2025 Hainan normal university prospectus
,https://gjwh.hainnu.edu.cn/index.php/Enrollment/show/id/2365.html- 20
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2024 International Undergraduate Admissions Brochure for Medical Majors at Hainan Medical University 海南医学院医学专业国际本科生招生简章 2024
海南医学院医学专业国际本科生招生简章 (2024) 第一部分海南医学院简介 海南医学院座落在素有“椰城”之称的热带滨海城市——海南省省会海口市。其前身始于创立于1947年的海强医事技术学校和创立于1948年的私立海南大学医学院。现有城西(主校区)、桂林洋(新校区)和龙华等三个校区,占地1416.71亩。学校秉承以“厚德、严谨、博学、和谐”为核心内容的校训,不断弘扬“自强不息、团结向上、奋发有为”的精神,构建了“教学-临床-科研-...,学校描述- 49
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2024 Hainan Government scholarship Application Guide-Hainan normal university
2024 Hainan Government scholarship Application Guide-Hainan normal university I. Introduction Hainan Normal University (HNU) is located in Haikou, the capital city of Hainan Province, which is a beautiful coastal tourist city and a famous national historical and cultural city. Founded in the autumn of 1949, It is a key jointly-built university by China’s Ministry of Education and Hainan Province and is among the first batch of colleges and universities approved by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC to jointly build a school of journalism. It is also an important training base for outstanding teachers and senior professionals in Hainan province and is reputed as“a famous university in Hainan and a cradle for teachers”. The university has more than 20,000 full-time students, 25 schools, 67 undergraduate programs, 18 first-level master's degree programs, 17 master's degree programs, and 5 first-level doctoral degree programs. The university has 2,200 faculty members, including 1361 full-time teachers and researchers, and 649 teachers with senior professional titles. The university started to enroll international students in 1988. Now it is one of the first universities approved to admit international students by State Education Commission, and one of the first Chinese education bases established by…- 31
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Hainan Normal University Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024
Hainan Normal University Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 For the purpose of satisfying the growing demands of the international community for Chinese language teachers and facilitating Chinese language education in other countries, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) will continue with the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. As a host institution, we will provide the following scholarship types in 2024. ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY Hainan Normal University a) Non-Chinese citizens; b) Should be friendly to China, have no criminal record, and abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the school; c) In good physical and mental conditions, and with good academic performance and conduct; d) Aspiring to work in the Chinese language education and related fields; e) Aged between 16 and 35 (as of September 1st, 2024). with the special allowance for the age limit of 45 for applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers and that of 25 for undergraduate student applicants. SCHOLARSHIP TYPES AND QUALIFICATIONS of Hainan Normal University A. Scholarship of Hainan Normal University for Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education The program commences in September 2024 and provides scholarship for a maximum of two academic years. Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree, and…- 29
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Hainan Normal University Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024
Hainan Normal University Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 For the purpose of satisfying the growing demands of the international community for Chinese language teachers and facilitating Chinese language education in other countries, the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) will continue with the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. As a host institution, we will provide the following scholarship types in 2024 at Hainan Normal University. ELIGIBILITY to Apply Hainan Normal University a) Non-Chinese citizens; b) Should be friendly to China, have no criminal record, and abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the school; c) In good physical and mental conditions, and with good academic performance and conduct; d) Aspiring to work in the Chinese language education and related fields; e) Aged between 16 and 35 (as of September 1st, 2024). with the special allowance for the age limit of 45 for applicants currently working as Chinese language teachers and that of 25 for undergraduate student applicants. SCHOLARSHIP TYPES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF Hainan Normal University A. Scholarship for Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education of Hainan Normal University The program commences in September 2024 and…- 33
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海口经济学院来华留学生招生简章 International Students Enrollment Guideof Haikou University of Economics 海口经济学院是一所以经济、管理类专业为主,经济、管理、工学、文学、艺术和教育等多学科协调发展的民办本科高校。学校创办于1974年,2008年3月经教育部批准升格为本科大学。学校下设12个二级学院,47个本科专业,面向全国27个省、市、自治区招生,目前有全日制在校学生2.3万人,其中本科生1.61万人。学校曾荣获全国民办教育先进集体、全国普通高校毕业生就业工作先进集体、全国先进社会组织及首批全国创新创业50强高校等荣誉称号。海口经济学院具有良好的办学条件:校园优美,占地1800亩,建筑面积近70万平方米,总投资20多亿元;学校教学设备设施及各专业实验实训室建设完备,教学科研仪器设备齐全;图书馆环境优雅,馆藏纸质图书142.2万余册,电子图书204.8万余册;文化体育设施齐全,训练馆、游泳馆、音乐厅、运动场及素质拓展训练基地等一应俱全;生活设施完善,海经院是青年学子理想的求学胜地。 Haikou University of Economics (HUE) is a private undergraduate university chiefly based on specialty programmes such as economics, management, engineering, literature, the arts and education. Founded in 1974 as a college, the school was later upgraded to a university by the approval of the Ministry of Education in March 2008. Haikou University of Economics consists of 12 colleges and schools with 47 undergraduate majors, with students from 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions nationwide. There are 23,000 full-time students currently, among them 16,100 are undergraduates. HUE(Haikou University of Economics) has won many academic and honourary titles such as National Non-government Funded Education Advanced Collective, and one of the top 50 universities to get the National Award of Innovative Entrepreneurship. HUE boasts of excellent academic conditions with a beautiful first-class campus. Covering a land area of 1.1 square kilometres and a total construction area of close to 700,000 square metres, the campus has involved an investment of more than 2 billion yuan (CNY). Enjoying well-equipped teaching facilities, HUE has comprehensive and professional experimental and training laboratories. The library is rich in its storage of books with a…- 36
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