Beibu Gulf University
Beibu Gulf University北部湾大学是一所以工学、理学、管理学为主,多学科协调发展的全日制普通高等学校, 学校位于北部湾经济区核心港口城市——钦州市。校园占地面积 2070 亩,岭南风格、滨海风光、东南亚风情特色的3A级景区校园,为师生员工提供了良好的教学、科研、学习和生活环境。
学校前身为 1973 年创办的钦州地区师范学校;1991 年5月,设立钦州师范专科学校;2006 年 2 月,升格为钦州学院;2018年11月底,教育部批准在钦州学院基础上设立北部湾大学。
学校设有海洋学院、海运学院、机械与船舶海洋工程学院(工程训练中心)等 18 个教学单位。建有省级重点实验室(工程技术中心)、省级特色专业、创新创业改革示范专业、实验教学示范中心、虚拟仿真实验教学中心等省级及以上教学科研平台 70 多个。
- Introduction to Beibu Gulf University
Beibu Gulf University(BGU) is a full-time university with a focus on engineering, science and management and a coordinated development of multiple disciplines. The university is located in Qinzhou city, the core port city of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Covering an area of 138 hectares, the campus is the ideal place for study and research.
The former name of BGU was Qinzhou Normal School founded in 1973, and then it was transformed into Qinzhou Teachers College in 1991 and upgraded to Qinzhou College in 2006. In the end of 2018, Chinese Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of Beibu Gulf University on the basis of Qinzhou University.
There are 53 undergraduate majors and 10 master degree programs in Beibu Gulf University, with about 20,000 full-time students(including over 600 international students) and over 1,200 faculty members. The university has a number of high-level innovation teams in Guangxi higher education institutions and Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
BGU has 18 secondary colleges including Ocean College, Maritime College, College of Mechanical and Marine Engineering (Engineering Training Center). It has more than 70 teaching and research platforms at or above the provincial level, including provincial key laboratories (engineering technology center), provincial characteristic majors, innovation and entrepreneurship reform demonstration majors, experimental teaching demonstration centers, and virtual simulation experimental teaching centers.
Based in Beibu Gulf, facing the South China Sea and ASEAN, serving the national strategy and regional economic development, the university adheres to the integration of production and education. Thus, it takes the strategic alliance of production, education and research as the platform, focusing on the cultivation of practical ability, innovation ability and employment and entrepreneurship, cooperating with industrial enterprises in talent training and collaborative innovation, which has formed a distinctive university-running model and an applied talent training model.
With distinctive maritime characteristics, the university has established a number of marine-related majors such as marine science, marine engineering, navigation technology, aquaculture, ship and ocean engineering, port waterway and coastal engineering, thus built the discipline cluster with marine characteristics such as marine biology and technology and marine transportation and engineering. It takes a leading role at the provincial or even national level in the research fields of Chinese white dolphins, Chinese cockroaches, pearl oysters, oysters and other marine species conservation, as well as the island resources conservation and utilization.
The university adheres to the philosophy of open and collaborative education, and has established cooperative relations with more than 50 universities or institutes in over 20 countries and regions. These include Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Poland, Britain and the United States. At present, there are more than 600 international students from over 40 countries and regions.
The university partners with Eastern Michigan University of USA to establish the Eastern Michigan University Joint College of Engineering in Beibu Gulf University. The partnership represents the first international joint University at undergraduate level in Guangxi. Through cooperating with Warsaw University of Technology in Poland to hold undergraduate education programs, the university provides students with various types and levels of overseas study and exchange opportunities, such as joint training, mutual recognition of credits, and international communication.
In order to encourage foreign students to study in our university, “BGU Scholarship” is offered to outstanding international students. (International students apply for and participate in the test after admission. The scholarship level is assessed according to the test results. The specific application procedures are available at our official Website). At the same time, international students from ASEAN countries who are studying at our university can also apply for the Guangxi Government ASEAN National Student Scholarship.

II. Admissions and Requirements

(Applicants who are quarantined for infectious diseases and diseases that endanger public health in our Foreigner’s Physical Examination Form are not admitted.)

Beibu Gulf University
- 汉语进修生
分初级班和中级班 2 个班次,周学时 16-20 节。
初级班开设课程:初级汉语听说、初级综合汉语、初级汉语阅读、HSK 3 级等;
中级班开设课程:中级汉语听说、中级综合汉语、中级汉语阅读、HSK 4 级、中国文化、汉语写作等。
- 本科生
我校所有本科专业均对中文授课专业来华留学生开放。学制 3-6 年。专业列表可登陆我校招生信息网查询。(网址:
- 普通进修生
III.Programs and Courses
- Chinese languagecourse
There are 2 levels in the primary and intermediate Chinese, and 16-20 periods in the week. Courses at the primary level: Elementary Chinese Listening and Speaking, Elementary Integrated Chinese, Elementary Chinese Reading, HSK Level 3, etc.;
Courses at the intermediate level: Intermediate Chinese Listening and Speaking, Intermediate Chinese, Intermediate Chinese Reading, HSK Level 4, Chinese Culture, Chinese Writing, etc.
- Undergraduateprograms
All undergraduate majors in our university are open to international students(applicants of Chinese-taught programs). The study system is 3-6 years. The major list can be found on our Admissions Information Network. (URL:
English-taught programs details are in following attachment.
- Training or exchangeprogram
Courses are offered according to the requirements of the partner institutions.
Allgraduatemajorsinouruniversityareopentointernationalstudents(applicantsofChinese taughtprograms).Thestudysystemis3years.Graduateprogramsdetailsareinfollowing attachment2.
学历生/语言生:秋季学期(每年9 月初)
语言生:春季学期(每年3 月初)
IV.Entrance Time
undergraduates / Chinese language students :Autumn semester(early September)
Chinese language students :Spring semester(early March.)
申请者请登陆,下载《北部湾大学来华留学生入学申请表》、《外国人员体检表》等相关表格(具体要求请查看下文 3.提交材料),填写好后与本人护照 一同扫描发到邮箱:[email protected]。申请材料递交后,将由学校进行评审,评审合格并录取后,发给《来华留学生签证申请表》(JW202 表)和《北部湾大学外国留学生录取通知书》。申请者持以上两个文件到中国驻申请者所在国家使(领)馆办理来华学习类(X)签证。
- 北部湾大学外国留学生来华学习申请表;
- 护照复印件(照片页);
- 北部湾大学外国留学生“入学通知书”原件;
- 签证申请表原件(JW202表);
- 一寸正面免冠彩照 4张;
- 报名费和学费;
- 体格检查记录原件或原件扫描件(学习时间一年以上者)。
除以上7 项申请材料外,另需提供:
- 经过公证并翻译成英文的高中毕业证原件纸质版或原件扫描件(不得使用复印件);
- 经过公证并翻译成英文的高中成绩单原件纸质版或原件扫描件(不得使用复印件);
- 汉语水平考试证书(HSK等级证书或其他有效证明)。
V. Application Procedure
All undergraduates who apply to study in BGU should apply to the school three months before the beginning of the autumn semester; Chinese language students can apply for admission at any time.
Applicants are requested to log in at and download the application form for Admission of Overseas Students of Beibu Gulf University to China and Medical Examination Form for Foreigners (see the following 3. Submitted materials for specific requirements). After filling in the forms, applicants are required to scan the forms and send to the mailbox with their passport: [email protected].
After the application materials are submitted, they will be reviewed and accessed by the school. If the assessment is accepted, the “Application Form for International Students Visa” (JW202 Form) and the “Admission Notice for Foreign Students of Beibu Gulf University” will be issued. With the above two documents, Applicants apply for a Study (X) visa in the Chinese Embassy in their home country.
3.Submission ofMaterials
1. Chinese Language Course:
- Application form for foreign students studying in China at Beibu Gulf University;
- Copy of passport (photopage);
- The original “Notice of Admission” for foreign students of Beibu Gulf University;
- Original visa application form (JW202form);
- 4 sheets of one-inch front-free crown-free colorphotos;
- Registration fee and tuitionfee;
- Original or original scanned document of physical examination record (for those who have studied for more than oneyear).
2. Undergraduate Programs
In addition to the above 7 application materials in category A, additional information is required:
- The original or the original scanned version of the high school diploma that has been notarized and translated into English (no copy isallowed);
- A paper copy of the original high school transcript that has been notarized and translated into English or a scanned copy of the original (no copy isallowed);
- HSK level certificate (or other certified documents of Chinese language level).
1.1 汉语进修:1000 元/月/人。若要求“一对一”个别辅导的费用另计,标准为80 元/课时(45分钟),每周学习 10 个课时以上。
1.2 中文插班专业:a.文科 10000 元/学年/人;b.理科 12000 元/学年/人。(奖学金根据我校相关管理规定分四等级,具体根据面试成绩和学业成绩和表现定。)
1.3 全英文授课专业:a.文科 10000 元/学年/人;b.理科 12000 元/学年/人。(奖学金后学费:文理科:8000 元/学年/人,具体根据面试成绩和学业成绩和表现定。)
2.注册费:500 元/人。
3.保险费:500 元/学年/人。
VI.BEIBU GULF UNIVERSITY Tuition and other fees (Yuan: RMB)
1.Tuition Fee:
1.1 Chinese Language Course: 1000 yuan/month/person.If one-on-one tutoring is needed, the fee standard is 80 yuan/period(45 minutes) and there are more than 10 periods per week.
1.2 Chinese-taught major: a.10,000 yuan/academic year/person for liberal arts majors; b.12,000 yuan/academic year/person for science majors. (Scholarships are divided into four levels according to the relevant management regulations of our university, which are determined according to the interview results, academic achievements and performance of applicants.)
1.3 English-taught major: a.10,000 yuan/academic year/person for liberal arts majors; b.12,000 yuan/academic year/person for science majors. (Tuition offset by scholarship: liberal arts and science majors: 8,000 yuan/academic year/person, which is determined according to the interview results, academic achievements and performance of applicants.)
2.Registration fee: 500 yuan/person.
3.Insurance: 500 yuan per academic year.
4.Textbooks: approximately 300-500 yuan/academic year/person, dependent on majors or study modes.

按住宿条件收费:2000元/年或 250 元/月;
VII.Dormitory Standards and Costs
Charge according to accommodation conditions: 2000 yuan per year or250 yuan per month;
Supporting facilities: air conditioner, simple furniture, network broadband interface, etc.
Network and hydropower costs are self-supporting.
Note: Application for lodging outside campus is not allowed at present.
校内环境优美、空气清新、各类学习和生活设备设施齐全。除了有教室、自习室、报告厅、图书馆、各类实验室外,还设有东西区 2 个食堂、咖啡馆、体育馆、健身房、各类运动场地
VIII. Other information
The university has a beautiful environment, fresh air, and a variety of learning and living facilities. In addition to classrooms, study rooms, lecture halls, libraries, and various laboratories, there are also two canteens, cafes, gymnasiums, gyms, and various sports venues (soccer fields, basketball courts, badminton courts, etc.), banking, supermarkets, shops, post offices, community hospitals and other living facilities.
There are also various types of transportation facilities such as campus buses and shared bicycles.
北部湾大学留学生招生办公室 地址:广西钦州市滨海大道 12 号
电话: +86-777-2808587
手机:13907876457(吴老师);13977744577(刘老师)邮箱:[email protected]
IX. Contact information
Beibu Gulf University International Student Recruitment Office
E-mail:[email protected]

- 附件【3.外国人体格检查表Physical Examination Form.doc】已下载次
- 附件【1.北部湾大学外国留学生入学申请表Application Form for International Students.doc】已下载次
- 附件【2.奖学金申请表Scholarship Application Form.doc】已下载次
- 附件【4.留学生注册信息表Registration information form.xlsx】已下载次
- 附件【北部湾大学2022年来华留学生招生简章(中英对照)6.10定稿.docx】已下载次
Related :
2023 Beibu Gulf University International Student Enrollment brochure

Beibu Gulf University
Beibu Gulf University北部湾大学是一所以工学、理学、管理学为主,多学科协调发展的全日制普通高等学校, 学校位于北部湾经济区核心港口城市——钦州市。校园占地面积 2070 亩,岭南风格、滨海风光、东南亚风情特色的3A级景区校园,为师生员工提供了良好的教学、科研、学习和生活环境。
学校前身为 1973 年创办的钦州地区师范学校;1991 年5月,设立钦州师范专科学校;2006 年 2 月,升格为钦州学院;2018年11月底,教育部批准在钦州学院基础上设立北部湾大学。
学校设有海洋学院、海运学院、机械与船舶海洋工程学院(工程训练中心)等 18 个教学单位。建有省级重点实验室(工程技术中心)、省级特色专业、创新创业改革示范专业、实验教学示范中心、虚拟仿真实验教学中心等省级及以上教学科研平台 70 多个。
- Introduction to Beibu Gulf University
Beibu Gulf University(BGU) is a full-time university with a focus on engineering, science and management and a coordinated development of multiple disciplines. The university is located in Qinzhou city, the core port city of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Covering an area of 138 hectares, the campus is the ideal place for study and research.
The former name of BGU was Qinzhou Normal School founded in 1973, and then it was transformed into Qinzhou Teachers College in 1991 and upgraded to Qinzhou College in 2006. In the end of 2018, Chinese Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of Beibu Gulf University on the basis of Qinzhou University.
There are 53 undergraduate majors and 10 master degree programs in Beibu Gulf University, with about 20,000 full-time students(including over 600 international students) and over 1,200 faculty members. The university has a number of high-level innovation teams in Guangxi higher education institutions and Beibu Gulf Economic Zone.
BGU has 18 secondary colleges including Ocean College, Maritime College, College of Mechanical and Marine Engineering (Engineering Training Center). It has more than 70 teaching and research platforms at or above the provincial level, including provincial key laboratories (engineering technology center), provincial characteristic majors, innovation and entrepreneurship reform demonstration majors, experimental teaching demonstration centers, and virtual simulation experimental teaching centers.
Based in Beibu Gulf, facing the South China Sea and ASEAN, serving the national strategy and regional economic development, the university adheres to the integration of production and education. Thus, it takes the strategic alliance of production, education and research as the platform, focusing on the cultivation of practical ability, innovation ability and employment and entrepreneurship, cooperating with industrial enterprises in talent training and collaborative innovation, which has formed a distinctive university-running model and an applied talent training model.
With distinctive maritime characteristics, the university has established a number of marine-related majors such as marine science, marine engineering, navigation technology, aquaculture, ship and ocean engineering, port waterway and coastal engineering, thus built the discipline cluster with marine characteristics such as marine biology and technology and marine transportation and engineering. It takes a leading role at the provincial or even national level in the research fields of Chinese white dolphins, Chinese cockroaches, pearl oysters, oysters and other marine species conservation, as well as the island resources conservation and utilization.
The university adheres to the philosophy of open and collaborative education, and has established cooperative relations with more than 50 universities or institutes in over 20 countries and regions. These include Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Poland, Britain and the United States. At present, there are more than 600 international students from over 40 countries and regions.
The university partners with Eastern Michigan University of USA to establish the Eastern Michigan University Joint College of Engineering in Beibu Gulf University. The partnership represents the first international joint University at undergraduate level in Guangxi. Through cooperating with Warsaw University of Technology in Poland to hold undergraduate education programs, the university provides students with various types and levels of overseas study and exchange opportunities, such as joint training, mutual recognition of credits, and international communication.
In order to encourage foreign students to study in our university, “BGU Scholarship” is offered to outstanding international students. (International students apply for and participate in the test after admission. The scholarship level is assessed according to the test results. The specific application procedures are available at our official Website). At the same time, international students from ASEAN countries who are studying at our university can also apply for the Guangxi Government ASEAN National Student Scholarship.

II. Admissions and Requirements

(Applicants who are quarantined for infectious diseases and diseases that endanger public health in our Foreigner’s Physical Examination Form are not admitted.)

Beibu Gulf University
- 汉语进修生
分初级班和中级班 2 个班次,周学时 16-20 节。
初级班开设课程:初级汉语听说、初级综合汉语、初级汉语阅读、HSK 3 级等;
中级班开设课程:中级汉语听说、中级综合汉语、中级汉语阅读、HSK 4 级、中国文化、汉语写作等。
- 本科生
我校所有本科专业均对中文授课专业来华留学生开放。学制 3-6 年。专业列表可登陆我校招生信息网查询。(网址:
- 普通进修生
III.Programs and Courses
- Chinese languagecourse
There are 2 levels in the primary and intermediate Chinese, and 16-20 periods in the week. Courses at the primary level: Elementary Chinese Listening and Speaking, Elementary Integrated Chinese, Elementary Chinese Reading, HSK Level 3, etc.;
Courses at the intermediate level: Intermediate Chinese Listening and Speaking, Intermediate Chinese, Intermediate Chinese Reading, HSK Level 4, Chinese Culture, Chinese Writing, etc.
- Undergraduateprograms
All undergraduate majors in our university are open to international students(applicants of Chinese-taught programs). The study system is 3-6 years. The major list can be found on our Admissions Information Network. (URL:
English-taught programs details are in following attachment.
- Training or exchangeprogram
Courses are offered according to the requirements of the partner institutions.
Allgraduatemajorsinouruniversityareopentointernationalstudents(applicantsofChinese taughtprograms).Thestudysystemis3years.Graduateprogramsdetailsareinfollowing attachment2.
学历生/语言生:秋季学期(每年9 月初)
语言生:春季学期(每年3 月初)
IV.Entrance Time
undergraduates / Chinese language students :Autumn semester(early September)
Chinese language students :Spring semester(early March.)
申请者请登陆,下载《北部湾大学来华留学生入学申请表》、《外国人员体检表》等相关表格(具体要求请查看下文 3.提交材料),填写好后与本人护照 一同扫描发到邮箱:[email protected]。申请材料递交后,将由学校进行评审,评审合格并录取后,发给《来华留学生签证申请表》(JW202 表)和《北部湾大学外国留学生录取通知书》。申请者持以上两个文件到中国驻申请者所在国家使(领)馆办理来华学习类(X)签证。
- 北部湾大学外国留学生来华学习申请表;
- 护照复印件(照片页);
- 北部湾大学外国留学生“入学通知书”原件;
- 签证申请表原件(JW202表);
- 一寸正面免冠彩照 4张;
- 报名费和学费;
- 体格检查记录原件或原件扫描件(学习时间一年以上者)。
除以上7 项申请材料外,另需提供:
- 经过公证并翻译成英文的高中毕业证原件纸质版或原件扫描件(不得使用复印件);
- 经过公证并翻译成英文的高中成绩单原件纸质版或原件扫描件(不得使用复印件);
- 汉语水平考试证书(HSK等级证书或其他有效证明)。
V. Application Procedure
All undergraduates who apply to study in BGU should apply to the school three months before the beginning of the autumn semester; Chinese language students can apply for admission at any time.
Applicants are requested to log in at and download the application form for Admission of Overseas Students of Beibu Gulf University to China and Medical Examination Form for Foreigners (see the following 3. Submitted materials for specific requirements). After filling in the forms, applicants are required to scan the forms and send to the mailbox with their passport: [email protected].
After the application materials are submitted, they will be reviewed and accessed by the school. If the assessment is accepted, the “Application Form for International Students Visa” (JW202 Form) and the “Admission Notice for Foreign Students of Beibu Gulf University” will be issued. With the above two documents, Applicants apply for a Study (X) visa in the Chinese Embassy in their home country.
3.Submission ofMaterials
1. Chinese Language Course:
- Application form for foreign students studying in China at Beibu Gulf University;
- Copy of passport (photopage);
- The original “Notice of Admission” for foreign students of Beibu Gulf University;
- Original visa application form (JW202form);
- 4 sheets of one-inch front-free crown-free colorphotos;
- Registration fee and tuitionfee;
- Original or original scanned document of physical examination record (for those who have studied for more than oneyear).
2. Undergraduate Programs
In addition to the above 7 application materials in category A, additional information is required:
- The original or the original scanned version of the high school diploma that has been notarized and translated into English (no copy isallowed);
- A paper copy of the original high school transcript that has been notarized and translated into English or a scanned copy of the original (no copy isallowed);
- HSK level certificate (or other certified documents of Chinese language level).
1.1 汉语进修:1000 元/月/人。若要求“一对一”个别辅导的费用另计,标准为80 元/课时(45分钟),每周学习 10 个课时以上。
1.2 中文插班专业:a.文科 10000 元/学年/人;b.理科 12000 元/学年/人。(奖学金根据我校相关管理规定分四等级,具体根据面试成绩和学业成绩和表现定。)
1.3 全英文授课专业:a.文科 10000 元/学年/人;b.理科 12000 元/学年/人。(奖学金后学费:文理科:8000 元/学年/人,具体根据面试成绩和学业成绩和表现定。)
2.注册费:500 元/人。
3.保险费:500 元/学年/人。
VI.BEIBU GULF UNIVERSITY Tuition and other fees (Yuan: RMB)
1.Tuition Fee:
1.1 Chinese Language Course: 1000 yuan/month/person.If one-on-one tutoring is needed, the fee standard is 80 yuan/period(45 minutes) and there are more than 10 periods per week.
1.2 Chinese-taught major: a.10,000 yuan/academic year/person for liberal arts majors; b.12,000 yuan/academic year/person for science majors. (Scholarships are divided into four levels according to the relevant management regulations of our university, which are determined according to the interview results, academic achievements and performance of applicants.)
1.3 English-taught major: a.10,000 yuan/academic year/person for liberal arts majors; b.12,000 yuan/academic year/person for science majors. (Tuition offset by scholarship: liberal arts and science majors: 8,000 yuan/academic year/person, which is determined according to the interview results, academic achievements and performance of applicants.)
2.Registration fee: 500 yuan/person.
3.Insurance: 500 yuan per academic year.
4.Textbooks: approximately 300-500 yuan/academic year/person, dependent on majors or study modes.

按住宿条件收费:2000元/年或 250 元/月;
VII.Dormitory Standards and Costs
Charge according to accommodation conditions: 2000 yuan per year or250 yuan per month;
Supporting facilities: air conditioner, simple furniture, network broadband interface, etc.
Network and hydropower costs are self-supporting.
Note: Application for lodging outside campus is not allowed at present.
校内环境优美、空气清新、各类学习和生活设备设施齐全。除了有教室、自习室、报告厅、图书馆、各类实验室外,还设有东西区 2 个食堂、咖啡馆、体育馆、健身房、各类运动场地
VIII. Other information
The university has a beautiful environment, fresh air, and a variety of learning and living facilities. In addition to classrooms, study rooms, lecture halls, libraries, and various laboratories, there are also two canteens, cafes, gymnasiums, gyms, and various sports venues (soccer fields, basketball courts, badminton courts, etc.), banking, supermarkets, shops, post offices, community hospitals and other living facilities.
There are also various types of transportation facilities such as campus buses and shared bicycles.
北部湾大学留学生招生办公室 地址:广西钦州市滨海大道 12 号
电话: +86-777-2808587
手机:13907876457(吴老师);13977744577(刘老师)邮箱:[email protected]
IX. Contact information
Beibu Gulf University International Student Recruitment Office
E-mail:[email protected]

- 附件【3.外国人体格检查表Physical Examination Form.doc】已下载次
- 附件【1.北部湾大学外国留学生入学申请表Application Form for International Students.doc】已下载次
- 附件【2.奖学金申请表Scholarship Application Form.doc】已下载次
- 附件【4.留学生注册信息表Registration information form.xlsx】已下载次
- 附件【北部湾大学2022年来华留学生招生简章(中英对照)6.10定稿.docx】已下载次