Admission Guide of Ningbo University of Technology

Admission Guide of Ningbo University of Technology

A University Integrating Industry and Education-Ningbo University of Technology

Ningbo University of Technology is a full-time undergraduate university and master’s degree conferring unit approved by the Ministry of Education,which wasjointly founded by Zhejiang provincial government and Ningbo municipality, but mainly under the administration of the city. It covers an area of 1,200,000 square meters and comprises Fenghua Campus, Cuibai Campus, and Qianwan Campus. Theuniversity boasts 19 subordinate schools, 48 undergraduate programs, 24 first-level disciplines, 1241 teaching and administrative staff, 978 full-time teacherswith428havingprofessorship and associate professorship and 465havingdoctorate degrees, andthe universitycurrently has more than 15,000 full-time undergraduate students.

Ningbo University of Technology was founded for Ningbo city’s development. In 1983, Ningbo College, as the first engineering-based higher learning institution in Ningbo, was founded in the wave of reform and opening up. The universitywas operatedwiththe assistance ofGermany. At the beginning of its operation, as one of the four universities in China aided by the former Federal Republic of Germany, the university learned successful experience of engineer education and teaching system of cultivating application-oriented students in Germany andsetthe goal of application-orientededucation. The university was developed as an applied sciences university. In 1997, it became a national exemplary engineering college; In 2004, it was upgradedand renamedNingbo University of Technology; In 2010, it was listed as one of the first group of universities which implement “Outstanding Engineers Cultivation Program” by the Ministry of Education. In 2016, it wasselected aspilotuniversity for the national program of industry and education integration; In 2021, it was approved as a master’s degree conferring unit, and in the same year,includedin thenational power of education project andlisted asconstruction unit of the first batch of modern industrial colleges in China.

Ningbo University of Technology attaches great importance to the construction of disciplines, insists on focusing on engineering, and coordinates the development of multiple disciplines in arts, sciences, economics, and management. The subject of “Materials Science” has entered the top 1% of the world in the Essential Science Indicators Database (ESI). Disciplines and programs are comprehensively arranged around the needs of local economic and social development, and have fully covered the three major industries of green petrochemicals, automobiles, and high-end manufacturing, as well as strategic emerging industries such as new-generation information technology and new energy. Ningbo University of Technology vigorously promotes the construction of discipline platforms. In 2021, it was approved as a master’s degree conferring unit and two professional master’s degree programs in civil engineering and water conservancy and engineering managementwere also approved. Ningbo University of Technology has cultivated 6 provincial-level first-class disciplines, 7 city-level key disciplines, and 7 discipline platforms above the provincial level have been approved. The China-Central and Eastern European Countries(CEEC)Innovation Cooperation Research Center, which the university participated in the construction, was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to settle in Ningbo. Teaching reform and specialty construction have yielded fruitful results, five programs including civil engineering, computer science and technology, chemical engineering and technology, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, and logistics management have been selected as national first-class undergraduate specialty construction units, and 10 programs have been selected as provincial first-class undergraduate specialty construction units, 4 programs were selected as provincial-level advantageous characteristic programs, 11 programs passed professional accreditation, the university boasts 3 national-level first-class undergraduate courses, 71 provincial-level first-class courses, in the past three years, the university won 2 Zhejiang Provincial Teaching Achievement Awards, and was recognized as “Zhejiang Innovation University for Classroom Teaching”.

Ningbo University of Technology implementsthe reform of talent cultivation modes such as “dual-integration of science and education, and of industry and education”, “outstanding engineer program”, “new engineering” and “new liberal arts”, etc., cultivating interdisciplinary talents with the abilities of applied research and practical application. Since its establishment, the university has cultivated more than 100,000 high-quality talents of various fields. The admission rate of postgraduate entrance examination has been rising year by year, and the ranking of comprehensive education quality remainsatthetopin the province. The employment rate of students in the year of graduation is about 95%, and above 50% of the graduates will stay in Ningbo. The university attaches great importance to the education of innovation and entrepreneurship. It has jointly built 1 national university science park, national makers’ space —Fenghua Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship park, and Hailanbao Makers’ Space. In 2022, it ranked 97th in the National College Student Competition. And it ranked top 20 in the country in terms of the total number of gold awards in the 7th and 8th China International “Internet Plus” College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

Ningbo University of Technology strengthensthe construction of scientific research bases and teams, vigorously carriesout applied research and technological development, andhaswon 2 national science and technology awards, 42 ministerial and provincial science and technology awards (including first-level industry association/institute awards), 19 Ningbo science and technology awards, and 15 Ningbo philosophy and social science outstanding achievement awards. A number of high-level papers have been published in domestic high-level journals and international top journals. A total of 635 authorized invention patents have been obtained, and more than 40 intellectual property achievements have been transformed in recent years. The university undertakes more than 200 projects at the provincial and ministerial level and won the support of the Ningbo City Top Talent Project in 2020.

Fully integrated into local economic and social development, the university takes the initiative to focus on the main battlefields of local economic and social development, tackles challenges in local pillar industries such as port-surrounding petrochemical, intelligent manufacturing, port and shipping logistics, and key core technologies that need to be addressed in the construction of major local infrastructure such as rail transit, harbors and bridges, and promotes the implementation of technological achievements with the support of collaborative innovation by bringing together enterprises, academic, and research institutes in key industries. In the past five years, it has served a total of 1889 enterprises, established a number of national, provincial and municipal modern industrialcolleges such as School of Automobile in Hangzhou Bay, Green Petrochemical Industrial Institute, Robotics Institute, jointly built a number of local research institutes with local governments such as Sino-Ukraine New Materials Industrial Technologies Institute, Xiangshan Institute and Fenghua Institute, and set up a number of research institutes based on industrial services and social construction such as the Research Institute of Vehicle Collision Safety and Lightweight, the Research Institute of Regional Development and Common Prosperity, and the Development Institute of “Elderlyand Child Care”.

Ningbo University of Technology carries outextensive cooperation with foreign countries, drawson advanced foreign experience and strengthensthe characteristics of international-oriented education,it hasjointly set up programs of Accounting, Information and computing science (Big data), and mechanical design, manufacturing and automation with Delaware State University and Wayne State University in the United States, and established long-term and stable intercollegiatecooperative relations with nearly 100 universities in more than 30 countries. It hasestablishedone Confucius Institute in Grenada, a North American country located in the Caribbean Sea. The university attaches great importance to scientific and technological cooperation and personnel exchange with overseas institutions, and has built national science and technology cooperation platforms with Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau such as China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center.

Admission Guide of Ningbo University of Technology

Ningbo University of Technology enjoys excellent comprehensive educational conditions and complete infrastructure, with the total value of teaching and scientific research equipments reaching 530 million RMB. It has been deepening the implementation of “strengthening the university with talents” strategy, focusing on major national development strategies, international academic frontier and major regional demands, adhering to the principle of “introducing and cultivating talents simultaneously”, and striving to build high-level application-oriented teaching team. In the past three years, 257 talents of all fields have been introduced, 161 of whom have doctor’s degrees or above (overseas talents account for 18%, and 68.3% of talents related to advantageous emerging industries in Ningbo). Among the full-time teachers, 1 is self-trained foreign academician of Ukrainian National Academy of Engineering, 2 are British Royal Society of Chemistry members, and 4 are National Talent Introduction Project experts. There are 8 provincial-level talents including young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Zhejiang Province. 73 teachers are selected as Zhejiang university young and middle-aged academic leaders or Zhejiang “151 Talent Project”. 8 teachers are selected as Ningbo outstanding talents, Yongjiang Scholars, or outstanding contribution experts. 54 teachers are selected as the municipal top-notch talents.

Ningbo University of Technology adheres to the concept of cultural education, carries forward the university spirit of “being practical and seeking excellence”, execute the university motto of “integration of knowledge and practice”, focuses on building campus culture brand such as “craftsman spirit” and “Yangming culture”. The university strives to build a campus cultural atmosphere with distinctive characteristics, civility, harmony, health and vitality at multiple levels, and gives full play to the function of environmental education, and improves the comprehensive quality of students.

Looking forward to the future, Ningbo University of Technology will anchor the goal, work hard and innovatively, and forge ahead with determination. By adhering to the fundamental task of “cultivating moral character and nurturing talents”, the university will highlight the characteristics of localization, application and internationalization, contribute to the local economic construction and social development, and unswervingly move toward the goal of building a first-class applied university.

NBUT (Ningbo University of Technology) is seeking cooperation in the following areas:

1. establish joint institutes or programs

2. teacher and student exchanges

3. joint scientific research

4. 2+2, 3+1, 3+2 joint programs with mutual recognition of credits

5. professional internship for students

6. joint cultivation programs at Master’s levels.

Admission Guide of Ningbo University of Technology

Contact us:

Mr.Wu Hao, Tel: 0086-574-87616132,[email protected]

Address:International Office, Ningbo University of Technology,

201 Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, P. R. China

Schools and Programs of Ningbo University of Technology

SchoolsBachelor’s Degree Programs in Ningbo University of Technology
School of Electronics and Information EngineeringElectronic Science and TechnologyElectrical Engineering and AutomationElectronic and Information Engineering
School of Civil and Transportation EngineeringCivil EngineeringBuilding Environment and Energy EngineeringConstruction Project ManagementArchitectureTransportation Traffic EngineeringRoad Bridge and River Crossing Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering/AutomobileMechanical Design, Manufacturing and AutomationMaterial Processing and Control EngineeringAutomotive Service EngineeringVehicle Engineering
School of Materials and Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering and TechnologyOil and Gas Storage and Transportation EngineeringApplied ChemistryMaterials Science and EngineeringMaterials PhysicsSafety Engineering
School of Economics and ManagementAccountingInternational Economics and TradeLogistics ManagementMarketingInternational BusinessLogistics EngineeringE-CommerceApplied EconomicsBusiness ManagementManagement Science and Engineering
School of Foreign LanguagesEnglish LanguageJapanese LanguageGerman LanguageBusiness English
School of Humanities and ArtsChinese Language and LiteratureAdvertisingIndustrial DesignCultural Industry ManagementUrban ManagementInternet and New Media
School of SciencesInformation and Computing ScienceApplied StatisticsFinancial EngineeringData Science and Big Data Technology
School of Cyber Science and EngineeringComputer Science and TechnologyNetwork EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceCyberspace Security
International Exchange CollegeAccounting (Cooperation with Delaware State University in USA)Information and Computing Science (Cooperation with Delaware State University in USA)Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation (Cooperation with Wayne State University in USA)
Robotics InstituteRobotics EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Automation (Robotics)Machinery Design & Manufacturing and Automation (Robotics)Industrial Design (Robotics)Network Engineering (Robotics)
College of New EnergyElectrical Engineering and Automation (New Energy Oriented)Material Science and Engineering (New Energy)

Undergraduate Programs of Ningbo University of Technology

1. International Business

2. Civil Engineering

3. Internet Engineering

4. Industrial Design

5. Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation

6. Accounting (NBUT-DSU 4+0)

7. Information and Computing Science (NBUT-WVSU 4+0)

8. Language Program

Tuition to study in Ningbo University of Technology

International Business, Civil Engineering, Internet Engineering

Industrial Design, Mechanical Design, Manufacture and Automation

RMB18,000 Yuan/Year

Accounting (NBUT-DSU 4+0)

Information and Computing Science (NBUT-WVSU 4+0)

RMB 38,000 Yuan/Year

Language Program 12,000 Yuan/Year


In order to get a successful admission to our school, every student (must be aged over 18 and under 30) or the applier must submit all the required documents and follow the following procedures:-

The Required Documents:

(All documents should be in English or with English translation and scanned copies acceptable)

The Valid Passport Identification Page and All Visa Pages

The Graduation Certificate/ Diploma of Highest Education

The Academic Transcript of Highest Education

A Bank Statement of Cash Fund (issued in the name of the student, and equal to CNY30,000 for degree student OR CNY20,000 for language student)

A No-crime Record from the local police

The Application Form (completely filled in)

A Personal Resume

One Personal Electronic Photo

Note: If the student provides any false or incomplete document or information, NBUT will not make registration for him/her or will cancel his/her visa once found.

Procedures of Application:

Email ALL the required documents to [email protected] (The applicant’s full name, home address, telephone number, intended program must be included in the email).

Pay the application fee (CNY 400 or USD 70) to the University’s bank account or to Sara after receiving acceptance email from Sara.

Bank Account of the University:


开户行地址:   宁波市农行翠柏支行


The University’s account in English is:

Bank Name: Agricultural Bank of China, NINGBO HAISHU BRANCH
Bank Address: No.239, Zhongshan West Road, Haishu District, Ningbo, PR. China
Account Name: Ningbo University of Technology
Account No: 39054001040000062
Swift Code: ABOCCNBJ390

Contact us:

Mr.Wu Hao, Tel: 0086-574-87616132,[email protected]

Address:International Office, Ningbo University of Technology,

201 Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, P. R. China

Visit website of Ningbo University of Technology to learn more

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