxist Fundamental Theory




Instruments Science and Technology

Information and Communication Engineering

Civil Engineering

Heat, Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Engineering

Power Transmission Engineering

Control Science and Engineering

Computer Science and Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Environmental Science and Engineering (Engineering)

Applied Chemistry

Biology Chemistry

Chemical Engineering

Nuclear Science and Technology

Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics

Electrical Engineering

Electricity Economic and Management


Enterprise Management


Technical Economy and Management



Study Guide for Northeast Electric Power University

1) Eligibility

i. Language Program: at least 18 years old and have a high school education;

ii. Undergraduate Program: a high school diploma and HSK 4 or above (including 4);

iii. Master Program: a bachelor’s degree and HSK 4 or above (including level 4);

iv. Doctoral Program: a master’s degree and HSK 4 or above (including level 4).

Note: If you have no language foundation, you can learn Chinese for 1-2 years first, and enter the professional study after HSK meets the requirements.

2) Application materials for Northeast Electric Power University

i. “Application Form for international Students”. Download address:

Northeast Electric Power University General Enrollment

ii. Copy of passport.

iii. A Notarized highest academic qualification certificate. (Texts in languages other than Chinese and English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English and notarized)

iv. Transcripts. (Texts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English and notarized)

v. A copy of “Foreign Physical Examination Record”, please bring the original with you when you come to China. Download address:

vi. A copy of the HSK Certificate.

vii. Proof of economic guarantee. (Provide the applicant’s deposit certificate provided by the bank, the language student is not less than 5,000 US dollars; undergraduate students, master and doctoral students are not less than 20,000 US dollars.)

viii. Applying for a master’s or doctoral degree must submit a recommendation letter, study and research plan in China. (To apply for a master’s or doctoral degree, a letter of recommendation from two associate professors or professors must be provided, written in Chinese or English. Study and study plan in China. Chinese or English.)

3) Time of enrollment

Language program: the end of February and the end of August each year.

Undergraduate and master and doctoral program: the end of August each year.

4) Deadline for registration

Language program: spring semester deadline is December 30 and the fall semester deadline is June 30.

Undergraduate and master and doctoral program: June 30th.

5) Program Duration

Language program: 1 semester to 2 years.

Undergraduates: 4 years.

Master and doctoral Program: 3 years. (English translation, MBA and its second-level science system is 2 years)

6) Fee of studying in Northeast Electric Power University

i. Registration fee: 400 RMB.

ii.Tuition fee(per semester)

Northeast Electric Power University General Enrollment

iii.Insurance premium: 800 RMB / year.

7) Application procedures for Northeast Electric Power University

i. Applicants submit application materials through the university’s international student admission system (, and send the application form and application materials(PDF Version) to [email protected].

ii. After the school examines them, for applicants who meet the admission requirements, the school will send the admission and JW-202 form. The successful applicants can bring these two documents to apply for a study visa at the Chinese embassy in which you reside. And come to NEEPU to enroll according to the admission. Please bring the original application materials to the school when you register.

8) Contact information of Northeast Electric Power University

Address:Room 521, main building, office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Northeast Electric Power University,169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin, China

Postcode: 132012

Phone: ++ 86-432-64806407

Fax: ++ 86-432-64884186

Email: [email protected]

Login website of Northeast Electric Power University

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