Important Notices to travelers


From March 28th, the validity of the last nucleic acid test for passengers from UK to China will be shortened from 48 hours to 12 hours.

If the flight departs before 18:00, then please take the last nucleic acid test after 12:00 the day before. If the flight departs after 18:00, then please take the last nucleci acid test in the morning of the same day.


In order to prevent infection from long-distance travel after testing, starting from December 23, 2020, passengers traveling to China must get their samples for the nucleic acid rt-PCR and IgM serum antibody tests collected at the departure city of their direct flight to China.

Passengers must allow for the time to take pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs, venous blood and other sampling in the departure city and its vicinity of their flight and wait in place for the test results before the flight. Upon receiving the reports, passengers need to apply for health code from the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General (based on consular jurisdiction), travel before it expires and be prepared for checking by the airlines before boarding.

In light of the latest developments concerning COVID-19, for China-bound flights departuring from U.S. on and after April 1, passengers will be quired to present a negative result of antigen test,on top of green health codebefore check-in or boarding.


All passengers should take one nucleic acid test 7 days before boarding, take a self-health monitoring for 7 days and fill in Personal Health Monitoring Form (7 days).

All passengers should take one rapid antigen test (RAT) on the same day of boarding at a Australian institution, and the report should include the institution, the collecting time and the result. The RAT report do not need to be uploaded to the Embassy or Consulate-Generals but will be examined by the airlines.

Please take corresponding instructions according to your vaccination status:

1. For those who are fully vaccinated with inactivated vaccine( Sinopharm, Sinovac and etc.):

Within 2 days before departure, the passenger should take two nucleic acid tests respectively at two different qualified institutions certified by Australian government, and the second test should be taken within 1 day.

2. For those who are fully vaccinated with non-inactivated vaccines( Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and etc.):

Within 1 day before departure, the passenger should take one nucleic acid and N Protein(IgM) anti-body test at a qualified institution certified by Australian government. 


Starting from April 4th, 2022, All passengers who are to fly from Canada to China directly will be required to take the last nucleic acid test within 1 day before boarding, and then apply for the QR code with ‘HDC’ mark to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in Canada. Regarding the application requirements for the QR code, Please refer to our former notices.

In addition to the above mentioned new adjustment, an additional antigen test shall be done within 12 hours before boarding. The antigen test shall be done by any medical institution, hospital, or pharmacy recognized by the Canadian public health authorities.


Ab dem 28. 03. 2022 werden von allen geimpften Fluggästen, die nach China reisen, ZWEI negative PCR-Testergebnisse und ein negatives Antigen-Testergebnis verlangt. Die PCR-Testergebnisse müssen innerhalb von 48 Stunden vor geplanter Abflugszeit hintereinander von zwei unterschiedlichen Teststellen ausgestellt werden, während der zweite PCR-Test maximal 24 Stunden vor geplanter Abflugszeit durchgeführt werden muss. Der Antigen-Test muss innerhalb von 12 Stunden vor Abflugszeit in einer Teststelle gemacht werden. 


Fin de réduire le risque de propagation transfrontalière du COVID-19, à partir du 28 mars 2022, les voyageurs relevant de la circonscription consulaire de l’Ambassade de Chine en France et ayants reçu toutes les doses des vaccins inactives (Sinopharm, Sinovac, etc.) sont demandés de réaliser deux tests PCR (deux prélèvements réalisés par le même laboratoire en même temps mais testés avec deux réactifs différents, ci-après “double PCR”) dans l’un des laboratoires désignés par notre ambassade, et les tests sérologiques ne sont plus nécessaire.


All passengers should take one nucleic acid test 7 days before boarding, take a self-health monitoring for 7 days and fill in Personal Health Monitoring Form (7 days).

For those who are fully vaccinated

Within 2 days before departure, the passenger should take two nucleic acid tests respectively at two different designated institutions, and the second test should be taken within 1 day.

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