2023 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program 2023年江西中医药大学中国政府奖学金生“高水平研究生项目”招生简章

2023 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program

2023 Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program

Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine


2023 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program 2023年江西中医药大学中国政府奖学金生“高水平研究生项目”招生简章 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine


The Chinese Government Scholarship Program is set up by the Chinese government to promote mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people from all over the world, and to develop exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries in various fields. Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine is one of the designated universities that recruit and cultivate Chinese Government Scholarship students. According to the relevant policies of China Scholarship Council, Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine is going to recruit Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program students in 2023.








Ⅰ Eligibility

1) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and meet the requirements set by the Document No. 12 (2020) of the Ministry of Education of the PRC;

2) Applicants should abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of the University, be in healthy physical condition and has no criminal record;

3) Education and Age Requirement:

– Applicants for master’s degree must have excellent performance with a bachelor’s degree (degree in medicine or related discipline) or its equivalent and be under the age of 35;

– Applicants for doctoral degree must have excellent performance with master’s degree (degree in medicine or related discipline) or its equivalent and be under the age of 40;

4) Applicants who apply for Chinese-media program should reach HSK level 4.















Ⅱ Application Materials

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English);

2. Scanned copy of the passport front page (photo page) with a validity period later than September 2023;

3. Notarized highest diploma. Texts other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by a notarized translation in Chinese or English;

4. Notarized transcripts. Applicants for master’s degree should provide undergraduate transcripts, and those for doctoral degree should provide undergraduate transcripts and graduate transcripts. For transcripts in languages other than Chinese and English, a notarized Chinese or English translation is required;

5. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English from two professors or associate professors in relevant fields;

6. Academic papers or achievement certificates;

7. Certificate of language proficiency. HSK certificate or TOEFL/IELTS certificate. Those applicants who have obtained a degree from a Chinese university using Chinese as the language of instruction do not need to provide HSK certificate;

8. A study plan written in Chinese or English within no less than 1000 words, which should cover the understanding of the major and the university you are applying for, the reasons for choosing our university, and the personal academic and research plan, etc.;

9. Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English. The examination result is valid for 6 months;

10. Non-criminal Record Certificate, issued within 6 months prior to the application submission date;

11. Two-inch photo with white background;

12. Pre-admission documents (issued by our university);

13. Applicants under the age of 18 must submit the relevant legal documents of their legal guardians in China.

2023 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program 2023年江西中医药大学中国政府奖学金生“高水平研究生项目”招生简章



申请截止时间为2023年3月20日。申请人在系统报名前,可提前与我校联系[email protected]

Ⅲ Application

Applicants can submit applications by visiting the “CSC Study in China” website (http://www.campuschina.org) and clicking “Scholarship Application for Students”. Register an account through [CREATE AN ACCOUNT] and log in with your account. After successful registration, log in to the system with the registered account. The “Agency Number” of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine is 10412 and the Program Category is “Type B”.

The deadline for application is March 20th, 2023. Applicants should contact our school in advance via [email protected] before registration.

序号 学生类别 专业 授课语言 学制(年)
1 硕士研究生 针灸推拿学 英语/汉语 3.0
2 中医儿科学 英语/汉语 3.0
3 中医妇科学 英语/汉语 3.0
4 中医骨伤科学 英语/汉语 3.0
5 中医外科学 英语/汉语 3.0
6 中医内科学 英语/汉语 3.0
7 中医诊断学 英语/汉语 3.0
8 方剂学 英语/汉语 3.0
9 中医医史文献 英语/汉语 3.0
10 中医临床基础 英语/汉语 3.0
11 中医基础理论 英语/汉语 3.0
12 中医护理学 英语/汉语 3.0
13 中西医结合临床 英语/汉语 3.0
14 中西医结合基础 英语/汉语 3.0
15 中药学 英语/汉语 3.0
16 生药学 英语/汉语 3.0
17 药剂学 英语/汉语 3.0
18 药理学 英语/汉语 3.0
19 药物分析学 英语/汉语 3.0
20 药物化学 英语/汉语 3.0
21 药学 英语/汉语 3.0
22 博士研究生 中医学 英语/汉语 3.0
23 中药学 英语/汉语 3.0
Ⅳ Majors and teaching media
S/N Category Majors Language Study DurationYear
1 Master‘s Program Acupuncture and Moxibustion English/Chinese 3.0
2 Pediatrics of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
3 Gynecology of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
4 TCM Osteopathology Traumatology English/Chinese 3.0
5 Surgical of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
6 Internal Medicine of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
7 Diagnostics of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
8 Science of TCM Formula English/Chinese 3.0
9 Literature on the History of TCM English/Chinese 3.0
10 Basics of Traditional Chinese Clinical Medicine English/Chinese 3.0
11 Basic of Traditional Chinese Medicine English/Chinese 3.0
12 Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing English/Chinese 3.0
13 Clinics of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine English/Chinese 3.0
14 Basics of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine English/Chinese 3.0
15 Traditional Chinese Pharmacy English/Chinese 3.0
16 Pharmacognosy English/Chinese 3.0
17 Pharmaceutics English/Chinese 3.0
18 Pharmacology English/Chinese 3.0
19 Pharmaceutical Analysis English/Chinese 3.0
20 Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry English/Chinese 3.0
21 Pharmacy English/Chinese 3.0
22 Doctoral Program Chinese Medicine English/Chinese 3.0
23 Traditional Chinese Pharmacy English/Chinese 3.0



Ⅴ Scholarship

The CSC will provide full scholarship for the Chinese Government Scholarship students studying at our university. The scholarship covers tuition, accommodation, medical insurance and living allowance while staying in China.





ⅥAdmission and Registration

1. School will review all applicants’ application materials, arrange the admission interview and recommend the outstanding candidates to the CSC.

2. School will recommend qualified applicants to China Scholarship Council to get approval. After approval, the school will mail Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201), and other documents to students.

3. New Chinese Government Scholarship students should complete registration procedures before the registration deadline. Those who are unable to register on time should report to the school in advance. Those who have failed to register two weeks after the deadline will be disqualified after reporting to the China Scholarship Council.








1. Admitted applicants should bring original documents to register at Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine on time for the official registration as scheduled on the JW201.

2. School will recheck the applicant’s documents when the applicant arrives at school. The school has the right to reject the applicants’ registration and report it to CSC under the following circumstances: applicants provided unauthentic or inconsistent materials for application, failed in the physical examination or other violations. All expenses incurred have to be paid on his/her own.

3. Scholarship students should observe the relevant regulations on the Chinese Government Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the annual review of the Chinese Government Scholarship. If the students failed in the annual review, the scholarship will be terminated or canceled.

4. For more information please check the China Scholarship Council website.

5. Those who fail in applying for Chinese Government Scholarship can also apply for other postgraduate programs at our university.

2023 Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine Admission in Chinese Government Scholarship High-level Postgraduate Program 2023年江西中医药大学中国政府奖学金生“高水平研究生项目”招生简章




ⅧSupervision and Complaint

The recruitment work shall be carried out in strict accordance with the recruitment policies, principles, and procedures, and the recruitment discipline shall be strictly observed. The recruitment and enrollment work should be fully supervised by the discipline inspection and supervision department of the Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine.

Any organization or individual who has objection to the recruitment and enrollment work can report it to the discipline inspection and supervision department.

Telephone of discipline inspection and supervision department: 0791-87118809;0791-87118810







E-mail:[email protected]

IX Contact Address and Telephone

Address: 56 Yangming Road, Nanchang City, Jiangxi, China;

Postal code: 330006;

Telephone Number: 0086-791-87142681;

Fax Number: 0086-791-87119001;


E-mail: [email protected];


The Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine reserves the right of interpretation regarding this notice.



Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine

January 2023

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