Chengdu Sport University Admission Guide

         Undergraduate Program of Chengdu Sport University
          专业名称   Major  学制Duration授予学位Degree
1体育教育  Physical Education  四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
2运动训练   Sports Training四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
3体能训练  Strength Training四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
4旅游管理 Tourism Management四年4 Years管理学学士Bachelor of Management
5社会体育指导与管理 Social Sports   Guidance and Management四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
6休闲体育 Leisure Sports四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
7武术与民族传统体育Martial Arts and Traditional National Sports四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
8舞蹈学 Dancology四年4 Years艺术学学士Bachelor of Fine Arts
9舞蹈表演 Dance Performance四年4 Years艺术学学士Bachelor of Fine Arts
10音乐表演 Musical Performance四年4 Years艺术学学士Bachelor of Fine Arts
11中医学  Traditional Chinese Medicine五年5 Years医学学士Bachelor of Medicine
12中医骨伤科学Traumatology and Orthopedics of Traditional   Chinese Medicine五年5 Years医学学士Bachelor of Medicine
13运动康复       Sports Rehabilitation四年4 Years理学学士Bachelor of Science
14运动人体科学 Human Movement Science四年4 Years教育学学士Bachelor of Education
15康复治疗学 Rehabilitation Therapy四年4 Years理学学士Bachelor of Science
16体育经济与管理Sports Economics and Management四年4 Years管理学学士Bachelor of Management
17经济学 Economics四年4 Years经济学学士Bachelor of Economics
18新闻学 Journalism四年4 Years文学学士Bachelor of Arts
19广播电视编导Broadcasting and Television Playwright-Director四年4 Years艺术学学士Bachelor of Fine Arts
20播音与主持艺术Broadcasting and Hosting Art四年4 Years艺术学学士Bachelor of Fine Arts
21英语专业 English四年4 Years文学学士Bachelor of Arts
22文物与博物馆学Cultural Heritage and Museology四年4 Years历史学学士Bachelor of Arts in History
      硕士研究生专业                                               Postgraduate   Program of Chengdu Sport University
全日制学术学位(Full-time Academic Degree)全日制专业学位(Full-time Professional Degree)非全日制专业学位(Part-time   Professional Degree)
1体育教育训练学Physical Education and Training体育教学Physical Education体育教学Physical Education
2体育人文社会学Sport Humanistic Sociology运动训练Sports Training运动训练Sports Training
3民族传统体育学    Traditional   National Sports  社会体育指导Social Sports Guidance社会体育指导Social Sports Guidance
  Human Movement Science
新闻与传播Journalism and Communication
5运动康复Sports Rehabilitation中医骨伤科学Traumatology and Orthopedics of Traditional   Chinese Medicine
6运动医学Sports   Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture-moxibustion and Massage
7中西医结合临床Clinical Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine中西医结合临床Clinical Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine
8康复医学与理疗学Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy舞蹈Dance
  Sport Industry
  Sport Translation
13中外体育史History of Chinese and Foreign Sports
14运动舞蹈Dance sport
         博士研究生专业          Doctorate Program of Chengdu Sport University
                                   专业名称                            Major  
1体育教育训练学          Physical Education and Training
2运动人体科学                Human Movement Science
3运动康复学                    Sports   Rehabilitation
4体育人文社会学            Sport Humanistic Sociology
5民族传统体育学             Traditional National Sports

1. Application Prerequisites for Chengdu Sport University

Applicants should be in good health and with good character and meet the following requirements about their academic qualifications and Chinese proficiency:

(1) Applicants for postgraduate degrees should have a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from a Chinese university.

(2) Ph.D. candidates should have a degree equivalent to a master’s degree from a Chinese university.

(3) Chinese Language requirements: New HSKLevel 4 and above.

2. ApplicationMaterials to be submitted

(1) A copy of passport.

(2) A copy of HSK certification Level4or above.

(3) The original copy of theChengdu SportUniversityAdmission Application Form for Foreignerssigned by the applicant himself, with a photo.

(4) Personal statement, Ph.D. applicantsshouldprovide a brief statement of research experience.

(5) Proof of degree (pre-graduate certificate, post-graduate diploma required) and transcript. All kinds of certificates and certificates must be original or notarized in Chinese or English.

(6) Original Letter of Recommendation

(7) Registration fee is 400 RMB

All application materials and registration fees will not be refunded.

3. Application Method for Chengdu Sport University

Online application at Chengdu SportUniversitywill be available from June 1st, 2020. Before this, please apply by email. Applicants should send the printedChengdu SportUniversityAdmission Application Form for Foreignerswith the required application materials to International Office of Chengdu Sport University.

Tuition of studying in Chengdu Sport University:

1. Undergraduate:

(1) Traditional Chinese Medicine: 6,000 RMB/year.

(2) Rehabilitation Therapyand Sports Rehabilitation: 4,920 RMB/year.

(3) Sports Training, Martial Arts and Traditional Sports: 7,200 RMB/year.

(4) Physical Education, Social Sports Instruction and Management, Leisure Sports, Tourism Management, Sports Kinesiology, Economics, Journalism, English, Sports Economics and Management: 4440 RMB/year.

(5) Dance: 9,600 RMB/year.

(6) Dance Performance, Broadcasting and TV Editor & Director: 10,000 RMB/year.


(1) PhD in Education: 9,000 RMB/year.

(2) Full-time Master of Medicine: 8,000 RMB/year.

(3) Full-time Master of Education, Master of Arts: 7,200 RMB/year.

(4) Full-time Master of Physical Education (professional degree): 7,000 RMB/year/year

(5) Full-time Master of Journalism and Communication (two-year program): 7,200 RMB/year.

(6) Full-time Master of Medicine (two-year program): 8,000 RMB/year

(7) Part-time Sports Master (two-year program): 7,000 RMB/year.

Accommodation Fee to live in Chengdu Sport University:

Student Dorm: 1000-1200 RMB/person/year.

Guesthouse on the campus: 3000 RMB/person/semester.


The result of the admission will be notified by e-mail in early July of each year. Students enrolled will receive our admission letter and JW202 Form before the end of July.

Contact information:

Address: No.2, Tiyuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu SportUniversity

Post code: 610041

Tel: 0086-028-85062300

Mail:[email protected]


Non-degree students:

  1. Curriculum

Main courses: martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, sports rehabilitation, oral Chinese, Chinese listening, comprehensive Chinese, extensive reading in Chinese, newspaper reading, writing, Chinese culture, Chinese grammar, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting, etc.

  1. Application Prerequisites for Chengdu Sport University

Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health, with good character,andabove the age of 18 and below 55.

  1. Application Time for Chengdu Sport University

Spring Enrolment: Please apply from October 1 to December 31 of the previous year

Autumn Enrolment: Please apply before June 30 of each year

  1. Application materials to be submitted

1) A copy of first page of passport(photo page)

2) Certificate of highest diploma in Chinese or English

3) Chengdu SportUniversityApplication Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study in China(with a photo)

4) Registration fee: 400 RMB

5) All application materials and registration fees will not be refunded.

  1. Tuitionfee: 6,000 RMB/semester, 12,000 RMB/year
  2. Application methods

Online registration service will be available from June 1st, 2018. Before this, please register by email. Applicants should send the printedChengdu SportUniversityApplication Form for ForeignersWishing to Study in China with the required application materials to the InternationalOffice of Chengdu SportUniversity.

The result of the admission will be notified by email or telephone at the end of January and early July each year. Those who have been admitted will receive the Original Admission Letter from Chengdu SportUniversityand Visa Application for Study in China (JW202 Form)


Materials: Admission Letter, JW201/202 Form, Passport, Application Form for Admission, Four photos(2 inches with white background)

Payment: Registration fees, tuition fees, insurance fees (students with scholarship are exempt of payment)


Procedures: room allocation, Internet service, and accommodation fees

Location: the International Office of CDSU

Visa processing

Materials: Registration fee/tuition fee/insurance fee/accommodation fee Receipts, Admission Letter, JW201/202 Form, Passport, one photo (2 inches with white background), Original Physical Check up Form, Accommodation Registration Form

Scholarships:Chengdu SportUniversityScholarship,SichuanGovernment Scholarship

Contact information:

Address: No.2, Tiyuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu SportUniversity

PostCode: 610041

Tel: 0086-028-85062300

Mail:[email protected]

Visit web of Chengdu Sport University

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