2024 Changsha University of Science and Technology Application Guide for Scholarship for Linguistic Students from Countries along the “the Belt and Road” 2024年度“一带一路”沿线国语言生奖学金申请指南

一、申请人基本资格 1.一带一路沿线国学生; 2.身心健康,品学兼优; 3.高中及以上学历且完成上一阶段学业; 4.具有高中毕业学历者,年龄不超过24岁;具有学士学位者,年龄不超过34周岁;具有硕士学位者,年龄不超过38周岁; 5.语言要求:中文水平达到HSK二级者优先录取。如无中文基础,需要英文水平到达托福68分以上/雅思5.5以上/多邻国85分以上/英语为母语或官方语言。 6.只招收新生;不接收已在华学习的学生。 二、招生类别及...
2024 Changsha University of Science and Technology Application Guide for Scholarship for Linguistic Students from Countries along the "the Belt and Road" 2024年度“一带一路”沿线国语言生奖学金申请指南

2024 Changsha University of Science and Technology Application Guide for Scholarship for Linguistic Students from Countries along the “the Belt and Road


发布日期:2024年07月03日 来源: 作者:








2024 Changsha University of Science and Technology Application Guide for Scholarship for Linguistic Students from Countries along the "the Belt and Road" 2024年度“一带一路”沿线国语言生奖学金申请指南












2024 Changsha University of Science and Technology Application Guide for Scholarship for Linguistic Students from Countries along the "the Belt and Road" 2024年度“一带一路”沿线国语言生奖学金申请指南












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Enrollment Brochure for the "Silk Road" Chinese Government Scholarship Program of Changsha University of Science and Technology for the 2024/2025 Academic Year 长沙理工大学2024/2025学年“丝绸之路”中国政府奖学金项目招生简章

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