2025 Nanjing Forestry University Master Program for International Students
Nanjing Confucius Temple 南京夫子庙 QUALIFICATION 1.Applicants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and Nanjing Forestry University rules. 2.Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport in compliance with the provisions of Nationality Law of the People’s republic of China, under the age of 35 in general, and have a bachelor degree or have the equivalent educational background of a bachelor degree. 3.Applicants should have a good command of English or Chinese and have ability to take course in English or Chinese. 4.According to the relevant regulations of Chinese Ministry of Education, former residents of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who have emigrated to other countries and are applying as international students, must present valid passport or citizenship documents dating from before April 30, 2021 and proof of residence abroad for at least 2 years from April 30, 2021 to April 30 2025 (9 months of residence abroad per year may be considered as one year). 5.According to the relevant regulations of Chinese Ministry of Education, applicants whose both or one of parents is a Chinese citizen and has settled abroad, having foreign nationality at birth, not having Chinese nationality, when…- 27
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Yulin University 2024 Enrollment Brochure for International Students 榆林学院2024年来华留学生招生简章
一、榆林学院简介榆林学院地处陕西省榆林市,是一所以工科为主,工、管、文、理、农、法等学科协调发展的省属本科院校,是榆林市唯一省属本科院校。学校从绥德师范走来,办学历史可追溯至1923年。2003年经教育部批准升格为本科院校,2018年被陕西省确定为一流应用型本科院校建设单位,被教育部确定为硕士学位授权单位。学校现有榆阳、绥德和科创新城三个校区,设有16个二级学院,52个在招本科专业,硕士专业18个,现有全日制在...- 67
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Admission Brochure: Graduate programs of UESTC – 1 of the best university in China
This is the Admission Brochure of Graduate programs of UESTC in year 2024.- 67
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