Hello China, a great resource for learning Chinese language, with a collection of 100 episodes
The "Hello China" is a large-scale multimedia cultural project jointly planned and implemented by China Radio International and Higher Education Press, sponsored by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of China. This videos are reposted from the internet and the copyright belongs to the original author. This sharing is aimed at Chinese learning. 1 Introduction to China https://file-kg.oss-cn-hongkong.aliyuncs.com/videos/Hello_China/1%20Introduction%20to%20China.mp4 The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to west for thousands of years. Silk was made into cloth, while clay was made into pottery and ceramics. Millions of stones were piled into the Great Wall. The country created many wonders,such as the Great Wall, Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Terracotta Warriors and Chinese Kung F u. Beijing is the capital of Zhongguo, or China, which opens to and embraces the world. The Beijing Olympic Games 2008 and the Shanghai world Expo 2010 were held here in Zhongguo. Peking Opera and Western opera are performed on the same stage. Cultures of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this ancient country. This is Zhongguo. Hope you can understand her, appreciate her and love her. All the Chinese people, black-eyed, and yellow-skinned welcome you with open arms. 一条古老的黄河贯穿东西,流淌千年。蚕丝制成服装,粘土烧成瓷器。石头垒出了万里长城。这个国度创造了很多奇迹,长城,敦煌莫高窟,兵马俑和功夫。北京,今天它开放国门,走向现代。奥运会,世界博览会在这里召开。京剧与歌剧在这里同台。世界文化在这里同放光彩,这就是中国。希望你能了解它,欣赏它,爱上它。黄皮肤黑眼睛的中国人,张开双臂热情欢迎你。 2 Ni Hao An…- 53
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Chinese Test Dates in 2024
Here are the Chinese Test Dates in 2024: Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Test Date(HSK+HSK Speaking Test)Test Form(HSK+HSK Speaking Test)Registration DeadlineResult Releasing DateHSKHSK Speaking TestPaper-based Test(PBT)iBT at-centerPaper-based Test(PBT)iBT at-centerPaper-based Test(PBT)iBT at-centerJan.13th January (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center17th December 20233rd January※20th February29th January※20th February2nd FebruaryMar.16th March (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center18th February6th March16th April1st April16th April※12th AprilApr.21st April (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center25th March11th April※28th May※13th May※28th May※20th MayMay19th May (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center22nd April9th May19th June3rd June19th June11th JuneJun.22nd June (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center26th May12th June22nd July8th July22nd July12th JulyJul.21st July (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center24th June11th July21st August5th August21st August12th AugustAug.18th August (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center22nd July8th August18th September2nd September18th September9th SeptemberSep.8th September (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center12th August29th August※15th October23rd September※15th October30th SeptemberOct.19th October (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center22nd September9th October19th November4th November19th November8th NovemberNov.16th November (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center20th October6th November16th December2nd December16th December6th DecemberDec.8th December (Sun)PBT+iBT at-center11th November28th November8th January 202523rd December8th January 202530th December ※ Result releasing date would be delayed for one week due to official holiday. Chinese Proficiency Test HSK(Level 7-9) Test DateTest FormRegistration DeadlineResult Releasing DateMay18th May (Sat)iBT at-center28th April※20th JuneNov.9th November (Sat)iBT at-center25th October9th December ※ Result releasing date would be delayed for one week due to official holiday. HSK Speaking Test Test DateTest FormRegistration DeadlineResult Releasing DatePaper-based Test(PBT)iBT at-centerPaper-based Test(PBT)iBT at-centerJan.13th January (Sat)PBT+iBT at-center17th December 20233rd January※20th February2nd FebruaryMar.16th…- 34
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