2021 Ningxia Medical University
Prospectus for International Students

Ningxia Medical University
学校简介 (Introduction of Ningxia Medical University)
Ningxia Medical University宁夏医科大学创建于1958年。现有雁湖、双怡两个校区,占地面积共1700亩,设有14个教学机构,13个教辅科研机构,有14所附属医院,19所教学医院,66所实习医院和实践教学基地。学校现有教职员工及医护等人员6882人,其中专任教师980人,副高以上职称784人。全日制在校生10370人。有医学、理学和管理学3个学科门类,20个本科专业,其中临床医学、中医学、预防医学、护理学、药学为国家级特色专业。有3个一级学科博士学位授予点,9个一级学科硕士学位授予点,6个专业硕士学位授予点。目前学校已发展成为一所规模、结构、质量、效益相协调,在全国同类院校中有一定影响力和知名度的高等医学院校。
Ningxia Medical University was founded in 1958. It covers a total area of 1700 acres including two campuses named Shuangyi and Yanhu. The University consists of 14 teaching institutions, 13 teaching & scientific research assistant institutions, 14 affiliated hospitals, 19 teaching hospitals, and 66 training hospitals & practical teaching bases. The university currently has 6882 faculties, including 980 full-time teachers, among whom 784 are associate professors or above. Meanwhile, it has 10370 full-time students. There are 3 disciplines: Medicine, Science & Management, and 20 undergraduate majors, among which Clinical Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy are the National characteristic specialties. The University has 3 first-level disciplines conferring the Doctor’s Degree, 9 first-level disciplines conferring the Master’s Degree and 6 professional disciplines conferring Master’s Degree. At present, the university has developed into a medical university of higher learning, which is coordinated in scale, structure, quality and benefit, and has certain influence and popularity among similar colleges and universities in China.
The university began international education since 1993, in 2005 it started academic education for international students, in 2010 it was authorized by Ministry of Education to enroll international students for the specialty of MBBS, in 2013 it was authorized by China Scholarship Council to cultivate the Chinese government scholarship students, in 2014 it began to recruit international graduate students. Until now, around 320 international students from 25 countries study undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses, doctoral courses as well as Chinese language at the university.
The university is located in Yinchuan, a beautiful lake city in northwest of China. With the rich cultural landscape and beautiful campus environment, it is an ideal place for international students to study. Besides, the university has complete teaching facilities, abundant teaching resources, advanced medical equipment and comfortable living environment, providing convenient and comfortable study and living conditions for international students.
We sincerely welcome those who are interested in medicine to study at NXMU!
项目介绍 ( Ningxia Medical University Programs)
- 本科项目( Undergraduate Programs)
- 本科临床医学专业(英语授课)项目Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery(MBBS)
The specialty of Clinical Medicine of Ningxia Medical University is a nation-leveled advantage and characteristic major. It is oriented by “Job competence”, in line with the basic requirements of the training objectives of international clinical medicine, and the medical needs of the countries of origin as well as the international requirements of source countries or serving in a third country after graduation, cultivates specialized talents with solid basic medical knowledge, standardized clinical skills, good professional quality, preliminary ability of international exchange and cooperation, awareness, knowledge, attitude and skills of tolerance, recognition and adaptation to cultural diversity, and the ability to provide medical, teaching and scientific research work in the medical and health service sector.
- 本科药学专业(英文授课)项目Pharmacy
The specialty of Pharmacy aims to cultivate international students to have good independent learning ability and medical value orientation, and become medical talents with profound pharmacy theory, practical skills and scientific research ability. It also lays a solid foundation for students’ work in medical education, scientific research and medical career management.
- 本科医学专业(中文授课)项目Undergraduate Medical Program (taught in Chinese)
The university offers a series of undergraduate programs taught in Chinese for students who have a certain Chinese language foundation. The program implements the same training curriculum system as Chinese medical undergraduates. Students can choose to study Chinese for one year to meet admission criteria before entering the professional study stage.
- 研究生(硕士/博士)项目Postgraduate (Master/PhD) Programs
学校为来华留学生提供研究生(硕士/博士)项目。学生可通过申请各类奖学金(奖学金详情见后文)或自费就读此类专业。研究生专业授课语言为汉语/英语,硕士学制为3年,博士学位学制为4年, 招生专业目录见后文。
The university offers postgraduate programs for International Students who want to study for a master’s and doctoral degree. Students can study these programs at their own expenses or apply for various types of scholarships (details can be seen below). The teaching languages are both Chinese and English. The length for Master’s Degree is 3 years and the Doctor’s Degree is 4 years, the enrollment majors directory can be seen below.
- 汉语进修项目(Chinese LanguageTraining Program)
The Chinese Language Training Program aims to provide short-term study to international students who want to apply for medical programs. The program strengthens the teaching mode of small classes. In a short period, students can understand and integrate into Chinese culture, have the basic ability to listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese, and obtain a certain language foundation for future professional learning and living in China.
After completing all the courses and passing the exams, excellent students can directly enter the Pharmacy or MBBS program taught in English.

Ningxia Medical University
费用标准与奖学金 ( Ningxia Medical University Fees & Scholarship)
- 费用标准(Fees Structure)
学费 Tuition Fee | ||||
项目类别 Programs | 学费 Tuition Fee | 学制Length | ||
本科 Undergraduate Program | 英文授课 Taught in English | 临床医学 MBBS | 29800 RMB/year | 6 years |
药学 Pharmacy | 20000 RMB/year | 4 years | ||
中文授课 Taught in Chinese | 12800 RMB/year | 4-5 years | ||
硕士研究生Postgraduate Program | 34000 RMB/year | 3 years | ||
博士研究生PhD Program | 45000 RMB/year | 4 years | ||
汉语进修课程 Chinese Language Training Program | 10000 RMB/year; 5000 RMB/semester 3000 RMB/month; 800 RMB/week | / | ||
其他相关费用 Other fees | ||||
申请费Application Fee | 400 RMB | |||
住宿费Hostel Fee | 5000 RMB/year | |||
保险费Insurance Fee | Undergraduate & Language Program:200 RMB/year Postgraduate & PhD Program:800 RMB/year | |||
书费 Book Fee | 1000 RMB/year |
★ 申请费为新生入学前一次性缴纳,本科生须一次性缴清所有学年保险费用。
★ 以上内容供参考,具体收费标准以入学时定价为准。
★ 入学注册时应足额缴纳要求费用,否则不予注册,具体缴费方式以《录取通知书》及邮件通知为准。
★The application fee should be paid in one time before entering the university. Self-paid undergraduates should pay off six years insurance fees at one time.
★ The above content is as reference, and the specific charging standard is subject to the enrollment pricing.
★ Students should pay the full amount of required fees, otherwise will not be registered, the specific payment method is based on the “Admission Notice” and email notification.
- 奖学金详情(Scholarship Details)
- 中国政府奖学金 (Chinese Government Scholarship)
Chinese Government Scholarship is a full scholarship provided by Chinese government. Students are exempt from normal tuition fee, on-campus accommodation fee and comprehensive medical insurance fee, and are provided with living expenses during study (Undergraduate Students: 2500 RMB/Month; Postgraduate Students: 3000 RMB/Month; PhD Students: 3500 RMB/Month).
Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarship program: According to the procedures required by the China Scholarship Council to apply.
For details, please visit http://www.csc.edu.cn/Laihua/ for relevant information. Organization code of Ningxia Medical University: 10752.
- 宁夏政府奖学金 (Ningxia Government Scholarship)
Ningxia Government Scholarship is a full scholarship provided by the Ningxia government. Students are exempt from normal tuition fee, on-campus accommodation fee and comprehensive medical insurance fee, and are provided with living expenses during study (Postgraduate Students: 2500 RMB/Month; PhD Students: 3000 RMB/Month).
Find more information about scholarship please click:
- 宁夏医科大学校级奖学金 (NXMU Scholarship)
NXMU Scholarship is provided by Ningxia Medical University. It aims to encourage students to study hard, which establishes first, second and third comprehensive scholarships, encouragement awards as well as individual awards.
Find more information about scholarship please click: http://www.nxmu.edu.cn/ywz/info/1009/1058.htm
- D.宁夏医科大学新生奖学金(NXMU Fresh Students Scholarship)
NXMU Fresh Students Scholarship is provided by Ningxia Medical University for the excellent freshmen who apply for MBBS and Pharmacy at their own expenses.One-time distribution based on the ranking of the entrance examination results for new students.
奖学金 Scholarships | 评选比例 Selection Ratio | 金额 Amount |
本科临床医学专业新生奖学金 MBBS Fresh Students Scholarship | Top 15% | 20000RMB |
本科药学专业新生奖学金 Pharmacy Fresh Students Scholarship | Top 20% | exempt from one year tuition fee |
Top 20%-80% | exempt from half a year tuition fee |
入学标准 (Ningxia Medical University Entry Requirements)
- 年龄& 身份资格 (Age & Status)
(1) Applicants for bachelor’s degree shall be no more than 25 years old; Applicants for master’s degree shall be no more than 35 years old; Applicants for doctor’s degree shall be no more than 40 years old; Ordinary advanced students shall be no more than 45 years old; Senior advanced students shall be no more than 50 years old.
(2) Non-Chinese citizens holding foreign ordinary passports valid for more than six months (students under the age of 18 must provide their power of attorney for minor custody );
(3) Love the medical cause, conduct well, be healthy in body and mind, have no criminal record, and consciously abide by the constitution, laws of the people’s Republic of China and the university disciplines & rules;
(4) Applicants who immigrate from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to foreign countries, shall hold valid foreign passports or international supporting documents for more than 4 years (including), and have a record of actual residence abroad for more than 2 years in the last 4 years (before April 30 of the enrollment year).
- 学历& 成绩 (Ningxia Medical University Qualification & Transcripts)
项目 Program | 英语(汉语)成绩 English/Chinese Score | 物理、化学、生物平均成绩 Average Score of PCB |
临床医学(英语授课)MBBS | B/70 | B/70 |
药学(英语授课) Pharmacy | C/60 | C/60 |
医学本科专业(中文授课) Undergraduate Program Taught by Chinese | HSK-4 | B/70 |
(1) Applicants for Bachelor’s Degree must have a high school degree or above, or K12 grade (10+2) or equivalent academic ability; English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology courses must pass the graduation examination of the student’s country. The minimum scores for applying to undergraduate programs are shown in the above table.
(2) Applicants for a Master’s Degree shall have a Bachelor’s Degree; Applicants for a Doctor’s Degree shall have a Master’s Degree; Ordinary advanced students shall have a degree equivalent to the Bachelor’s Degree of the university of China; Senior advanced students shall have a degree equivalent to the Master’s Degree of the university of China. The academic performance and scientific research ability of applicants for Master’s Degree and general (Senior) advanced studies shall be subject to the latest policy requirements issued by the Ministry of Education of China and the China Scholarship Council.
- 语言水平(Language Ability)
(1)申请英语授课专业的学生,母语为非英语者,高中英语单科成绩需达到70分以上,且英语语言能力有雅思、托福或其它英语测试成绩佐证(雅思成绩不低于6.0,托福成绩Internet based不低于68分);母语为英语者,须提交官方出具的前一学历阶段全程英语授课证明,可免交雅思或托福成绩证明。
(1) Students applying for courses taught in English, whose first language is non-English, need to have a score of more than 70 in English of senior high school, and English language ability is supported by scores of IELTS, TOEFL or other English tests (IELTS score is no less than 6.0, TOEFL score is no less than 68 on the Internet); Students whose first language is English, must submit the official certificate of English teaching throughout the prior educational stage, then no need to provide IELTS or TOEFL certificate.
(2) Students applying for courses taught in Chinese, shall have strong Chinese language ability, and HSK scores shall reach level 4 or above, or meet the requirements of Chinese language ability level specified by the Ministry of Education of China and China Scholarship Council.
申请流程 (Ningxia Medical University Application Procedures)
- 申请者需登录宁夏医科大学来华留学生在线服务系统(https://nxmu.17gz.org/)注册成功后,在线申请并按要求填写、上传申请材料;或者直接从宁夏医科大学国际教育学院网站(http://www.nxmu.edu.cn/gjjy/)下载并填写《宁夏医科大学国际学生入学申请表》并发送相关申请材料。
Applicants can log in the website of Ningxia Medical University International Student Service System (https://nxmu.17gz.org) and finish the registration, submitting the application materials as the instructions; Or download and fill in “Application Form for Foreign Students to NXMU” directly from the website of School of International Education, NXMU (http://www.nxmu.edu.cn/gjjy/).
- 请将以下申请材料通过招生系统提交或发送电子邮件至宁夏医科大学国际教育学院:
Submitting the following materials via NXMU International Student Service System or e-mail to the School of International Education, NXMU:
申请材料 Documents List | 语言进修 Language | 本科 Undergraduate | 硕士 Master | 博士 PhD |
《宁夏医科大学来华留学生入学申请表》 NXMU Application Form | √ | √ | √ | √ |
护照复印件 Copy of passport, valid for more than six months | √ | √ | √ | √ |
英文翻译的最高学历证书和成绩单 Notarized copies of the highest academic certificate and transcripts and English translations | √ | √ | √ | √ |
语言证明 Language level Certificate | √ | √ | √ | |
证件照片 Photo, without cap, white background without borders, size 100-500KB, JPG format; | √ | √ | √ | √ |
《外国人体格检查表》 Physical examination form for foreigners | √ | √ | √ | √ |
无犯罪记录证明 No criminal record certificate | √ | √ | √ | √ |
经济担保证明 Economic guarantee certificate | √ | √ | √ | √ |
推荐信 Chinese or English letters of recommendation | √ | √ | ||
发表过的论文目录、摘要,或者其它能够证明申请者研究能力的材料 List of published papers, abstracts, or other materials that can prove the applicant’s research ability | √ | √ | ||
学习计划 Study (Research) plan in China | √ | √ |
★ 申请当年9月1日未满18周岁申请人需提供监护人委托书(须公证)一式二份并签名,监护人应为中国境内常驻、有稳定经济来源的中国或外籍成年人。
★ 必要时,我校会要求申请人提交补充材料。
★ 不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。
★ The power of attorney of the guardian (notarized) shall be in duplicate and signed (provided by the applicant under the age of 18 on September 1 of the year when the application is submitted). The guardian shall be a Chinese or foreign adult who is a resident in China and has a stable source of income;
★ If needed, our university will require the applicant to submit the supplementary materials.
★ The above materials will not be returned regardless of admission or not.
- 申请截止日期Application deadline:
(1) Short Term Language Learners: before January 20th every year
(2) Postgraduate & Scholarship Students: before March 30th every year
(3) Undergraduate Students: before July 30th every year

Ningxia Medical University
审核与录取 (Ningxia Medical University Approval & Admission)
After receiving the above mentioned application materials, the School of International Education of NXMU will carry out audit work and arrange interviews for applicants. After passing the audit and interviews, the application form for visa of foreign students (JW201/JW202) and the admission notice of NXMU will be sent to the applicants.
After receiving the admission notice and the visa application form for foreign students (JW201/JW202), the students shall hold the above all documents, the original and copy of the physical examination record for foreigners, as well as their valid ordinary passports to the Chinese embassy (consulate general) to apply for student visa in China.
The admission time shall be subject to the admission notice. If not register as scheduled for any reason, students should obtain the consent of the school in advance. If students fails to report to the school within time limited without approval, the student status will be automatically abandoned. Students have to attend the entrance examination organized by the school after entering university. The investigation into applicants runs through the entire process of admission. Once the violation of regulations is found, the admission qualification will be canceled immediately.
来华留学生招生专业目录 (Academic Programs)
- 本科招生专业目录( Undergraduate Programs)
项目 Programs | 专业 Majors | 学制 Length | 授予学位 Degree |
英文授课项目 Programs taught in English | 临床医学 MBBS | 6年 6 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree |
药学 Pharmacy | 4年 4 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree | |
中文授课项目 Programs taught in Chinese | 临床医学 Clinical Medicine | 5年 5 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree |
药学 Pharmacy | 4年 4 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree | |
口腔医学 Stomatology | 5年 5 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree | |
中医学 Traditional Chinese Medicine | 5年 5 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree | |
护理学 Nursing | 4年 4 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree | |
预防医学 Preventive Medicine | 5年 5 years | 学士学位 Bachelor Degree |
- B.研究生招生专业目录( Postgraduate Programs)
授予学位Degree Conferred | 专业Majors | ||
医学博士 (硕士)学位 Doctor of Medicine & Master’s degree 医学博士 (硕士)学位 Doctor of Medicine & Master’s degree | 临床医学* Clinical Medicine* | 1 | 内科学(心血管内科学、血液内科学、呼吸内科学、消化内科学、内分泌学、肾脏内科学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Internal Medicine, Hematology Internal Medicine, Respiratory Internal Medicine, Digestive Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Kidney Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases) |
2 | 儿科学(Paediatrics) | ||
3 | 老年病学(Geriatrics) | ||
4 | 神经病学(Neurology) | ||
5 | 精神病与精神卫生学(Psychiatry and Mental Health) | ||
6 | 皮肤病与性病学(Dermatology and Venereology) | ||
7 | 影像医学与核医学(放射学、超声医学、核医学)Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine (Radiology, Ultrasound Medicine, Nuclear Medicine) | ||
8 | 临床检验诊断学(Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics) | ||
9 | 外科学(肝胆外科学、神经外科学、胃肠外科学、心血管外科学、泌尿外科学、儿外科学、烧伤整形科学、骨科学)Surgery (Hepatobiliary Surgery, Neurosurgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Urological Surgery, Pediatrics Surgery, Burn Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics) | ||
10 | 妇产科学 (Obstetrics and Gynecology) | ||
11 | 眼科学(Ophthalmology) | ||
12 | 耳鼻咽喉科学 (Otorhinolaryngology) | ||
13 | 康复医学与理疗学(Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiotherapy) | ||
14 | 肿瘤学(Oncology) | ||
15 | 麻醉学(Anesthesiology) | ||
16 | 急诊医学(Emergency Medicine) | ||
17 | 全科医学(General Medicine) | ||
18 | 临床病理学(Clinical Pathology) | ||
19 | 重症医学(Critical Care Medicine) | ||
基础医学* Basic Medicine* | 20 | 生理学(Physiology) | |
21 | 微生物学(Microbiology) | ||
22 | 遗传学(Genetics) | ||
23 | 发育生物学(Developmental Biology) | ||
24 | 生物化学与分子生物学 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) | ||
25 | 人体解剖与组织胚胎学(Human Anatomy and Histoembryology) | ||
26 | 免疫学(Immunology) | ||
27 | 病原生物学(Pathogenic Biology) | ||
28 | 病理学与病理生理学(Pathology and Pathophysiology) | ||
29 | 法医学(Forensic Medicine) | ||
30 | 放射医学Radiology | ||
公共卫生与预防医学* Public health and Preventive Medicine* | 31 | 流行病与卫生统计学Epidemiology and Health Statistics | |
32 | 劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health | ||
33 | 营养与食品卫生学Nutrition and Food Hygiene | ||
34 | 卫生毒理学Hygiene Toxicology | ||
35 | 公共卫生Public Health | ||
中医学 Traditional Chinese Medicine | 36 | 中医基础理论Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine | |
37 | 中医临床理论Clinical Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine | ||
38 | 中医内科学Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine | ||
39 | 中医药信息学Traditional Chinese Medicine Informatics | ||
40 | 针灸推拿学Acupuncture and Massage | ||
药学 Pharmacy | 41 | 药物化学Medicinal Chemistry | |
42 | 药剂学Pharmaceutics | ||
43 | 药物分析学Pharmacoanalysis | ||
44 | 微生物与生化药学Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy | ||
45 | 药理学Pharmacology | ||
46 | 药学Pharmacy | ||
47 | 生药学Pharmacognosy | ||
护理学Nursing | 48 | 护理学Nursing | |
★ 有*者可招收博士研究生。 Doctoral students can be enrolled if there is a * candidate. |
C、 汉语进修生项目 (Chinese Language Training Programs):
授课语言 Teaching language | 学制 Length | |
汉语 Chinese | 汉语/英语 Chinese/ English | 一年1 academic year |
汉语/英语 Chinese/ English | 一学期1 semester | |
汉语/英语 Chinese/ English | 一个月1 month | |
汉语/英语 Chinese/ English | 一周1 week |
联系我们 (Ningxia Medical University Contact Us)
地址:中国宁夏银川市兴庆区胜利街1160号 宁夏医科大学国际教育学院
电话(TEL): +86-951-6880657 传真(FAX): +86-951-6880657
E-mail:[email protected]
学校网址(NXMU Website):http://www.nxmu.edu.cn
Address: School of International Education,
Ningxia Medical University,
No. 1160 Shengli Street, Xingqing District,
Yinchuan, Ningxia, P. R. China
Note: The contents of this prospectus will be adjusted and updated according to relevant changes. Please focus on our website updates: http://www.nxmu.edu.cn/gjjy/