2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

Hefei Normal University

Hefei Normal University (HFNU) is located in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui province, one of the four major science and education cities in China. Founded in 1955, HFNU is one of the first national pilot units for “master degree education serving national specific demands” and “Excellent Teacher Training Program”. It is also one of the first universities in Anhui province of “establishing local application-oriented high-level universities”, establishing provincial green campuses, and national role model in ethical and cultural progress. HFNU ranked 14th among China’s normal universities in the “Ranking of First-Class Undergraduate Education Based on Academician Growth Data”.

HFNU has 3 campuses with a total area of about 86.33 hectares. There are 15 faculties and 60 undergraduate majors, covering 8 disciplines of engineering, economics, management, education, science, literature, law and art, 11 Master of Education programs and nearly 17,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students in the university. HFNU possesses 5 major and discipline groups in teacher education, electronic information, literature and art, biochemical engineering and economic management, 28 national and provincial first-class (characteristic) majors, 14 ministerial and provincial-level scientific research platforms, 180 university-government and university-enterprise industry-university-research cooperation education bases and more than 1,200 full-time teachers. With a good teacher training tradition, the university has trained 180,000 primary and secondary school principals and teachers.

HFNU has established exchanges and cooperation with more than 10 universities in Ireland, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Spain and Taiwan Province of China.

HFNU has accumulated rich experience in school management, and has been acknowledged as a comprehensive university with distinctive characteristics, advanced facilities and beautiful campus. HFNU enrolls international students into full-time degree programs (bachelor’s programs, master’s programs) and Chinese language study program. Welcome to join us in HFNU for further study!

I. Programs and Majors

        In 2023, the university will offer Undergraduate (Bachelors Degree), Postgraduate (Masters Degree) and Chinese language study programs. The majors are as follows:

1. Bachelor’s Programs (4 years)

Level School Major



Undergraduate School of Humanities

Chinese Language and Literature (Teacher-Training),

Journalism and Communication,

Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

School of Economics and Management

International Economy and Trade,

Human Resource Management,

Financial Management,

Internet Finance, Economics

School of Foreign Languages English (Teacher-Training) English
Spanish, Business English Chinese

School of Educational and Psychological Sciences

School of Teachers’ Education

Preschool Education (Teacher-Training),

Primary Education,

Applied Psychology (Teacher-Training)

School of Fine Arts and Design

Fine Arts (Teacher-Training), Design Science,


School of Music

Musicology (Teacher-Training),

Musical Performance

Schools of Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics


Applied Statistics,

Economic Statistics


School of Electronic Information

and Integrated Circuits

Electronic Information Engineering,

Communication Engineering,

Electrical Engineering and Automation,

Integrated Circuit Design and Integrated System

School of Physics and Materials Engineering

Physics (Teacher-Training),

Photoelectric Information Science and Engineering,

New Energy Materials and Devices

School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence Computer, Artificial Intelligence Chinese
School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering

Chemistry (Teacher-Training),

Pharmaceutical Engineering,

Chemical Engineering and Technology,

Pharmaceutical Preparation

School of Biological and Food Engineering

Biological Sciences (Teacher-Training),

Food Quality and Safety,

Biological Pharmaceuticals

School of Physical Science Physical EducationTeacher-Training Chinese

2.Master’s Programs (2 years)

Level and Program Department Majors Teaching Language
Master of Education Graduate School

Subject Teaching (Chinese, mathematics, English, physics,

chemistry, biology, fine art, physical education),

Educational Management, and Mental Health Education


3.Chinese Language Study Program (1 year)

It mainly focuses on Chinese Language and Literature and Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Students can apply for a relevant HFNU bachelor’s program if they perform well at school, meet academic qualification requirements and achieve excellent exams results.

2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

II. Semesters

At HFNU (Hefei Normal University), each academic year is divided into spring and autumn semesters. Autumn semester often starts in September and ends in January next year, while spring semester usually lasts from February till July. The exact starting and finishing dates of each semester are subject to HFNU (Hefei Normal University) academic calendar.

III. Application Qualifications

1.Have graduated from high school, and be 18 years old or above, be physically and mentally healthy (without infectious disease or any physical or mental diseases that may affect the normal study, meet the physical examination requirements for Chinese Visa and Residence Permit in China as well as the physical examination requirements for HFNU (Hefei Normal University) programs); Students applying for the Master’s programs are required to hold a bachelor’s degree;

2.NOT have Chinese nationality under the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China and hold a valid ordinary passport;

3.Requirements of the regulations set in the Document No. 12 (2020) of Ministry of Education of the PRC should be met.

(1) According to Article 5 of the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, a person whose parent(s) is/are Chinese national(s) and has/have settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality. These students, when applying for HFNU (Hefei Normal University) bachelor’s programs, in addition to meeting its other application qualifications, should have held a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for at least 4 years, and should have stayed in foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (9 months in a year will be counted as one year and calculation of the duration of stay will be based on the border entry and exit stamps);

(2) Students who were residents in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan region before immigrating to a foreign country should be subject to the above regulations as well.

4. Have no record of criminal conduct; behave well; comply with Chinese laws and university regulations, and respect Chinese customs.

5. Chinese proficiency should be at least up to HSK Level 4. Applicants whose Chinese proficiency does not reach HSK Level 4 can apply for the Chinese Language Study Program and then pass the relevant HSK test. The native or official language of applicants for English-taught majors should be English, or IELTS, TOEFL and other English test scores should be provided.

IV. Application Materials

1.Bachelor’s Program of Hefei Normal University

(1) Application Form for International Students Admission to Hefei Normal University (Annex 1);

(2) Hefei Normal University International Student Scholarship Application Form (Annex 2);

(3) Copy of valid passport (photo page);

(4) The highest academic diploma/degree (for current student, a proof of study issued by the school must be provided, notarized translations must be provided for documents in languages other than Chinese or English);

(5) Transcript provided by the school with the highest degree (notarized translations must be provided for documents in languages other than Chinese or English);

(6) Proof of Chinese language proficiency within the validity period (must reach HSK Level 4);

(7) Bank deposit certificate (at least equivalent to RMB 20,000);

(8) Copy of the English version of the foreigner’s physical examination form (the original physical examination form must be provided when registering);

(9) 8 recent photos (the same size as the passport photo);

(10) Other award certificates;

(11) Other supplementary materials required by Hefei Normal University.

2. Master’s Programs(Duration:2 years) of Hefei Normal University

(1) Application Form for International Students Admission to Hefei Normal University (Annex 1);

(2) Hefei Normal University International Student Scholarship Application Form (Annex 2);

(3) Copy of valid passport (photo page);

(4) The highest academic diploma/degree (for current student, a proof of study issued by the school must be provided, for non-Chinese or English certificates, Chinese or English translation must be provided);

(5) Transcript provided by the school with the highest degree (notarized translations must be provided for documents in languages other than Chinese or English);

(6) Proof of Chinese language proficiency within the validity period (must reach HSK Level 4);

(7) Bank deposit certificate (at least equivalent to RMB 30,000);

(8) Copy of the English version of the foreigner’s physical examination form (the original physical examination form must be provided when registering);

(9) 8 recent photos (the same size as the passport photo);

(10) Study plan or research plan (at least 800 words, please write in Chinese or English);

(11) Two recommendation letters from professors or associate professors (Signature of reference or stamp of school);

(12) Published papers or achievements, other award certificates;

(13) Other supplementary materials required by Hefei Normal University.

3.Chinese Language Study Program of Hefei Normal University

(1) Application Form for International Students Admission to Hefei Normal University (Annex 1);

(2) Hefei Normal University International Student Scholarship Application Form (Annex 2);

(3) Copy of valid passport (photo page);

(4) The highest academic diploma/degree (for current student, a proof of study issued by the school must be provided, for non-Chinese or English certificates, Chinese or English translation must be provided);

(5) Transcript provided by the school with the highest degree (notarized translations must be provided for documents in languages other than Chinese or English);

(6) Bank deposit certificate (at least equivalent to RMB 20,000);

(7) Copy of the English version of the foreigner’s physical examination form (the original physical examination form must be provided when registering);

(8) 8 Recent photos (the same size as the passport photo);

(9) Other supplementary materials required by Hefei Normal University.

4. Others

(1) Applicants should ensure that their application materials are true, accurate and effective;

(2) Those who were originally Chinese citizens and later acquired a foreign nationality must submit the following application materials:

Certificate of Naturalization;

Certificate of Cancellation of Chinese household registration;

Copy of border entry-exit stamp pages for the last 4 years, original documents should also be ready for review (original copy for review, for bachelor degree program applicants);

Certificate of foreign study/work experience for the last 4 years (original copy for review, for bachelor degree program applicants).

(3) Applicants who were born in a foreign country and obtained foreign nationality, and if both or one of their parents are Chinese citizens should also provide the following materials:

Certificate of foreign study/work experience for the last 4 years (original copy for review, for bachelor degree program applicants)

The permanent residence certificate of their parent(s);

Copy of border entry-exit stamp pages for the last 6 years (original copy for review, for bachelor degree program applicants);

(4) The above application materials should be in Chinese or English, and notarized translations must be provided for documents in languages other than Chinese or English.

2023 Admission Guide for International Students of Hefei Normal University

V. Application Procedure

1.Please submit the application materials to the email address: [email protected], deadline for the application: July 30;

2.After the applicant submits the application materials, HFNU will review the materials and organize examinations or assessments according to the requirements of different majors;

3.After the application or assessment, HFNU will notify the admission result within two weeks;

4.HFNU will send Admission Letter and the Visa Application Form for Studying in China (JW202) to applicants; applicants must apply for a study visa from the Chinese embassy (consulate) in their country after receiving admission letter;

5.After admission, HFNU will conduct a second review on applicant’s materials. If any violation is found, HFNU has the right to cancel the applicant’s admission qualification.

VI. Registration

1. All applicants should register within the time specified in the admission letter;

2. HFNU will conduct the preliminary examination and re-examination of the admission qualifications upon and after the registration. During the examinations, if it is found that the student’s admission notice, candidate information, and other supporting materials are inconsistent with the actual situation of the student, or if fraud, malpractice, and other similar circumstances exist, the student will be determined as unqualified and his/her admission or student status will be canceled.

VII. Costs and Fees


Charging Standards

Application Fee

For Free


Master’s Program: 20,000 yuan/ year

Bachelor’s Program: 15,000 yuan/ year

Chinese Language Study Program: 13,000 yuan/year


Accommodation Fee

4800 yuan / year (single room)

2400 yuan / year (double room)

Textbooks Fee

about 500 yuan /academic year, which is subject to actual

situation, with refund for any overpayment or a

supplemental payment for any deficiency


About 800 yuan/ year

(be paid to the insurance company)

Residence Permit

400 yuan/ year

(be paid to the municipal immigration department)


1. The dormitory for international students is equipped with air-conditioning, bathroom, water heater, public kitchen, laundry room, public discussion room, etc.;

2. All fees must be paid in RMB, payment account:

Bank account name: Hefei Normal University

Account Bank: China Construction Bank, West Hefei City Sub-branch

Account number: 34001478608053004200

The bank account number: 105361047014

VIII. Scholarship

International students who apply to study at HFNU can apply for the Anhui Provincial Government Scholarship, the “Study in Hefei” Government Scholarship and Hefei Normal University International Student Scholarship.

1. Anhui Provincial Government Scholarship. 30,000 yuan per person per year for graduate student; 20,000 yuan per person per year for undergraduate students.

2. “Study in Hefei” Scholarship. 40,000 yuan per person per year.

3. International Student Scholarship of Hefei Normal University. The applicants are students applying for the academic education and Chinese language study program of HFNU. The scholarship application time is in November each year.

30,000 yuan per person per year for graduate students;

20,000 yuan per person per year for undergraduate students;

15,000 yuan per person per year for Chinese language students.

Among them, the specific application conditions of the Anhui Provincial Scholarship for Foreign Students and the “Study in Hefei” Government Scholarship are subject to the related regulations. Each applicant can get only one type of scholarship at one time.

Contacts: School of International Education, Hefei Normal University

No. 1688, Lianhua Road, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China

TEL0551-62836259; 0551-62836397   Postcode230601    

Email Address: [email protected]  

Website: www.hfnu.edu.cn

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