Recruitment Announcement for English Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology in 2024 南昌工程学院2024年英语外教招聘公告

Job Description

In order to further promote the internationalization process of our school and cultivate applied talents with an international perspective, in accordance with relevant regulations of the country and Jiangxi Province, as well as the teaching needs of our school’s relevant teaching units, we plan to recruit one English language foreign teacher. The specific information is as follows:
English language foreign teacher

  1. Job details: English language teacher
  2. Number of people required: 1 person
  3. Requirements
    Age: Under 60 years old
    Nationality: Native English speaking country
    Education and degree: Bachelor’s degree or above
    Qualification requirements: Native speaking country, with at least two years of language education experience. Those who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or above in educational language or teacher education, or have obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or an international language teaching certificate that meets the requirements, are exempt from the work experience requirement.
    Classroom location: On site teaching
  4. Job Responsibilities
    An average of 16 class hours per week in classroom teaching
    Other related work, such as Office Hours, extracurricular projects, English corners, English competitions, and guiding students.
  5. Salary and benefits
    The salary shall be implemented in accordance with the “Management Measures for the Salary of Foreign Teachers at Nanchang Institute of Technology”, and foreign teachers may apply for school teacher apartments.
    Interested parties please send their resume, scanned passport, academic degree certificate, and other relevant supporting documents to the email address: [email protected] Contact person: Teacher Jiang (Anda), contact phone number:+86 791-88356160.







  • 年龄:60岁以下
  • 国籍:英语母语国家
  • 学历学位:本科及以上
  • 资质要求:母语国家,两年及以上语言教育经历。取得教育类语言类或者师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经历要求。
  • 上课地点:现场教学


  • 每周平均课堂教学16学时
  • 其他相关工作,如Office Hour、课外项目、英语角、英语竞赛和指导学生等。



有意向者请将简历、护照扫描件、学历学位证书及其它相关证明材料发送至邮箱:[email protected],联系人:姜老师(Anda),联系电话:+86 791-88356160。

Source: 南昌工程学院2024年英语外教招聘公告-南昌工程学院 人事处 (


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