2025 NANJING UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS Bachelor’s Degree Program Admission Prospectus – Business Administration instructed in English (BBA)
PROGRAM PROFILEThe Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Administration instructed in English (the BBA program) is a comprehensive undergraduate program regularly updated to provide students with the latest concepts and ideas in management education. The program offers students systematic theories and scientific training, enabling them to acquire valuable skills through teamwork, activities, se...,- 12
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Bachelor’s Degree Program Admission Prospectus – Business Administration instructed in English (BBA) at Nanjing University Of Finance & Economics
PROGRAM PROFILEThe Bachelor's Degree Program in Business Administration instructed in English (the BBA program) is a comprehensive undergraduate program regularly updated to provide students with the latest concepts and ideas in management education. The program offers students systematic theories and scientific training, enabling them to acquire valuable skills through teamwork, activities, se...,- 20
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