2024 Foshan University Chinese and Kungfu courses 2024佛科院中文与武术班招生简章

Foshan University has a team of experienced Teachers of Chinese as a foreign language,In addition to learning Chinese, you can also learn authentic,Wing Chun and kungfu massage in foshan Martial Arts Institute !

2024 Foshan University Chinese and Kungfu courses


2024 Foshan University Chinese and Kungfu courses 2024佛科院中文与武术班招生简章

Foshan University




Do you want to learn Kung fu at the same time as learning

Foshan University nudged you, join us to learn Chinese and
Chinese kung fu!


Foshan University has a team of experienced Teachers of
Chinese as a foreign language


Foshan is also the hometown of martial arts. It is the
hometown of Bruce Lee, Ye Wen and Huang Feihong



In addition to learning Chinese, you can also learn authentic
Wing Chun and kungfu massage in foshan Martial Arts Institute !

Come on! The next martial arts star is you!



学校介绍Foshan University About Foshan University

佛山科学技术学院是经国家教育部批准设立的全日制公办本科普通高校,是一所具有60多年办学历史、拥有硕士学位授予权的广东省高水平理工科大学建设高校。学校坐落在国家历史文化名城、全国先进制造业基地、粤港澳大湾区重要节点城市――广东省佛山市。  学校总占地面积达2208.7亩,总建筑面积60多万平方米,其中仙溪校区环绕在湖水覆盖面积达1700亩的仙溪湖周围。学校拥有一支师德高尚、素质优良的师资队伍,不断加大人才引进力度。现有教职工1846人,其中专任教师1166人。教师中具有正高职称217人,副高职称413人,具有博士学位教师658人,学校建立了博士后培养、研究生教育、本科教育和继续教育多层次多形式的立体办学体系。面向全国14个省市招生,现有全日制在校本科生18323人,在校硕士研究生1317人(含37名硕士留学生),联招博士38人,成人学历教育学生3498人,自2018年以来,我校一共有133名校来华留学生在我校学习。

Foshan University is a full-time public undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China. It is a high-level university of science and engineering in Guangdong province with a history of more than 60 years. The university is located in Foshan city, Guangdong Province, a national historical and cultural city, a national advanced manufacturing base, and an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The school covers a total area of 2208.7 mu, with a total construction area of more than 600,000 square meters, among which Xianxi Campus is surrounded by Xianxi Lake, which covers an area of 1,700 mu. The school has a team of teachers with noble ethics and excellent quality, and constantly increases the intensity of talent introduction. There are 1846 faculty members, including 1166 full-time teachers. There are 217 teachers with senior professional titles, 413 with associate senior professional titles, and 658 teachers with doctor’s degrees. The university has established a multi-layered and multi-form system for post-doctoral training, postgraduate education,undergraduate education and continuing education. Currently, there are 18,323 full-time undergraduates, 1,317 postgraduate students (including 37 international students studying for master’s degree), 38 doctorate candidates,3498 adult education students, there are 133 foreign students registered in Foshan University since 2018.

师资介绍Foshan University About Teacher

中国语言文学系是我校最早的院系之一,始建于1958年。现有专任教师34人,其中教授12人,副教授(副研究员)13人;其中博士学位教师19人,硕士生导师15人。师资队伍年龄结构、职称结构、学缘结构合理,发展趋势好。近五年,主持国家级社科基金2项,国家社科基金重点项目子课题2项,国家语委科研项目4项,教育部社科基金6项,省级社科基金 10项以上。拥有2个省级人文社科研究基地:广东省广府文化研究基地、广东省非物质文化遗产研究基地;3个省级教育教学实践基地:广东省大学生实践教学基地、广东省示范性教师教育基地、广东省联合培养研究生示范基地;1个广东省社会科学普及基地及暨南大学汉语方言研究中心科研工作站。中文系常年承担对外汉语教学课程,包括汉语口语、汉语听力、汉语阅读与写作、诗词朗诵、书法临摹等,课程体系成熟,教学经验丰富,在留学生中有着良好的口碑。

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, founded in 1958, is one of the earliest departments in our university. There are 34 full-time teachers, including 12 professors and 13 associate professors. Among them, there are 19 doctoral teachers and 15 master supervisors. The age structure, professional title structure and academic relationship structure of the teaching staff are reasonable, and the development trend is good. In the past five years, he has presided over 2 national social science funds, 2 key
sub-projects of national social science funds, 4 scientific research projects of the State Language Commission, 6 social science funds of the Ministry of Education,and more than 10 provincial social science funds. It has two provincial research bases of humanities and social sciences: Guangfu Cultural Research Base of Guangdong Province and Intangible cultural Heritage Research Base of Guangdong Province. Three provincial-level education and teaching practice bases: Guangdong University Student Practice and teaching Base, Guangdong Provincial Model teacher Education Base, And Guangdong Provincial Model Base for Joint Training of Graduate Students; A social science popularization base in Guangdong Province and a research station of Chinese Dialect Research Center of Jinan University. The Chinese Department undertakes teaching Chinese as a foreign language courses all the year round, including Oral Chinese, Chinese listening, Chinese reading and writing, poetry recitation, calligraphy copying, etc., with a mature curriculum system and rich teaching experience, the department enjoys a good reputation among international students .


Foshan kungfu Culture Research Center is a professional kungfu center integrating kungfu culture research, kungfu training, Kung fu teaching, kungfu performance, and kungfu program planning for health training. There are two Martial arts professor, the center has two national martial arts coaches, two martial arts world champion, wing chun municipal heritage coach five,  one kung fu massage master, five senior massage division, each kind of martial arts coach a group, to open all the year round,CAI yong chun quan boxing, sanda, tai chi, and martial arts, qigong, health qigong and meditation training, regulations of the state, kungfu boxing, sabreplay,stick fencing, fencing, actual combat training, such as women’s self-defense teaching training. Since its inception, kungfu Center has won the support and recognition of the majority of domestic and foreign kungfu lovers with its scientific teaching concept,standard teaching skills and good faith and quality service.

课程介绍About curriculum


As the only official language of China, Chinese, with its long history of development and rich cultural connotation, has attracted more and more foreign friends’ attention and love. Foshan University has many years of experience in Chinese language training, college of international exchange, according to different characteristics and needs of the students, the careful design of martial arts teaching the Chinese language and Chinese traditional curriculum plan, set up multi-level training module, and according to their own advantages, in the Chinese teaching at the same time, also opened the martial arts culture, calligraphy and language practice course, aims to promote Chinese language and Chinese martial arts culture to the world. Chinese and Traditional Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun, Tai Chi), Chinese and Kung Fu massage training courses.

2024 Foshan University Chinese and Kungfu courses 2024佛科院中文与武术班招生简章

Foshan University




According to the students’ Chinese language foundation, the
school will divide the students into elementary Chinese + Chinese Kung Fu (Kung Fu massage), intermediate Chinese + Chinese Kung Fu (Kung Fu massage) and
advanced Chinese + Chinese Kung Fu (Kung Fu massage).


学习目标 Learning objectives


The beginner’s Chinese class pays attention to the training
of basic Chinese knowledge. Intermediate Chinese classes continue to consolidate the basic Knowledge of Chinese, enhance the improvement of reading skills and the cultivation of writing ability. The advanced Chinese class further consolidates and improves the Chinese listening, speaking, reading and
writing abilities, and pays attention to guide the students to have a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of Chinese culture and society. Students in each training class learn one or two Chinese kungfu while learning Chinese.


学习期限Term of study


two academic years/one academic year/one semester


课程设置Curriculum setting


Chinese language system teaching is conducted by combining
listening and speaking classes with comprehensive classes. Chinese kung fu is
learned by wing Chun and Tai Chi basic sets.


Course Content


Chinese and Traditional Chinese Martial arts (Wing Chun, Tai


Chinese, intermediate Chinese, spoken Chinese primary, intermediate spoken
Chinese, Chinese primary hearing, intermediate listening, Chinese primary
reading Chinese, Chinese reading and writing, tang poetry reader, Chinese
calligraphy, wing chun, tai chi, sanda,
the female self-defense, CAI boxing, 13 Pacific qigong, kung fu, health
guidance, meditation, qigong, the basic theory of TCM, health preserving


Chinese and Kungfu Massage courses


Elementary Chinese, intermediate Chinese, spoken Chinese
primary, intermediate spoken Chinese, Chinese primary hearing Chinese
elementary, intermediate Chinese listening, reading, and reading and writing in
Chinese massage, tang poetry reader, Chinese calligraphy, kungfu,
martial arts skills, basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese
medicine massage, acupuncture, gua sha, cupping and
moxibustion, spine integration, meridian health detoxification.

2024 Foshan University Chinese and Kungfu courses 2024佛科院中文与武术班招生简章

Foshan University


Registration Instructions




主办单位:佛山科学技术学院  佛山武术文化研究中心 佛山功夫产业学院





咨询方式:0757-82780786 13450599615蔡老师(微信同号)

  1. Tuition: 8,500 yuan/semester
    2. curriculum date: October 2020
            3. Applicants: foreign nationals
            4. Organizer: Foshan University, Foshan kungfu Culture Research Center
            5. Deadline of application : September 15, 2020
            6. The registration link:
            7. About visa: The school will apply for student visa for the students admitted by the program after the examination and approval of the               Education Department of Guangdong Province.
            8. Consultation: 0757-82780786      13450599615  Carol

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