Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Admissions for International Students 2024
Jiangxi University of Science and Technology Admissions for International Students 2024 Bachelor and Short-term language students I. Majors of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology We provide Bachelor degree programs in a variety of disciplines (See https://zs.jxust.edu.cn/zyjs.htm for Bachelor programs taught in Chinese). Currently below bachelor programs are available taught in English: School/FacultyPrograms of Jiangxi University of Science and TechnologyStudy DurationSchool of Information EngineeringComputer Science and Technology4 YearsSchool of Civil and Surveying&Mapping EngineeringCivil EngineeringSchool of Economic and ManagemcntBusiness AdministrationInternationalEconomy andTradeSchool of Foreign LanguagesTeaching Chinese to Speakers of Other LanguageSchool of Resources and Environmental EngineeringMining EngineeringSchool of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringApplied ChemistryChemicalEngineering and Technology II. Study duration 4 Years III. Requirements to Apply for Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 1.The applicants shall obey Chinese law and relevant regulations of JXUST (Jiangxi University of Science and Technology) . 2.The applicants shall meet with the health standards required by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China. 3.The bachelor’s degree applicants shall have had the Graduation Certificate of Senior High School. 4.The applicants who choose the teaching language of Chinese shall provide HSK Level-5 certificate at lowest. IV.When to Apply Jiangxi University of Science and Technology 5.Spring Semester:apply no later than December every year and…- 67
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Gannan Normal University location THE CITY --- GANZHOU Located in the south of Jiangxi province, the city of Ganzhou enjoys a number of reputations such as “the Cradle of the Hakka”, “the Kingdom of Rare Earths”, “the Hometown of Navel Oranges” and “the City of Tungsten Ore”. It is a place with: a population of nearly 10 million, a moderate climate, rich resources and favorable natural conditions, a convenient transportation network of airlines, railways and highways, numerous historical sites and relics of the Song Dynasty (over 1000 years ago), diverse cultures such as “the Culture of the Song Dynasty” featuring ancient walls, pontoon, towers, lanes and etc, bearing a history of over 1000 years, “the Red Culture” represented by the “the Cradle of the PRC” and “the Hakka Culture” characterized by its unique language, music, dance, architecture, customs and etc. Embraced by rivers and mountains, the downtown with a population of over 1.4 million is a modern and garden-like place with many well-preserved historical relics. THE UNIVERSITY ---GNNU (Gannan Normal University) Founded in 1958, Gannan Normal University (GNNU) opened its doors as a small teachers’ college. Today, the University has grown into a public mu Maintaining a tradition of success in teachers’…- 49
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赣南医学院来华留学教育招生章程 ADMISSION PROSPECTUS FOR INTERNATIONALEDUACATION PROGRAM TO GANNAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 第一章 总则及基本情况 Chapter One General Provisions and Information 第一条根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、教育部及江西省政府有关规定,特制定本章程。 Article 1 In accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education of China and Jiang Xi Provincial Department of Education, these articles are hereby formulated. 第二条赣南医学院是公办、省属普通高等本科院校。 Article2 Gannan Medical University is a provincial public-owned university. 第三条学校地址:黄金校区(江西省赣州市蓉江新区高校园区)、章贡校区(江西省赣州市章贡区医学院路1号)。 Article 3 Gannan Medical University address is as followed: Huangjin Campus, University Town, Rongjiang New District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, 341000, P.R.China. Zhanggong Campus, No.1, Yixueyuan Road, Zhanggong District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, 341000, P.R.China. 第二章 报名要求 Chapter Two Application requirements for Gannan Medical University 第四条 来华留学本科教育申请者高中学业成绩不低于65%或者B级,成绩三年内有效。申请者的英语、物理、化学和生物学成绩不低于65%或者B级。 硕士研究生教育申请者拥有WHO承认院校的学士学位,专业对口,学业成绩良好。 Article 4 International undergraduate program applicants should hold his/her senior high school transcript of no less than 65% or B grade (valid within three years). Moreover subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and English are no less than 65 % or B grade of the total marks. International postgraduate program applicants should hold his/her matched bachelor degree with good academic record of medical institution which recognized by WHO. 第五条临床医学本科教育预科生60名,硕士研究生6名,招生录取不限男、女生比例。 Article 5 Premedical program candidate seats: 60, postgraduate program candidate seats: 6. Admission are with no limitations of specific male and…- 82
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