The first medical jubensha targeting health misunderstandings and rumors is launched.
Local health authorities have introduced more fun ways to promote health education among young people. The latest is jubensha, or live-action role-play games.
Shanghai Health Promotion Commission’s multimedia center teamed up with Zhongshan Hospital to create the first medical jubensha, which mainly targets misunderstandings and rumors about health care.
Eight young people who were the first to try jubensha said it was very interesting and exciting, while they also learned a lot.
Officials say jubensha is a new way to introduce modern and transboundary items into health education, and they are considering bilingual versions for expats.
Shanghai’s health authorities spend a lot of effort on health education and it is the first city in China to include the performance and achievements in the field in the medical professionals’ and facility’s evaluation system.
Ti Gong
The first batch of young people try out jubensha.