2023 Minnan Normal University foreign students enrollment Prospectus 2023年闽南师范大学外国留学生招生简章

Minnan Normal University is a key construction university in Fujian Province, a provincial "double first-class" construction university, and a national first-class professional construction university

2023 Minnan Normal University foreign students

enrollment Prospectus


2023 Minnan Normal University foreign students enrollment Prospectus 2023年闽南师范大学外国留学生招生简章
Minnan Normal University闽南师范大学是福建省重点建设高校、省“双一流”建设高校、国家一流专业建设高校,具备本科、硕士、博士完整的人才培养体系,是经国家教育部批准、面向全球招收海内外留学生的院校。为促进中外人文交流,我校面向全球招收来华留学生,为对中国文化兴趣浓厚、有志于促进中外文化交流的外国留学生提供学历和非学历项目学习,热忱欢迎外国留学生到我校参加长期或短期的学习和交流。


1、申请攻读本科、硕士或博士等学历专业的留学生需持有HSK(汉语水平考试)4级证书(如无证书,也可到校攻读半年至一年的汉语语言课程); 2、汉语语言课程学习者,没有年龄限制,也无需持有HSK证书; 3、因新冠疫情等特殊情况无法按时到校的留学生,我校将酌情安排线上授课,以保证留学生的教学计划有序开展。 申请在我校学习的外国留学生,须持有效外国护照,身体健康,无犯罪记录,并具备一定的经济能力;遵守中国政府的法律和学校的规章制度,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯。 二、奖学金
序号 奖学金类别 奖学金额度
1 福建省政府奖学金 本科生30000元人民币/人 硕士生40000元人民币/人 博士生50000元人民币/人
2 闽南师范大学优秀硕博士生奖学金 硕士生、博士生34000元人民币/人
3 闽南师范大学优秀本科生奖学金 本科生15000元人民币/人
三、医疗保险 闽南师范大学要求留学生在校期间必须购买医疗保险。不按规定购买医疗保险的留学生,学校将不予办理报到注册手续。 四、食宿 Minnan Normal University闽南师范大学校内有餐厅、超市和运动场所,校外就近有医院、商业街,生活出行十分方便。留学生公寓内设施齐全,有独立的卫生间和浴室。室内不仅配备了桌椅、床铺和衣柜等家具,还安装了热水器和空调等电器。留学生也可以选择租住学校外的房屋,但必须按照规定到学校留学生管理部门和当地的公安机关办理登记手续,并与我校签订安全协议。 五、申请方式与申请材料 1)登录http://mnnu.liuguanbao.com/Manage/Index/注册账号,提交申请,附件材料请在系统里提交。(报名时间:即日起——2023年6月15日) 2)外国人体格检查表扫描件(若因疫情暂无法入境中国,可暂不提供,以“个人健康保证书”暂时替代)。 3)毕业证书及成绩单扫描件,应届生可由就读学校出具毕业证明。 4)HSK (汉语水平考试)证书扫描件。(语言学习者无需提供) 5)护照扫描件(有效期内的普通护照)。 6)经济能力证明扫描件。(奖学金申请者无需提供) 7)近期彩色2寸免冠证件照,白色背景无边框,头部占照片尺寸的2/3,照片尺寸不低于320*240像素,高宽比为4:3,大小为100-500KB,JPG格式。 8)推荐信扫描件。(仅硕博士学习者需提供) 9)无犯罪证明扫描件。 10)如有可以证明自己综合能力的文件,如获奖证书等,可在申请时一并提交扫描件,学校在录取时将予以优先考虑。 11)疫情防控相关材料(根据政策要求调整) 12)出入境记录(仅特定对象提供) 中、英文以外的文本材料需提供中文或英文翻译件的扫描件。无论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。
2023 Minnan Normal University foreign students enrollment Prospectus 2023年闽南师范大学外国留学生招生简章

Minnan Normal University

类别 报名费 学费 保险费 体检费 居留许可 住宿费
语言生 400 15000 800 约400 800 双人间,1150 -1300元/人/年。
本科 400 15000 800 约400 800
研究生 400 22000 800 约400 800
需于提交申请时缴纳报名费。 优秀硕博士奖学金生将获得34000元/年的资助,其中22000元直接代缴学费,其余12000元按照1000元/月按照12个月逐月发放。 优秀本科生奖学金生15000元/年用于直接代缴学费。 福建省政府奖学金分为本科生30000元/年、硕士生40000元/年、博士生50000元/年。(扣除学费、住宿费后按月发放) 七、联系方式 地址:中国福建省漳州市县前直街36号,闽南师范大学海外教育学院 邮编:363000 联系人:胡娇阳、曾繁涛 联系方式:+86 (0)596 2598865;+86-15260507031 传真:+86 (0)596 2598865 Website:http://oes.mnnu.edu.cn/
2023 Minnan Normal University foreign students enrollment Prospectus 2023年闽南师范大学外国留学生招生简章

Admission Information of Minnan Normal University forInternationalStudents

Minnan Normal University is a KeyConstruction University in Fujian Province, a Provincial Double First-class Construction University, a National First-class Professional Construction University. It has a complete talent training system for undergraduates, masters, and doctors. It is approved by the Ministry of Education to recruit international students.The university offers degree and non-degree programs for international students who are interested in Chinese culture and want to promote cultural exchange between China and other countries.We warmly welcome international students to cometo MNNU for long-term or short-term study or visit. I.ApplicationRequirements 1.Applicantsfor bachelor/master/doctoraldegreeprograms should haveHSK4 certificates (If you do not have a certificate, you can also enroll in the Chinese language courses (lasting from six months to one year)); 2.Chineselanguage courses(non-degree)are open to learners of all ages with/withoutHSKcertificates; 3.For international students unable to arriveintime due to COVID-19 and other special circumstances,theuniversity will arrange online classes as appropriate for international studentsto ensure thetimely andorderly implementation of teaching. . Applicantsshouldbehealthy and well-behavednon-Chinese citizenswith certain economic capability,holding validforeignpassports.When in China, all international studentsmustabide bythe laws of Chinese government and rulesand regulationsof the university and respect Chinesetraditionsand customs. II.Scholarships
Category Specific Amount
1 Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship RMB 30,000per person for bachelor students RMB 40,000per person for master students RMB 50,000per person for doctoral students
2 Scholarship for Outstanding International Students Applying for Master or Doctor Degree Progrmas in MNNU RMB34,000per person for master and doctoral students
3 Scholarship for Outstanding International Students Applying for Bachelor Degree Programs in MNNU RMB 30,000per person for bachelor students
III.Medical Insurance All internationalstudents are required to pay for medical insurance during their study in MNNU. Those who don’t purchase insurance according to the requirementscan not registerat the university. IV.Catering and Accommodation Minnan Normal University prepareswell-equipped dormitories forinternationalstudents. Restaurants,supermarkets and sport facilities can be easily found on campus. Hospitals and shopping streets arelocatednear the university. The life in the university is veryconvenient andcomfortable. Every dormitory is equipped with a water heaterand an air conditioner and has access to the Internet. Internationalstudents can rent apartments outside the campus, but they have to go through certain procedures in theuniversity andthelocal police station according to the rules and sign the safetyagreements with the university. V. ApplicationMethod andMaterials 1.Applicants can log in tohttp://mnnu.liuguanbao.com/Manage/Index/to register your account and submit your application. Please submit the following attachment materials in the system as well. (Registration time: before June15th,2023) 2.Scanned copy ofForeigner’sPhysicalExaminationReport.(If you are temporarily unable to enter China due to the epidemic, you can temporarily not provide it, and replace it with a “personal health guarantee”.) 3.Scanned copy of diplomas or graduation certificates and the transcripts. 4.Scanned copy ofHSK certificate. (Language learners need not to provide.) 5.Scanned copy of avalidpassport. 6.Scanned copy of Proof ofEconomic Capability. (Scholarship applicants need not to provide) 7. A recent color 2-inch bareheaded certificate photo, white background without frame, with the head accounting for 2 / 3 of the photo size, photo size not less than 320 * 240 pixels, height width ratio of 4:3, size of 100-500kb, in JPG format. 8.Scanned copy of a Recommendation Letter. (Language learners need not to provide.) 9. Scanned copy of Police Clearance. 10.Files which can prove an applicant’sall-roundabilities, such as certificates of awards. These can besubmittedwith the above materials at the same time.(The university will give priority to such applicants). 11.Materials related to epidemic prevention and control (adjusted according to policy requirements) 12.Entry and exit records (for specific individuals only) * A Chinese or English version should be provided if the text is not written in Chinese or in English.The above materialswill not be returned, no mattertheapplicants arefinallyadmitted or not. VI.Fees(per academic year inRMB)
Typesof Students Application Tuition Insurance Physical Examination Residence Permit Dormitory
Language learner 400 15000 800 About 400 800 Double room, 1150(male) 1300(female)
Bachelordegree applicant 400 15000 800 About 400 800
Master/doctoral degree applicant 400 22000 800 About 400 800
Application fee should be fully paid up when submitting the application documents. Outstanding PhD scholarship students will receive a grant of 34,000 yuan / year, of which 22,000 yuan will be directly used to cover the tuition fee, and the remaining 12,000 yuan will be given in monthly installments (i.e. 1,000 yuan per month for 12 months). Outstanding undergraduate scholarship students will receive a grant of 15,000 yuan/year for direct tuition payment. Fujian Provincial Government Scholarshipgrants30000 yuan/year for undergraduate students, 40000 yuan/year for master students, and 50000 yuan/year for doctoral students. (Paidinmonthlyinstallmentafter deducting tuition and accommodation fees) .ContactInformation Address: Overseas Education College of Minnan Normal University,No.36Xian-qian-zhi Street,Xiangcheng District,Zhangzhou City,FujianProvince,P.R.China. Postcode: 363000 Addressee:Ms. Ava, Mr.Freeman Tel: +86 (0)596 2598865,+86-15260507031 Fax: +86 (0)596 2598865 Website:http://oes.mnnu.edu.cn/

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