2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College


2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章

Hainan Tropical Ocean University

  一、学院简介(Hainan Tropical Ocean University Brief Introduction)

  The International School is created to implement the campus’s international talent training strategy, with Sino-foreign cooperative education project as the main school-running carrier. There are two cooperative undergraduate programs: Tourism Management (China-Austria) and Marketing (export management, China-Austria), with nearly 500 full-time students. The college’s talent training and discipline construction are oriented towards international application, serving the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, Chinese-foreign collaboration, school-enterprise collaboration, and integration of industry and education to cultivate internationally applied high-educated talents with international vision, innovative capabilities, entrepreneurial spirit and social responsibility.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章  中奥项目毕业生就职于澳大利亚GoFly Aviation 飞行学院
  Graduates of the China-Austria program work in Australia’s Gofly Aviation Flight Academy

  Tourism Management (China-Austria) is the first Sino-foreign cooperative education project in Hainan Province, which has been successfully operated for eight years since 2013. In March 2020, the marketing (export management) undergraduate education project jointly organized by Hainan Tropical Ocean University and IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems was approved by the Ministry of Education, enrollment beginning in 2020. The approval of this project marks the school’s international talent training and the new expansion of the field being closer to the actual needs of Hainan to build a free trade pilot zone and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. The Sino-Austrian project introduces high-quality educational resources from IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, adopts the innovative education concepts and training models of the European University of Applied Sciences. The training plan is jointly designed by China and Austria and the training process is jointly participated in and managed by both sides. The school-running characteristics fully reflect the training of international and application-oriented talents.
  The current cooperative project teaching implementation of the China-Austria project adopts the “4+0” single campus model. The courses in the project are taught in English. The main teaching and related teaching activities are conducted at Hainan Tropical Ocean University (Sanya City, Hainan Province). Outstanding students have the opportunity to be selected to the Austrian campus to exchange and study for one semester.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  Students from the China-Austria program organized Chinese cultural activities in Austria

  Graduates have strong English language skills, good cross-cultural adaptability, and strong competitiveness in the talent market. Graduates in the past four years have performed well in the job market. Many of the students work at different levels of Administrative departments and international tourism companies in Hainan and other regions. 15% of the graduates each year get the master’s admission letter from famous university throughout the word for further study, for example, University of Queensland in Australia, Griffith University, Aston  University in the UK, Montreux Hotel College in Switzerland, the University of Surrey in the UK, the University of Deron in Sweden, and Hong Kong University of Technology and Austria’s IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems,etc. 2 outstanding graduates are studying for doctoral degrees at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Besides the number of students who have obtained domestic master’s admission is also increasing year by year.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  The first graduates of the China-Austria Program successfully obtained their master’s degrees in Austria

  The faculty consists of three parts: Chinese teachers, full-time foreign teachers and Austrian teachers from cooperative University. The teaching team, being composed of more than 30 teachers,  has a reasonable composition of academic background, age and subject. 90% of the professional teachers have overseas study experience more than 2 years. The degree of internationalization with young and middle-aged people as the main body is relatively high.
  The faculty takes use of Sanya’s high-quality industry corporate resources to jointly cultivate talents with domestic and international top international companies. The Sino-foreign cooperative education project has established school-enterprise partnerships with Starwood Hotel Group, AccorHotels Group, Hilton Hotel Group, Shanghai Disney Resort, Songcheng Eternal Love Tourist Area, etc., to meet the practical needs of talent training.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章  中奥项目教师赴艾迪逊酒店探望实习生
  The teachers of the China-Austria project visited the interns in the Addison Hotel
  (Hainan Tropical Ocean University  Academic Programs)
  120901KH 旅游管理(中奥合作)(非师范)(本科)
  120901KH Tourism Management (China-Austria Cooperation) (Non-normal) (Undergraduate)
  (Years of Study)
  授予学位:海南热带海洋学院管理学学士和奥地利IMC应用技术大学Bachelor of Arts in Business双学士学位。
  4 years; the length of study is three to six years. Degrees awarded: Double Bachelor degree of Management from Hainan Tropical Ocean University and of Arts in Business from IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria.
  (Hainan Tropical Ocean University Training Objectives)
  To cultivate the South China Sea developed and application-oriented senior management talents with advanced international concepts and competitive awareness, mastering modern tourism management professional knowledge and skills, possessing high humanities, scientific qualities and practical skills, having good foreign language communication skills and cross-cultural communication skills, and adapting to the development of international tourism.
  (Core Course)
  Principle of Management、Marketing、 Tourism and Leisure Management、Project Management、Tourism Consumer Behavior 、International Tourism Market,Tourism Reservation System、 Tourism Product Development、 Tourism Destination Management, Research Method、 Personality Training等。
  (Career Prospect)
  International brand hotels, international travel agencies, domestic and foreign tourist attractions, tourism bureaus, foreign-related departments and enterprises.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章 中奥项目交换生到奥地利航空公司见习活动
 Austria program exchange students to Austrian Airlines internship
  120202H 市场营销(出口管理中奥合作)(非师范)(本科)
  120202H Marketing (China-Austria cooperation in export management) (non-normal) (undergraduate)
  (Hainan Tropical Ocean University Years of Study)
  授予学位:海南热带海洋学院管理学学士和奥地利IMC应用技术大学Bachelor of Arts in Business双学士学位。
  4 years; the length of study is three to six years. Degrees awarded: Double Bachelor degree of Management from Hainan Tropical Ocean University and of Arts in Business from IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria.
  (Hainan Tropical Ocean University Training Objectives)
  本专业培养适应市场经济要求,知识、能力与素质协调发展,具备国际 视野,具有健全人格、正确世界观、人生观和价值观,具有良好的自 学习惯和交流沟通能力,顺应了在海南全岛建设自由贸易试验区和中 国特色自由贸易港对具有国际视野、具有跨文化交际能力并熟悉国际 市场规律的高端创新型、应用型人才的需求。
  To cultivate high-level innovative and applied talents to meet the requirements of the market economy, with coordinating the development of knowledge, ability and quality, possessing an international perspective, having a sound personality, a correct world outlook on life and values, and having good self-study habits and communication skills, which conforms to the demand of construction on the island of Hainan Pilot trade zones and free trade ports with Chinese characteristics with international vision, cross-cultural communication skills, and familiarity with the laws of the international market.
  (Core Courses)
  Principles of Management、Marketing、Accounting、Financial Management、Organizational Behaviour、Operations Management、Human Resource Management、Entrepreneurship、Corporate Governance、Entering Foreign Markets and Doing Business Abroad、Trading, Exporting and Doing Business Abroad等。
  (Career Prospect)
  Under the background of the “Belt and Road” and the construction of free trade zones and free trade ports, the graduates trained in this major have distinctive characteristics, accurate positioning, internationalized compound talents with international vision and innovative spirit in cooperative education projects. Graduates are engaged in specific tasks in institutions such as enterprises, institutions and administrative departments such as marketing planning, customer relationship management, and administrative affairs.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章  中奥项目学生参加志愿活动
  Students of the China-Austria program participate in volunteer activities

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章

Hainan Tropical Ocean University

    (Hainan Tropical Ocean University Related Information)
  1.师资力量(Hainan Tropical Ocean University Faculty)
  学院全英文讲授专业课的外籍教师大部分由奥地利合作学校派遣。中籍教师全都具有海外留学经历并获得硕士以上学历,其中3位教师获得美国饭店协会注册高级教育导师 (CHE)认证,2位教师获得美国饭店协会注册培训师(CHT)认证,部分教师具有丰富的行业管理经验。
  Most of the foreign teachers of the Faculty who teach professional courses in English are dispatched by IMC University of Applied Sciences, Austria. All Chinese teachers have overseas study experience and have obtained a master’s degree or above. Among them, 3 teachers have been certified by the American Hotel Association Registered Senior Education Instructor (CHE), and 2 teachers have been certified by the American Hotel Association Registered Training (CHT). Some teachers have rich industry management experience.

  The faculty attaches great importance to teaching and research work. Teachers actively participate in related scientific research activities, undertake a number of national and provincial social sciences and other projects at or above the provincial level, edit and publish many academic papers, and participate in many international academic conferences.

  The faculty actively develops production-university-research cooperation and exchanges to comprehensively improve students’ quality and abilities. The faculty has established industry-university-research cooperation with a number of government agencies, industry associations, and well-known enterprises. It has also conducted student exchanges project with universities such as Taiwan’s Shinri University, Taiwan’s National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Auckland University in New Zealand, and Krems University of Applied Sciences in Austria.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  Renruiyi, a student of the China-Austria program, worked as an intern in the Austrian Conference Board and was successfully admitted to the University of Innsbruck to study for her PhD

  2.培养技能(Hainan Tropical Ocean University Training skills)  

  Students participated in the National Tourism College Service Skills (Tour Guide) Competition hosted by the Tourism Education Branch of the China Tourism Association, and won the first, second, and third prizes many times in the English category of colleges and universities. Students who perform well in school could get EU scholarship (Iramos) scholarship or school scholarship to go to Austria for one-semester exchange.

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  Students from the China-Austria program volunteer for former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (center) during the Boao Forum for Asia

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  China-Austria project students participated in the 11th Hainan Island International Yacht Race as volunteers

2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章
  Students from the China-Austria project  participated in the translation work of the Sanya British Tourism Promotion Meeting
2021 Hainan Tropical Ocean University Enrollment Brochure of International College 2021年海南热带海洋学院国际学院招生简章  博鳌亚洲论坛感谢信
  Thank you letter from Boao Forum for 


Email:[email protected]

地址:海南省三亚市育才路1号 邮编:572022

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