Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

As a student majored in Chinese Business, DIANA TSKHAI integrated what she learned into her life and practice, turned her interest into the best motivation, and also used short videos to build a friendly bridge between China and foreign countries.

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

Seek the Dream in China, Bridge Different Cultures in ZJSU



She walked through the ancient streets and alleys to capture the beauty of Hangzhou in different season;she appeared on stage in a poetry competition to interpret the rhythm of ancient proses with a new perspective.

As a student majored in Chinese Business, DIANA TSKHAI integrated what she learned into her life and practice, turned her interest into the best motivation, and also used short videos to build a friendly bridge between China and foreign countries.

01 个人信息

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI Personal Information


Name:Diana Tskhai




Major:Business Chinese


College:Co-educated by College of International Education and School of Humanities & Communication

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI
Excellent International Students: DIANA TSKHAI

02 获奖、杰出经历

Award-winning, Outstanding Experience

a 2020“梦行浙江”短视频大赛一等奖

The First Price of 2020 “Mengxing Zhejiang” Short Video Contest

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

b 2021浙江省国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖

Bronze Prize of 2021 Zhejiang International “Internet+” Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

c 2021浙江省大学生中华经典诵读竞赛三等奖

The Third Price of 2021 Zhejiang Province of Chinese Classics Recitation Competition for College Students

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

d 2021浙江工商大学年国际生汉语大赛二等奖

The Second Price of 2021 International Student Chinese Competition of Zhejiang Gongshang University

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

e 2021年“我和诗画浙江”——浙江省国际学生微视频比赛优秀奖

2021 “I and Poetry & Painting Zhejiang”-Excellence Award of Zhejiang International Student Micro-Video Competition

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

f 2021浙江省“美丽浙江”短视频比赛优秀奖

2021 Honorable Mentions of Zhejiang “Beautiful Zhejiang” Short Video Competition

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

g 2021浙江省政府奖学金(B类)

2021 Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship (Category B)

Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

03 让我们来听听她的成长感言吧!

Let’s hear her acceptance speech.

First of all, I want to thank the teachers for the opportunity and it’s really an honor for me to tell about my growth at Zhejiang Gongshang University.


Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

I entered the university in 2020, and I had no idea what was waiting for me in the next two years. When I first arrived, I sincerely admired the beauty of our campus, how many lovely flowers there are, how advanced teaching equipment and perfect campus facilities there are.

In addition to a good impression, I met many teachers who were happy to help me in many ways and thanks to whom I had access to various activities and learned a lot about the profound and lasting culture of our university.

At the same time, when participating in short video shooting, I actively participated in various experience activities, and also got a better understanding of the long-standing Chinese culture. I won’t lie and honestly say that from that moment I had a deeper understanding of China and Chinese culture and fell in love with China even more.




Unfortunately, the sudden epidemic has disrupted our lives. But the teachers’ assistance and help helped us through those difficult days.

Meanwhile, I also actively participated in various volunteer activities for epidemic prevention, and made many friends finally. Today, although the epidemic still exists, I believe that under the control of the Chinese government and with the help of teachers, I will still have a colorful and  full student life.



I come from Kyrgyzstan, a small country in Central Asia. I thought that it would really be the right decision for me to decide to learn Chinese and study there in ZJSU.

Perhaps it was not only luck to enter our university, but also fate. After all, in addition to all of the above, I have friends here with whom I would really like to communicate for a long time after graduation. If it wasn’t the help from my friends and teachers, I probably wouldn’t have received Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to participate in some events and subsequently further my knowledge in Chinese culture.

I’d like to show my thanks to these people, who helped me have a wonderful time in Hangzhou that I will never forget.




I do not know what awaits me in the future, and what opportunities still await me ahead. But now, I am sincerely proud that I’ve made a mark on our university, which means that I’ve made my mark in China.


Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI
Excellent International Students DIANA TSKHAI

Source: StudyinZJSU

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