2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University

2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University.
2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University
Central South University

2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University

1. Categories

Master candidates: 3 years; All students must earn required credits, pass all the exams, and finish the oral defense of their dissertation before they can receive graduation certificates. After the diploma review, the diploma will be granted.

Doctoral candidates: 4 years; All students must earn required credits, pass all the exams, and finish the oral defense of their dissertation before they can receive graduation certificates. After the diploma review, the diploma will be granted.

2. Program Catalogue

See details in  2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University2025 Graduate Programs in CSU.xlsx

2025年中南大学国际博士研究生招生专业目录PHD Programs in CSU 2025
学院School专业Major研究方向Research Field授课语言Teaching Language学制Duration说明Note
马克思主义学院School of Marxism马克思主义理论Theory of Marxism马克思主义基本原理Basic Principles of Marxism汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
马克思主义学院School of Marxism马克思主义理论Theory of Marxism马克思主义中国化研究Study of Sinicization of Marxism汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
马克思主义学院School of Marxism马克思主义理论Theory of Marxism思想政治教育Ideological and Political Education汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
马克思主义学院School of Marxism马克思主义理论Theory of Marxism中国近现代史基本问题研究Study on Basic Issues in the Modern and Contemporary History of China汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
公共管理学院School of Public Administration社会学Sociology社会学Sociology汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
公共管理学院School of Public Administration公共管理Public Administration行政管理Administration Management汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
公共管理学院School of Public Administration公共管理Public Administration应急管理Emergency Management汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law法学理论Law Theory汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law经济法学Economic Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law国际法学International Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law卫生法学Health Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law诉讼法学Litigation Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law民商法学Litigation Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
法学院School of Law法学Science of Law知识产权法Intellectual Property Law汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy马克思主义哲学Marxist Philosophy汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy中国哲学Chinese Philosophy汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy外国哲学Foreign Philosophy汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy逻辑学Logic汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy伦理学Ethics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities哲学Philosophy生命伦理学Bioethics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature文艺学Literary Studies汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature语言学及应用语言学Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature中国古代文学Chinese Ancient Literature汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature中国现当代文学Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
人文学院School of Humanities中国语言文学Chinese Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学Comparative Literature and World Literature汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
外国语学院School of Foreign Languages外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures外国语言学及应用语言学Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
外国语学院School of Foreign Languages外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学English Language and Literature汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
外国语学院School of Foreign Languages外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures比较文学与跨文化研究Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies 汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
外国语学院School of Foreign Languages外国语言文学Foreign Languages and Literatures翻译研究Translation Studies 汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
建筑与艺术学院School of Architecture & Art艺术哲学Architecture and Planning艺术哲学Philosophy of Art汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
建筑与艺术学院School of Architecture & Art土木建筑与规划设计Civil Construction, Planning, and Design土木建筑与规划设计Civil Construction, Planning, and Design汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
商学院Business School 管理科学与工程Management Science and Engineering//汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
商学院Business School 工商管理学Business Administration//汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
商学院Business School 应用经济学Applied Economics//汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics数学Mathematics基础数学Pure Mathematics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics数学Mathematics计算数学Computational Mathematics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics数学Mathematics概率论与数理统计Probability and Statistics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics数学Mathematics应用数学Applied Mathematics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics数学Mathematics运筹学与控制论Operational Research and Cybernetics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics统计学Statistics应用统计Applied Statistics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
数学与统计学院School of Mathematics & Statistics统计学Statistics应用概率Applied Probability汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics理论物理Theoretical Physics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics粒子物理与原子物理Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics原子与分子物理Atomic and Molecular Physics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics凝聚态物理Condensed Matter Physics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics光学Optics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics无线电物理Radio Physics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics光电子科学与技术Optoelectronic Science and Technology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics物理学Physics电子材料与器件Electronic Materials and Devices汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
物理学院School of Physics新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering可再生与清洁能源Regenerative and Clean Energy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 无机化学Inorganic Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 分析化学Analytical Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 有机化学Organic Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 物理化学Physical Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 高分子化学与物理Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学Chemistry 环境化学Environmental Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering冶金物理化学Metallurgical Physical Chemistry冶金物理化学Metallurgical Physical Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程Chemical Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工艺Chemical Technology汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology生物化工Biochemical Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology应用化学Applied Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology工业催化Industrial Catalysis汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
化学化工学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology制药工程Pharmaceutical Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engineering 材料物理与化学Material Physics and Chemistry材料物理与化学Material Physics and Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years
材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engineering 材料学Material Science材料学Material Science汉语Chinese四年4 years
材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engineering 材料加工工程Material Processing Engineering材料加工工程Material Processing Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years
材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engineering材料与化工Materials and chemicals材料工程Materials Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
粉末冶金研究院Powder Metallurgy Research Institute材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学Materials Physics and Chemistry汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
粉末冶金研究院Powder Metallurgy Research Institute材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料学Materials Science汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
粉末冶金研究院Powder Metallurgy Research Institute材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料加工工程Materials Processing Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
粉末冶金研究院Powder Metallurgy Research Institute材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering复合材料Composite Materials汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
粉末冶金研究院Powder Metallurgy Research Institute材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering粉末冶金Powder Metallurgy 汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment冶金物理化学Metallurgical Physical Chemistry冶金物理化学Metallurgical Physical Chemistry汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment有色金属冶金Nonferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金Non-ferrous Metallurgy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment冶金环境工程Metallurgy and Environment Engineering冶金环境工程Metallurgical Environmental Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment新能源材料与器件New Energy Materials and Devices 新能源材料与器件New Energy Materials and Devices 汉语Chinese四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment材料冶金Material Metallurgy材料冶金Material Metallurgy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学Environmental Science汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering环境工程Environmental Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering储能材料与器件Energy Storage Materials and Devices汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering可再生与清洁能源Regenerative and Clean Energy汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering新能源资源高效利用与循环Efficient use and recycling of new energy resources汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment材料与化工Materials and chemicals冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
冶金与环境学院School of Metallurgy & Environment资源与环境Resource and Environment 环境工程Environmental Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械电子工程Mechatronic Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering机械设计及理论Mechanical Design and Theory汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering车辆工程Vehicle Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering信息器件制造技术与装备Information Device Manufacturing Technology and Equipment汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械工程Mechanical Engineering数字装备与计算制造Digital  Equipment & Computational Manufacture汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械Mechanical Engineering 机械工程Mechanical Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械Mechanical Engineering 车辆工程Vehicle Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
机电工程学院School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering机械Mechanical Engineering 智能制造技术Intelligent Manufacturing Technology汉语Chinese四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 工程热物理Engineering Thermophysics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 热能工程Thermal Power Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 动力机械及工程Power Machinery and Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 制冷及低温工程Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 能源系统工程Energy Systems Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 新能源科学与工程New Energy Science and Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering可再生与清洁能源Regenerative and Clean Energy汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
能源科学与工程学院School of Energy Science and Engineering新能源与储能工程New Energy and Energy Storage Engineering储能系统与工程Energy Storage System and Engineering汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
交通运输工程学院School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输工程 Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输规划与管理Traffic and Transportation Planning and Management汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
交通运输工程学院School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输工程 Traffic & Transportation Engineering物流工程Logistics Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
交通运输工程学院School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输工程 Traffic & Transportation Engineering载运工具运用工程Vehicle Operation Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
交通运输工程学院School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输工程 Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通信息工程及控制Traffic Information Engineering & Control汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
交通运输工程学院School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通运输工程 Traffic & Transportation Engineering交通设备与信息工程Transportation Equipment and Information Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机系统结构Computer Architecture汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机应用技术Computer ApplicationsTechnology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology通信系统与信息安全Communication System and Information Security汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology软件工程理论与方法Software Engineering Theory and Method汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information新一代电子信息技术(含量子技术等)New Generation of Electronic Information Technology (Quantum Technology, etc. )汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information通信工程(含宽带网络、移动通信等)Communication Engineering (Broadband Network,Mobile Communication, etc.)汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information集成电路工程Integrated Circuit Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information仪器仪表工程Instrument and Meter Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information光电信息工程Optoelectronic Information Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information人工智能Artificial Intelligence汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information电子信息Electronic Information网络与信息安全Network and Information Security汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering通信与信息系统Communication and Information Systems汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering信号与信息处理Signal and Information Processing汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering量子计算与通信Quantum Computing and Communication汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
电子信息学院School of Electronic Information信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering轨道交通网络通信与控制Urban Rail Transit Network Communication and Control Communication and Control汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程Control Theory and Control Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering检测技术与自动化装置Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering系统工程Systems Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering模式识别与智能系统Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering导航、制导与控制Navigation, Guidance and Control汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering电路与系统控制Circuit and System Control汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
自动化学院School of Automation控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering电力电子与传动控制Power Electronics and Transmission Control汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
计算机学院School of Computer Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机系统结构Computer Architecture汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
计算机学院School of Computer Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论Computer Software and Theory汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
计算机学院School of Computer Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology计算机应用技术Computer ApplicationsTechnology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
计算机学院School of Computer Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology通信系统与信息安全Communication System and Information Security汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
计算机学院School of Computer Science and Engineering 计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology软件工程理论与方法Software Engineering Theory and Method汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering力学Mechanics工程力学Engineering Mechanics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering力学Mechanics固体力学Solid Mechanics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering道路与铁道工程Road and Railway Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering消防工程Fire engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering桥梁与隧道工程Bridge and Tunnel Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering工程管理Engineering Management汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering结构工程Structural Engineering 汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
土木工程学院School of Civil Engineering土木工程Civil Engineering土木工程材料Civil Engineering Materials 汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生(必选一个方向)Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质学Geology地球化学Geochemistry汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质学Geology古生物学与地层学Paleontology and Stratigraphy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质学Geology构造地质学Structural Geology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质学Geology第四纪地质学Quaternary Geology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping 大地测量学与测量工程Geodesy and Survey Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping 摄影测量与遥感Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics测绘科学与技术Surveying and Mapping 地图制图学与地理信息工程Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering 矿产普查与勘探Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering 地球探测与信息技术Geodetection and Information Technology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering 地质工程Geological Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics地质资源与地质工程Geological Resources and Geological Engineering 国土资源信息工程Land and Resources Information Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics资源与环境Resource and Environment 地质工程Geological Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics资源与环境Resource and Environment 测绘工程Surveying and Mapping Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics遥感科学与技术Remote Sensing Science and Technology遥感科学Remote Sensing Science汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics遥感科学与技术Remote Sensing Science and Technology遥感探测技术Remote sensing detection technology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics遥感科学与技术Remote Sensing Science and Technology遥感信息工程Remote sensing information engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
地球科学与信息物理学院School of Geosciences and Info-physics遥感科学与技术Remote Sensing Science and Technology遥感应用Remote sensing application汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering城市地下空间工程Urban Underground Space Engineering城市地下空间工程Urban Underground Space Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 采矿工程Mining Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 安全技术及工程Safety Technology and Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering安全科学与工程Safety Science and Engineering安全工程Safety Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering安全科学与工程Safety Science and Engineering安全管理工程Safety Management Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering安全科学与工程Safety Science and Engineering安全科学Safety Science汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering资源与环境Resource and Environment 安全工程Safety Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
资源与安全工程学院School of Resources and Safety Engineering资源与环境Resource and Environment 矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering微生物学Microbiology微生物学Microbiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering生物工程Bioengineering生物工程Bioengineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering材料学Material Science汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy钢铁冶金Ferrous Metallurgy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 矿物加工工程Mineral Processing Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 再生材料工程Recycled Materials Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 资源循环科学与工程Resource Recycling Science and Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering矿业工程Mining Industrial Engineering 矿物材料工程Mineral Materials Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering资源与环境Resource and Environment环境工程Environmental Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering生物与医药Biology and Medicine生物技术与工程Biotechnology and Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering生物与医药Biology and Medicine制药工程Pharmaceutical Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
资源加工与生物工程学院School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering生物与医药Biology and Medicine发酵工程Fermentation Engineering汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years专业型学位Practice-oriented degree
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine流行病与卫生统计学Epidimiology & Health Statistics汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine劳动卫生与环境卫生学Occupational and Environmental Health 汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine卫生毒理学Health Toxicology 汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine营养与食品卫生学Nutrition and Food Hygience汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine儿少卫生与妇幼保健学Maternal, Child and Adolescennt Health汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅公共卫生学院Xiangya School of Public Health公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine卫生检验与检疫学Sanitary Inspection and Quarantine汉语Chinese四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅护理学院Xiangya Nursing School护理学Nursing护理学Nursing汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
生命科学学院School of Life Sciences生物学Biology生物化学与分子生物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
生命科学学院School of Life Sciences生物学Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
生命科学学院School of Life Sciences生物学Biology遗传学Genetics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
生命科学学院School of Life Sciences生物学Biology生物医学信息学Biomedical Informatics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
生命科学学院School of Life Sciences临床遗传学Clinical Genetics临床遗传学Clinical Genetics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science微生物学Microbiology微生物学Microbiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science神经生物学Neurobiology神经生物学Neurobiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science遗传学Genetics遗传学Genetics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science发育生物学Developmental Biology发育生物学Developmental Biology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science细胞生物学Cytobiology细胞生物学Cytobiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy and Histoembryology人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy and Histoembryology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science免疫学Immunology免疫学Immunology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science病原生物学Aetiological Biology病原生物学Aetiological Biology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science病理学与病理生理学Pathology & Pathophysiology病理学与病理生理学Pathology & Pathophysiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science干细胞与再生医学Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine干细胞与再生医学Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
基础医学院School of Basic Medical Science生殖医学Reproductive Medicine生殖医学Reproductive Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years英语授课同样需要HSK四级180分及以上Applicants should also obtain a score of 180 or above in HSK 4 for courses taught in English.
湘雅药学院School of Pharmaceutical Sciences药学Pharmacy药物化学Pharmaceutical Chemistry 汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅药学院School of Pharmaceutical Sciences药学Pharmacy药剂学Pharmacy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅药学院School of Pharmaceutical Sciences药学Pharmacy药理学Pharmacology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years按一级学科招生Enrollment by Major
湘雅口腔医院Xiangya School of Stomatology口腔整形美容学Plastic Surgery of Stomatology口腔整形美容学Plastic Surgery of Stomatology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学/口腔医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in  Clinical Medicine or Oral Medicine ,and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine//汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital儿科学Pediatrics儿科学Pediatrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital老年医学Gerontology老年医学Gerontology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital神经病学Neurology神经病学Neurology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital影像医学与核医学Imaging and Unclear Medicine影像医学与核医学Imaging and Unclear Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery//汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital眼科学Ophthalmology眼科学Ophthalmology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital肿瘤学Oncology肿瘤学Oncology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital运动医学Sports Medicine运动医学Sports Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital麻醉学Anaesthesiology麻醉学Anaesthesiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital重症医学Critical Care Medicine重症医学Critical Care Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅医院Xiangya Hospital中西医结合治疗学Integrative Medicine Therapeutics中西医结合治疗学Integrative Medicine Therapeutics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital应用心理学Applied Psychology应用心理学Applied Psychology汉语Chinese四年4 years仅招收本科和硕士均为心理学/临床医学专业的学生报考,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Psychology or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5, and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital临床心理学Clinical Psychology临床心理学Clinical Psychology汉语Chinese四年4 years仅招收本科和硕士均为心理学/临床医学专业的学生报考,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Psychology or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine//汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital神经病学Neurology神经病学Neurology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital精神病与精神卫生学Psychiatry and Mental Health精神病与精神卫生学Psychiatry and Mental Health汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery//汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital眼科学Ophthalmology眼科学Ophthalmology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master degrees of clinical medicine, obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital临床药学Clinical Pharmacy临床药学Clinical Pharmacy汉语Chinese四年4 years仅招收本科和硕士均为药学/临床医学专业的学生报考,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital病理学与病理生理学Pathology & Pathophysiology病理学与病理生理学Pathology & Pathophysiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为基础医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in basic medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital肿瘤学Oncology 肿瘤学Oncology 汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital麻醉学Anaesthesiology麻醉学Anaesthesiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital中西医结合治疗学Integrative Medicine Therapeutics中西医结合治疗学Integrative Medicine Therapeutics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital儿科学Pediatrics儿科学Pediatrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital老年医学Gerontology老年医学Gerontology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology耳鼻咽喉科学Otorhinolaryngology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital急诊医学Emergency Medicine急诊医学Emergency Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital口腔整形美容学Plastic Surgery of Stomatology口腔整形美容学Plastic Surgery of Stomatology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学/口腔医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Clinical Medicine or Stomatological Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital重症医学Critical Care Medicine重症医学Critical Care Medicine汉语Chinese四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅二医院The Second Xiangya Hospital全科医学General Practice全科医学General Practice汉语Chinese四年4 years本科和硕士均为临床医学专业,且HSK五级220及以上,硕士期间以第一作者发表SCI论文1篇Applicants shall have the bachelor and master in Pharmacy or Clinical Medicine,obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5,and published 1 SCI paper as first author during the Master’s Degree.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine心血管病Angiocardiopathy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine肾脏病学Kidney Disease汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine消化系疾病Gigestive Disease汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital内科学Internal Medicine血液病临床输血Clinical Transfusion of Hematopathy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics妇产科学Gynecology and Obstetrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital麻醉学Anaesthesiology麻醉学Anaesthesiology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital神经病学Neurology神经病学Neurology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology皮肤病与性病学Dermatology and Venereology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital儿科学Pediatrics儿科学Pediatrics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine影像医学与核医学Imaging and Nuclear Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics临床检验诊断学Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery泌尿外科Urinary Surgery 汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery肝胆胰外科Liver, Pancreas and Bile Duct Surgery汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery胃肠疝外科General Gastrointestinal Hernia汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery移植外科Transplant Surgery汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery烧伤与整形外科Burn and Plastic Surgery汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital外科学Surgery骨外科Orthopedic Surgery汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital肿瘤学Oncology 肿瘤学Oncology汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital重症医学Critical Care Medicine重症医学Critical Care Medicine汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.
湘雅三医院The Third Xiangya Hospital临床药学Clinical Pharmacy临床药学Clinical Pharmacy汉语/英语Chinese/English四年4 years硕士期间以一作者发表SCI论文1篇、硕士专业为临床医学,且HSK五级220及以上Applicants shall publish one SCI paper as the first author during the master’s degree in Clinical Medicine, and obtain a score of 220 or above on HSK 5.

Some programs may have specified application requirements and those requirements must be satisfied. Please check the program catalogue.

2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University
Central South University

3. Eligibility

1) Excellent Non-Chinese citizens, with no criminal records and in good health. Applicants shall have a strong academic background and innovative research capabilities.

2) For Master’s degrees, applicants should have a bachelor’s degree and should be under 35 years old.

For Doctorate degrees, applicants should have a master’s degree and should be under 40 years old.

3) Language Eligibility: Students who apply for Chinese-taught programs should obtain a minimum score of 260 in HSK4 for science and engineering programs and 200 in HSK5 for arts, social science, and medical programs.

Students who apply for English-taught programs should obtain a minimum score of 6 in IELTS or 85 in TOEFL.

Those who meet one of the following conditions are exempt from proving their linguistic competence:

a) Applicants whose first language or the official language of the country is Chinese or English.

b) Applicants who have taken a degree program taught in Chinese or English.

4) Some programs have their own application requirement, and applicants shall be qualified before applying. For details, see the 2025 Program Catalogue above.

2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University
Central South University

4. Charging Standards

Please refer to 2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South University2025_Charging Standards of Central South University.pdf

5. Financial Support

Funding CategoriesCoverageApplication Time
Bilateral Programs (CGS Type A)Full scholarship covers tuition, on-campus accommodation fees, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend.
Partial scholarship includes parts of coverage.
Please consult the dispatching authorities for the specific deadline of each year.
Youth of Excellence Scheme of China Program(CGS Type A)Full scholarship covers tuition, on-campus accommodation fees, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend.
Partial scholarship includes parts of coverage.
From now on to February 15, 2025
High-Level Graduates Program (CGS Type B)Full scholarship covers tuition, on-campus accommodation fees, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend.
Partial scholarship includes parts of coverage.
From now on to February 15, 2025
Silk Road Program(CGS Type B)Full scholarship covers tuition, on-campus accommodation fees, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend.
Partial scholarship includes parts of coverage.
See more: https://intl.csu.edu.cn/English/Scholarship.htm
MOFCOM ScholarshipCoverage of tuition, on-campus accommodation, medical insurance fee; monthly stipend, and two round-trip international tickets.See more: https://intl.csu.edu.cn/English/Scholarship.htm
Central South University ScholarshipFull scholarship covers tuition, on-campus accommodation fees, and a monthly stipend.
Partial scholarship includes tuition.
From now on to May 31, 2025
Self-SponsoredNoneFrom now on to May 31, 2025

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of P. R. China, international students must purchase medical insurance while studying in China. International students admitted without insurance funding must purchase the insurance at their own expense. Uninsured students cannot register.

6. Application Materials  

1) The homepage of the passport (Over one-year availability), and the page of the latest Chinese visa (If any).

2) Highest graduation certificate (notarized Chinese/English document only). Applicants who will graduate in June, are required to provide a pre-graduation certificate issued by current schools.

3) Stamped transcripts of bachelor’s degree, and master’s degree (if any) (notarized Chinese/English document only). Those transcripts shall be issued and sealed by the attending university’s academic affairs office, graduate school, or student management department.

4) Physical Examination Record. Applicants should strictly check the items following the requirements of 2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South UniversityPhysical Examination Record.pdf. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending doctor, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The date shall be after October 1, 2024. The original piece is required during registration.

5) Non-criminal record with an official stamp in Chinese/English. The issue date shall be after October 1, 2024.

6) Valid HSK Transcript for Chinese-taught programs and IELTS\TOEFL for English-taught programs or other documents to prove your linguistic competence.

7) Two different recommendation letters from professors/associate professors with detailed contacts. The signature date shall be after October 1, 2024.

8) Study Plan of no less than 1000 words. (e.g. 2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South UniversityCSU study plan.docx) Please clarify your research background, method, content, significance, etc.

9) C.V. Letter and video of self-introduction. Applicants are required to upload a video of self-introduction within one minute, and those who have HSK certificates must use Chinese to introduce themselves. The video must be in MP4 format with a capacity of less than 40MB.

10) Acceptance Letter for International Students (e.g.  2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South UniversityAcceptance Letter.docx), published essays, or any other supporting materials. (Please see contacts at “Download”)

11) Statement of not receiving any scholarships or forms of funding. e.g. 2025 Application Guide to International Graduate Programs in Central South UniversityPersonal Statement.docx

Please note that supporting materials like a professor’s acceptance letter and published essays may increase the probability of admission.

Uploaded supporting documents must be clear, authentic, and valid. Applicants are recommended to use a professional device to scan the relevant documents. Applicants shall bear the consequences caused by unclear or unidentifiable uploaded materials.

7. Application Procedures

Step 1: Online Application

Log in to the system of School of International Education, CSU: https://csu.17gz.org/, fill in the application form, and submit it.

Step 2: Initial Review and application fee payment

School of International Education will have an initial review of the applicant’s identity, language ability, physical, and mental conditions, etc. When the applicants pass the initial review, please pay the application fee of CNY 500 on the unified payment platform of CSU according to the email (WeChat, Alipay, and UnionPay are available);

Please complete the application fee payment within two weeks, otherwise the application cannot continue. If you fail to pass the initial review, NO NEED to pay the application fee.

Step 3: Academic Review

Relevant schools will conduct an academic review for applicants to comprehensively examine their academic background, scientific research ability, or innovation potential.

Step 4: Result Release

Based on the application and review situation, the final admission result will be released via email. THE FINAL FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS SUBJECT TO THE ADMISSION NOTICE RECEIVED! The admission notice and visa application form will be sent accordingly.

Application status will be informed in the CSU International Student Service System. Please ensure that the registered email address is accurate, and keep yourself informed by checking the Application System constantly.

8. Notes

1) The materials mentioned above shall be provided in English or Chinese. Materials in any other language should be notarized in Chinese or English.

2) If residents of the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan who have emigrated to other countries apply for admission as international students after immigration, they must hold a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for more than four years, and proof of renunciation of Chinese nationality is required.

3) The application fees will not be refunded and materials will not be returned regardless of admission results.

4) The fall semester usually starts at the end of August or early September every year. For exact registration dates, please refer to the Admission Notice. The original graduation certificate and original language proficiency certificate will be checked upon registration. Those who fail to provide the corresponding certificates will be disqualified from enrollment.

5) All scholarship students shall participate in the scholarship annual review based on academic and daily performance during the previous academic year, and students will continue to enjoy the scholarship after passing the review. Otherwise, the scholarship will be suspended/terminated.

9. Contacts

Admission Office, School of International Education, CSU

Non-medical major consultation:

Tel: +86-731-88836410

Email: [email protected]

Address: Library 214, Main Campus of Central South University, 932 Lushan South Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Medical major consultation:

Tel: +86-731-89667206

Email: [email protected]

Address: Office 708, Xiaoqian Building, Xiangya  New Campus, Tongzipo Road, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Fax: +86-731-88836737  


https://intl.csu.edu.cn/zwb.htm (Chinese)

https://intl.csu.edu.cn/index.htm (English)


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