Anhui Normal University 2025 Enrollment Guide for International Students
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2024 Anhui Polytechnic University International Student Enrollment Brochure 2024年安徽工程大学留学生招生简章
Anhui Polytechnic University is a provincial multi-subject institution of higher learning and a key construction institution in Anhui Province. The school began in 1935, Anhui private Neisi senior Engineering School- 22
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Admission Guide of Wuhu Institute of Technology
Admission Guide of Wuhu Institute of Technology Technical Programs for Overseas Students No.Major/ProgramCategoryLength(year)School1Numerical ControlManufacturing3School of Mechanical Engineering2Electrical AutomationManufacturing3School of Electrical Engineering3Food Nutrition and TestingFood, Drugs & Crops3School of Biotechnology4NetworkIT3School of Network Engineering5 Application of Embedded SoftwareIT3School of Information Engineering6Civil Engineering and ArchitectureCivil Construction3School of Civil Engineering and Architecture7Housing Estate ManagementCivil Construction3School of Public Affairs8Hotel ManagementTourism3School of Humanities and Tourism Studies9International Trade and EconomicsFinance & Commerce3School of International Trade and Economics10Polymer Materials and EngineeringPower & Material3School of Material Engineering 1. Students will attain a diploma and relevant qualification certificates after graduation. 2. Admission Requirements (1) Foreigners and overseas Chinese who are willing to obey Chinese laws and school’s regulations. (2) High school diploma or above with valid foreign passport. (3)HSK certificate (level 4 or above) 3. Scholarships & Grants Full scholarship, half scholarship and grants sponsored by school, chambers, foundations and enterprises are offered. 外国留学生招生简章(中英文) 一、学校全称:芜湖职业技术学院 Wuhu Institute of Technology 二、办学层次:高职 三、办学类型:公办普通高等职业技术学校(全国首批28所国家示范性高职院校之一) 四、办学地址:南校区:芜湖市城南高校园区文津西路201号,北校区:芜湖市银湖北路62号 五、入学要求: (一)自愿来华学习,遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和学校的有关规章制度,尊重中国人民的风俗习惯,身体、心理健康的外国人、外籍华人、华侨等均可申请入学。 (二)提交本人所受教育的相关证明材料或同等学历的职业资格证书或证件。 (三)达到汉语水平考试(HSK)4级水平。 六、录取规则及要求: 本着公平、公正、公开的原则择优录取。录取具体方式:考生投档至我院后,根据考生考试成绩按照专业志愿先后方式从高分到低分择优录取,成绩没有达到所填报专业志愿且不服从调剂的,作退档处理。 七、颁发证书:芜湖职业技术学院;普通高等学校学历证书,内容按教育部教学[2002]15号文件规定填写。 八、学费标准:按省物价局、省财政厅和省教育厅核定的收费标准执行。住宿费:800元/年。 九、学生资助政策:按照《芜湖职业技术学院外国留学生奖学金管理暂行办法》执行。 十、联系方式: 联系电话(传真):0553-5777217 电子邮件:[email protected] 网 址:http://gjjl.whit.edu.cn/ http://english.whit.edu.cn/ Visit website of Wuhu Institute of Technology to learn more Related : 2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University- 15
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