2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students

一、招生国家和地区Applicant’s Countries / Regions东盟国家ASEAN Countries二、招生专业Enrollment Majors本科专业:商务英语、汉语国际教育Undergraduate majors: Business English, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages三、奖学金种类与资助标准Types of Scholarships and Criteria(一)奖学金种类Types of Scholarships全额奖学金,向申请攻读学士学位的东盟国家留学生提供,期限一般为 4 学年。Full schol...
2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students

2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students

2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students

“广西政府东盟国家留学生奖学金” 2024年河池学院招生简章

March 5, 2024


一、招生国家和地区Applicant’s Countries / Regions

东盟国家ASEAN Countries

二、招生专业Enrollment Majors of Hechi University


Undergraduate majors: Business English, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

三、奖学金种类与资助标准Types of Scholarships and Criteria

(一奖学金种类Types of Scholarships to study at Hechi University

全额奖学金,向申请攻读学士学位的东盟国家留学生提供期限一般为 4 学年。

Full scholarship, provided to international students from ASEAN countries who apply for a bachelor’s degree, the duration is generally 4 academic years.



Free from registration fee, tuition fee, textbook fee, laboratory fee and accommodation fee;


Provide insurance against major illness and accident ;


Living expenses: 1,000 RMB per month for undergraduates.

2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students

四、申请条件Application Qualifications


Applicants should be from ASEAN countries, have a diploma equivalent to Chinese high school graduation, excellent academic records, and be at least 18 years old and under 25 years old.



Be friendly to China, and abide by the laws and regulations of Chinese government and the University.



Well conducted, serious to study with excellent academic records.



Not receive any other scholarships from Chinese government at the same time.



Chinese Language Requirement: In principle, applicants should have the corresponding Chinese language proficiency. Applicants for bachelor’s degree programs should reach at least level 3 of HSK with HSK3 certificate if Chinese is the medium of instruction .

2024 Hechi University Application Guidelines for Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students


五、申请材料Required Materials


Fill in the Application Form of Guangxi Government Scholarship for ASEAN Students (Full Scholarship) in Chinese or English(Attachment1)

2. 护照电子版扫描件

Scanned copy of passport


Notarized certificate of the highest academic qualification and transcripts


Study and research plan in China (no less than 200 words, written in Chinese or English)


Language proficiency certificate


Physical Examination Form(Attachment2)


Non-criminal record certificate


2-inch photograph taken within the past six months(in white background)



注:以上资料,请扫描后发到电子邮箱([email protected]或上传至在线申请系统lnternational Student Service System,无需提交纸质版。All the application documents above should be sent to the E-mail address( [email protected] or upload to the online application systemlnternational Student Service System, in the form of PDF, and it’s not necessary to post the hard copies.


六、截止时间(以北京时间为准)Deadline (Beijing Time)

2024530 May 30th, 2024


七、联系方式Contact Details

河池学院国际教育学院School of International Education, Hechi University

联系电话Tel: +86-778-3147526

传真Fax: +86-778-3144791

电子邮箱E-mail:[email protected]

联系地址Address: 中国广西壮族自治区河池市宜州区龙江路42号,邮编546300

No.42 Longjiang Road, Yizhou District, Hechi City, Guangxi, P. R. China  

Postal code: 546300



Visit website of Hechi University

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