Enrollment Brochure for the High Level Graduate Students Program with Chinese Government Scholarship of Yanshan University 2025
一、招生类别及学制1. 招收硕士研究生和博士研究生。2. 硕士研究生学制为3年;博士研究生学制为4年。二、申请途径和申请时间申请人应在规定时间内向燕山大学提出申请,申请时间截止到2025年2月16日。三、申请人资格1. 非中国籍公民,身心健康。2. 学历和年龄要求: 来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35周岁;来华攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士学位,年龄不超过40周岁。四、奖学金内容和标准1. 含学费和校内住宿费;...... -
Enrollment Brochure for the Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Graduate Program at Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2025
山西中医药大学2025年中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生” 项目招生简章一、报名截止:2025年3月15日二、项目类别高水平研究生项目 (学校代码:10809 )三、资助类别、期限(一)硕士研究生。(二)资助期限包括中文补习 (预科) 和专业学习时间。中文补习 (预科) 资助期限一般为一年,专业学习资助期限原则上与基本修业年限一致。四、资助内容和标准( 一) 资助内容包括学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费。(二) 资助标准1.免学费...... -
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) International Student Enrollment Brochure 2025
如果您无法在线浏览此 PDF 文件,则可以下载免费小巧的 福昕(Foxit) PDF 阅读器,安装后即可在线浏览 或下载免费的 Adobe Reader PDF 阅读器,安装后即可在线浏览 或下载此 PDF 文,... -
CUMTB International Student Admissions Brochure – 2025
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a member of the "211 Project," "985 Advantageous DisciplinesInnovation Platform Project," and a "Double First-Class" university. It is one of the first batch of universities in the national industry-university-research strategic alliance. In 1960 and 1978, the university wa...... -
Chongqing Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship High Level Graduate Program Enrollment Brochure 2025
1.该奖学金只用于招收非中国籍公民,中国政府奖学金“高水平研究生项目”系国家留学基金委设立的全额奖学金项目,旨在支持建设重庆市高水平大学,吸引优秀外国留学生来华学习。重庆师范大学现面向全球招收2025级全日制中国政府奖学金硕士/博士研究生。一、 奖学金申请截止日期2025年3月1日。二、 奖学金资助内容和标准(一)包括学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费。 (二)资助标准 1.免学费。 2.免住宿费。 3.生活费:硕士...... -
Application Brochure of High Level Graduate Program with Chinese Government Scholarship of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics 2025
一、奖学金介绍“中国政府奖学金高水平研究生项目”是中国教育部向部分中国高水平大学提供的全额奖学金,用于高校直接遴选和招收优秀的外国青年学生来华攻读研究生学位。二、资助类别、期限、内容及授课语言1. 资助类别:高水平研究生项目可招收硕士研究生和博士研究生。2. 自主期限:3年3. 资助内容:提供学费、生活费、校内宿舍、综合医疗保险。资助生活费具体标准:硕士研究生:3000元人民币/月/人博士研究生:3500元人民...... -
云南农业大学2025/2026学年中国政府奖学金来华留学生招生简章一、招生类别、期限及授课语言(一)硕士研究生和博士研究生。(二)期限。硕士研究生2-3学年;博士研究生4学年。资助期限为录取时确定的专业学习年限,原则上不予延长。(三)授课语言为汉语。二、奖学金内容包含学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险。详见“中国政府奖学金介绍”。(https://www.campuschina.org/)三、申请条件(一)非中国籍公民,身心健康;(二)年龄、...... -
2025-2026 Nanjing Forestry University Application Guide for Chinese Government Scholarship-High-level Postgraduate Program
Zhongshan Mausoleum of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing I. Program Description The Chinese Government Scholarship-High Level Postgraduate Program is a full-time, full scholarship program funded by the Chinese government for the enrollment of outstanding international students for postgraduate studies at Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU) commencing in Academic Year 2025-2026. II. Program Category High-level Postgraduate Program (Type B, School Code: 10298). Please see below for the reference:https://www.campuschina.org/content/details3_74776.html. III. Available Programs College Degree Programs Teaching Language Master PhD College of Forestry and Grassland,College of Soil and Water Conservation Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding Chinese/English √ √ Silviculture Chinese/English √ √ Forest Protection Chinese/English √ √ Forest Management Chinese/English √ √ Wildlife Protection and Utilization Chinese/English √ √ Ornamental Plants and Horticulture Science Chinese/English √ √ Water and Soil Conservation and Desertification Control Chinese/English √ √ College of Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chinese/English √ Chemical Technology Chinese/English √ Bio-chemical Engineering Chinese/English √ Applied Chemistry Chinese/English √ Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products Chinese/English √ √ Biomass Energy Science and Engineering Chinese/English √ College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chinese/English √ √ Power Engineering and Engineering Thermal…... -
2025 Central South University Chinese Government Scholarship Country Bilateral Program Enrollment Brochure
国别双边项目是根据中国与有关国家政府、机构、学校以及国际组织等签订的教育合作与交流协议或达成的共识提供的全额奖学金或部分奖学金。 一. 资助类别、期限、专业及授课语言 资助类别:包括本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、普通进修生以及高级进修生,具体请咨询本国留学生派遣部门。 授课语言:中文/英文,详情见 2025年国际本科生招生专业列表.xlsx和 2025年国际研究生招生专业列表.xlsx。学习期限:奖学金资助期限一般为......