2025 High-Level Postgraduate Program Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine
2025 High-Level Postgraduate Program Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine. -
2025 Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program for International Students of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
一、招生类别 Category of Enrollment 全日制研究生(硕士生、博士生) Full-time postgraduates (Master、Ph.D.) 二、申请人资格 Eligibility 1. 非中国籍公民,身体健康; 2. 面向全部留学生; 3. 学历和年龄要求:来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35岁;来华攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过40岁; 4. 奖学金申请人不可同时享受中国各级政府和高校设立的其他奖学金资助。 1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health; 2. To all international students, but for students who apply domestically must be fresh graduates in July 2025, no requirement for overseas students; 3. The requirements for applicants’ degree and age are as followings: ● be a bachelor’s degree holder and no more than 35 when applying for the master’s programs; ● be a master’s degree holder and no more than 40 when applying for the doctoral programs. 4. Applicants are not eligible to receive other scholarship grants from the Chinese government and universities at the same time. 三、奖学金内容和标准 Scholarship Coverage 免学费、免费提供校内住宿、免综合医疗保险费、资助生活费(硕士研究生3000元/月,博士研究生3500元/月)。 Exemption from tuition fee; providing free on-campus accommodation, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and living stipend (Master student: 3000RMB/month, Doctoral student: 3500RMB/month). 四、如何申请及所需材料 How to Apply and Required Materials ? 登录国家留学基金委来华留学网上报名系统(http://www.campuschina.org/),完成网上申请(留学项目种类:B类,江西财经大学机构代码: 10421); 申请材料: 1. 护照复印件(原则上有效期应为十二个月以上); 2. 经公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为应届毕业生,须另外提交现就读学校出具的预毕业证明,中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文; 3. 学习成绩单,中英文以外文本须附经公证的中文或英文的译文; 4. 推荐信。申请攻读硕士、博士学位者须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写; 5. 年龄不满18岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件; 6.《外国人体格检查表》复印件; 7.英语水平证明 8.HSK5级成绩报告(仅针对中文项目); 9.我校预录取通知书; 10.无犯罪记录证明或个人承若书; 11.学习计划或研究计划(最少1000字); 12.《中国政府奖学金申请表》 13. 导师接收函 *申请者应保证所提供的信息和材料真实、准确,杜绝弄虚作假和学术不端的行为,否则取消入学资格。 Visit (https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/ ) to view available majors and complete the application online. (Program Category: Type B, Agency No.10421 for Jiangxi Finance and Economics University) Application Documents: 1. Photocopy of Passport…- 99
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Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Admissions Brochure for Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Students 2025
江西中医药大学创建于1959年,坐落在江西省省会南昌市。学校是教育部、国家中医药管理局与江西省人民政府共建高校,是国家博士学位授权单位。学校现有全日制在校生21000余人,设有教育教学机构18个,拥有直属附属医院3所,非直属附属医院9所。学校以中医学、中药学学科为主体,医、理、工、文、经、管、艺、教育等多学科协调发展。现有中医学、中药学博土一级学科学位授权点2个、中医学博士专业学位类别1个,硕士一级学科学位授权点6个、...- 17
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Recruitment Announcement for English Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology in 2024 南昌工程学院2024年英语外教招聘公告
Job Description In order to further promote the internationalization process of our school and cultivate applied talents with an international perspective, in accordance with relevant regulations of the country and Jiangxi Province, as well as the teaching needs of our school's relevant teaching units, we plan to recruit one English language foreign teacher. The specific information is as follows:English language foreign teacher Job details: English language teacher Number of people required: 1 person RequirementsAge: Under 60 years oldNationality: Native English speaking countryEducation and degree: Bachelor's degree or aboveQualification requirements: Native speaking country, with at least two years of language education experience. Those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in educational language or teacher education, or have obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or an international language teaching certificate that meets the requirements, are exempt from the work experience requirement.Classroom location: On site teaching Job ResponsibilitiesAn average of 16 class hours per week in classroom teachingOther related work, such as Office Hours, extracurricular projects, English corners, English competitions, and guiding students. Salary and benefitsThe salary shall be implemented in accordance with the "Management Measures for the Salary of Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology", and…- 18
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2024 Recruitment Brochure for Taiwanese High School Graduates at Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine 2024年招收台湾高中毕业生招生简章
江西中医药大学2024年依据台湾地区大学入学考试学科能力测试成绩招收台湾高中毕业生招生简章江西中医药大学创建于1959年。学校是教育部、国家中医药管理局与江西省人民政府共建公办普通本科高校。学校现有全日制在校生19000余人,设有教育教学机构17个,拥有直属附属医院3所,非直属附属医院9所。学校师资力量雄厚,现有专任教师1180人。学校以中医学、中药学学科为主体,医、理、工、文、经、管、艺、教育等多学科协调发展。有中医学、...- 42
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Nanchang University Admission Guide
Introduction to Nanchang University(NCU) Nanchang University (NCU) is a comprehensive university listed among the “the World First-class Disciplines” in the national “Double First-Class” Initiative of China, the only “211 Project” national key university in Jiangxi Province which is co-constructed by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Jiangxi Province, and the overall construction university of Jiangxi Province high-level universities construction project. Located in Nanchang, the City of Heroes, NCU consists of 4 campuses, which are Qian-Hu main campus, Qingshan-Hu campus, Dong-Hu campus and Poyang-Hu campus. Among them, the Qian-Hu main campus covers an area of more than 288 hectares and a building area of 1.5 million square meters. The history of NCU dates back to Jiangxi Medical College, Jiangxi University and Jiangxi Industrial University, which were originated from Jiangxi Public Medical College and National Chung-cheng University founded in 1921 and 1940 respectively. In 1993, Jiangxi University merged with Jiangxi Industrial University to form Nanchang University, which created a precedent for the reform of the national higher education system. In 2005, NCU and Jiangxi Medical College merged to form the new NCU, unveiling a new page of reform and development. Over the years, leadership of Central Party Committee and Central Government, the…- 99
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East China Jiaotong University International Students Prospectus
East China Jiaotong University International Students Prospectus Ⅰ English Taught Majors 1.Bachelor Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and Automation Transportation Engineering Vehicle Engineering Mechanical Design & Manufacture and Automation Accounting English-International Trade International Trade 2.Master Control Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering MEM MBA Master of Finance Law(Intellectual Property Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Economic Law, Constitution and Administrative Law, Criminal Law) 3.PhD Control Science and Engineering Transportation Engineering (Logistics System Optimization) Ⅱ Fee Structure 1.Tuition&Scholarship Major Category Undergraduate(Yuan/year)Postgraduate(Yuan/year) PhD(Yuan/year)Chinese Language(Yuan/year)Arts14000160001800012000Science154001760019800 (1) Students who apply for doctor programs can apply for tuition decrease, scholarship and allowance after registration. (2) Tuition fees standards for International Students Undergraduate Majors Customized Class of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Transportation Engineering, International Trade is 16000 Yuan/year. Each student will enjoy 10000 yuan scholarship for the 1st and 2nd academic year, and the scholarship will be awarded in the 3rd and 4th academic year according to the student's academic performance and behavior. 1st prize: up to 10% which will cover 10000 RMB. 2nd prize: up to 20% which will cover 5000 RMB. 3rd prize: up to 70% which will cover 2000 RMB. 2.Accommodation fees, Insurance fees and others ItemsPrice(RMB)Accommodation Fees(Double Room)4000 Yuan/year/personInsurance Fees800 Yuan/year/personMedical Examination Fees450…- 19
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East China University of Technology Admission Guide
East China University of Technology Ø History and Specialty East China University of Technology (ECUT), originating from Taigu Geological School and was established in 1956. As a state defense institution and the first college in nuclear industry in China, ECUT (East China University of Technology) has enjoyed a history of over 60 years with fine reputation in research and education. In 1958, the school moved to Fuzhou and later to Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Presently ECUT (East China University of Technology) is jointly run by Jiangxi Government and China Atomic Energy Association (CAEA), the Ministry of Natural Resource (MNR), China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). Since its establishment, ECUT (East China University of Technology)has focused its education and research in the field of Nuclear Science and Geology Science, with the relevant disciplines developed gradually. Based on the featured disciplines ECUT (East China University of Technology) has developed into the fields of Geological Tourism, Geological Economy, Geological Chemistry, and Geological Environment etc. So far, ECUT (East China University of Technology) has extended its education and research to engineering, science, language, management, economy and arts, among which 3 doctoral program, 71 master programs and 72 bachelor programs, forming more than 20 schools and research centers.…- 29
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Nanchang Institute of Technology (NIT) RECRUITMENT in autumn 2024
Nanchang Institute of Technology (NIT) RECRUITMENT in autumn 2024 I. Level: undergraduate, Chinese learning II. Entrance Requirements to Apply Nanchang Institute of Technology: i. Abide by Chinese laws and regulations and NIT’s rules, be friendly to China, and respect Chinese culture and customs; ii. Non-Chinese nationality, in good health and no bad record; iii. With a reliable economic guarantee and a guarantor for affairs in China; iv. Applicants for undergraduates shall graduate from senior high school or equivalent, 18-25 years old; for majoring in International Economics &Trade, Business Administration, and Marketing, with more than 80 out of 100 in English and mathematics, more than 60 out of 100 in other main subjects. For majoring in Science and Engineering programs, with more than 80 out of 100 in mathematics and science courses, more than 60 out of 100 in other main subjects and a HSK-3 certificate. If no HSK-3 certificate, he/she must learn Chinese language for one year, no more than 2 years to get the HSK-3 certificate or meet the standard of our university. v. Chinese Language learning: Applicants shall be in age of 18 to 25. III. Documents for application of Nanchang Institute of Technology: i. Application form for Admission to Nanchang…- 44
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Nanchang Institute of Technology Recruitment Announcement for 1 English Teacher in 2024 南昌工程学院2024年招聘1名英语外教公告
In order to further promote the internationalization process of our school and cultivate applied talents with an international perspective, in accordance with relevant regulations of the country and Jiangxi Province, as well as the teaching needs of our school's relevant teaching units, we plan to recruit one English language foreign teacher. The specific information is as follows:English language foreign teacher Job details: English language teacher Number of people required: 1 person RequirementsAge: Under 60 years oldNationality: English speaking countryEducation and degree: Bachelor's degree or aboveQualification requirements: native language country, with at least two years of language education experience. Those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in educational language or teacher education, or have obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or an international language teaching certificate that meets the requirements, are exempt from the work experience requirement.Location of class: On site teaching Job ResponsibilitiesAn average of 16 class hours per week in classroom teachingOther related work, such as Office Hours, extracurricular projects, English corners, English competitions, and guiding students. Salary and benefitsThe salary shall be implemented in accordance with the "Management Measures for the Salary of Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology", and foreign teachers…- 52
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Study Undergraduate Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University
Study Undergraduate Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University 1. Introduction Jiangxi Agricultural University offers 67 undergraduate programs in 15 schools to international students. The undergraduate programs have a schooling system of 4 years. All programs are taught in Chinese. Bachelor's degree and graduation certificate are awarded to those who have finished all the required course work and passed thesis defense. Undergraduate Programs of Jiangxi Agriculture University Name of SchoolsPrograms (Specialties) of Jiangxi Agriculture University1School of Agronomyl Agronomy l Horticulture l Plant Protection l Animal and Plant Quarantine l Seed Science and Engineering l Tea science2School of Landscape and Art (School of Forestry)l Forestry l Garden l Art Design l City Planning l Landscape Architecture l Chemical Industry of Forest Products3School of Animal Science and Technologyl Animal Science l Veterinary Medicine l Animal Pharmacy l Aquaculture Breeding4School of Economics and Managementl Economy and Management of Agricultural and Forestry l Accounting l Economics l Marketing l Finance l Business Management l International Trade l Financial Management l Labor and Social Security5School of Bioscience and Bioengineeringl Biological Technology l Biological Engineering l Biological Science l Pharmaceutical Engineering6School of Information and Engineeringl Computer Science and Technology l Information Management and Information System l Electronic Commerce l Network Engineering7School of Softwarel Software Engineering l Internet of Things8School of Engineeringl Agricultural Mechanization and Its Automation l Mechanic Design and Automation l Traffic Engineering l Civil Engineering l Engineering Management l Electronic Information Engineering9School of Sciencel Applied Chemistry l Information and Computing…- 19
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Study Master’s Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University
Study Master's Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University 1. Introduction Jiangxi Agricultural University offers 76 Master's programs in 15 schools to international students. The Master's programs have a schooling system of 3 years. Master's degree and graduation certificate are awarded to those who have finished all the required course work and passed thesis defense. Master's Programs of Jiangxi Agriculture University Name of SchoolsPrograms (Specialties) of Jiangxi Agriculture UniversityRemarks1School of Agronomyl ZoologyAcademic-orientedl GeneticsAcademic-orientedl EcologyAcademic-orientedl Crop Cultivation and Farming SystemAcademic-orientedl Crop Genetics and BreedingAcademic-orientedl PomologyAcademic-orientedl OlericultureAcademic-orientedl Plant PathologyAcademic-orientedl Agricultural Entomology and Pest ControlAcademic-orientedl Pesticide ScienceAcademic-orientedl AgrostologyAcademic-orientedl CropApplication-orientedl HorticultureApplication-orientedl Organization and Service of Agricultural science and technologyApplication-orientedl Agricultural informatizationApplication-oriented2School of Landscape and Art (School of Forestry)l BotanyAcademic-orientedl Landscape ArchitectureAcademic-orientedl Forest Tree Genetics and BreedingAcademic-orientedl Forest CultivationAcademic-orientedl Forest ProtectionAcademic-orientedl Forest ManagementAcademic-orientedl Wildlife Conservation and UtilizationAcademic-orientedl Soil Conservation and Desertification ControlAcademic-orientedl Landscape ArchitectureApplication-orientedl ForestryApplication-oriented3School of Animal Science and Technologyl Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionAcademic-orientedl Animal Nutrition and Feed ScienceAcademic-orientedl Rearing of Special Economic AnimalsAcademic-orientedl Production of Aquatic OrganismAcademic-orientedl Basics of Veterinary MedicineAcademic-orientedl Preventive Veterinary MedicineAcademic-orientedl Clinical Veterinary MedicineAcademic-orientedl Animal HusbandryApplication-orientedl Veterinary MedicineApplication-oriented4School of Economics and Managementl PlutonomyAcademic-orientedl AccountingAcademic-orientedl Business ManagementAcademic-orientedl Technical Economics and ManagementAcademic-orientedl Agricultural Economics & ManagementAcademic-orientedl Forestry Economics & ManagementAcademic-orientedl Rural and Regional DevelopmentApplication-oriented5School of Bioscience and Bioengineeringl MicrobiologyAcademic-orientedl Cell BiologyAcademic-orientedl BioengineeringApplication-oriented6School of Information and Engineeringl Computer Science and TechnologyAcademic-orientedl Computer TechnologyApplication-oriented7School of Land Resources and Environmentl Environmental ScienceAcademic-orientedl Soil ScienceAcademic-orientedl Plant NutritionAcademic-orientedl Tourism ManagementAcademic-orientedl Land Resources ManagementAcademic-orientedl Resource EvaluationApplication-orientedl Agricultural Resource UtilizationApplication-oriented8School of Engineeringl Mechanical Design and TheoryAcademic-orientedl Agricultural Mechanization EngineeringAcademic-orientedl Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy EngineeringAcademic-orientedl Agricultural Electrification and AutomationAcademic-orientedl Agricultural…- 19
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Study Ph.D Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University
Study Ph.D Programs in Jiangxi Agriculture University 1. Introduction Jiangxi Agricultural University offers 14 doctoral programs in 3 schools to international students. The doctoral programs have a schooling system of 3-4 years. Doctoral degree and graduation certificate are awarded to those who have finished all the required course work and passed thesis defense. Doctoral Programs (teach in Chinese) of Jiangxi Agriculture University Name of SchoolsPrograms (Specialties) of Jiangxi Agriculture UniversityRemarks1School of Agronomyl Crop Cultivation and Farming SystemAcademic-orientedl Crop Genetic and BreedingAcademic-orientedl AgroecologyAcademic-oriented2School of Landscape and Art (School of Forestry)l Forest CultivationAcademic-orientedl Forest Tree Genetics and BreedingAcademic-orientedl Forest ManagementAcademic-orientedl Wildlife Conservation and UtilizationAcademic-orientedl Ornamental Plants and HorticultureAcademic-orientedl Soil Conservation and Desertification ControlAcademic-orientedl Economy of Forestry resources and Regional DevelopmentAcademic-orientedl Remote Sensing of Agriculture and Forestry and Land UtilizationAcademic-oriented3School of Animal Science and Technologyl Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionAcademic-orientedl Animal Nutrition and Feed ScienceAcademic-orientedl Rearing of Special Economic AnimalsAcademic-oriented * The above information may be updated at any time. Doctoral Programs (bilingual education in English and Chinese) of Jiangxi Agriculture University Name of SchoolsPrograms (Specialties)Remarks1School of Agronomyl Crop Cultivation and Farming SystemAcademic-oriented2School of Landscape and Art (School of Forestry)l Forest CultivationAcademic-oriented3School of Animal Science and Technologyl Animal Genetics, Breeding and ReproductionAcademic-oriented * The above information may be updated at any time. 2. Qualification of Applicants (1) Applicants should complete Master…- 22
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Enrollment Guide of Nanchang Hangkong University for International Students
南昌航空大学外国留学生招生简章Enrollment Guide of Nanchang Hangkong University for International Students 学校简介Profile of NCHU (Nanchang Hangkong University) 南昌航空大学创建于1952年,位于 “英雄城”江西省南昌市,占地面积3000余亩,拥有3个学区;是一所面向全国招生,以工为主,工、理、文、管、经、法、教育等多学科协调发展的多科性大学;是江西省人民政府与工业和信息化部共建的具有鲜明航空国防特色的高等院校。学校现有20个学院,63个本科专业,其中5个国家级特色专业,8个省级特色专业,1个国家级专业综合改革试点项目,6个省级专业综合改革试点项目;拥有15个一级学科硕士点、67个二级学科硕士点。学校现有教职工2000余人,其中专任教师1274人;具有博士学位教师430人、硕士学位教师735人,约占专任教师总数的91%;博士生导师30人,硕士生导师630余人。另有双职双聘中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士5人。学校现有全日制在校生2.3万人,学校非常重视重点学科建设,现有省级重点学科10个、江西省重中之重学科1个、国防重点学科1个、教育部重点实验室1个、国防学科重点实验室1个、中国航天科技重点实验室2个、省级重点实验室(研究中心)8个。 Nanchang Hangkong University (NCHU), founded in 1952, is located in “hero city” Jiangxi Nanchang, covers an area of over 3,000mu, and has three campuses. It is an engineering-based multidisciplinary university which aims at a well-balanced development of multiple disciplines including engineering, science, humanities, management, economics, law and education. It is a higher education institution with a distinctive feature of aeronautics and astronautics and national defense under the joint leadership of People’s Government of Jiangxi Province and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. NCHU (Nanchang Hangkong University)now has 20 schools, 63 undergraduate majors, including 5 state-level featured majors, 8 provincial-level featured majors, 1 state-level major comprehensive reform pilot project and 6 provincial-level major comprehensive reform pilot projects; it has 15 first-grade and 67 second-grade master disciplines. NCHU (Nanchang Hangkong University)now has a faculty and staff of over 2000 people, among whom, over 1274 full-time teachers. There are 430 teachers with doctor’s degree and 735 teachers with master’s degree, accounting for about 91% of total full-time teachers; there are 30 doctoral supervisors and 630 master supervisors, as well as 5 academicians of Chinese Academy of…- 39
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