Admission Guide of Jiaxing University

Admission Guide of Jiaxing University

Introduction of Jiaxing University

Jiaxing University is a public university approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Jiaxing University covers an area of 274 acres in total and enjoys two campuses, namely Lianglin Campus and Pinghu Campus.

The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is over $92 million. The library has a collection of over 2.38 million print volumes and over 2.49 million electronic volumes respectively. Jiaxing University has 17 teaching units, more than 16,900 full-time students, 8 affiliated hospitals and 1 affiliated kindergarten.

Lu Jun, the president of Jiaxing University, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Professor Zhu Jingwu, honorary president of Jiaxing University, is a world-famous physicist and former president of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Jiaxing University has more than 1,720 faculty members and staff, including 3 full-time academicians, 11 part-time academicians, national special experts and so on. There are 2 provincial key innovation teams and 4 provincial teaching teams.There are 58 undergraduate programs. Up to now, 2 majors are selected into national-level first-class undergraduate construction plan and 10 majors are selected into provincial-level first-class undergraduate plan. In addition, university boasts 11 national and provincial experimental teaching platforms. Jiaxing University has been dedicated to promoting the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation. Jiaxing University ranks the top among peer universities in Zhejiang province for many consecutive years.

Jiaxing University has cooperated with more than 80 universities or institutions in 27 countries or regions. It has established PhD Research Program with universities in Australia, DBDM (Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Program) with universities in Germany, and dual degree programs with universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries. In the past five years, more than 1,700 Chinese students have been recommended to over 40 overseas universities for study and exchange. Over 1000 international students from about 34 countries and regions have been enrolled in Jiaxing University in the recent few years. Jiaxing University has jointly carried out scientific research activities with experts from many countries, hosted the East Asia Economic and Cultural Forum, Starlit South Lake Summit and other international seminars, and organized China-Japan-Korea International Exchange Exhibition.

Adhering to the motto of “Integrity and Tenacity; Diligence and Prudence” and building the ethos of “To pursue the reality, the truth and the right path”, Jiaxing University is committed to improving capacity of talents cultivation, scientific research, social service, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international communication and cooperation ability as well as striving to build a local comprehensive application-oriented university with distinctive features and good innovation.

Admission Guide of Jiaxing University
Admission Guide of Jiaxing University

Application Requirements

Undergraduate (Bachelor’s Degree) Programs of Jiaxing University

Catalog of Undergraduate (Bachelor’s Degree) Programs for International Students

No.Schools and CollegesMajorsDisciplineTeaching LanguageStudy DurationRemarks
1College of EconomicsInternational Economics and TradeEconomicsChinese;English
4 Years
Provincial Key Major
2EconomicsEconomicsChinese4 YearsNational Characteristic Major; Provincial Key and Superior Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
3FinanceEconomicsChinese4 YearsProvincial Characteristic Major
4Cross-border E-commerceEconomicsChinese4 Years
5College of BusinessAccountingManagement
4 YearsNational Characteristic Major; selected into National First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan; Provincial Key, Superior and Characteristic Major
6Human Resources ManagementManagementChinese4 YearsProvincial Key and Characteristic Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
7Logistics ManagementManagementChinese4 Years
8MarketingManagementChinese4 YearsUniversity’s Key and Superior Major
9Information Management and Information SystemManagementChinese4 Years
10Financial ManagementManagementChinese4 Years
11Business AdministrationManagementChinese;    English4 Years
12College of International StudiesEnglishLiteratureEnglish4 Years
13JapaneseLiteratureChinese4 Years
14College of Materials and Textile EngineeringPolymer Materials and EngineeringEngineeringChinese;    English4 Years
15Light Chemical EngineeringEngineeringChinese;    English4 Years
16Textile EngineeringEngineeringChinese;     English4 YearsProvincial Characteristic Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
17Nonwoven Materials and EngineeringEngineeringChinese;    English4 Years
18College of Information Science and EngineeringMechanical Design, Manufacturing and AutomationEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Key and Characteristic Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
19Electric Engineering and AutomationEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Key Major
20Electronic Information EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 YearsSelected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
21Vehicle EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
22Robot EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
23Material Processing and Control EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
24Computer Science and TechnologyEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Key Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan; ICT Industry- Education Integration Innovation Base Project of Ministry of Education of the PRC
25Network EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
26Software EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
27Communication EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
28College of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureCivil EngineeringEngineeringChinese;English4 YearsProvincial Key Major
29Engineering ManagementEngineeringChinese;English4 YearsSelected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
30Building Environment and Energy Application EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Characteristic Major
31ArchitectureEngineeringChinese5 Years
32College of MedicinePharmacyScienceChinese4 Years
33Clinical MedicineMedicineChinese6 YearsSelected into National First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan; Provincial Characteristic and Superior Major
34NursingScienceChinese4 YearsSelected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
35AnesthesiologyMedicineChinese4 Years
36College of Biological, Chemical Science and EngineeringApplied ChemistryEngineeringChinese; English4 YearsProvincial Characteristic Major, selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
37Chemical Engineering and TechnologyEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Key Major
38Biological EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
39Environmental EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
40Pharmacy EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 Years
41College of Data ScienceData Science and Big Data TechnologyEngineeringChinese4 Years
42Mathematics and Applied MathematicsScienceChinese4 YearsProvincial Key Major; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Majors Construction Plan
43Applied StatisticsScienceChinese4 Years
44Financial MathematicsEconomicsChinese4 Years
45College of DesignIndustrial DesignEngineeringChinese4 Years
46Costume Design and EngineeringEngineeringChinese4 YearsProvincial Characteristic Major
47Visual Communication DesignArtsChinese4 Years
48Landscape DesignArtsChinese4 Years
49Costume and Accessory DesignArtsChinese4 Years
50Digital Media ArtArtsChinese4 Years
51College of Humanities and LawLawLawsChinese4 Years
52Intellectual Property LawLawsChinese4 Years
53Chinese Language and LiteratureLiteratureChinese4 Years
54Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other LanguageLiteratureChinese4 Years
55Normal SchoolPreschool EducationEducationChinese4 YearsProvincial Normal Education Innovation Project; selected into Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Program Construction Plan
56Primary School EducationEducationChinese4 YearsProvincial Normal Education Innovation Experiment Project
57Physical EducationEducationChinese4 Years

aNormally, aged between 18 and 30.
bNon-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passport.
cGraduate from high school and have high school diploma or certificate with qualified academic performance. (Applicants who have not graduated at the time of application must provide pre-graduation certificate and submit high school diploma before being officially enrolled.)
dIn good health with no physical or mental diseases that may affect the normal study.
eHave no criminal record, abide by Chinese laws and regulations as well as the rules and regulations of JXU, and respect Chinese culture and customs.
fMeet requirements of the regulations set in the Document No. 12 (2020) of Ministry of Education of the PRC*If the applicant has acquired foreign citizenship automatically at the time of birth in a foreign country, whose parents are both Chinese citizens, or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen, applicants must hold a valid foreign passport (or Certificate of Nationality) for at least 4 years, and must have actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, 2022) .9 months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport will be followed in the determination of the actual length of foreign residence). *Residents of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan who have emigrated to a foreign country and obtained foreign nationality applying undergraduate (bachelor’s degree) programs must have held a valid foreign passport for at least 4 years, and must have actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, 2022). 9 months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport will be followed in the determination of the actual length of foreign residence.
gLanguage ProficiencyUndergraduate (Bachelor’s Degree) Programs taught in ChineseHave HSK 4 (180 or above) certificate
Undergraduate (Bachelor) Programs Taught in EnglishMeet one of the language requirements:i. IELTS (5.5 or above) or TOEFL (iBT 61 or above; PBT 500 or above);ii. Native language or official language is English;iii. High school courses are all taught in English;iv. English proficiency certificate can be recognized by JXU

Graduate(Master’s Degree) Programs of Jiaxing University

Catalog of Graduate (Masters Degree) Programs for International Students

No.Schools and Colleges of Jiaxing UniversityMajorsDisciplineTeaching LanguageStudy DurationRemarks
College of Marxism

Theory of Marxism



3 Years
2College of Biological, Chemical Science and Engineering&College of Materials and Textile Engineering
Materials and Chemical Engineering

3 Years
Covering material engineering, chemical engineering and textile engineering
College of Business




3 Years
Covering accounting theory and practice, audit theory and practice, big data and management accounting

aNormally, aged between 18 and 35.
bNon-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passport.
cGraduate from colleges or universities and have bachelor degree with qualified academic performance. (Applicants who have not graduated at the time of application must provide pre-graduation certificate and submit bachelor degree certificate before being officially enrolled.)
dIn good health with no physical or mental diseases that may affect the normal study.
eHave no criminal record, abide by Chinese laws and regulations as well as the rules and regulations of JXU, and respect Chinese culture and customs.
fMeet requirements of the regulations set in the Document No. 12 (2020) of Ministry of Education of the PRC*If the applicant has acquired foreign citizenship automatically at the time of birth in a foreign country, whose parents are both Chinese citizens, or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen, applicants must hold a valid foreign passport (or Certificate of Nationality) for at least 4 years, and must have actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, 2022) .9 months of residence in a foreign country may count as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport will be followed in the determination of the actual length of foreign residence).
*Residents of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan who have emigrated to a foreign country and obtained foreign nationality should also meet the above requirement.
Other requirements related with nationalityWhether the applicant has foreign nationality and the nationality of the People’s Republic of China shall be subject to the nationality determination conclusion of the exit and entry administration department of the Chinese public security organ. Those who are identified as having the nationality of the People’s Republic of China after application, admission or enrollment will be disqualified from application, admission or study.
gLanguage ProficiencyChinese-medium Graduate (Master’s Degree) ProgramsHave HSK 5 (180 or above) certificate
English-medium Graduate (Master’s Degree) ProgramsMeet one of the language requirements:i. IELTS (6.0 or above) or TOEFL (iBT 80 or above; PBT 550 or above);ii. Native language or official language is English;iii. High school courses or undergraduate courses are all taught in English;iv. English proficiency certificate can be recognized by JXU

Chinese Language (Non-degree) Program of Jiaxing University

aNormally, aged between 18 and 35.
bBasically, applicants should have high school diploma or certificate.
cNon-Chinese citizens with valid foreign passport.
dIn good health with no physical or mental diseases that may affect the normal study.
eHave no criminal record, abide by Chinese laws and regulations as well as the rules and regulations of JXU, and respect Chinese culture and customs.

Application Materials to Apply Jiaxing University

Applicants are required to log in “Jiaxing University International Student Service System”( to fill in personal information correctly as required, upload scanned copies of the following documents to the system and submit application. Freshmen are required to submit hard copy of original documents to College of International Education upon arriving at JXU.

Undergraduate (Bachelor’s Degree) Programs of Jiaxing University

a. Passport front page;

b. High school diploma or certificate; High school transcript (Applicants who have not graduated at the time of application must provide pre-graduation certificate and submit high school diploma before being officially enrolled);

c. Police Clearance Certificate ;

d.Foreigner Physical Examination Form(Valid in 6 months; the physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid.;

e. Personal Statement (Less than 800 words; including previous study and work experience, reasons for application, study plan, personal advantages, etc);

f. Valid visa and residence permit (provide if the applicant is already in China) ;

g. Study certificate and transcript (only applicable to applicants who have studied at other colleges or universities in China);

h. Transfer certificate (required only for students who apply to transfer to JXU );

i. A recommendation letter from the teacher of the school which the applicant graduated from (teacher’s hand-writing signature, contact phone number and email address must be put on the letter);

j. Language proficiency proof;

k. Photograph within last three months (white background; photo size: 35mm width * 45 mm height; head size: 2/3 of the photo; Image pixel dimensions: no less than 320*240 pixels; and the image size should be 100-500KB in JPG file format);

l. Self-introduction video within 3 minutes;

m. Other supplementary materials might be required.

Original application documents above-mentioned in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with Chinese or English translations with stamps of translation company on each page. A notarized copy of high school diploma or certificate and high school transcript shall be provided if the original ones are not in Chinese or English. JXU (Jiaxing University) may take a video interview with the applicants.

Graduate(Master’s Degree) Programs of Jiaxing University

a. Passport front page;

b. Bachelor degree certificate; Academic transcripts during the whole bachelor’s degree study

(Applicable to applicants of Master’s Degree Programs. If applicants are university students, they shall provide an official pre-graduation certificate. (the degree certificate must be obtained no later than registration));

c. Police Clearance Certificate ;

d. Foreigner Physical Examination Form(Valid in 6 months; the physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid.;

e. Personal Statement (Less than 800 words; including previous study and work experience, reasons for application, study plan, personal advantages, etc);

f. Valid visa and residence permit (provide if the applicant is already in China) ;

g. Study certificate and transcript (only applicable to applicants who have studied at other colleges or universities in China);

h. Transfer certificate (only applicable to applicants who apply to transfer to JXU -Jiaxing University );

i. A recommendation letter from the associate professor or professor(teacher’s hand-writing signature, contact phone number and email address must be put on the letter);

j. Language proficiency proof ;

k. Photograph within last three months (white background; photo size: 35mm width * 45 mm height; head size: 2/3 of the photo; Image pixel dimensions: no less than 320*240 pixels; and the image size should be 100-500KB in JPG file format);

l. Self-introduction video within 3 minutes;

m. Guarantee of financial support;

n. Affirmation of application integrity;

o. Other supplementary materials might be required.

Original application documents above-mentioned in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with Chinese or English translations with stamps of translation company on each page. A notarized copy of academic diploma or certificate and transcript shall be provided. JXU (Jiaxing University) may take a video interview with the applicants.

Chinese Language (Non-degree) Program of Jiaxing University

a. Passport personal information page;

b. Highest academic diploma and transcript;

c. Police Clearance Certificate ;

d.Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Valid in 6 months; the physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid.);

e. Personal Statement (Less than 800 words; including previous study and work experience, reasons for application, study plan,  personal advantages, etc);

f. Valid and visa and resident permit (provide if the applicant is already in China) ;

g. Applicants who have studied at other colleges or universities in China need to provide the study certificate and transcript.

h. Transfer certificate (required only for students who apply to transfer to JXU-Jiaxing University );

i. Photograph within last three months (white background; photo size: 35mm width * 45 mm height; head size: 2/3 of the photo; Image pixel dimensions: no less than 320*240 pixels; and the image size should be 100-500KB in JPG file format);

j. Self-introduction video within 3 minutes;

m. Other supplementary materials might be required.

Original application documents above-mentioned in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with Chinese or English translations with stamps of translation company on each page. A notarized copy of high school diploma or certificate and high school transcript shall be provided if the original ones are not in Chinese or English. JXU (Jiaxing University) may take a video interview with the applicants.

Application time

Fall semester intake for year 2024: December 14th, 2023 – July 15th, 2024

Application Process

Admission Guide of Jiaxing University

Pls note:

a. Pls pay attention to checking the message in the system and your Email box after you submit the application in “Jiaxing University International Student Service System” ;

b. Application fee is nonrefundable.

JXU (Jiaxing University) Bank Account

(1) CNY account:

Beneficiary’s Name: 嘉兴学院

Beneficiary’s Bank A/C No.:1204068009049001258

Beneficiary’s Bank Name: 中国工商银行股份有限公司嘉兴秀洲支行

(2) Foreign exchange account (USD is acceptable):

Beneficiary’s Bank Name:


Beneficiary’s Bank Address:



Beneficiary’s Name: Jiaxing University

Beneficiary’s Address:


Beneficiary’s Bank A/C No.: 1204068009049001258

Tuition and fees of studying in Jiaxing University

Admission Guide of Jiaxing University

For questions or admission requirements, please contact:

[email protected] (English)

[email protected] (Korean)


Source: Application Materials-International Education & Cooperation JXU (

Login website of Jiaxing University to learn more about admission program

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