Marching On the Bright Road光明行

Find a new way From the harmony and cooperation between the East and the west


Chinese Name: 光明行

English Name: Marching On the Bright Road,Guang Ming Xing

Composer: Liu Tianhua刘天华

Marching On the Bright Road光明行

Marching On the Bright Road, also called Guang Ming Xing, recognized as one of the top ten Erhu masterpieces, is an Erhu solo composed by Liu Tianhua around 1930 and published in 1932.

Composition Story Of Marching On the Bright Road

Marching On the Bright Road (Guang Ming Xing) is very bold in erhu creation. Although it absorbs some advanced factors of western music, such as tone, tone transfer, melody progress, music structure and performance skills, the whole music still maintains a distinctive national style. It is not only a march with real Chinese style, but also a model work that draws lessons from western music to improve and enrich national music.

Marching On the Bright Road光明行
Liu Tianhua

During the creation of the song, Liu Tianhua suffered a series of setbacks, including the death of his young daughter, the death of his second son and economic embarrassment. At that time, it was also a period when the Chinese revolution was moving towards the low tide. He witnessed the decline of the national music and was determined to “open a new road from the harmony and cooperation between the East and the west”. Therefore, he founded the “National Music Improvement Club(国乐改进社)”. Liu Tianhua once explained the reason for creating the song in the concert program. Because most people in China and abroad think that Chinese music is depressed, they wrote this song to prove its mistake

Marching On the Bright Road光明行
National Music Improvement Club 国乐改进社

Celebrating the 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, erhu performers from both sides played “Guang Ming Xing”

“Marching On the Bright Road” By Xiao Bai Yong

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