2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

2024 Prospectus for International Students 

of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

I. CSUFT Profile 

Founded in 1958, Central South University of Forestry and Technology (CSUFT) is located in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province in central-south China, known for its rich history and culture. CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) is a strong institution of higher education, awarded as one of China’s first-class universities with strong academic strength in Hunan Province, as well as National Basic Ability Construction Project of Western and Central China. 

  CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) consists of a Graduate School and 24 teaching units, offering a total of 83 undergraduate majors, including 23 national-level first-class undergraduate programs, 4 national-level distinctive programs, and 14 provincial-level first-class undergraduate programs. There are 5 doctoral degree authorization disciplines, 1 doctoral professional degree authorization category, 20 master’s degree authorization disciplines, 17 master’s professional degree authorization categories, and 6 post-doctoral research stations. There are 2 national key disciplines, 3 national key (cultivation) disciplines, 9 key (cultivation) disciplines designated by the State Forestry Administration, 1 world-class cultivation discipline in Hunan Province, 6 domestically first-class construction (cultivation) disciplines in Hunan Province, 5 key disciplines in the “14th Five-Year Plan” of Hunan Province, and 1 independently established interdisciplinary discipline. Six disciplines including Agricultural Science, Engineering, Environmental Ecology, Materials Science, Plant and Animal Science, and Chemistry are ranked in the top 1% globally by Essential Science Indicators(ESI). 

  There are 2,262 faculty members, including 887 with senior professional titles. Among them, there is 1 Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 56 individuals who have received national talent titles such as Changjiang Scholars Distinguished Professors, leaders of the Ten Thousand Talents Program, recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, recipients of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, and National Famous Teacher Award. Additionally, there are 193 individuals recognized as national leaders in forestry and grassland science and technology innovation, Furong Scholars Distinguished Professors, leading talents in science and technology in Hunan Province, and leading talents in Hunan’s think tank. The university has also established one Huang Danian-style teacher team in Chinese universities, one key innovation team in a key area designated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, 19 provincial and ministerial-level innovation teams, and 16 outstanding graduate teaching teams in the province. 

  There are over 34,000 full-time students enrolled in the university, including over 28,200 undergraduate and college students and 5,950 graduate students. CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology)also attracts international students from over 40 countries, including Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, Canada, and Colombia. 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  II. Application Mode 

  System of Application and Assessment. Based on the application documents submitted by students, CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology)selects the best applicants for admission focusing on assessing language proficiency, professionalism, academic ability, health status, and financial conditions, etc, combined with the results of some necessary tests or interviews. 

  III. Categories, Majors, Teaching Medium, Study Period and Tuition of the Programs 

  Bachelor, Master, PhD and Non degree (Chinese Language) programs.  

  Please scan the QR code to view information on enrollment majors, teaching medium, years of study, and tuition fees at all levels. 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology


  IV. Eligibility 

  1. To be eligible, international applicants outside China must: be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China holding valid foreign passport and non-criminal certificate, in good physical and mental health; international applicants in China: no Three Illegals (illegal entry, illegal residence, illegal employment), voluntarily abide by Chinese laws and regulations, as well as the rules and regulations in CSUFT(Central South University of Forestry and Technology). 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  2. Age Requirements for Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  (1)Applicants for Chinese Language program must be at least 18 years old. 

  (2)Applicants for bachelor programs must be at least 18 years old. 

  (3)Applicants for master programs must be at least 20 years old. 

  (4)Applicants for doctoral programs must be at least 22 years old. 

  3. Language Requirements to Study in Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  (1) Applicants for programs taught in Chinese should score at least 180 in the new HSK-4 and at least 60 in HSKK (intermediate) since June 30th, 2022. 

  (2) Applicants for programs taught in English must meet one of the following requirements: 

  ① English as a native or official language; 

  ② IELTS score at 5.5 or above on and after June 30th, 2022; score report of English proficiency tests such as TOEFL 80 or higher; 

  ③ Other official statement of English proficiency issued by current school or English language institutions which is equal to the requirement written in clause ② above. 

  (3) Applicants for Chinese Language Program with educational experience in China must provide Certificate of English Medium of Instruction issued by current/graduated school. 

  4. Academic Level and Learning Ability Requirements 

  See the specific requirements in VI. Application Documents below. 

  V. Application and Admission Process 

  Step 1: Online Application, Admission Qualification Review 

  Apply before July 30th, 2024, login to https://csuft.at0086.cn/StuApplication/ to select your category and major, submit the application materials and upload the receipt of RMB 400 application fee for admission qualification review. 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology


  Step 2: College Preliminary ReviewPre-admission 

  According to the requirements of each training college, accept the entrance interview (including video interview) or relevant tests, complete the college preliminary review, issue the pre-admission letter (electronic version), and follow the relevant procedures to handle subsequent matters. 

  Step 3School ReviewResult Release 

  The school selects the best applicants based on their applications, and issues the official acceptance letter and JW202 (Visa Application Form for Study in China) form to those who have passed the review. 


  1.The currency unit of this Prospectus is RMB. 

  2.The Application fee (RMB 400) is non-refundable once paid. 

  3. Please keep yourself informed by checking the Application System constantly. 

  4. Applicants’ final financial type will be subject to the Admission Letter. 

  5. Admission Qualification Review 

  The purpose of admission qualification review is to determine the suitability of students for admission to CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) by examining and inquiring about their personal life and academic background, professionalism, health status, financial conditions, etc. 

  6. Related Tests 

  The tests are designed to measure whether the applicant has the basic requirements and learning potential to enter CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology). The test results will be used as one of the important bases for admission or not. 

  7. Admission Interview (including video interview) 

  Those who pass the admission qualification review will be required to undergo an admission interview of 15-30 minutes, depending on the language of programs applying for. (The specific implementation of admission interview is determined by each training college.) 

  VI. Application Documents 

  (The following materials must be submitted in a clear and complete electronic version in PDF or JPG form) 

  1. Ordinary passport. It shall include the first page of the passport and the page of the residence permit in China (if any), and the remaining period of validity of the passport shall not be less than 12 months; If there is a valid residence permit in China, the period of validity shall not be less than 30 days. 

  2. The Highest Academic Certificate. (1) Applicants for undergraduate programs or Chinese Language program must submit a senior school graduation certificate; (2) Applicants for a master’s degree must submit a bachelor’s degree certificate and a bachelor’s graduate diploma; (3) Applicants for a doctoral degree must submit a master’s degree certificate and a master’s graduate diploma. (4) New graduates who have not received diploma and degree at the time of application can first submit a pre-graduation certificate with the official seal from current school. 

  3. Transcripts of All Courses Taken at the Highest Level of Education: (1) Applicants for undergraduate programs or Chinese Language program must submit transcripts of all courses taken at the senior school; (2) Applicants for master programs must submit transcripts of all courses taken at the undergraduate college; (3) Applicants for doctoral programs must submit transcripts of all courses taken at the master’s level; (4) Applicants with non-academic education or work experience prior to June 2024 must also submit relevant transcripts or proof of employment. 

  4. Non-criminal Record Certificate: must be issued by a police organs or judicial organs at above county level in residence place after March 20th, 2024. 

  5. Foreigner Physical Examination Form: should be taken after March 20th, 2024; the photo of the applicants must be pasted in the upper right corner of the first page of the form with an official seal of the hospital and an examination record in each column; the last column must have the medical conclusion or the doctor’s suggestions. The Foreigner Physical Examination Form will be invalid under these circumstances: missing items, no photo of the applicant, the photo is not stamped with the official seal from the hospital, no signature or seal of the doctors and the hospital or the date of the examination is not available. (Please scan the QR code to download the Foreigner Physical Examination Form and Instruction File.) 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology


  6. Colored 2-inch Bareheaded Certificate Photo. For certificate photos taken after January 1st, 2024, white background and unframed, not less than 320*240 pixels, aspect ratio 4:3, 100-500KB, JPG format. Head takes up 2/3 of the size of the photos. 

  7. HSK or English Language Proficiency Certificates: must meet the requirements of clause 3 regarding Language Requirements in Part IV. Students who took the exam after March 20th, 2024 should provide a screen shot of web page with their transcript and the website link. 

  8. A Short Self-introduction Video: The language of self-introduction must be consistent with the teaching language of the applied major, in avi, mov, or mp4 format, within 50 M. 

  9. Resume/CV. all study, work and other related experience before submission date of application must be included in it. 

  10. Financial Guarantee Certificate. All applicants must submit a certificate of fixed bank deposit of more than one year in RMB 30,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Letter of Financial Support (Please scan the QR code to download Letter of Financial Support ). 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology


  11. Study or Research Plan in China. Applicants for master’s and doctoral degrees must submit a study or research plan in Chinese or English. 

  12. Two Letters of Recommendation. (1) Students applying for master programs must submit letters of recommendation from two faculty members with a title of associate professor or above; (2) those applying for doctoral degree must submit letters of recommendation from two faculty members with a title of professor. (3) The letters of recommendation should include the recommended teacher’s handwriting signature, telephone number, email address and signature date (the date must be after January 1st, 2024). 

  13.For non-Chinese Students Studying in Mainland China: must submit an evaluation of school performance, which must include a contact name, phone number, email address, mailing address and official stamp, in addition to the above-mentioned documents. 

  14.Applicants who immigrated from mainland China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to a foreign country and acquired foreign nationality: must submit a valid foreign passport or certificate of nationality as well as exit and entry records since April 1st , 2020. 


  1. All documents shall be accepted only in Chinese or English, and other foreign language versions shall be submitted with the translated version notarized by the notary office. 

  2. If necessary, CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) reserves the right to request additional documents from the applicant. 

  3. All application documents submitted will not be returned whether accepted or not. 

  4. Only scanned copies of the above documents need to be uploaded, but the original documents must be provided for inspection during registration. 

  VII. Charges 

  Admitted students are required to pay tuition and accommodation fees by year according to the relevant category, as shown in Table 1 and the on-campus accommodation fees.  

Table 1:CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) International Student Fees (Currency:RMB) 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  VIII. Accommodation Arrangement 

  1. On-campus accommodation: Quadruple room RMB 1,300 / year per person, equipped with a bathroom, a water heater, an air conditioner, wardrobes, desks, beds, etc. 

  2. For applicants with specific accommodation requirements, please consult the International Student Recruitment Office. 

  IX. Bank Account 

  Account Name: Central South University of Forestry and Technology  

  Account Number: 6015 5735 0788 

  Bank name: Bank of China, ShaoShan Lu Sub-branch 

  Bank Address: 413 Shaoshan(S) Road, Changsha, Hunan, China  



  (1) When remitting, please make sure to indicate the name, nationality and passport number of the applicant. (Must be filled in) 

  (2) Non-RMB remittances should be converted to USD or EUR at the exchange rate on the day of remittance. 

  X. Scholarship Criteria 

  1.President’s Scholarship of Central South University of Forestry and Technology 

  The scholarship is for newly enrolled international students with academic degree programs, and the scholarship levels and criteria are listed in Table 2. 

  Table 2:CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) President’s Scholarship for International Student 

2024 Prospectus for International Students of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  2. Belt and Road Scholarship program 

  The scholarship is for one year and is intended for Chinese language learners who are of fine qualities and fine scholar from countries along the Belt and Road. To apply for the scholarship, students must fill out the Application Form for Scholarship for Language Students from Countries along the Belt and Road in Hunan Province (see Annex 2). 

  3.Hunan Government Scholarship for International Students 

  The scholarship aims to reward international students of fine qualities and fine scholar who have completed one year of study in CSUFT(Central South University of Forestry and Technology). It is awarded once a year of RMB 15,000 per student for undergraduates, RMB 20,000 per student for masters and RMB 25,000 per doctoral student. 

  4.CSUFT Scholarship program 

  The scholarship aims to reward international students who study diligently and hard, have excellent grades, and actively participate in academic competitions and social practice activities such as social welfare and cultural exchanges. The applicants should be international students who have studied in CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) for one year and continue to study in CSUFT (Central South University of Forestry and Technology) the following year. The scholarship criteria for outstanding students are: first prize, RMB 2000 per student; second prize, RMB 1500 per student; third prize, RMB 1000 per student. 

  5. Enterprise Scholarships 

  The scholarship aims to encourage international students to actively participate in school-enterprise activities, social practice and corporate internship training, improve students’ professional ability and social practice ability, and promote exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and non-Chinese enterprises. 

  XI. Handling of Violations 

  Once verified, committing fraud or cheating will be dealt with seriously. If one is discovered during his/her application, the admission qualification will be canceled; if discovered before admission, the admission qualification will be canceled; if discovered after admission, the student status will be canceled; if discovered after graduation, the Ministry of Education of China shall declare the education experience and degree certificate invalid, and order them to be withdrawn or confiscated; those suspected of committing a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs according to law. 

  XII. Contact Information of Central South University of Forestry and Technology

  Tel: +86-731-85623471  

  Fax: +86-731-85623292 

  Email: [email protected] 

  Contact Unit: International Student Recruitment Office of Central South University of Forestry and Technology 

  Contact address: Room 510, Zhiyuan Building, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, 498 Shaoshan Rd(S), Changsha, Hunan, P.R.China 

  Zip Code: 410004 

  Website: https://gjxy.csuft.edu.cn/cglx/lh/sfbz/ (Chinese version);  

  https://lxsb.csuft.edu.cn/ (English version) 

Related: Application Guide for Postgraduate Programs for International Students


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