2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students

2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students 窗体底端窗体顶端Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA), the only higher learning institution of fine arts in Central China, traces its history back to Wuchang Fine Arts School founded in 1920 by Jiang Lanpu, Tang Yijing, and Xu Ziheng, etc. Wuchang Fine Arts School was later renamed Private Wuchang College of Fine Art...
2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students

2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students



Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA), the only higher learning institution of fine arts in Central China, traces its history back to Wuchang Fine Arts School founded in 1920 by Jiang Lanpu, Tang Yijing, and Xu Ziheng, etc. Wuchang Fine Arts School was later renamed Private Wuchang College of Fine Arts (“PWCFA”).

HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) Canglongdao and Tanhualin campuses, covering an area of more than 440,000 square meters. The Tanhualin campus covers an area of about 60,000 square meters, and the Canglongdao campus sprawls over 380,000 square meters. HIFA has 755 faculty members, including 496 Full-time teachers, 60 professors, and 120 associate professors. It has more than 8,000 Full-time students receiving education of different levels.

HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) is one of the 30 independent higher learning institutions authorized by the Ministry of Education to offer undergraduate programs in fine arts. HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) has 29 undergraduate majors with 36 academic programs. It has 15 academic units including the School of Chinese Painting, School of Painting, School of Sculpture and Public Art, School of Experimental Art, School of Art Education, School of FilmTelevision and Animation, School of Visual Art Design, School of Fashion and Art, School of Environmental Art, School of Industrial Design, School of Handicrafts, School of Arts and Humanities, School of Innovation,Department of Public Courses, and School of Marxism. HIFA has 3 characteristic programs approved by the Ministry of Education, 12 state-level first-class undergraduate majors, and 3 provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors.

HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) started the enrollment of postgraduate students in 1979, and became one of China’s 32 schools piloting programs of master’s degree in fine arts (MFA) in 2005. HIFA began joint education of doctoral students with partner schools in 2010. In 2018, HIFA was recognized as a school offering first-class disciplines in China, including Fine Arts, by the Hubei Provincial People’s Government. The school now has 2 master’s degree authorization points of the first-level disciplines of art and design; 3 master’s degree authorization points of art and calligraphy, design and cultural relics. It has 3 provincial graduate education innovation programs and 4 provincial graduate workstations. Now the construction of a national digital experimental platform, 54 disciplines and professional areas of the laboratory, the total area of the laboratory is about 3,000 square meters, for teachers and students to carry out scientific research to provide a platform to protect.

HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) upholds the academic philosophy of “inclusiveness” and is committed to the reform in higher art education. Efforts are being made to expedite and extend international education exchange in the new era, cultivate innovative and skilled art talents who know well about and love China and keep up with the times, and build HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) into a distinctive higher fine arts school that is first-rate in China and influential in the international community.


I. Admissions Plan

(1) Undergraduate programs

HIFA currently offers 33 undergraduate programs that recruit international students. Those who have completed the required programs passed the examinations, graduation creations (graduation designs), and graduation thesis defenses will be awarded graduation certificates and bachelor’s degrees. The undergraduate programs last for four years (five years for sculpture) and are taught in Chinese.

1. Application conditions for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) Any foreign citizen who is in good health, generally between the age of 18 (inclusive) and 30, and has an education degree equivalent to a senior high school degree in China;

(2) Chinese proficiency of HSK Level IV or above.

2. Application materials for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) Application Form for International Students of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts;

(2) Front page of your passport;

(3) Electronic version of your personal works (see detailed requirements for works);

(4) Scanned copies of the original transcript of all courses in senior high school in Chinese or foreign languages bearing the common seal of the school of graduation or signature of the notary;

(5) Senior high school diploma (fresh graduates may provide the expected graduation certificates first), which must be original scanned copies in Chinese or foreign languages;

(6) Scanned copies of the certificate and transcript of HSK Level IV or above;

(7) Electronic version of your recent photo, two inches, bareheaded, blue background;

(8) According to the Notice on Regulating the Admission of International Students in Higher Learning Institutions (J.W.H. [2020] No.12) issued by the Ministry of Education and Article 5 of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, those who are born to Chinese residents living abroad and acquire foreign citizenship at birth will not receive Chinese citizenship. Since 2021, in addition to the eligibility requirements for receiving undergraduate education in China as international students, such applicants also need to present valid foreign passports or certificates of citizenship for 4 years or above, and records of residence abroad for 2 years or above from April 30, 2019 to April 30, 2023 (a period of 9 months of residence abroad may be deemed as a year, subject to the dates indicated in the stamps of exit and entry). The requirements above are also binding on applicants in the mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who intend to pursue undergraduate education in China after receiving foreign citizenship.

(2) Postgraduate programs (Three years)

HIFA (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) currently offers 40 postgraduate programs that recruit international students. Those who have completed the required programs and passed the examinations and graduation thesis defenses will be awarded graduation certificates and master’s degrees. The postgraduate programs last for three years and are taught in Chinese.

1. Application conditions for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) A degree equivalent to that of a bachelor’s degree in a Chinese university;

(2) Chinese proficiency of HSK Level IV or above.

2. Application materials for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) Application Form for International Students of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts;

(2) Front page of your passport;

(3) Electronic version of your personal works (see detailed requirements for works);

(4) Scanned copies of the originals transcript of all undergraduate courses in Chinese or foreign languages bearing the common seal of the school of graduation or signature of the notary;

(5) Undergraduate diploma and bachelor’s degree certificate (fresh graduates may provide the expected graduation certificates first), which must be original scanned copies in Chinese or foreign languages;

(6) Scanned copies of the original letters of recommendation by scholars including two associate professors or above (for letters of recommendation in foreign languages, the Chinese translations are also required);

(7) Scanned copies of the certificate and transcript of HSK Level IV or above;

(8) Electronic version of your recent photo, two inches, bareheaded, blue background;

(3) Advanced training student programs

With rich teaching resources and advanced scientific research equipment and conditions, HIFA accepts international students (including exchange students from foreign cooperative institutions) to study some undergraduate courses or conduct collaborative research. The study period of professional advanced training students is generally one semester to one academic year. Those who completed the advanced courses will be awarded certificates of completion.

1. Application conditions for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) Any foreign citizen who is in good health and over 18 years old;

(2) Chinese proficiency of HSK Level IV or above.

2. Application materials for Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

(1) Copies of the home page and visa page of your passport;

(2) Electronic version of your recent photo, two inches, bareheaded, blue background;

(3) Scanned copies of the certificate and transcript of HSK Level IV or above;

(4) Scanned copy of the original certificate of your highest degree in Chinese or foreign languages.

II. Fees and Expenses

(1) Tuition fee

Undergraduate: CNY 26,000/academic year

Postgraduate: CNY 30,000/academic year

General students receiving advanced training: CNY 26,000/academic year

Students receiving short-term (three months or less) advanced training: CNY 3,000 /month

(2) Accommodation expenses

Accommodation in ordinary student dormitories (CNY 1,000-1,400 per academic year) is charged according to the unified standard of the institute;

(3) Insurance premium

Before entering the country, you must buy the “National Medical Insurance for International Students in China” at the premium of about CNY 800 yuan (required) per year; and the “National Medical Insurance for College Students” at CNY 350 per year (optional).

III. Application Time

(1) Deadline

May 31, 2024

(II) Application method

All international student programs of HIFA are registered online. Applicants should send the application materials to [email protected] before May 31, and the size of attachments should not exceed 20M.

IV. Scholarship:

Provincial: Scholarship for Foreign Students in Hubei Province

HIFA: HIFA Undergraduate Scholarship

V. Detailed Requirements of Works:

2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students

2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students


VI. Admissions Process

Under the guidance of the Admissions Leading Group of the institute, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation manages the admissions of international students in a centralized way. The admissions process adopts online registration, school audit, and online Q&A and combines materials review with a video interview. The specific process is as follows:

The basic process includes the following:

(1) Accepting and reviewing application materials (April-June, 2024)

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation is responsible for collecting and reviewing the applicants’ materials, backgrounds, identities, and other information. After the preliminary review, experts are organized under the guidance of the Admissions Leading Group to review and grade the works.

(2) Video interview (June 2024)

For those who have passed the preliminary review, the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will organize experts to conduct interviews under the guidance of the Admissions Leading Group (the interviews will be conducted through the Internet in a unified way by online assessment, mainly examining the applicants’ Chinese proficiency and professional abilities.

(3) Determining the intended admissions result according to the ranking of interview and materials review (at the end of June 2024)

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will conduct a statistical analysis of the preliminary test and interview scores, compile a list of proposed admissions, and submit it to the Admissions Leading Group for review and confirmation.

(4) Announcement of the admissions result (at the end of June 2024)

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will announce the result of proposed admissions.

(5) Printing of the Admission Letter (template) and the Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China (Form JW202) and report then to the higher authorities for approval and signing (early July 2024)

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will prepare relevant forms, make the Admission Letter, and notify the accepted applicants of the admission results by e-mail at the end of June 2023.

(6) Sending admission notices (at the end of July 2024)

The Office of International Exchange and Cooperation will send the Admission Letters and related attachments to the accepted applicants.

(7) End of admissions (August 2024)

Accepted applicants will receive the Admission Letters and Form JW202 from our HIFA before August 2023.

VII. Contact Information

Address: Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, 5 Limiao Rd., Canglongdao Science & Technology Park, Jiangxia, Wuhan, Hubei 430215, RR. China

Zip code: 430205

Tel: 0086-27-81317963

Fax: 0086-27-81317011

E-mail: international@hifa.edu.cn (Teacher Liao)

VIII. Visa

1. If you are accepted, please hold your passport, the Admission Letter, the Application Form for International Students of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, and other materials required by the embassy of the People’s Republic of China in your host country to apply for a visa for studying in China (X visa). You need to apply for an X1 visa to study for more than 180 days and an X2 visa to study for less than 180 days.

2. After registration and paying required fees according to the regulations of the institute, an international student must go through the residence formalities in China with their passport, Admission Letter, Application Form for International Students of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (JW202), and Physical Examination Records of Foreigners within 30 days from the date of entry.

IX. Others

(1) About registration

Registration time: September 15-30 (only on working days).

(II) Notes

1. The office hours are 8:30-12:00 am and 1:30-5:00 pm Beijing time;

2. Those who fail to register on time shall provide a written explanation before September 30 of that year. If you do not register within two weeks without providing a written explanation, you will be deemed to have automatically forfeited the admission qualification; if you require a registration postponement, please provide written application materials, and the registration can be appropriately postponed after approval. If the extension deadline is reached, the entry-exit visa (X) will be canceled;

3. Those who do not submit all required materials by the deadline for online registration will be deemed to have abandoned their application for the institute;

4. Students should leave the campus in time after completing all the courses. The institute will not handle visa extension procedures for them.

5. Tuition fees will not be refunded for those who drop out of HIFA or are expelled from HIFA in violation of Chinese laws or regulations of HIFA.



1. Undergraduate Programs of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students in 2024

2. Postgraduate Programs of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students in 2024



Attachment 1

Undergraduate Programs of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students in 2024




Major (program)

Length of study



School of Chinese Painting


Chinese Paintings

4 years

Fine Art



Chinese Calligraphy Studies

4 years

Fine Art


School of Painting


Painting (Oil Painting)

4 years

Fine Art


Painting (Printmaking)

4 years

Fine Art


Painting (Illustration Art)

4 years

Fine Art


Painting (Mural Painting and Comprehensive Materials Painting)

4 years

Fine Art


Painting (Watercolor Painting)

4 years

Fine Art


School of Sculpture and Public Art



5 years

Fine Art



Public Art

4 years



School of Experimental Art


Intermedia Art

4 years

Fine Art


School of Art and Education


Art Education

4 years

Education Science



Fine Arts Education

4 years

Fine Art


School of Visual Art Design


Visual Communication Design

4 years



Printing Graphic Design

4 years



School of Fashion and Art


Apparel and Costume Design

4 years




Fiber Art

4 years

Fine Art



Fashion Show & Apparel Design

4 years

Drama Film and Television


School of Environmental Art


Environment Design

4 years




Art and Technology

4 years




Landscape Architecture

4 years



School of Industrial Design


Industrial Design

4 years

Mechanical Engineering



Product Design

4 years



Product Design (Display Design)

4 years



School of Handicrafts


Ceramic Art Design

4 years




Arts and Crafts

4 years



School of Film, Television and Animation



4 years

Drama Film and Television



Digital Media Art

4 years




Photography and Production for Film and TV

4 years

Drama Film and Television



Art Design for Drama, Film and Television

4 years

Drama Film and Television


School of Arts and Humanities


Art History

4 years

Art Theory



Art Management

4 years

Art Theory



Art Design Studies

4 years




Cultural Industries Management

4 years

Science of Business Administration


NOTE: 130405T Chinese Calligraphy Studies is classified as “Chinese Calligraphy Studies (Undergraduate Programs)/ Research on Calligraphy and Seal CuttingPostgraduate Programs) category.



Attachment 2:

Postgraduate Programs of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students in 2024






Mode of study

Length of study


School of Chinese Painting


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

01 Research on Chinese Painting Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

02 Research on Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

(1) Full-time

3 years

002  School of Painting


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

03 Research on Oil Painting Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

04 Research on Digital Painting Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

05 Research on Printmaking Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

06 Research on Illustration Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

07 Research on Mural Painting and Comprehensive Material Painting

(1) Full-time

3 years

08 Research on Watercolor Painting Art

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Sculpture and Public Art


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

09 Research on Sculpture Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

10 Research on Public Art Creation

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Experimental Art


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

11 Research on New Media Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

12 Research on Image Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

13 Research on Experimental Art

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Art and Education


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

14 Research on Formative Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

15 Research on Fine Arts Education

(1) Full-time

3 years

16 Research on Social Aesthetic Education and Rural Revitalization

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Film, Television and Animation


Fine Arts and Calligraphy

17 Research on Animation Art

(1) Full-time

3 years


Art Design

18 Research on Art Design for Drama, Film and Television

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Visual Art Design



Art Design

19 Research on Visual Communication Design

(1) Full-time

3 years

20 Research on S&T Image

(1) Full-time

3 years

21 Research on Photographic Art

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Environmental Art



22 Sustainable Landscape Design

(1) Full-time

3 years


Art Design

23 Research on Environmental Art Design

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Fashion and Art


Art Design

24 Research on Apparel and Costume Design

(1) Full-time

3 years

25 Research on Fiber Art Design

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Industrial Design



26 Research on Industrial Design Methods and Theory

(1) Full-time

3 years


Art Design

27 Research on Industrial Product and Display Design

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Handicrafts


Art Design

28 Research on Ceramic Art

(1) Full-time

3 years

29 Research on Handcraft Design and Theory

(1) Full-time

3 years

30 Research on Lacquer Art

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Arts and Humanities



31 Research on Fine Arts History

(1) Full-time

3 years

32 Research on Art Theory

(1) Full-time

3 years

33 Research on Calligraphy Theory

(1) Full-time

3 years

34 Research on Design Art Theory

(1) Full-time

3 years

35 Research on Art Education and Management

(1) Full-time

3 years

36 Research on Cultural Heritage

(1) Full-time

3 years


Cultural Relics

37 Research on Art and Archaeology

(1) Full-time

3 years


School of Innovation



38 Research on Innovation Design

(1) Full-time

3 years


Art Design

39 Engineering Art Research

(1) Full-time

3 years

40 Service Design Research

(1) Full-time

3 years


NOTE: 02 Research on Calligraphy and Seal Cutting is classified as “Chinese Calligraphy Studies (Undergraduate Programs)/ Research on Calligraphy and Seal CuttingPostgraduate Programs) category.





2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students
2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students
2024 Admissions Guide of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts for International Students

Visit website of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

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