Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University About the School

The School of Foreign Studies of Nanjing University (SFS)  traces its history back to a three-year English program initiated in 1917. Building on its academic heritage, it has distinguished itself in teaching, academic research and cooperation with overseas institutions. Consisting of seven language departments, i.e., English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Japanese and Korean, the School offers a full range of degree programs as well as postdoctoral programs in foreign languages and literatures. SFS boasts faculty of extraordinary excellence, among whom 80 % are doctorate holders and 60 % professors and associate professors. Currently the School sees a total enrollment of nearly 700 undergraduates and over 600 MA and PhD students. Having established partnerships with dozens of world-renowned universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Japan, South Korea and elsewhere, SFS takes pride in hosting and participating in a variety of international projects which helps spread the school’s influence worldwide.

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Positions

1)   Two vacancies of full-time English language teaching;

2)   One vacancy of full-time German language teaching;

3)   One vacancy of full-time Russian language teaching.

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Qualifications

1)   Applicants should observe Chinese laws and regulations, and demonstrate a passion for teaching and research.

2)   Applicants should maintain a high standard of academic and work ethics without any punishment record for violating teaching and academic ethics. Proofs of police clearance are required.

3)   Applicants must be native speakers of English/German/Korean with a master’s degree or above in literature, linguistics, or other specialties related to humanities or social sciences. Preference will be given to those whose research experience connects with the major areas of academic interest in English/German/Korean language and culture, English/German/Korean literature, and English/German/Korean studies.

4)   Applicants should have a good command of pedagogic skills and a flair for oral communication, and are capable of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses with competence.

5)   Applicants should have at least two years of teaching experience in college or language schools either in China or abroad with proven excellent pedagogical skills. Special consideration will be given to holders of assistant, associate and full professorship in overseas universities.

6)  In general, applicants should be under 55 years of age at the time of application (born after January 1st, 1968). However, the age limit will be subject to adjustment for exceptionally excellent applicants.

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Supporting Materials for Applicat

Please fill out the digital form via the link Make sure to combine the following files into one PDF document before sending off to corresponding contact person:

1)  cover letter

2)  detailed resume (publication list included)

3)  proof of teaching experience

4)  work plan

5)  two reference letters

6)  selected academic works (e.g. one to three journal articles)

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Compensation Package and Support

1)   The annual salary offered to a full-time language teacher is about 130,000-200,000 yuan/year (variable depending on prior teaching experience).

2) Benefit package includes monthly rental subsidy and international travel allowance, ranging from 35, 000-50, 000 yuan/year in total (variable depending on the applicants’ origins of country).

3) University-run apartments near campus are available for rent. Fixed level of rental is guaranteed within the term of contract.

4)  Social insurance will be provided in accordance with laws and regulations in China. The university will also pay for the housing fund upon agreement with the applicant.

Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Application deadline


Open Faculty Positions in English, German and Russian Literature and Linguistics, Nanjing University Policy consultation

For English language teacher: Ms Xu, [email protected]

For German language teacher: Ms Chen,[email protected]

For Russian language teacher: Mr Wang,[email protected]

School Website:



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