2022 Minnan Normal University
Admission Information Overseas Students

Minnan Normal University
Overseas Education College
Approved by the Education Department of Fujian Province, the Overseas Education College (OEC) of Minnan Normal University was founded in 2009, in order to further adapt to modern educational development and internationalization, and to take full regional advantage of being in the open coastal city of Zhangzhou. The college is set to be responsible for MNNU’s international exchange and cooperation, international student admission and education, and overseas joint programs. In 2011, the functions of the International Affairs Office and the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office were separated from the General Office of the University and merged into OEC. Currently, OEC consists of 3 sections, namely Section of International Affairs, Section of Comprehensive Administration and Section of International Student Affairs Management. Since its foundation, OEC has promoted the establishment of partnership between MNNU and more than 80 universities in different countries, e.g. the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, etc. and China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions. It has also conducted stable, friendly and cooperative ties with counterparts such as Louisiana Tech University, Pennsylvania State University, Seton Hall University and New York Institute of Technology of the USA, Plymouth University of the UK, Newcastle University andDeakinUniversityof Australia, Auckland University of New Zealand, BSK International Education Organization of German, Shimane University and Nara Saho College of Japan, Chiang Mai University of Thailand, Mariana Marcos State University of the Philippines.

Minnan Normal University
Minnan Normal University devotes itself to make full use of the university’s advantages in location, resources and education features to recruit and cultivate international students. Up to now, nearly 300 students from more than 40 countries such as the United States, Russia, Korea, Turkey, Malaysia, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana have been enrolled in its Chinese language program (non-degree), undergraduate programs, postgraduate programs and doctoral programs. Academic education for international students covers 8 disciplines which are Literature, Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Pedagogy, Psychology, Law and Engineering. In the meanwhile, OEC has provided platforms of short-term Chinese language learning and Chinese culture experience for nearly 1000 overseas students. And over the past decade, it has held consecutively Fujian-Taiwan joint talent training programs and sent more than 1500 students from mainland to study in Taiwan. OEC has been striving to work on the solid implementation of Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions and projects, and has established strategic and cooperative partnerships with Australia Education Management Group, China Prospect Education Group and China Scholarship Council to promote international cooperation projects. In addition, OEC also hosts a special class for sending students to study in Japan, and carries out “1 + 1 Overseas Education Background Enhancement Project”, “1 + 1 International Master Preparatory Project”, “2 + X International Undergraduate Project” and “International Vocational Education -Undergraduate Project”, in order to provide more opportunities for students of MNNU as well as more domestic students to study abroad.

Minnan Normal University
闽南师范大学本科专业一览表Undergraduate Programs of Minnan Normal University
所在学院 School |
本科专业名称 Undergraduate Programs |
文学院 School of Chinese Language and Literature |
汉语言文学(师范) Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher Education) |
汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature |
汉语国际教育(师范) Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
新闻传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication |
广告学 Advertising |
广播电视编导 Radio and TV Directing |
网络与新媒体 Network and New Media |
数字出版 Digital Publishing |
外国语学院 School of Foreign Studies |
英语(师范) English (Teacher Education) |
商务英语 Business English |
翻译 Translation |
日语 Japanese |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
思想政治教育(师范) Ideological and Political Education (Teacher Education) |
法学院 School of Law |
政治学与行政学 Politics and Administration |
法学 Law |
社会工作 Social Work |
商学院 School of Business |
经济学 Economics |
国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade |
经济与金融 Economics and Finance |
经济统计学 Economic Statistics |
旅游管理 Tourism Management |
市场营销 Marketing |
人力资源管理 Human Resources Management |
财务管理 Financial Administration |
国际商务 International Business |
历史地理学院 School of History and Geography |
历史学(师范) History(Teacher Education) |
地理科学(师范) Geography (Teacher Education) |
教育科学学院 School of Education Science |
教育技术学(师范) Educational Technology (Teacher Education) |
小学教育(师范) Primary Education (Teacher Education) |
学前教育(师范) Preschool Education(Teacher Education) |
心理学(师范) Psychology (Teacher Education) |
艺术学院 School of Art |
音乐学(师范) Musicology(Teacher Education) |
美术学 Fine Arts |
公共艺术 Public Art |
数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics and Statistics |
数学与应用数学(师范) Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Teacher Education) |
统计学 Statistics |
数据计算及应用 Data Calculation and Application |
计算机学院 School of Computer Science and Engineering |
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology |
网络工程 Network Engineering |
软件工程 Software Engineering |
数据科学与大数据技术 Data Science and Big Data Technology |
物理与信息工程学院School of Physics and Information Engineering |
物理学(师范) Physics (Teacher Education) |
光电信息科学与工程 Photoelectric Information Science and Engineering |
电气工程及其自动化 Electrical Engineering and Automation |
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering |
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence |
微电子科学与工程 Microelectronics Science and Engineering |
化学化工与环境学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Environment |
化学(师范) Chemistry (Teacher Education) |
科学教育(师范) Science Education (Teacher Education) |
应用化学 Applied Chemistry |
环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering |
生物科学与技术学院School of Biological Science and Biotechnology |
生物科学(师范) Biological Science (Teacher Education) |
园艺 Horticulture |
园林 Landscape Gardening |
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering |
风景园林 Landscape Architecture |
食品营养与健康 Food Nutrition and Health |
体育学院 School of Physical Education |
体育教育(师范) Physical Education (Teacher Education) |
社会体育指导与管理 Guidance and Management of Social Sport |
Master Degree Programs of Minnan Normal University
(1)学术型硕士Academic Degree Programs
门类 Category |
一级学科 First Level Subject |
学科、专业名称 Master Degree Programs |
培养单位 Training Unit |
法学 Law |
马克思主义理论Theory of Marxism |
马克思主义基本原理 Basic Principles of Marxism |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
马克思主义中国化研究 Localization of Marxism in China |
思想政治教育 Ideological and Political Education |
教育学 Education |
教育学 Education |
课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
教育科学学院 School of Education Science |
心理学 Psychology |
基础心理学 Basic Psychology |
发展与教育心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology |
应用心理学 Applied Psychology |
文学 Literature |
中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature |
文艺学 Literary Theory |
文学院 School of Chinese Language and Literature
语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology |
中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text |
中国古代文学 Chinese Ancient Literature |
中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature |
闽南文化与家族社会 Minnan Culture and Family Society |
闽南文化研究院 School of Minnan Culture Research |
闽南民俗文化与民间文艺 Minnan Folk Culture and Folk Art |
理学 Science
数学 Mathematics
基础数学 Basic Mathematics |
数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics and Statistics
计算数学 Computational Mathematics |
概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics |
应用数学 Applied Mathematics |
运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics |
数理经济与数理金融 Mathematical Economics and Mathematical Finance |
应用数学 Applied Mathematics |
粒计算重点实验室 Lab of Granular Computing |
计算数学 Computational Mathematics |
运筹学与控制论 Operational Science and Control Theory |
化学 Chemistry |
无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry |
化学化工与环境学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Environment |
分析化学 Analytical Chemistry |
有机化学 Organic Chemistry |
物理化学 Physical Chemistry |
环境化学 Environmental Chemistry |
化学生物学 Chemical Biology |
菌物产业工程 技术中心 Fungus Industry Engineering Technology Center |
工学 Technology |
计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology |
计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology |
计算机学院 School of Computer Science and Engineering |
(2)专业型硕士Professional Degree Programs
培养单位 Training Unit |
学科、专业名称 Master Degree Programs |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
学科教学(思政) Subject-based Pedagogy (Ideological and Political Education) |
教育科学学院 School of Education Science |
心理健康教育 Psychological Health Education |
特殊教育 Special Education |
现代教育技术 Modern Educational Technology |
小学教育 Elementary Education |
学前教育 Preschool Education |
教育管理 Educational Administration |
应用心理 Applied Psychology |
体育学院 School of Physical Education |
学科教学(体育) Subject-based Pedagogy (Physical Education) |
文学院 School of Chinese Language and Literature |
学科教学(语文) Subject-based Pedagogy (Chinese Language and Literature) |
历史地理学院 School of History and Geography |
学科教学(历史) Subject-based Pedagogy (History) |
学科教学(地理) Subject-based Pedagogy (Geography) |
外国语学院 School of Foreign Studies |
学科教学(英语) Subject-based Pedagogy (English) |
艺术学院 School of Art |
学科教学(音乐) Subject-based Pedagogy (Musicology) |
学科教学(美术) Subject-based Pedagogy (Fine Arts) |
数学与统计学院 School of Mathematics and Statistics |
学科教学(数学) Subject-based Pedagogy (Mathematics) |
应用统计 Applied Statistics |
物理与信息工程学院 School of Physics and Information Engineering |
学科教学(物理) Subject-based Pedagogy (Physics) |
光电信息工程 Optoelectronic Information Engineering |
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence |
新一代电子信息技术 A New Generation of Electronic Information Technology |
生物科学与技术学院 School of Biological Science and Biotechnology |
学科教学(生物) Subject-based Pedagogy(Biology) |
化学化工与环境学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Environment |
学科教学(化学) Subject-based Pedagogy(Chemistry) |
科学与技术教育 Science and Technology Education |
计算机学院 School of Computer Science and Engineering |
计算机技术 Computer Technology |
软件工程 Software Engineering |
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence |
大数据技术与工程 Large-scale Date Technology and Engineering |
网络与信息安全 Network and Information Security |
粒计算重点实验室 Lab of Granular Computing |
应用统计 Applied Statistics |
法学院 School of Law |
社会工作 Social Work |
新闻传播学院 School of Journalism and Communication |
新闻与传播 Journalism and Communication |
闽南师范大学博士人才培养项目一览表Doctor Degree Programs of Minnan Normal University
博士人才培养项目名称 Doctor Degree Programs |
研究方向Orientations |
闽南文化与两岸交流研究 Minnan Culture and Exchange between Taiwan and Chinese Mainland |
闽南方言文化 Minnan Dialect Culture |
闽南民间信仰 Minnan Local Religion |
闽南文献与海疆文化 Minnan Literature and Waters Culture |
闽台家族社会与文化 Fujian and Taiwan Family, Society and Culture |
Minnan Normal University ContactInformation
Address: Overseas Education College of Minnan Normal University, No. 36 Xian-qian-zhi Street, Xiangcheng District, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, P.R. China.
Postcode: 363000
Addressee:Ava HU , Freeman ZENG
Tel: +86 (0)596 2598865
Fax: +86 (0)596 2598865
Email:[email protected]
Minnan Normal University Website:http://oes.mnnu.edu.cn/