2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University New Student Scholarship 2023年天津外国语大学来华留学生新生奖学金招生简章

Tianjin Foreign Studies University International Students Scholarship for new Applicants is one of the scholarships to support international students to study at Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University New Student Scholarship 2023年天津外国语大学来华留学生新生奖学金招生简章

2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University

International Students Scholarship for New Applicants


Tianjin Foreign Studies University International Students Scholarship for new Applicants is one of the scholarships to support international students to study at Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University New Student Scholarship 2023年天津外国语大学来华留学生新生奖学金招生简章

Tianjin Foreign Studies University

一、      奖学金招生类别及申请途径

Scholarship category and where to apply


The scholarship is for International students pursuing undergraduate and graduate programs. Applicants need to apply to the International Admission Office.

二、奖学金内容 What the scholarship includes


The scholarship covers tuition fee for the first year.

三、  申请截止日期及联系方式

Application Deadline and contacts.

申请截止日期:2023年7月15日 Application deadline: July 15, 2023 联系人contact: 李老师  Mr.Li   电子邮件 Email: [email protected]                  [email protected] 联系电话 Telephone: 86-22-23286974

四、申请奖学金条件 Scholarship application eligibility

1. 申请人须为非中国籍公民,且符合教育部教外函〔2020〕12号文件要求;




3. 申请人语言水平要求:中文授课项目本科申请者需达到HSK4级水平,硕士申请者需达到HSK5级水平(经审核汉语达到入学水平的留学生可适当放宽条件);

英文授课项目本科和硕士申请者需达到雅思6.0(含)或托福 80分(含)以上或同等语言水平。母语为英语的申请者无需提供证明。

4. 未获得任何其他形式的奖学金。


1. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens in accordance with the Document numbered [2020] 12. 

2. Applicants for undergraduate programs must have a senior high school diploma and be under the age of 30. Applicants for master programs must have a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35. Applicants for doctoral programs must have a master’s degree and be under the age of 40.

3. Language requirements: Applicants for undergraduate programs taught in Chinese need to have HSK 4; Applicants for master programs taught in Chinese need to have HSK 5; Applicants for PhD programs taught in Chinese need to have HSK 6 (Applicants without according HSK certificates may join the programs with their Chinese proficiency tested and approved by our university); For programs taught in English, undergraduate and master applicants must reach IELTS 6.0  or TOEFL 80 or the equivalent English level. (Native speakers of English do not need to provide an English proficiency certificate.)

4. Applicants have not obtained any other scholarship in the same year.

2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University New Student Scholarship 2023年天津外国语大学来华留学生新生奖学金招生简章

Tianjin Foreign Studies University


1. 申请者在我校申请网站申请,填写信息并提交材料,完成申请;(http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx)。 申请时,招生类别请选择“天津外国语大学奖学金”,入学年份须选择“2023年秋季”。

2. 申请材料初审合格者需要参加学校组织的面试及笔试;

3. 学校为获得奖学金的申请者发放签证申请材料(录取通知书及JW202表)。

Application procedure

1. Applicants need to register and apply at our online application system. Fill out all the required information and upload the documents. (http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx)

When applying, please make sure to choose Tian Foreign Studies University Scholarshipand 2023 Autumn semester.

2. Applicants who pass application documents review need to attend the interview and exam organized by the university.

3. The university will issue the visa application documents (Admission notice and Jw202 form) to those who win the scholarship.


1. 有效护照首页扫描件(有效期至2023年10月1日后);

2. 经过公证的最高学历证明、毕业证书或学位证书;


3. 经过公证的最高学历阶段完整成绩单;

4. 两名副教授以上推荐信(仅申请硕士及博士研究生时须提供);

5. 外国人体格检查表;(见附件)

6. 无犯罪记录证明;

7. 语言能力证明材料;

8. 银行出具的资金证明(不少于人民币4万元,如开户人非学生本人,另需提供开户人签字的资助证明);

9. 截至2023年9月1日仍未满18周岁的申请人,需提交由天津地区公证处出具的监护人公证书原件,监护人须为具有天津常住户籍的居民;

10. 其他补充材料,如各类获奖证书等。


Application documents

1. A photocopy of passport that will not expire on or before October 1, 2023.

2. A photocopy of the applicant’s highest notarized degree.

Prospective diploma recipients must submit an official document issued by the current school to prove the current student status and expected graduation date.

3. Academic transcripts of the highest degree received.

4. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English from professors. (Needed for master and doctoral program applicants.)

5. Physical Examination Record for Foreigner (See attachment)

6. Non-Criminal Record

7. Language proficiency certificate.

8. Bank statement (No less than 40,000 RMB. If the account is not under student’s name, the bank holder needs to provide a signed sponsorship letter.)

9. Application under 18 years old till September 1, 2023 needs to provide a Guardianship certificate offered by a local Tianjin citizen or someone who has been working in Tianjin.

10. Other supporting documents.

All the documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.




Tianjin Foreign Studies University Based on the principle of “openness, justice, fairness, and merit-based”, the school will set up a review group to do scholarship evaluation. The school will determine the nominee list then for publicity.  

2023 Tianjin Foreign Studies University New Student Scholarship 2023年天津外国语大学来华留学生新生奖学金招生简章

Tianjin Foreign Studies University


1、申请材料不完整或不符合招生条件的,概不受理。申请材料弄虚作假,或非本人填写提交的,一经查实,申请资格将被取消。 2、获得奖学金者因故不能报到,应在报到日前15天书面告知我校并注明原因。无故未报到者、入学体检不合格、中途退学、休学者,取消奖学金资格。 3、报到注册时学校将对申请人信息和材料等进行复核,如有违规或弄虚作假等情形,一经查实,立即取消入学资格。 4、到校报到时请携带录取通知书、外国留学人员来华签证申请表(JW202表)、申请材料原件(必须包含毕业证及完整成绩单原件)及所有体检材料原件。 特别注意事项:根据我校规定,新生入学必须在校内的留学生宿舍居住。


1. Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be processed. Once it is verified that the application materials are found fraudulent or non-personal submission, the application qualification will be cancelled. 2. Scholarship winners who cannot register on time due to special cases must inform the school of the reasons within 15 days before registration. The scholarship will be cancelled if one fails to register on time without reasons, pass the physical examination, drop out or suspend schooling. 3. At registration, the school will review the applicant’s information and documents. In case of violation or fraud, once verified, the school will cancel the admission qualification. 4.  At registration, please bring the Admission Notice, the Visa application for Study in China (JW202 form), the original application materials (original graduation certificate and complete transcripts) and the originals of all physical examination materials. According to the regulations of the school, students must live in the international student dormitory in the University. 

九、联系方式  Contact us

天津外国语大学国际合作与交流处留学生招生办公室 地址:中国天津市和平区睦南道28号 邮编:300050 电话:+86-22-2328-6974 邮箱:[email protected]; [email protected] 网址:http://isa.tjfsu.edu.cn/ 申请主页:http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Index.aspx International Admission Office International Cooperation and Exchange Division, Tianjin Foreign Studies University Address: 28 Mu’nan Road, Heping District, Tianjin, China, 300050 Tel: 0086-22-23286974 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: http://isa.tjfsu.edu.cn/ Application site: http://tfsu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Index.aspx



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