2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

Located in Changchun, the capital city of jilin Province, jilin Agricultural University is a key universityof jilin Province. The People's Government of jilin Province cooperates with the Ministry of Agricultureand Rural Affairs to build a university. T

2024 Jilin Agricultural University

Prospectus for International Students

2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

Jilin Agricultural University

I. Jilin Agricultural University INTRODUCTION
Located in Changchun, the capital city of jilin Province, jilin Agricultural University is a key universityof jilin Province. The People’s Government of jilin Province cooperates with the Ministry of Agricultureand Rural Affairs to build a university. The first batch of universities under the Ministry of Education andthe State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (“111” Program). The first batch of 50 “nationalinnovation and entrepreneurship typical experience universities”, the first batch of national deepeninginnovation and entrepreneurship education reform demonstration universities, the first batch ofscientific and technological achievements transformation and technology transfer bases of the Ministryof Education. After 75 years of construction and development, it has become a provincial key universitywith the advantages and characteristics of agriculture and life science, coordinated development otagriculture, science, industry, medicine, culture, management, law, economics and art. it is anirreplaceable and important talent training base, scientific and technological innovation and extensionservice base for national and regional agriculture and rural development.

The school has 22 departments, a graduate department and a direct teaching department. it is thefirst batch of university in China to have the right to grant bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and the firstbatch of university in the provincial institutions to obtain doctoral degree authorization. it has 9 postdoctoral research stations, ranking first in provincial universities;21 master’s degree authorization first.level disciplines, ranking in the forefront of provincial universities; 12 master’s degree authorizationcategories, 1 national key (cultivation) discipline. 3 key disciplines at the ministerial level and 13 high.level disciplines with provincial characteristics; botany and zoology.

The school’s existing fungus crop high-quality high-yield disease-resistant germplasm resourcesexcavation, creation and application of innovative subject introduction base, edible fungus newgermplasm resources creation international joint research center, wheat and corn deep processingnational engineering laboratory. National joint Engineering Research Center for Breeding andDevelopment of New Ginseng Varieties, National Joint Engineering Research Center for Economic FungResearch and Utilization, Key Laboratory of Animal Production and Product Quality and Safety, Ministryof Education, Key Laboratory of Straw Biology and Utilization, Ministry of Education. 32 national andministerial-level scientific research platforms, including the International Cooperation Joint Laboratory ofthe Ministry of Modern Agricultural Technology and Education, and 78 provincial-level scientific researchplatforms. In the past five years, the school has undertaken a total of 1033 scientific research projects atall levels, with research funding reaching 434 million. lt has won 66 scientific and technological awards ator above the national and provincial levels. The number and quality of provincial science and technologyawards have ranked first in provincial universities for many years. The sponsored journal “journal of jilinAgricultural University” and “journal of Economic Zoology” were selected into China’s top quality science and technology journals and china’s core science and technology journals. Jointly established the firstJilin Rural Revitalization Strategy Research institute with the Provincial Department of Agriculture andRural Affairs. Formed a school-site cooperation “antu mode!”, schoolvillage cooperation “folk musicmodel”, schoolenterprise cooperation “Borui model”, targeted poverty alleviation’s “good fieldmodel. The school insists on opening up to school and has established inter-school exchanges andcooperation with 93 institutions and institutions in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, italy,Russia, Japan, South Korea, Australia, South Africa and Zambia. it is a member of the board of directors ofthe “scientific and technological innovation” South-South cooperative agricultural education scientificand technological innovation aliance. The Zambia agricultural technology demonstration center, which isbuilt on behalf of the state, is known as the “model of South-South cooperation.”. co-operation with theUniversity of Carmelno, ltaly, is a scholarship for overseas students from the chinese government andjilin province. As the main body of implementation of the chinese government, the Zambian governmentand the Gates Foundation of the United States have vigorously carried out tripartite cooperation; set upa “Zhongzan College” at the University of zambia to run schools abroad; and are the first provincialcolleges and universities in jilin Province to carry out state-level foreign aid training and the first overseashuman resources training units in the country to “go out “. The school covers an area of 1355.27 hectares,of which the campus covers an area of 371.13 hectares, a teaching and scientific research base of 984.14hectares, a campus floor area of 476400 square meters, a total fixed assets of 3.338 billion yuan, and alibrary collection of 3.17 million volumes. The school is adjacent to the 5A class scenic spot jingyuetanNational Forest Park, with its unique campus planning and pleasant scenery.

2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

Jilin Agricultural University


2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students


2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

1. Application Form for jilin Agricultural University (written in Chinese or English);

2. Passport copy

3.Notarized highest diploma;Prospective diploma recipients must submit official document issued byyour current school to prove your current student status or expected graduation date. Documents inlanguages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

4.Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English);Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.

5. A Study Plan or Research Proposal (written in English) ;This should be a minimum of 800 words.

6. Two Recommendation Letters ( written in Chinese or English );Applicants must submit tworecommendation letters signed by a professor or an associate professor.

7. Students applying for a Chinese teaching major are required to provide: new HSK4 level 180 or above(if they do not have a HSK certificate, they may try it first); students applying for an English teachingmajor must meet at least one of the following conditions: native English; official English; major English,TOEFL 80 or above or lELTS 5.5

8.Acopyof the MedicalExamination Form for Foreigners. Go to the websitehttp://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua or http://www.campuschina.org for download in english. Applicantsshould be examined in strict accordance with the items required in the Foreigner’s Physical ExaminationForm. The Medical Examination Form for Foreigners with missing items, no personal photos or no seal orthe photograph, no doctor or hospital signature is invalid. The inspection results are valid for 6 months;

9. White background 2 inch or small 2 inch electronic photo.

2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

Jilin Agricultural University


2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

VI.Jilin Agricultural University SCHOLARSHIP

2024 Jilin Agricultural University Prospectus for International Students

Please kindly find the attachment.

VIII. Jilin Agricultural University CONTACT:
Add: Office for International Cooperation and Exchange, Jilin Agricultural University, No. 2888, XinchengStreet, Changchun City, Jilin Provinee, PR. China.
Postalcode: 130118Tel: 86-431-84532992
Fax:+ 86-431-84532977
E-MAIL: aboardajlau.edu.cn
Web: https://gjjy.jlau.edu.cn/

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