2021 National Academy of Chinese Opera Foreign Students Postgraduate Enrollment Prospectus 中国戏曲学院2021年外国留学生硕士研究生招生简章

The National Academy of Chinese Opera is an independent institution of higher art for training senior professionals in opera art. In order to cultivate more overseas talents who love opera art and Chinese culture, and promote the overseas sharing of Chinese opera art, the College is now recruiting full-time foreign students for master's degree.

2021 National Academy of Chinese Opera Foreign Students Postgraduate Enrollment Prospectus


2021 National Academy of Chinese Opera Foreign Students Postgraduate Enrollment Prospectus 中国戏曲学院2021年外国留学生硕士研究生招生简章



1. 招生类型和专业


2. 申请资格



(1) 持有效外国护照(取得护照签发国国籍),且永久住址在中国大陆及港、澳台湾地区以外;

(2) 品德良好,无犯罪记录,身体健康;

(3) 具有a.学士学位或相当学位b.本科学历或相当学历c.已获硕士博士学位应届本科生申请人需于2021 9 1 日前须取得上述类型的学历或学位证书;

(4) 具有中国国家汉语水平考试(HSK)5级(含5级)或更高水平;

(5) 专业水平达到所报专业要求。系部招生专业名称、导师名单、专业要求证明材料详见附件1


3. 申请时间


4. 申请方式及费用


申请表和所有文件、材料提交至中国戏曲学院国际交流合作部(办公楼319室),或通过电子邮件发送文件的电子版至[email protected]较大视频文件可通过 https://wetransfer.com/发送至上述邮箱。学院收齐申请人资料后进行审核,周期为7个工作日,审核结束后以电子邮件方式通知考生审核结果以及网络面试时间。申请费人民币800元,线上支付。

2021 National Academy of Chinese Opera Foreign Students Postgraduate Enrollment Prospectus 中国戏曲学院2021年外国留学生硕士研究生招生简章











地址:北京市丰台区万泉寺400 邮编:100073

话: 86-10-63337505


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2021 National Academy of Chinese Opera Foreign Students Postgraduate Enrollment Prospectus 中国戏曲学院2021年外国留学生硕士研究生招生简章

The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

Application to 2021 Research and Taught Postgraduate Programs

(International Students)

The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (NACTA)is an institution of higher education dedicated to cultivating artistic talents. We offer a rich array of Master degree programs, both research and taught, to international students who are interested in performing, music, directing, theatrical writing, stage arts, new media arts, cultural communication and cultural industry management. Now 2021 programs are open for application.

National Academy of Chinese Opera Application

Program Type

We offer full-time research and taught postgraduate programs (3 years) to potential students.


Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health condition and with valid passport (the nationality is in accordance with the country which issued the passport); his/her permanent address should be out of China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan areas; Applicants should have no records of lawbreaking; should have a Bachelor’s degree or Master/Doctoral degree, or a certificate of completion of higher education. If applicants are undergraduates, he/she should receive graduation certificate or bachelor’s degree by September 1, 2021. Applicants are also expected to reach the level of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Band 5 or above, and have the qualifications required by the department they want to get in.

Please find the list of study fields, supervisors and qualifications required by departments in Appendix I, and the specific documentation related to applicants’ nationality, health condition, certificate of education, etc.in Application to MA Programs (Appendix II, or download it at http://en.nacta.edu.cn/Admissions/Form/index.htm

Application Timeline

October 30,2020 – March 30, 2021

How to Apply

Please fill out the Application and prepare the documentation and what departments require from applicants. Submit them to Office of International Affairs at NACTA (Room 319, Administration Building ) , or send the digital versions of them to [email protected].(Please send your video via https://wetransfer.com/ to the email  if  your video is oversized.)We will inform applicants through email in seven workdays the results of review and the time of an online interview.  

The entry fee is CNY 800 which is non-refundable and should be paid online.

National Academy of Chinese Opera Admission

Applicants will be admitted according to the results of review and comments made by interviewers. New students will receive their enrollment guide packs in May, 2021.

National Academy of Chinese Opera Enrollment

New students should get registered on campus in early September and attend medical check-up in Beijing, China.  

Tuition, Insurance and Accommodation

Insurance: at least 800 CNY/year (the expenses vary according to different insurance plans, please find plans at http://en.lxbx.net/)

Tuition: 38000 CNY/academic year

International students can choose to live in the international student dormitory at NACTA which offers twin-bed rooms (1200 CNY/month) and single-bed rooms (2400 CNY/month), or other residence in Beijing on the approval of NACTA.

National Academy of Chinese Opera Scholarship

We offer International Student Scholarship funded by Beijing Municipal Government to new and current students who have impressive achievements in their interviews or study fields.  

National Academy of Chinese Opera Contact us

Office of International Relations

National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

Address: No.400, Wanquansi Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R.China

Tel: 86-10-63337505  

Admission Information: http://en.nacta.edu.cn

Email: [email protected]


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