2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine

Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

Hubei University of Chinese Medicine

  .Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Brief Introduction

  Hubei University of Chinese Medicine (HBUCM), founded in 1958, is the first provincial university in Hubei Province with the right to confer doctorate degrees in first-level disciplines. It is co-built by Hubei Provincial People’s Government and National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, making it a “university of first-class disciplines” in Hubei Province. The university is located in Wuhan, a river city. It has Tanhualin and Huangjiahu two campuses with strong cultural heritage and beautiful environment. The university now offers 35 undergraduate programs, covering 7 disciplines including Medicine, Science, Engineering, Management, Literature, Pedagogy and Economics. The university has a complete educational level, covering undergraduate, master and doctoral program. It has 18,300 full-time students, including 15,700 undergraduates and 2,636 postgraduates.

  Since 1986, the School of International Education has been providing education for international students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, providing Chinese Government Scholarship and Hubei Provincial Government Scholarship. As the saying goes, “The sea embraces all rivers, tolerance is a virtue”, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine sincerely welcomes friends from all over the world to study, exchange and cooperate.

  .Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Application Conditions

  1. The applicant must be a non-Chinese citizen with good academic performance, good conduct, no criminal record and good health;

  2. Educational background and age requirements: the applicant must graduate from high school or have the same educational background before enrollment, and the age is generally 18-35 years old;

  3. Applicants for courses taught in Chinese should get the new version of the Chinese Language Proficiency Test (HSK Level 4 and the score ≥ 180) ;

  4. Residents of Mainland China (Mainland), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who apply for admission as international students after immigrating abroad must hold a valid foreign passport or international documents for more than 4 years (including 4 years), and have actually resided abroad for more than 2 years in the latest 4 years (actually resided abroad for more than 9 months in one year can be counted as one year, subject to the entry and exit seals).

  .Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Application Materials

  1. Download and fill in the Application Form for Admission to Hubei University of Chinese Medicine (see Attachment 1);

  2. Color scan of the first page of passport (passport must be an ordinary passport valid within 6 months from the date of submission of application);

  3. Scanning copy of certificate of highest education and/or degree: Please submit the scanning copy of graduation certificate and/or degree certificate; If the applicant is a current student, he/she must submit a scanned copy of the study certificate issued by his/her school.

  4.Electronic photos: Color 2-inch headless identification photos, white background without borders, head accounting for 2/3 of the photo size, photo size is not less than 320*240 pixels, aspect ratio of 4:3, size of 100-500KB, JPG format photos named with passport number;

  5. Certificate of academic achievement: original and translated copies of senior high school test scores or internationally accepted standardized test scores of the student’s country of origin;

  6. Language Proficiency Certificate: Applicants applying for courses taught in Chinese should submit a new HSK Level 4 certificate or above (valid for two years).

2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

Hubei University of Chinese Medicine

  Ⅳ.Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Application process

  1. Log in http://hbtcm.at0086.cn/student and get online application

  2. The school will organize relevant personnel to review the applicants and send the Admission Letter and Visa Application Form for Foreign Students in China (JW202 Form) to the applicants after approval.

  3. The applicant shall apply for a visa to China (X Visa) at the Chinese Embassy with the Admission Letter, Visa Application Form for Foreign Students in China (JW202) and Physical Examination Form for Foreigners.

  4. Applicants should bring the admission letter, JW202 form, passport, 8 registration photos and physical examination form (blood test sheet, X-ray, electrocardiogram, etc.) to Hubei University of Chinese Medicine according to the date on the admission letter. The residence application procedures should be completed within 30 days after entry. If the student fails to register on time without any reason, his/her enrollment qualification will be canceled. If he/she cannot register within the specified date due to special circumstances, he/she should contact the school in advance and can postpone his/her enrollment after being approved.

  Application time: Available throughout the year.

  .Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Contact

  Address: School of International Education, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, 16 Huangjiahu West Road, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

  Tel: 027-68890172 Fax: 027-68890169

  Postcode: 430065

  Email: hucm_sie.hbucm.edu.cn

  Website: www.hbucm.edu.cn

2023 Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Admission Brochure for Undergraduate Students Studying in China

Hubei University of Chinese Medicine

  Undergraduate program directory of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine for International students



length of schooling



Traditional Chinese Medicine

5 years

Bachelor of Medicine


Chinese and Western Clinical Medicine

5 years

Bachelor of Medicine


Medical Imaging Technology

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Acupuncture and Massage

5 years

Bachelor of Medicine


Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine

5 years

Bachelor of Medicine


Rehabilitation Therapy

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Chinese Pharmacy

4 years

Bachelor of Science



4 years

Bachelor of Science


Chinese Medicine Resources and Development

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Pharmaceutical Engineering

4 years

Bachelor of Engineering


Pharmaceutic Preparation

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Chinese Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Medical Laboratory Technology

4 years

Bachelor of Science


Health Inspection and Quarantine

4 years

Bachelor of Science



4 years

Bachelor of Science


Food Quality and Safety

4 years

Bachelor of Engineering



4 years

Bachelor of Science


Medical Experimental Technology

4 years

Bachelor of Science



4 years

Bachelor of Management


Logistics Management

4 years

Bachelor of Management


International Business

4 years

Bachelor of Management


Public Service Management

4 years

Bachelor of Management


Information Management and Information Systems

4 years

Bachelor of Management


Medical Information Engineering

4 years

Bachelor of Engineering


Internet of Things Engineering

4 years

Bachelor of Engineering


Applied Psychology

4 years

Bachelor of Science


International Education of Chinese Language

4 years

Bachelor of Literature

Attachment 1




/Name in Passport

姓/Family Name:

中文名/Chinese Name

       照 片


名/Given Name:






/Place of Birth



/Date of Birth

年 月 日

/year /month /date

男 □Male

女 □Female




/Passport No.




最后学历/Previous Education




现工作单位/Current Employer or Institute


永久通讯地址/Home Country Mail Address (Permanent address):

电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: E-mail:

目前通讯地址/Current address if different from above:

电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: E-mail:


Intended Study Periods

从/from 年/Y 月/M 日/D 到/to 年/Y 月/M 日/D

现有汉语水平/Check the appropriate box to indicate the number of Chinese words you know ______

A None B about 800 C about 1500 D about 2500 E over 3500

汉语水平考试情况/ Level of HSK Test: ____________________________________

现有英语水平/English: □ 很好/Excellent □好/Good □较好/Fair □差/Poor □不会/None

我的英语水平可以用英语学习/I can be taught in English: □ 是/Yes □否/No

其他语言/Other Languages:___________________________________________________________________

申请人是否曾在华学习或任职/Have you ever studied or worked in China

□是/Yes: 学习或任职单位/Institution or Employer: _________________________________________________

在华时间/Time in China: 自/From:年/Year_____月/Month _____至/To:年/Year_____月/Month _____


学生类别/Program Applied For:

1. Bachelor Degree Program in _

2. Master Degree Program in ______

3. 非学历项目/Non-degree Program □A.汉语培训/General Chinese Language Training

□B.课程进修/Special Courses

□C.单项短期研究课题/Short-term Research Projects

□D.访问学者/Visiting Scholars

申请人经费来源/Source of Financial Support:

□团体资助/Organization : 资助团体名称/Sponsor Organization Name:________________________________

□家庭资助/Family (sponsor’s name) : ______________ □个人支付/Individual: ______________

推荐人情况/ Information for Referees







受教育情况/Education Background:

学校/Institutes 起止时间/ Years attended (from/to) 专业/Fields of Study / 毕业证书及学位证书/ Certificates (to be) Obtained


工作经历/Working Experiences:

工作单位 起止时间 从事工作 职务及职称

Employer Time (from/to) Work Engaged Posts Held


家庭主要成员/Family members:

姓名/ Name 关系/ Relation 电话和传真/ Tel. & Fax


所附材料情况(请在所附附件前划‘X’标明)/Materials Attached (Please Indicate with ‘X’ in the Bracket.):

□两封推荐信(申请硕士或博士学位者需要)/Two Letters of Recommendation (Only Necessary for Postgraduate or Doctoral).

□本人最后学历成绩单复印件(须公证)/Transcripts of the Most Advanced Studies (Notarized Photocopy).

□本人最后学历证书复印件(须公证)/Diploma of Most Advanced Studies (Notarized Photocopy):

□本科/Bachelor’s □硕士/Master’s □ 博士/Doctor’s □ 其它/Others

□外国人体格检查记录复印件/ Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Only necessary for some countries).

□其它附件(请列出)/Other Attachments (List if there is):


Each set of the complete materials should not exceed 20 pages. Please use DIN A4.Whether the candidates are accepted or not, none of the application materials will be returned.


申请人保证/I Hereby Affirm That:

1. 申请表中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误;

All information and materials given in this form are true and correct.

2. 在华期间,遵守中国的法律、法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的、与本人来华学习身份不符合的活动;

During my stay in China, I shall abide the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities in China which are deemed to be adverse to the social order of China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student.

3. 在学期间,遵守学校的校纪、校规,全力投入学习和研究工作。尊重学校的教学安排;

During my study in China, I shall abide the rules and regulations of the host university, and concentrate on my studies and researches, and follow the teaching programs arranged by the university.

4. 按规定期限修完学业,按期回国,不无故在华滞留;

I shall return to my home country as soon as I complete my scheduled program in China, and will not extend my stay without valid reasons.


学生本人签字/Signature of the applicant


(无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the applicant’s signature)



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