Undergraduate Students Programs of Yancheng Institute of Technology
I.About YIT (Yancheng Institute of Technology) Founded in 1958, Yancheng Institute of Technology(YIT) is a full-time public university in Jiangsu Province. It has two campuses both located in Yancheng city, an open coastal city renowned as“oriental wetland inhabited by red-crowned cranes and milu deer”. YIT has 18 schools and faculties,76undergraduate programs, and has more than 23,000 full-time undergraduates,735 postgraduatesrecruited from 30 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country. YIThas 1600 plus staff with 1300 faculty members,among whom, 700 are full and associate professors or similar academic titles, more than 500 have or are pursuing doctorate degrees, 272are postgraduate supervisors. YIT has partnerships with more than 30 universities from the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, Australia, Poland, Sweden, Japan, Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Malaysia and Taiwan China and so on, conducting credits recognition and joint master degree programs,and alsorunning three Sino-foreign cooperative education programs approved by the Ministry of Education with the University of Greenwich and the University of Detroit Mercy. B. Eligibility To be eligible, applicants must 1. Be non-Chinese citizens in physical and mental health. 2. Have a good level of English or Chinese. 3.Be a high school graduateor abovewith good performance aged between 18 and 25. Please…- 34
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