China Scholarships Full List 2022

China Scholarships Full List 2022

China provides many types of scholarships for international students. This article will list different China scholarships to you.

There are six categories of Chinese scholarships:

Let us know them one by one.

Chinese Government Scholarship


In order to promote mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities.

China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC), entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as MOE), is responsible for the enrollment and the administration of the Chinese Government Scholarship programs.

Now, 289 designated Chinese universities offer a wide variety of academic programs in science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, economics, legal studies, management, education, history, literature, philosophy, and fine arts for scholarship recipients at all levels.

What Programs does Chinese Government Scholarships have?

1.   Bilateral Program

This includes full or partial scholarships in accordance with the educational exchange agreements or consensus between the Chinese government and governments of other countries, institutions, universities or international organizations. It supports undergraduate students, graduate students, general scholars and senior scholars.

Applicants shall apply to the dispatching authorities for overseas study of their home countries.

2.  Chinese University Program

This is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities and certain provincial education offices in specific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. It only supports undergraduates, postgraduate students and doctoral students.

Applicants shall apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking this program.

3.   Great Wall Program

This is a full scholarship for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to sponsor students and scholars in developing countries to study and research in China. It only supports general scholars and senior scholars.

Applicants shall apply to the National Commissions for UNESCO in their home countries.

4. EU Program

This is a full scholarship to encourage students from EU member countries to study and research in China in order to promote mutual understanding between China and EU members. It supports undergraduate students, graduate students, general scholars and senior scholars.

Applicants shall apply to the Office for Education and Culture, Mission of the P. R. China to the European Union.

5. AUN Program

This is a full scholarship for the ASEAN University Network (AUN) to sponsor students, teachers and scholars from ASEAN member nations to study in China and to enhance the academic exchange and mutual understanding between China and ASEAN members. It only supports graduates.

Applicants shall apply to AUN Secretariat.

6. PIF Program

This is a full scholarship to sponsor students from Pacific island countries to study in China. It supports undergraduates, graduates, general scholars and senior scholars.

Applicants shall apply to Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Secretariat.

7. WMO Program

This is a scholarship for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to sponsor international students to study and conduct research in meteorology, hydrology, and water resources supervision and management in China. It only supports undergraduates and graduates.

Applicants shall apply to WMO.

What Categories does Chinese Government Scholarships support?

Chinese Government Scholarship programs sponsor international students, teachers, and scholars to undertake degree studies (bachelor, master, and Ph.D.) and Chinese language study or academic research in institutions of higher education in China.

Duration of Chinese Government Scholarship

Chinese Government Scholarship covers both major study and Chinese language (preparatory) study. The table below illustrates the duration of each program.

Supporting CategoriesMajor Study(year)Chinese Language(Preparatory Study)(year)Duration of scholarship(year)
Undergraduate students4-51- 24-7
Master’s students2-31- 22-5
Doctoral students3-41- 23-6
General scholarsup to 1up to 1up to 2
Senior scholarsup to 1up to 1up to 2

Instruction Language

1. Undergraduate scholarship recipients must register for Chinese-taught credit courses. They are required to take one-year preparatory courses in one of the 10 universities listed below and to pass the required test before moving on to their major studies.

Undergraduate scholarship recipients can apply for preparatory course exemption if they completed their secondary education in Chinese or have a valid HSK certificate that meets the requirements of the host university. Official documents from secondary schools or a photocopy of a valid HSK certificate must be submitted for a preparatory course exemption application. Please NOTE that HSK results are valid for only 2 years.

Entrusted by MOE, the following 10 universities offer preparatory courses to undergraduate scholarship recipients. They are Tianjin University, Nanjing Normal University, Shandong University, Central China Normal University, Tongji University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Northeast Normal University, Beijing International Studies University, Capital Normal University, and the University of International Business and Economics.

2. Graduate and non-degree scholarship students can register for either the Chinese-taught program or the English-taught program if applicable. Program Search (By visiting or help you find the program and university you’re interested in.

All applicants are requested to provide their language proficiency certificates for the scholarship applications. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must provide a valid Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) certificate. Undergraduate or non-degree (general scholar & senior scholar) candidates should have achieved HSK Level III or above; Postgraduate candidates should have achieved HSK Level IV or above. Applicants for English-taught programs should provide valid English Proficiency Test (IELTS or TOFEL) certificates.

Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programs without adequate Chinese proficiency must take Chinese language courses for one to two academic years to reach the language requirements of their host universities before moving on to their major studies. Failure to reach the required language proficiency will lead to the automatic termination of scholarship. Chinese language courses will be one year for majors in Science, Engineering, Agriculture, West Medicine, Economics, Management, Legal Studies and Fine Arts, and be no more than two years for majors in Literature, History, Philosophy and Chinese Medicine.

Scholarship recipients of the English-taught programs or those with adequate Chinese language proficiency do not need to take Chinese language courses.

Institutions and Majors

Now 289 Chinese universities have been designated to enroll international students with Chinese Government Scholarship, and they offer a wide variety of programs. Introduction to the universities and the programs they offer can be found in the following links.

Coverage and Fee

supporting CategoriesField of StudyTuition(CNY per year)Accommodation(CNY per year)Stipend(CNY per year)Medical Insurance(CNY per year) Total(CNY per year)
Undergraduate studentsI2000084003000080059200
Master’s students/ General scholarsI2500084003600080070200
Doctoral students/ Senior scholarsI33000120004200080087800

NOTE: Field of Study I includes Philosophy, Economics, Legal Studies, Education, Literature (Fine Arts excluded), History, and Management; Field of Study II includes Science, Engineering, and Agriculture; Field of Study III includes Fine Arts and Medicine.

Full Scholarship covers

  • Tuition waiver. Tuition funds will be comprehensively used by the host university. It may cover scholarship students’ education, administration costs and expenditures to support student activities.
  • Accommodation: free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy.

If the host university requires students to live on campus, the university will accommodate the scholarship students in a university dormitory (usually a twin room); if the host university permits students to live off-campus, the university will provide monthly/quarterly accommodation subsidies:

undergraduate students (preppies), master’s students(general scholars): CNY 700 per month;

doctoral students (senior scholars): CNY 1000 per month.

  • Stipend:

Undergraduate students: CNY 2,500 per month;

Master’s students/general scholars: CNY 3,000 per month;

Doctoral students/senior scholars: CNY 3,500 per month.

Within the scholarship duration, registered scholarship students will receive a stipend from their host university each month. Students registering on or before the 15thof the month will receive a full stipend of that month. Those who register after the 15thof the month will receive a half stipend of that month. Graduating students will receive stipend until half month after the graduation date. If registered student stays out of China for more than 15 days due to a personal reason (school holidays excluded), his stipend will be stopped during his leaving.

Partial scholarship covers

One or some items of the full scholarship.

Local Government Scholarships


Local government scholarships are scholarships offered by local governments in China to international students. There are provincial scholarships, municipal scholarships, etc. The scholarship setting rules are different in different regions.

Most local governments will set different standards and requirements for different local universities.

like Beijing Government Scholarship for China University of Petroleum (Beijing):

Scholarship coverage

Beijing Government Scholarship -First Class

Students with this scholarship pay only ¥5000/year as tuition

Beijing Government Scholarship -Second Class

Students with this scholarship pay half the tuition:

Bachelor¥ 13000/year

Master: ¥ 15000/year

Doctor: ¥ 18000/year

like Shanghai Government Scholarship for East China Normal University:

Scholarship Coverage

Type A
Exempt from tuition fee, and accommodation on campus; provide comprehensive medical insurance and monthly allowance (Doctoral students: CNY3500; Master students: CNY3000; Undergraduate: CNY2500)

Type B
Exempt from tuition fees, and provide comprehensive medical insurance.

so if you want to apply for Local Government Scholarships, you have to search the local government website or your universitys’ website, or just ask your teacher.

and there we list some Local Government Scholarships for you:

  • China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Beijing Government Scholarship
  • East China Normal University Shanghai Government Scholarship
  • Nanjing Agricultural University Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship
  • Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship
  • Xiamen University Fujian Provincial Government Scholarships
  • Shandong University Jinan City Scholarship
  • Dalian Uniersity of Technology Liaoning Government Scholarship
  • Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi’an City “The Belt and Road” International Student Scholarship
  • Kunming Medical University Yunnan Government Scholarship
  • Chongqing University Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship
  • Zhejiang Normal University Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship
  • China University of Petroleum (East China) Qingdao Government Scholarship
  • Dalian Government Scholarship of Dalian Maritime University
  • Liaoning Government Scholarship of Dalian Maritime University
  • Chongqing Normal University Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship
  • Zhengzhou University Henan Provincial Government Scholarship
  • Harbin Normal University Heilongjiang Provincial Government Scholarship
  • Beijing Technology and Business University Beijing Government Scholarship
  • Yunnan Minzu University Yunnan Provincial Government Scholarship
  • Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship
  • CQUPT Chongqing Municipal Government Scholarship
  • Shanghai Government Scholarship of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
  • Ningbo University Zhejiang Government Scholarship
  • Ningbo University Ningbo Government Scholarship
  • Southern Medical University Guangdong Government Scholarship
  • Nanjing Government Scholarship of China Pharmaceutical University
  • China Academy of Art Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship
  • Ningxia Medical University Ningxia Government Scholarship
  • LUT The Silk Road Scholarship of Gansu Province
  • ZSTU Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarships
  • Guizhou Government Scholarship for Southeast Asia of Guizhou University
  • Southeast University Jiangsu Provincial Government /Jasmine Scholarship
  • Southeast University Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship
  • Wuyi University Fujian Province Government Scholarship
  • SHUTCM Shanghai Government Scholarships

If you want to find more Local Government Scholarships, you can visit this link: there update many China scholarships

Confucius Institutes Scholarship


This program is committed to training local Chinese language teachers, reserve teachers, top Chinese language professionals, etc. This scholarship funds two kinds of activities: degree programs and short-term study in China. This program contributes to building an international talent pool for Chinese language teachers by helping outstanding young people to study in China.

For online application, please visit

● Scholarship for Degree Programs

The programs offer scholarships for foreign learners with fairly advanced Chinese proficiency, young people aspiring to become Chinese language teachers, and in-service Chinese language teachers to pursue bachelor’s degrees in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) or related disciplines and master’s or doctoral degree in TCSOL in China.

● Scholarship for Short-term Study in China

The programs provide scholarships for in-service Chinese teachers and Chinese learners studying TCSOL and related majors in China, with terms of four weeks, one semester or one academic year.

School Scholarship


Most Chinese universities also set up scholarships for international students. Some are presidential scholarships, some are school-level scholarships, and some are college-level scholarships.

Outstanding international students can apply for these scholarships, there are some School Scholarships list:

  • Peking University (Overseas Students) Scholarship
  • Renmin University of China International Students Scholarships
  • China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Scholarship
  • Nankai University Scholarship For New Student
  • Tianjin University of Science and Technology Scholarship
  • Tianjin University International Student Scholarship School of Chemical Engineering
  • Tianjin University International Student Scholarship School of Environment Science and Engineering
  • Northeast Forestry University Scholarship for Outstanding Foreign Students
  • East China Normal University Excellent Freshman Scholarship
  • Hohai University Scholarship
  • Shanghai International Studies University Scholarship
  • Jiangnan University New Student Scholarship
  • Nanjing Agricultural University Scholarship
  • Zhejiang University Scholarship—Two-High Doctoral Program
  • Zhejiang University Scholarship for International Postgraduate Students
  • Shandong University Freshman Scholarship
  • Shandong University, Weihai International Students Scholarship
  • Central China Normal University’s Scholarship
  • Huazhong Agricultural University Scholarship
  • Shaanxi Normal University International Student Scholarship
  • Anhui University Scholarship for International Students
  • International Student Scholarship of Guizhou Normal University
  • Northwestern Polytechnical University Scholarship for International Students
  • Northwestern Polytechnical University President Scholarship
  • Kunming Medical University Chinese Government Scholarship
  • Dalian Polytechnic University Outstanding International Students Scholarships
  • Shanghai Conservatory of Music Scholarships
  • Harbin Institute of Technology-Chinese Government Scholarship
  • Chongqing University President Scholarship for International Students
  • Overseas Students’ Scholarship at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
  • Southwest University President Scholarship
  • Excellent Graduates Award of Dalian Maritime University
  • Good Progress Award of Dalian Maritime University
  • SWUPL President Scholarship for International Students
  • Beijing Film Academy national scholarships
  • Beijing Film Academy national scholarships
  • HIT Outstanding International Freshman Scholarship
  • Zhengzhou University Scholarships for Excellent International Students
  • Beihang University Foreign Students Scholarship
  • President Scholarship to International Students in Jiangnan University

If you want to find more School Scholarships, you can visit this link: there update many China scholarships

or visit:

Enterprise Scholarship


Enterprise scholarships are generally provided by famous Chinese companies or university alumni. China attaches great importance to the development of talents, so many enterprises are willing to sponsor schools to set up scholarships to help universities better cultivate talents. Of course, it is also willing to provide it to international students. Excellent international students can even work in enterprises after graduation.

If you want to find more Local Government Scholarships, you can visit this link: there update many China scholarships

or visit:

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